public static string GetPunishmentMessage(SkyPlayer player, PunishmentType punishmentType, Punishment punishment) { switch (punishmentType) { case PunishmentType.Kick: { return (TextUtils.CenterLine("§d§lSkytonia §f§lNetwork") + "\n" + "\n" + TextUtils.CenterLine("§r§cYou have been kicked from Skytonia!") + "\n" + TextUtils.CenterLine($"§r§7Reason: §f{punishment.PunishReason}") + "\n" + "\n" + TextUtils.CenterLine("§r§7Read our rules at: §e§")); } case PunishmentType.Ban: { return (TextUtils.CenterLine("§d§lSkytonia §f§lNetwork") + "\n" + "\n" + TextUtils.CenterLine("§r§cYou have been banned from entering Skytonia!") + "\n" + "\n" + (punishment.DurationUnit == DurationUnit.Permanent ? TextUtils.CenterLine($"§r§7Time: §fPermanent") + "\n" : TextUtils.CenterLine($"§r§7Time: §f{GetNeatExpiryForPunishment(punishment)}") + "\n") + TextUtils.CenterLine($"§r§7Reason: §f{punishment.PunishReason}") + "\n" + TextUtils.CenterLine($"§r§7Date: §f{punishment.GetIssueDate()}") + "\n" + "\n" + TextUtils.CenterLine("§r§7Appeal at: §e§")); } case PunishmentType.Mute: { return ("§f[PUNISH] §cYou are currently muted from talking in chat.\n" + "§7Read our rules at: §e§"); } } return(null); }