Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the code - description map for the specified component and add it to <see cref="_componentCodesDescriptionMap"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dim">
        /// The component
        /// </param>
        private void BuildCodeDescriptionMap(IComponent dim)
            Dictionary <string, string> codeDescriptionMap;

            if (!this._componentCodesDescriptionMap.TryGetValue(dim.Id, out codeDescriptionMap))
                codeDescriptionMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
                this._componentCodesDescriptionMap.Add(dim.Id, codeDescriptionMap);

            ICodelistObject codelist = this.GetCachedCodelist(dim);
            string          lang     = this.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;

            foreach (ICode code in codelist.Items)
                string desc = TextTypeHelper.GetText(code.Names, lang);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc))
                    desc = code.Id;

                codeDescriptionMap.Add(code.Id, desc);
        public Dictionary <string, CodemapObj> ParseCodelist(Dictionary <string, ICodelistObject> Codemap)
            Dictionary <string, CodemapObj> drcodemap = new Dictionary <string, CodemapObj>();

            foreach (string conceptId in Codemap.Keys)
                List <string> criteri = new List <string>();

                ICodelistObject codelist = Codemap[conceptId];
                CodemapObj      codemap  = new CodemapObj()
                    title = TextTypeHelper.GetText(codelist.Names, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale), codes = new Dictionary <string, CodeObj>()

                foreach (ICode codeItem in codelist.Items.Where(ci => (criteri.Count > 0 ? criteri.Contains(ci.Id) : true)))
                        new CodeObj()
                        name   = TextTypeHelper.GetText(codeItem.Names, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale),
                        parent = codeItem.ParentCode

                codemap.codes = codemap.codes.OrderBy(c => c.Value.parent == null).ToDictionary(c => c.Key, c => c.Value);
                drcodemap.Add(conceptId, codemap);
        private void SetupNode(JsTreeNode node, INameableObject artefact, string defaultString, string format, string TwoLetterISOLanguageName)
            string result = TextTypeHelper.GetText(artefact.Names, TwoLetterISOLanguageName);
            string title  = string.Format(format, result.Length == 0 ? TextTypeHelper.GetText(artefact.Descriptions, TwoLetterISOLanguageName) : result);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                title = defaultString;
            node.text = title;
        public SessionImplObject GetDataChart(SessionQuery sessionQuery)
                // Init session objects
                if (this.SessionObj == null)
                    this.SessionObj            = new SessionImplObject();
                    this.SessionObj.SdmxObject = new SdmxObjectsImpl();

                JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                ser.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;

                #region +++ Caching +++
                ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSetting;
                CacheWidget cache          = null;
                bool        UseWidgetCache = (WebClientSettings.Instance != null) ? WebClientSettings.Instance.UseWidgetCache : false;
                if (UseWidgetCache)
                    connectionStringSetting = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ISTATWebClientConnection"];
                    cache = new CacheWidget(connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString);
                if (ChartObj.WidgetId > 0 && UseWidgetCache)
                    SavedWidget widget = cache.GetWidget(ChartObj.WidgetId, ChartObj.Configuration.Locale);
                    if (widget != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(widget.widgetData))
                        this.SessionObj.SavedChart = widget.widgetData;

                if (BDO == null || GetSDMXObject == null)
                    throw new Exception(Messages.label_error_network);

                codemapWidget = new CodemapWidget(
                    new GetCodemapObject()
                    PreviusCostraint = this.ChartObj.Criteria,
                    Configuration    = this.ChartObj.Configuration,
                    Dataflow         = this.ChartObj.Dataflow
                    this.SessionObj, sessionQuery);

                //ISdmxObjects structure = codemapWidget.GetDsd();
                //IDataflowObject df = structure.Dataflows.FirstOrDefault();
                //IDataStructureObject kf = structure.DataStructures.First();
                ISdmxObjects structure = sessionQuery.Structure;
                //IDataflowObject df = structure.Dataflows.First();
                IDataflowObject df = sessionQuery.Dataflow;
                //IDataStructureObject kf = structure.DataStructures.First();
                IDataStructureObject kf = sessionQuery.KeyFamily;

                if (kf == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("DSD is not set");
                if (df == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Dataflow is not set");

                Dictionary <string, ICodelistObject> ConceptCodelists = codemapWidget.GetCodelistMap(df, kf, false);
                ComponentCodeDescriptionDictionary   codemap          = new ComponentCodeDescriptionDictionary();
                foreach (string ConceptId in ConceptCodelists.Keys)
                    ICodelistObject             codelist = ConceptCodelists[ConceptId];
                    Dictionary <string, string> codes    = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    foreach (ICode codeItem in codelist.Items)
                        codes.Add(codeItem.Id, TextTypeHelper.GetText(codeItem.Names, this.ChartObj.Configuration.Locale));
                    codemap.Add(ConceptId, codes);

