internal Size GetPartSize(IDeviceContext dc, ThemeSizeType type, IntPtr hWnd) { if (dc == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dc)); } // valid values are 0x0 to 0x2 if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(type, (int)type, (int)ThemeSizeType.Minimum, (int)ThemeSizeType.Draw)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(type), (int)type, typeof(ThemeSizeType)); } NativeMethods.SIZE size = new NativeMethods.SIZE(); using (WindowsGraphicsWrapper wgr = new WindowsGraphicsWrapper(dc, AllGraphicsProperties)) { HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(wgr, wgr.WindowsGraphics.DeviceContext.Hdc); if (DpiHelper.IsPerMonitorV2Awareness && (IntPtr.Zero != hWnd)) { using (ThemeHandle hTheme = ThemeHandle.Create(_class, true, new HandleRef(null, hWnd))) { lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemePartSize(new HandleRef(this, hTheme.NativeHandle), hdc, part, state, null, type, size); } } else { lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.GetThemePartSize(new HandleRef(this, Handle), hdc, part, state, null, type, size); } } return(new Size(,; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a IntPtr theme handle for the given class from the themeHandle cache. If its not /// present in the cache, it creates a new ThemeHandle object and stores it there. /// </summary> private static IntPtr GetHandle(string className, bool throwExceptionOnFail) { ThemeHandle tHandle; if (themeHandles == null) { CreateThemeHandleHashtable(); } if (threadCacheVersion != globalCacheVersion) { RefreshCache(); threadCacheVersion = globalCacheVersion; } if (!themeHandles.Contains(className)) { // see if it is already in cache tHandle = ThemeHandle.Create(className, throwExceptionOnFail); if (tHandle == null) { return(IntPtr.Zero); } themeHandles.Add(className, tHandle); } else { tHandle = (ThemeHandle)themeHandles[className]; } return(tHandle.NativeHandle); }
internal void DrawBackground(IDeviceContext dc, Rectangle bounds, Rectangle clipRectangle, IntPtr hWnd) { if (dc == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dc)); } if (bounds.Width < 0 || bounds.Height < 0) { return; } if (clipRectangle.Width < 0 || clipRectangle.Height < 0) { return; } using (WindowsGraphicsWrapper wgr = new WindowsGraphicsWrapper(dc, AllGraphicsProperties)) { HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(wgr, wgr.WindowsGraphics.DeviceContext.Hdc); if (IntPtr.Zero != hWnd) { using (ThemeHandle hTheme = ThemeHandle.Create(_class, true, new HandleRef(null, hWnd))) { lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeBackground(new HandleRef(this, hTheme.NativeHandle), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT(bounds), new NativeMethods.COMRECT(clipRectangle)); } } else { lastHResult = SafeNativeMethods.DrawThemeBackground(new HandleRef(this, Handle), hdc, part, state, new NativeMethods.COMRECT(bounds), new NativeMethods.COMRECT(clipRectangle)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a IntPtr theme handle for the given class from the themeHandle cache. If its not /// present in the cache, it creates a new ThemeHandle object and stores it there. /// </summary> private static IntPtr GetHandle(string className, bool throwExceptionOnFail) { if (t_themeHandles is null) { CreateThemeHandleHashtable(); } if (t_threadCacheVersion != s_globalCacheVersion) { RefreshCache(); t_threadCacheVersion = s_globalCacheVersion; } if (!t_themeHandles !.Contains(className)) { // See if it is already in cache ThemeHandle?tHandle = ThemeHandle.Create(className, throwExceptionOnFail); if (tHandle is null) { return(IntPtr.Zero); } t_themeHandles.Add(className, tHandle); return(tHandle.Handle); } return(((ThemeHandle)t_themeHandles[className] !).Handle); }
/// <summary> /// Refreshes this thread's theme handle cache. /// </summary> private static void RefreshCache() { ThemeHandle tHandle = null; if (themeHandles != null) { string[] classNames = new string[themeHandles.Keys.Count]; themeHandles.Keys.CopyTo(classNames, 0); foreach (string className in classNames) { tHandle = (ThemeHandle)themeHandles[className]; if (tHandle != null) { tHandle.Dispose(); } // We don't call IsSupported here, since that could cause RefreshCache to be called again, // leading to stack overflow. if (AreClientAreaVisualStylesSupported) { tHandle = ThemeHandle.Create(className, false); if (tHandle != null) { themeHandles[className] = tHandle; } } } } }
internal unsafe Size GetPartSize(IDeviceContext dc, ThemeSizeType type, IntPtr hWnd) { if (dc == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dc)); } // valid values are 0x0 to 0x2 if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(type, (int)type, (int)ThemeSizeType.Minimum, (int)ThemeSizeType.Draw)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(type), (int)type, typeof(ThemeSizeType)); } using var wgr = new WindowsGraphicsWrapper(dc, AllGraphicsProperties); var hdc = new HandleRef(wgr, wgr.WindowsGraphics.DeviceContext.Hdc); if (DpiHelper.IsPerMonitorV2Awareness && hWnd != IntPtr.Zero) { using (ThemeHandle hTheme = ThemeHandle.Create(_class, true, hWnd) !) { lastHResult = GetThemePartSize(new HandleRef(this, hTheme.Handle), hdc, part, state, null, type, out Size dpiSize); return(dpiSize); } } lastHResult = GetThemePartSize(this, hdc, part, state, null, type, out Size size); return(size); }
