Example #1
        public static void SetTextureAlpha(this Texture2DArray dstArr, Texture2D src, Texture2D alpha, int dstCh, bool apply = true)
        /// Sets RGB to src RGB, and A to desaturated alpha RGB
            if (alpha == null)
                dstArr.SetTexture(src, dstCh, apply: apply); return;
            }                                                                                      //shortcut if alpha is null

            if (!src.IsReadable())
                src = src.ReadableClone();
            if (src.format.IsCompressed())
                src = src.UncompressedClone();
            if (src.width != dstArr.width || src.height != dstArr.height)
                src = src.ResizedClone(dstArr.width, dstArr.height);

            if (!alpha.IsReadable())
                alpha = alpha.ReadableClone();
            //if (!alpha.format.IsCompressed()) alpha = alpha.UncompressedClone();  //no need to change alpha format, we will read pixels anyways
            if (alpha.width != dstArr.width || alpha.height != dstArr.height)
                alpha = alpha.ResizedClone(dstArr.width, dstArr.height);

            Texture2D tmp         = new Texture2D(src.width, src.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true, src.IsLinear());
            int       mipmapCount = src.mipmapCount;

            for (int m = 0; m < mipmapCount; m++)
                Color[] srcColors   = src.GetPixels(m);
                Color[] alphaColors = alpha.GetPixels(m);

                for (int i = 0; i < srcColors.Length; i++)
                    srcColors[i] = new Color(srcColors[i].r, srcColors[i].g, srcColors[i].b, alphaColors[i].r * 0.3f + alphaColors[i].r * 0.6f + alphaColors[i].r * 0.1f);
                tmp.SetPixels(srcColors, m);

            tmp.Apply(updateMipmaps: false);
            dstArr.SetTexture(tmp, dstCh, apply: apply);
        static public void Clear(this Texture2DArray texArr, int chNum)
        /// Fills channel with blank without removing it
            Texture2D temp = new Texture2D(texArr.width, texArr.height, texArr.format, true, linear: texArr.IsLinear());

            texArr.SetTexture(temp, chNum);
        static public void Switch(this Texture2DArray texArr, int num1, int num2)
            if (num1 < 0 || num1 >= texArr.depth || num2 < 0 || num2 >= texArr.depth)

            Texture2D temp = texArr.GetTexture(num1);

            CopyTexture(texArr, num2, texArr, num1);
            texArr.SetTexture(temp, num2);
        public static Texture2DArray Add(Texture2DArray texArr, Texture2D tex)
            Texture2DArray newArr = new Texture2DArray(texArr.width, texArr.height, texArr.depth + 1, texArr.format, true, linear: texArr.IsLinear());

            newArr.name = texArr.name;

            CopyTextures(texArr, newArr, texArr.depth);

            newArr.SetTexture(tex, texArr.depth, apply: false);

            newArr.Apply(updateMipmaps: false);
        public void ApplySource(int ch)
                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (srcArr[ch].alpha == null)
                if (srcArr[ch].source != null)
                    texArr.SetTexture(srcArr[ch].source, ch, apply: true);
                if (srcArr[ch].source != null)
                    texArr.SetTextureAlpha(srcArr[ch].source, srcArr[ch].alpha, ch, apply: true);

            srcArr[ch].preview = null;             //resetting preview not keeping it. It will be generated on next get
        static public Texture2DArray Insert(Texture2DArray texArr, int pos, Texture2D tex)
            bool linear = texArr.IsLinear();

            if (texArr == null || texArr.depth == 0)
                texArr            = new Texture2DArray(tex.width, tex.height, 1, texArr.format, true, linear: linear);
                texArr.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
                texArr.SetTexture(tex, 0, apply: false);

            if (pos > texArr.depth || pos < 0)
                pos = texArr.depth;

            Texture2DArray newArr = new Texture2DArray(texArr.width, texArr.height, texArr.depth + 1, texArr.format, true, linear: linear);

            newArr.name = texArr.name;

            if (pos != 0)
                CopyTextures(texArr, newArr, pos);
            if (pos != texArr.depth)
                CopyTextures(texArr, pos, newArr, pos + 1, texArr.depth - pos);

            if (tex != null)
                newArr.SetTexture(tex, pos, apply: false);

            newArr.Apply(updateMipmaps: false);