                    //var useFix20 = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseFix20Criteria"].ToString().ToLower() == "true");
                    //fabio prova
                    var useFix20 = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseFix20Criteria"].ToString().ToLower() == "false");
                    if (useFix20)
                        if (!(codelist.Items.Count > 1))


                #region Gestione last period
                int num1;
                if (this.ChartObj.Criteria.ContainsKey(kf.TimeDimension.Id) &&
                    this.ChartObj.Criteria[kf.TimeDimension.Id].Count == 1 &&
                    int.TryParse(this.ChartObj.Criteria[kf.TimeDimension.Id].First(), out num1)
                    int offsetTime = int.Parse(this.ChartObj.Criteria[kf.TimeDimension.Id].First());
                    var codMap     = codemap;
                    int lengthTime = codMap[kf.TimeDimension.Id].Count;

                    if ((lengthTime - offsetTime) >= 0)
                        var           codes         = codMap[kf.TimeDimension.Id].Reverse().Take(offsetTime);
                        List <string> _criteriaTime = (from c in codes select c.Key).ToList <string>();

                        this.ChartObj.Criteria[kf.TimeDimension.Id] = new List <string>();
                        this.ChartObj.Criteria[kf.TimeDimension.Id] = new List <string>();


                List <DataCriteria> Criterias = BDO.InitCriteria(kf, this.ChartObj.Criteria);
                //List<DataCriteria> Criterias = sessionQuery.GetCriteria();
                Dictionary <string, List <DataChacheObject> > DataCache = SessionObj.DataCache;

                //aggiunta da fabio
                //IDataSetStore store = BDO.GetDataset(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache, false, sessionQuery);

                IDataSetStore store = sessionQuery._store;

                 * IDataSetStore store;
                 * if (sessionQuery._store != null)
                 * { store = sessionQuery._store; }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  //store = BDO.GetDataset(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache, _useAttr);
                 *  store = BDO.GetDataset(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache, false, sessionQuery);
                 *  sessionQuery._store = store;
                 * }
                //fine nuovo

                //string DBFileName = null;
                //IDataSetStore store = BDO.FindDataCache(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache, false, out DBFileName);
                //if (store == null) store = BDO.GetDataset(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache);
                //if (store == null) store = BDO.GetDataset(df, kf, Criterias, ref DataCache, false);

                //da vedere se eliminare aggiunta fabio per svuotare datacache
                SessionObj.DataCache = null;

                SessionObj.DataCache = DataCache;

                DataObjectForStreaming DataStream = new DataObjectForStreaming()
                    store     = store,
                    Criterias = Criterias,
                    structure = structure,
                    codemap   = codemap

                ChartResponseObject ChartResponse = new ChartResponseObject();
                ChartResponse.series_title = TextTypeHelper.GetText(df.Names, this.ChartObj.Configuration.Locale);
                ChartResponse.series       = BuildChart(store, kf, ConceptCodelists);
                ChartResponse.primary_name =
                    (this.ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "v") ? Messages.label_varValue :
                    (this.ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "vt") ? Messages.label_varTrend :
                    (this.ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "vc") ? Messages.label_varCyclical : string.Empty;
                ChartResponse.secondary_name =
                    (this.ChartObj.ObsValue.Count > 1) ?
                    (this.ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "v") ? Messages.label_varValue :
                    (this.ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "vt") ? Messages.label_varTrend :
                    (this.ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "vc") ? Messages.label_varCyclical : string.Empty : string.Empty;
                ChartResponse.x_name = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ChartObj.DimensionAxe)) ? ChartObj.DimensionAxe : kf.TimeDimension.Id;;

                // 23/07/2015
                // calcolo massimo e minimo
                decimal?primary_max   = null;
                decimal?primary_min   = null;
                decimal?secondary_max = null;
                decimal?secondary_min = null;
                decimal costantemax   = 1.1m;
                decimal costantemin   = 0.9m;

                foreach (serieType serie in ChartResponse.series)
                    if (serie.axisYType == "secondary")
                        //fabio 12/08/2015
                        //decimal max = (decimal)serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Max(d => d.y);
                        decimal max = Convert.ToDecimal(serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Max(d => d.y));
                        if (secondary_max == null || max > secondary_max)
                            secondary_max = max;

                        //fabio 12/08/2015
                        //decimal min = (decimal)serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Min(d => d.y);
                        decimal min = Convert.ToDecimal(serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Min(d => d.y));
                        if (secondary_min == null || min < secondary_min)
                            secondary_min = min;