internal unsafe void DrawBackground(IDeviceContext dc, Rectangle bounds, Rectangle clipRectangle, IntPtr hWnd) { if (dc == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dc)); } if (bounds.Width < 0 || bounds.Height < 0) { return; } if (clipRectangle.Width < 0 || clipRectangle.Height < 0) { return; } using (WindowsGraphicsWrapper wgr = new WindowsGraphicsWrapper(dc, AllGraphicsProperties)) { HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(wgr, wgr.WindowsGraphics.DeviceContext.Hdc); if (IntPtr.Zero != hWnd) { using (ThemeHandle hTheme = ThemeHandle.Create(_class, true, hWnd)) { RECT rect = bounds; RECT clipRect = clipRectangle; lastHResult = UxTheme.DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, part, state, ref rect, &clipRect); } } else { RECT rect = bounds; RECT clipRect = clipRectangle; lastHResult = UxTheme.DrawThemeBackground(this, hdc, part, state, ref rect, &clipRect); } } }
private static void RefreshCache() { ThemeHandle handle = null; if (themeHandles != null) { string[] array = new string[themeHandles.Keys.Count]; themeHandles.Keys.CopyTo(array, 0); bool flag = VisualStyleInformation.IsEnabledByUser && ((Application.VisualStyleState == VisualStyleState.ClientAreaEnabled) || (Application.VisualStyleState == VisualStyleState.ClientAndNonClientAreasEnabled)); foreach (string str in array) { handle = (ThemeHandle)themeHandles[str]; if (handle != null) { handle.Dispose(); } if (flag) { handle = ThemeHandle.Create(str, false); if (handle != null) { themeHandles[str] = handle; } } } } }
internal static bool IsCombinationDefined(string className, int part) { bool returnVal = false; if (!IsSupported) { if (!VisualStyleInformation.IsEnabledByUser) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.VisualStyleNotActive); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.VisualStylesDisabledInClientArea); } } if (className == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(className)); } IntPtr hTheme = GetHandle(className, false); if (hTheme != IntPtr.Zero) { // IsThemePartDefined doesn't work for part = 0, although there are valid parts numbered 0. We // allow these explicitly here. if (part == 0) { returnVal = true; } else { returnVal = SafeNativeMethods.IsThemePartDefined(new HandleRef(null, hTheme), part, 0); } } //if the combo isn't defined, check the validity of our theme handle cache if (!returnVal) { using (ThemeHandle tHandle = ThemeHandle.Create(className, false)) { if (tHandle != null) { returnVal = SafeNativeMethods.IsThemePartDefined(new HandleRef(null, tHandle.NativeHandle), part, 0); } //if we did, in fact get a new correct theme handle, our cache is out of date -- update it now. if (returnVal) { RefreshCache(); } } } return(returnVal); }
internal static bool IsCombinationDefined(string className, int part) { bool result = false; if (!IsSupported) { throw new InvalidOperationException(VisualStyleInformation.IsEnabledByUser ? SR.VisualStylesDisabledInClientArea : SR.VisualStyleNotActive); } IntPtr hTheme = GetHandle(className, false); if (hTheme != IntPtr.Zero) { // IsThemePartDefined doesn't work for part = 0, although there are valid parts numbered 0. We // allow these explicitly here. if (part == 0) { result = true; } else { result = IsThemePartDefined(hTheme, part, 0).IsTrue(); } } // If the combo isn't defined, check the validity of our theme handle cache. if (!result) { using ThemeHandle? handle = ThemeHandle.Create(className, false); if (handle is not null) { result = IsThemePartDefined(handle, part, 0).IsTrue(); } // If we did, in fact get a new correct theme handle, our cache is out of date -- update it now. if (result) { RefreshCache(); } } return(result); }
private static bool IsCombinationDefined(string className, int part) { bool flag = false; if (!IsSupported) { if (!VisualStyleInformation.IsEnabledByUser) { throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Windows.Forms.SR.GetString("VisualStyleNotActive")); } throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Windows.Forms.SR.GetString("VisualStylesDisabledInClientArea")); } if (className == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("className"); } IntPtr ptr = GetHandle(className, false); if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { if (part == 0) { flag = true; } else { flag = System.Windows.Forms.SafeNativeMethods.IsThemePartDefined(new HandleRef(null, ptr), part, 0); } } if (!flag) { using (ThemeHandle handle = ThemeHandle.Create(className, false)) { if (handle != null) { flag = System.Windows.Forms.SafeNativeMethods.IsThemePartDefined(new HandleRef(null, handle.NativeHandle), part, 0); } if (flag) { RefreshCache(); } } } return(flag); }
internal unsafe Size GetPartSize(Gdi32.HDC dc, ThemeSizeType type, IntPtr hWnd = default) { // Valid values are 0x0 to 0x2 if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(type, (int)type, (int)ThemeSizeType.Minimum, (int)ThemeSizeType.Draw)) { throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(type), (int)type, typeof(ThemeSizeType)); } if (DpiHelper.IsPerMonitorV2Awareness && hWnd != IntPtr.Zero) { using ThemeHandle hTheme = ThemeHandle.Create(Class, true, hWnd) !; _lastHResult = GetThemePartSize(hTheme, dc, Part, State, null, type, out Size dpiSize); return(dpiSize); } _lastHResult = GetThemePartSize(this, dc, Part, State, null, type, out Size size); return(size); }
internal unsafe void DrawBackground(Gdi32.HDC dc, Rectangle bounds, IntPtr hWnd) { if (bounds.Width < 0 || bounds.Height < 0) { return; } if (IntPtr.Zero != hWnd) { using ThemeHandle hTheme = ThemeHandle.Create(Class, true, hWnd) !; RECT rect = bounds; _lastHResult = DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, dc, Part, State, ref rect, null); } else { RECT rect = bounds; _lastHResult = DrawThemeBackground(this, dc, Part, State, ref rect, null); } }