static TheOPCUAClient ConnectOPCClient(string opcAddress)
            var client = TheOPCUAClient.CreateAndInitAsync(myContentService, opcAddress, new OPCUAParameters
                AcceptInvalidCertificate   = true,
                AcceptUntrustedCertificate = true,
                DisableDomainCheck         = true,
                DisableSecurity            = true,

            var result = client.ConnectAsync().Result;

            Assert.IsTrue(String.IsNullOrEmpty(result), $"Error sending connect message to OPC UA Client plug-in: {result}");
            Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "OPC UA Client not connected after sending connect message");
        public void InitTests()
            //if (System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref activeHosts) != 1)
            //    return;
            if (myOPCServer != null)
                return; // Workaround: cdEngine host and server shutdown not supported

            myOPCServer = StartOPCServer(true);

            // TODO Remove dependency on L49 VM in the Lab
            //myOPCClient = await ConnectOPCClientAsync("opc.tcp://");
            var opcServerAddress = "opc.tcp://localhost:4840/c-labs/DataAccessServer";

            myOPCClient = ConnectOPCClient(opcServerAddress);
            Assert.IsNotNull(myOPCClient, $"Unable to connect to OPC UA Server {opcServerAddress}");