                        //fabio 12/08/2015
                        if (secondary_min == secondary_max)
                            secondary_min = secondary_min * costantemin; secondary_max = secondary_max * costantemax;
                        //fabio 12/08/2015
                        //decimal max = (decimal)serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Max(d => d.y);
                        decimal max = Convert.ToDecimal(serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Max(d => d.y));
                        if (primary_max == null || max > primary_max)
                            primary_max = max;

                        //fabio 12/08/2015
                        //decimal min = (decimal)serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Min(d => d.y);
                        decimal min = Convert.ToDecimal(serie.dataPoints.Where(m => m.y != null).Min(d => d.y));
                        if (primary_min == null || min < primary_min)
                            primary_min = min;

                        //fabio 12/08/2015
                        if (primary_min == primary_max)
                            primary_min = primary_min * costantemin; primary_max = primary_max * costantemax;
                if (primary_max != null && primary_min != null)
                    //decimal delta = (decimal)primary_max - (decimal)primary_min;
                    //ChartResponse.primary_max = (decimal)primary_max;
                    //ChartResponse.primary_min = (decimal)primary_min;

                    if (primary_max > 0)
                        ChartResponse.primary_max = (decimal)(primary_max * 1.1m);
                    else if (primary_max == 0)
                        ChartResponse.primary_max = (decimal) - 1.1m;
                        ChartResponse.primary_max = (decimal)(primary_max * 0.9m);

                    if (primary_min > 0)
                        ChartResponse.primary_min = (decimal)(primary_min * 0.9m);
                    else if (primary_min == 0)
                        ChartResponse.primary_min = (decimal) - 1.1m;
                        ChartResponse.primary_min = (decimal)(primary_min * 1.1m);
                if (secondary_max != null && secondary_min != null)
                    //ChartResponse.secondary_max = (decimal)secondary_max;
                    //ChartResponse.secondary_min = (decimal)secondary_min;

                    if (secondary_max > 0)
                        ChartResponse.secondary_max = (decimal)(secondary_max * 1.1m);
                    else if (secondary_max == 0)
                        ChartResponse.secondary_max = (decimal) - 1.1m;
                        ChartResponse.secondary_max = (decimal)(secondary_max * 0.9m);

                    if (secondary_min > 0)
                        ChartResponse.secondary_min = (decimal)(secondary_min * 0.9m);
                    else if (secondary_min == 0)
                        ChartResponse.secondary_min = (decimal) - 1.1m;
                        ChartResponse.secondary_min = (decimal)(secondary_min * 1.1m);

                this.SessionObj.SavedChart = ser.Serialize(ChartResponse);

                // +++ Caching +++
                if (ChartObj.WidgetId > 0 && UseWidgetCache)
                    cache.InsertWidget(ChartObj.WidgetId, this.SessionObj.SavedChart, ChartObj.Configuration.Locale);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
                throw ex;
        private List <serieType> BuildChart(
            IDataSetStore store,
            IDataStructureObject kf,
            Dictionary <string, ICodelistObject> codelists)
            List <string> sort = new List <string>();

            foreach (string col in store.GetAllColumns())
                if (col != kf.TimeDimension.Id && col != kf.PrimaryMeasure.Id)

            // Dimensione sull'asse X
            string XConcept =
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ChartObj.DimensionAxe)) ?
                ChartObj.DimensionAxe :
            // Codici sull'asse X
            Dictionary <string, int> XPosition = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            if (codelists.ContainsKey(XConcept))
                ICodelistObject CCodes = codelists[XConcept];
                for (int i = 0; i < CCodes.Items.Count; i++)
                    XPosition.Add(CCodes.Items[i].Id, i);

            #region Dimensione usata per la descrizione
            string DescConcept  = string.Empty;
            bool   single_serie = true;
            foreach (var obj in ChartObj.Criteria)
                if (//obj.Key != kf.TimeDimension.Id &&
                    obj.Key != kf.FrequencyDimension.Id)
                    DescConcept = obj.Key;
                    if (obj.Value.Count > 1 && obj.Key != XConcept)
                        single_serie = false;
                        DescConcept  = obj.Key;

            bool inLegend = !single_serie;
            inLegend = inLegend || (single_serie && ChartObj.ObsValue.Count > 1);


            List <serieType> series   = new List <serieType>();
            List <serieType> series_s = new List <serieType>();
            var v = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();

