public Texture CreateTexture(Device device) { lock (FLockTexture) { if (InputOK) { Texture output; if (FNeedsConversion) { output = ImageUtils.CreateTexture(FBufferConverted.ImageAttributes.Clone() as CVImageAttributes, device); } else { output = ImageUtils.CreateTexture(FInput.ImageAttributes, device); } FNeedsRefresh.Add(output, true); return(output); } else { return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, 1, 1)); } } }
//this method gets called, when Reinitialize() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its data protected override Texture CreateTexture(int Slice, Device device) { if (FProcessor.SliceCount > Slice) if (FProcessor.GetProcessor(Slice) != null) // we do have a connected input for this slice return FProcessor.GetProcessor(Slice).CreateTexture(device); return TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, 1, 1); }
//this method gets called, when Reinitialize() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its data Texture CreateTexture(Info info, Device device) { if (info.QRCodeBMP != null) { return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, Math.Max(info.QRCodeBMP.Width, 1), Math.Max(info.QRCodeBMP.Height, 1))); } else { return(null); } }
//this method gets called, when Reinitialize() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its data protected override Texture CreateTexture(int slice, Device device) { FLogger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Creating new texture at slice: " + slice); if (FImageInstances.SliceCount > 0) { if (FImageInstances[slice].Initialised) { return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, Math.Max(FImageInstances[slice].Width, 1), Math.Max(FImageInstances[slice].Height, 1))); } return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, 1, 1)); } return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, 1, 1)); }
//this method gets called, when Reinitialize() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its data protected override Texture CreateTexture(int Slice, Device device) { FLogger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Creating new texture at slice: " + Slice); if (FImageInstances.Count > 0) { if (FImageInstances[Slice].Initialised) { return(new Texture(device, Math.Max(FImageInstances[Slice].Width, 1), Math.Max(FImageInstances[Slice].Height, 1), 1, Usage.None, Format.L16, Pool.Managed)); } //return TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, Math.Max(FImageInstances[Slice].Width, 1), Math.Max(FImageInstances[Slice].Height, 1)); else { return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, 1, 1)); } } else { return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, 1, 1)); } }
// TODO: Use custom structs for all the maps, move out atlas generation to a separate .cs (?). private bool CreateAtlasTextures(Dictionary <string, List <DicedUnit> > dicedUnits) { DisplayProgressBar("Processing diced textures...", .5f); // Delete any previously generated atlas textures. for (int i = atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var unusedTexture = atlasTexturesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue; AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(unusedTexture)); DestroyImmediate(unusedTexture, true); } atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize = 0; var atlasCount = 0; var unitSize = diceUnitSizeProperty.intValue; var paddingSize = paddingProperty.intValue; var paddedUnitSize = unitSize + paddingSize * 2; var forceSquare = this.forceSquareProperty.boolValue; var atlasSizeLimit = this.atlasSizeLimitProperty.intValue; var unitsPerAtlasLimit = Mathf.Pow(atlasSizeLimit / paddedUnitSize, 2); // Group name->units to name->hash->units map. var unitsToPackMap = dicedUnits.Select(nameToUnits => new KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <int, List <DicedUnit> > >(nameToUnits.Key, nameToUnits.Value .GroupBy(units => units.ColorsHashCode).ToDictionary(hashToUnitsGroup => hashToUnitsGroup.Key, hashToUnitsGroup => hashToUnitsGroup.ToList()))) .ToDictionary(nameToHashToUnits => nameToHashToUnits.Key, nameToHashToUnits => nameToHashToUnits.Value); // Pack units with distinct (inside atlas group) colors to the atlas textures. // Insure sprites integrity (units belonging to one sprite should be in a common atlas) and atlas size limit (distinct units per atlas count). while (unitsToPackMap.Count > 0) { atlasCount++; var atlasTexture = TextureUtils.CreateTexture(atlasSizeLimit, name: $"{} {atlasCount:000}"); var hashToUV = new Dictionary <int, Rect>(); // Colors hash to UV rects map of the packed diced units in the current atlas. var yToLastXMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); // Y position of a units row in the current atlas to the x position of the last unit in this row. var xLimit = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(paddedUnitSize); // Maximum allowed width of the current atlas. Increases by the power of two in the process. var packedUnits = new List <DicedUnit>(); // List of the units packed to the current atlas. // Find units that can be packed to the current atlas (respecting atlas size limit and remaining free space). Func <KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <int, List <DicedUnit> > > > findSuitableUnitsToPack = () => { return(unitsToPackMap.FirstOrDefault(nameToHashToUnits => { var unitsToPackCount = nameToHashToUnits.Value.Count(hashToUnits => !hashToUV.ContainsKey(hashToUnits.Key)); return hashToUV.Keys.Count + unitsToPackCount <= unitsPerAtlasLimit; })); }; var suitableUnits = findSuitableUnitsToPack(); if (suitableUnits.Key == null) // None of the source textures fit atlas limit. { Debug.LogError("SpriteDicing: Unable to fit input textures to the atlas. Consider increasing atlas size limit."); return(false); } while (suitableUnits.Key != null) { var packingProgress = 1f - (unitsToPackMap.Count / (float)dicedUnits.Count); DisplayProgressBar("Packing diced textures...", .5f + .5f * packingProgress); // Iterate suitable for packing units grouped by their color hashes. foreach (var hashToUnits in suitableUnits.Value) { if (hashToUV.ContainsKey(hashToUnits.Key)) { // We've already packed unit with the same colors to this atlas; assign it's UVs to the others in the group. hashToUnits.Value.ForEach(unit => unit.QuadUVs = hashToUV[hashToUnits.Key]); continue; } int posX, posY; // Position of the new unit on the atlas texture. // Find row positions that have enough room for more units until next power of two. var suitableYToLastXEnumerable = yToLastXMap.Where(yToLastX => xLimit - yToLastX.Value >= paddedUnitSize * 2); if (suitableYToLastXEnumerable.Count() == 0) // When no suitable rows found. { // Handle corner case when we just started. if (yToLastXMap.Count == 0) { yToLastXMap.Add(0, 0); posX = 0; posY = 0; } // Determine whether we need to add a new row or increase x limit. else if (xLimit > yToLastXMap.Last().Key) { var newRowYPos = yToLastXMap.Last().Key + paddedUnitSize; yToLastXMap.Add(newRowYPos, 0); posX = 0; posY = newRowYPos; } else { xLimit = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(xLimit + 1); posX = yToLastXMap.First().Value + paddedUnitSize; posY = 0; yToLastXMap[0] = posX; } } else // When suitable rows found. { // Find one with the least number of elements and use it. var suitableYToLastX = suitableYToLastXEnumerable.OrderBy(yToLastX => yToLastX.Value).First(); posX = suitableYToLastX.Value + paddedUnitSize; posY = suitableYToLastX.Key; yToLastXMap[posY] = posX; } // Write colors of the unit to the current atlas texture. var colorsToPack = hashToUnits.Value.First().PaddedColors; atlasTexture.SetPixels(posX, posY, paddedUnitSize, paddedUnitSize, colorsToPack); // Evaluate and assign UVs of the unit to the other units in the group. var unitUVRect = new Rect(posX, posY, paddedUnitSize, paddedUnitSize).Crop(-paddingSize).Scale(1f / atlasSizeLimit); hashToUnits.Value.ForEach(unit => unit.QuadUVs = unitUVRect); hashToUV.Add(hashToUnits.Key, unitUVRect); } packedUnits.AddRange(suitableUnits.Value.SelectMany(u => u.Value)); unitsToPackMap.Remove(suitableUnits.Key); suitableUnits = findSuitableUnitsToPack(); } // Crop unused atlas texture space. var needToCrop = xLimit < atlasSizeLimit || (!forceSquare && yToLastXMap.Last().Key + paddedUnitSize < atlasSizeLimit); if (needToCrop) { var croppedWidth = xLimit; var croppedHeight = forceSquare ? croppedWidth : yToLastXMap.Last().Key + paddedUnitSize; var croppedPixels = atlasTexture.GetPixels(0, 0, croppedWidth, croppedHeight); atlasTexture = TextureUtils.CreateTexture(croppedWidth, croppedHeight, name:; atlasTexture.SetPixels(croppedPixels); // Correct UV rects after crop. packedUnits.ForEach(unit => unit.QuadUVs = unit.QuadUVs .Scale(new Vector2(atlasSizeLimit / (float)croppedWidth, atlasSizeLimit / (float)croppedHeight))); } // Save atlas texture. atlasTexture.alphaIsTransparency = true; atlasTexture.Apply(); var savedTexture = atlasTexture.SaveAsPng(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(target)); atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize = Mathf.Max(atlasTexturesProperty.arraySize, atlasCount); atlasTexturesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(atlasCount - 1).objectReferenceValue = savedTexture; packedUnits.ForEach(unit => unit.AtlasTexture = savedTexture); } return(true); }
//this method gets called, when Reinitialize() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its data Texture CreateTexture(Info info, Device device) { FLogger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Creating new texture at slice: " + info.Slice); return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, Math.Max(info.Width, 1), Math.Max(info.Height, 1))); }
//this method gets called, when Reinitialize() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its data Texture CreateTexture(Info info, Device device) { return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, Math.Max(info.Width, 1), Math.Max(info.Height, 1))); }
//this method gets called, when Reinitialize() was called in evaluate, //or a graphics device asks for its data protected override Texture CreateTexture(int Slice, Device device) { FLogger.Log(LogType.Debug, "Creating new texture at slice: " + Slice); return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, Math.Max(FSizes[Slice].Width, 1), Math.Max(FSizes[Slice].Height, 1))); }
public void SetBackground(LColor color) { this.SetBackground(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(width, height, color)); }
public static LTransition NewCrossRandom(LColor c) { return(NewCross(MathUtils.Random(0, 1), TextureUtils .CreateTexture(LSystem.screenRect.width, LSystem.screenRect.height, c))); }
public static LTransition NewSplitRandom(LColor c) { return(NewSplitRandom(TextureUtils.CreateTexture( LSystem.screenRect.width, LSystem.screenRect.height, c))); }
Texture CreateTexture(Info info, Device device) { //FLogger.Log(LogType.Debug, "CreateTexture()"); return(TextureUtils.CreateTexture(device, info.Width, info.Height)); }
public void SetBackground(LColor color) { SetBackground(TextureUtils .CreateTexture(GetWidth(), GetHeight(), color)); }