Example #1
    void spellSelected(SpellSelectedEvent selectedSpell)
        Debug.Log("UI canvas spell selected");

        if (selectedSpell.selected)
            //if (selectedSpell.spell.spellType == TempSpell.SpellType.PROJECTILE)

            this.selectedSpell = selectedSpell.spell.spell;

            this.selectedSpell = null;
            TextureHelper.ApplyTexture(UITexture, SpriteRenderer, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
Example #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //TODO: move this to an interaction controller or something, it doesnt need to be here, but it will do for now

        if (selectedSpell != null)
            if (UITexture == null)
                Camera cam    = Camera.main;
                double height = (Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2.0);
                double width  = height * Screen.width / Screen.height;

                UITexture = TextureHelper.MakeTexture((int)width, (int)height, Color.clear);

                UITexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

                UITexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

                SpriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                //DrawLine(UITexture, 0, 0, UITexture.width, UITexture.height, Color.black);
                TextureHelper.ApplyTexture(UITexture, SpriteRenderer, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

            Vector2 mousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

            Vector2 endPoint = mousePosition;

            endPoint.x /= 3f;
            endPoint.y /= 3f;

            if ((int)endPoint.x != lastX || (int)endPoint.y != lastY)
                lastX = (int)endPoint.x;
                lastY = (int)endPoint.y;

                Vector2 middleScreen;
                if (castingLocation == Vector2.negativeInfinity)
                    middleScreen = new Vector2(UITexture.width / 2, UITexture.height / 2);
                    middleScreen = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(castingLocation) / 3f;

                //middleScreen = new Vector2(UITexture.width / 2, UITexture.height / 2);

                float angle = GetAngle(middleScreen, endPoint);

                //TODO: fix this, just trying to get seperate casting circle to work

                //List<Vector2> pixelList = castingUI.getPixelList();

                //Vector2 startPoint = pixelList[(int)((angle / 360) * pixelList.Count)] + middleScreen;

                //startPoint.x -= castingUI.GetHalfWidth();
                //startPoint.y -= castingUI.GetHalfHeight();

                Vector2 direction = (endPoint - middleScreen);

                Vector2 startPoint = middleScreen;

                if (fixedLineLength && direction.magnitude > lineLength)
                    endPoint = startPoint + (direction.normalized * lineLength);
                //(direction.normalized * radius) + middleScreen;

                DrawLine(UITexture, (int)startPoint.x, (int)startPoint.y, (int)endPoint.x, (int)endPoint.y, selectedSpell.color);