            //IDataReader datareader = store.CreateDataReader(true);
            IDataReader datareader = store.CreateDataReader(false);
            while (datareader.Read())
                decimal obs = 0;
                object  vt  = null;
                object  vc  = null;

                var obs_val   = datareader[kf.PrimaryMeasure.Id];
                var xcode     = (string)datareader[XConcept];
                var xCodeName = (string)TextTypeHelper.GetText(codelists[XConcept].GetCodeById(xcode).Names, this.ChartObj.Configuration.Locale);

                //fabio 12/08/2015
                //string customKeyCode = (ChartObj.CustomKey != null) ? datareader[ChartObj.CustomKey].ToString() : string.Empty;
                string customKeyCode = (ChartObj.CustomKey != null && ChartObj.CustomKey != "") ? datareader[ChartObj.CustomKey].ToString() : string.Empty;
                var    customSerie   = (ChartObj.CustomChartType != null) ?
                                       (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customKeyCode)) ?
                                       (from c in ChartObj.CustomChartType where c.code == customKeyCode select c).FirstOrDefault() :
                                       null : null;

                string serieKey  = string.Empty;
                string serieName = string.Empty;

                bool is_obs_value = false;
                    obs          = Convert.ToDecimal(obs_val.ToString(), cFrom);
                    is_obs_value = true;
                    obs_val      = Math.Round(obs, 1);
                    //fabio 12/08/2015 aggiunta
                    obs_val      = null;
                    is_obs_value = true;

                    //fabio 12/08/2015 eliminata
                    //is_obs_value = false;

                // if not time serie no varation
                if (XConcept == kf.TimeDimension.Id)
                    #region Calcolo variazioni

                    if (is_obs_value)
                        var time_p = xcode;
                        int anno   = 0;
                        int period = 0;

                        bool _errTimePeriod = false;

                        bool _annual = !((string)time_p).Contains("-");
                        bool _quater = false;
                        bool _seme   = false;

                        #region ESTRAGGO ANNO E PERIOD
                        if (_annual)
                            _errTimePeriod = !(int.TryParse(((string)time_p), out anno));
                            _errTimePeriod = !(int.TryParse(((string)time_p).Split('-')[0], out anno));

                            string _p = ((string)time_p).Split('-')[1];

                            if (_quater = _p.StartsWith("Q"))
                                _p = _p.Substring(1);
                            if (_seme = _p.StartsWith("S"))
                                _p = _p.Substring(1);

                            _errTimePeriod = !(int.TryParse(_p, out period));

                        if (!_errTimePeriod)
                            string serieKeyStr = string.Empty;
                            string _sep        = string.Empty;
                            foreach (var dim in kf.DimensionList.Dimensions)
                                serieKeyStr += ((dim.Id != XConcept) ? _sep + datareader[dim.Id] : string.Empty);
                                _sep         = "+";
                                if (dim.Id == DescConcept)
                                    serieName =
                            serieKey = serieKeyStr;

                            string vi_k = string.Empty;
                            string vf_k = string.Empty;

                            // Calcolo variazione congiunturale

                            vf_k = serieKeyStr + anno + "_" + (period);
                            if (!_annual)
                                if (period == 1)
                                    if (_seme)
                                        vi_k = serieKeyStr + (anno - 1) + "_2";
                                    else if (_quater)
                                        vi_k = serieKeyStr + (anno - 1) + "_4";
                                        vi_k = serieKeyStr + (anno - 1) + "_12";
                                    vi_k = serieKeyStr + anno + "_" + (period - 1);
                                vi_k = serieKeyStr + (anno - 1) + "_" + (period);

                            var vi = (v.ContainsKey(vi_k.ToString())) ? (object)v[vi_k] : null;

                                decimal _vi;
                                // non specificare il cFrom nella conversione
                                // poichè vi è il valore gia convertito
                                _vi = Convert.ToDecimal(vi.ToString());
                                //_vi = Convert.ToDecimal(vi.ToString(), cFrom);
                                if (_vi == 0)
                                    vc = null;
                                    vc = Math.Round((((obs - _vi) / _vi) * 100), 1);
                            catch {
                                vc = null;

                            // Calcolo variazione tendenziale
                            vi_k = serieKeyStr + (anno - 1) + "_" + (period);
                            vf_k = serieKeyStr + anno + "_" + (period);
                            vi   = (v.ContainsKey(vi_k.ToString())) ? (object)v[vi_k] : null;

                                decimal _vi;
                                _vi = Convert.ToDecimal(vi.ToString());
                                //_vi = Convert.ToDecimal(vi.ToString(), cFrom);
                                if (_vi == 0)
                                    vc = null;
                                    vt = Math.Round((((obs - _vi) / _vi) * 100), 1);
                                vt = null;

