Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a preview graph texture on the preview pane
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plot">The graph being drawn</param>
        /// <param name="xPadding">horizontal padding</param>
        /// <param name="captionHeight">height of the caption</param>
        /// <param name="captionBackgroundcolor">contrast background colour of the caption</param>
        /// <param name="canHover">output flag states if we can safely draw a mouseover tooltip</param>
        /// <param name="mainWidgetSize">Size of the maingraph widget, used for projecting the zoom envelope</param>
        /// <returns>The graph was clicked</returns>
        private bool DrawPreviewGraph(PlottedGraph plot, float xPadding, float captionHeight, uint captionBackgroundcolor, out bool canHover, Vector2 mainWidgetSize)
            ImDrawListPtr imdp    = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList(); //draw on and clipped to this window
            bool          clicked = false;

            canHover = false;
            if (plot == null)

            int graphNodeCount = plot.GraphNodeCount();

            if (graphNodeCount == 0)

            plot.GetLatestTexture(out Texture previewTexture);
            if (previewTexture == null)

            bool isSelected = plot.TID == selectedGraphTID;

            canHover = true;

            //copy in the actual rendered graph
            Vector2 subGraphPosition = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos() + new Vector2(xPadding, 0);

            IntPtr CPUframeBufferTextureId = _ImGuiController !.GetOrCreateImGuiBinding(_gd !.ResourceFactory, previewTexture, $"PreviewPlot{plot.TID}");

            imdp.AddImage(user_texture_id: CPUframeBufferTextureId,
                          p_min: subGraphPosition,
                          p_max: new Vector2(subGraphPosition.X + EachGraphWidth, subGraphPosition.Y + EachGraphHeight),
                          uv_min: new Vector2(0, 1),
                          uv_max: new Vector2(1, 0));

            float borderThickness     = Themes.GetThemeSize(Themes.eThemeSize.PreviewSelectedBorder);
            float halfBorderThickness = (float)Math.Floor(borderThickness / 2f);

            if (isSelected)
                DrawPreviewZoomEnvelope(plot, subGraphPosition);

                //Draw the thicker selected graph border
                if (borderThickness > 0)
                        p_min: new Vector2(subGraphPosition.X + halfBorderThickness, subGraphPosition.Y + halfBorderThickness),
                        p_max: new Vector2((subGraphPosition.X + EachGraphWidth - halfBorderThickness), subGraphPosition.Y + EachGraphHeight - halfBorderThickness),
                        col: GetGraphBorderColour(plot), 0, ImDrawFlags.None, borderThickness);

            //write the caption
            string Caption = $"TID:{plot.TID} {graphNodeCount} nodes {(isSelected ? "[Selected]" : "")}";

            Vector2 captionBGStart = subGraphPosition + new Vector2(borderThickness, borderThickness);
            Vector2 captionBGEnd   = new Vector2((captionBGStart.X + EachGraphWidth - borderThickness * 2), captionBGStart.Y + captionHeight);

            imdp.AddRectFilled(p_min: captionBGStart, p_max: captionBGEnd, col: captionBackgroundcolor);
            ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Text, Themes.GetThemeColourUINT(Themes.eThemeColour.PreviewText));
            ImGui.SetCursorPosX(ImGui.GetCursorPosX() + CONSTANTS.UI.PREVIEW_PANE_X_PADDING + borderThickness + 1);
            ImGui.SetCursorPosY(ImGui.GetCursorPosY() + borderThickness);
            ImGui.SetCursorPosX(ImGui.GetCursorPosX() + EachGraphWidth - 48);

            //live thread activity plot
            if (ActiveTrace is not null && !ActiveTrace.WasLoadedFromSave)
                ImGui.SetCursorPosY(ImGui.GetCursorPosY() - captionHeight);

                float maxVal;
                float[]? invalues = null;
                if (plot.InternalProtoGraph.TraceReader != null)
                    plot.InternalProtoGraph.TraceReader.RecentMessageRates(out invalues);
                if (invalues == null || invalues.Length == 0)
                    invalues = new List <float>()
                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                    maxVal = 100;
                    maxVal = invalues.Max();
                ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.FrameBg, captionBackgroundcolor);
                ImGui.PlotLines("", ref invalues[0], invalues.Length, 0, "", 0, maxVal, new Vector2(40, captionHeight));
                if (ImGui.IsItemHovered())
                    canHover = false; //The PlotLines widget doesn't allow disabling the mouseover, so have to prevent our mousover to avoid a merged tooltip

            //invisible button to detect graph click

            ImGui.SetCursorPos(new Vector2(1, ImGui.GetCursorPosY() - (float)(captionHeight)));
            if (ImGui.InvisibleButton("PrevGraphBtn" + plot.TID, new Vector2(EachGraphWidth, EachGraphHeight - 2)) || ImGui.IsItemActive())
                clicked = true;
                if (isSelected)
                    Vector2 clickPos    = ImGui.GetMousePos();
                    Vector2 clickOffset = clickPos - subGraphPosition;
                    clickOffset.Y = EachGraphHeight - clickOffset.Y;
                    plot.MoveCameraToPreviewClick(clickOffset, new Vector2(EachGraphWidth, EachGraphHeight),
                                                  mainGraphWidgetSize: mainWidgetSize, PreviewProjection);