                            v.Add(vf_k, obs);
                    // Retrive unique key and label serie
                    string serieKeyStr = string.Empty;
                    string _sep        = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var dim in kf.DimensionList.Dimensions)
                        serieKeyStr += ((dim.Id != XConcept) ? _sep + datareader[dim.Id] : string.Empty);
                        _sep         = "+";
                        if (dim.Id == DescConcept)
                            serieName =
                    serieKey = serieKeyStr;

                #region Primary Serie
                object primary_obs =
                    (ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "v") ? (is_obs_value) ? obs_val : null :
                    (ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "vt") ? vt :
                    (ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "vc") ? vc : null;

                bool      isNew    = false;
                serieType newSerie = null;
                newSerie = series.Find(s => s.serieKey == ChartObj.ObsValue[0] + "_" + serieKey);//SerieName);

                if (newSerie == null)
                    string _type = (customSerie != null) ? customSerie.chartType.ToString() : ChartObj.ChartType;

                    string _name = (ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "vt") ? Messages.label_varTrend + "% " :
                                   (ChartObj.ObsValue[0] == "vc") ? Messages.label_varCyclical + "% " :
                                   (single_serie)? Messages.label_varValue:    string.Empty;

                    if (!single_serie)
                        _name += ((customSerie != null) ? customSerie.title.ToString() : serieName);

                    isNew    = true;
                    newSerie = new serieType()
                        name          = _name,
                        serieKey      = ChartObj.ObsValue[0] + "_" + serieKey,
                        showInLegend  = inLegend,
                        type          = _type,
                        dataPoints    = new List <dataPointType>(),
                        axisYType     = "primary",
                        lineThickness = 1f,
                        markerType    = "circle", //"circle", "square", "cross", "none"
                        markerSize    = (_type == "bubble" || _type == "scatter") ? 10f : 1f,

                newSerie.dataPoints.Add(new dataPointType()
                    label      = xCodeName,
                    legendText = xCodeName,
                    y          = primary_obs,
                    x          = XPosition[xcode]

                if (isNew)

                // if not time serie no secondary
                if (XConcept == kf.TimeDimension.Id)
                    #region Seconday serie
                    if (ChartObj.ObsValue.Count > 1)
                        string _type = (customSerie != null) ? customSerie.chartType.ToString() : ChartObj.ChartType;
                        string _name = (ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "vt") ? Messages.label_varTrend + "% " :
                                       (ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "vc") ? Messages.label_varCyclical + "% " : Messages.label_varValue + " ";

                        if (!single_serie)
                            _name += ((customSerie != null) ? customSerie.title.ToString() : serieName);
                        object secondary_obs =
                            (ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "v") ? (is_obs_value) ? obs_val : null :
                            (ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "vt") ? vt :
                            (ChartObj.ObsValue[1] == "vc") ? vc : null;

                        bool      isNew_s    = false;
                        serieType newSerie_s = null;
                        newSerie_s = series_s.Find(s => s.serieKey == ChartObj.ObsValue[1] + "_" + serieKey);//SerieName);
                        if (newSerie_s == null)
                            isNew_s    = true;
                            newSerie_s = new serieType()
                                name          = _name,
                                serieKey      = ChartObj.ObsValue[1] + "_" + serieKey,
                                showInLegend  = inLegend,
                                type          = _type,
                                dataPoints    = new List <dataPointType>(),
                                axisYType     = "secondary",
                                lineThickness = 1f,
                                markerType    = "circle", //"circle", "square", "cross", "none"
                                markerSize    = (_type == "bubble" || _type == "scatter") ? 10f : 1f,
                        newSerie_s.dataPoints.Add(new dataPointType()
                            label      = xCodeName,
                            legendText = xCodeName,
                            y          = secondary_obs,
                            x          = XPosition[xcode]

                        if (isNew_s)

            #region Series
            foreach (var serie in series)
                var sortedCodes = serie.dataPoints.OrderBy <dataPointType, int>(o => int.Parse(o.x.ToString())).ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < serie.dataPoints.Count; i++)
                    serie.dataPoints[i].x = i;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Dataflow Node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataflow">
        /// The SDMX Model Dataflow object
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The Dataflow Node
        /// </returns>
        private JsTreeNode CreateDataflowNode(
            IDataflowObject dataflow,
            ISdmxObjects SdmxOBJ,
            string TwoLetterISO)
            var dataflowNode = new JsTreeNode();

            if (dataflow.HasAnnotationType(VirtualDataflowTypeEpAnn))
                // VIrtual DF
                var vrtDf = dataflow.GetAnnotationsByType(VirtualDataflowTypeEpAnn);
                var value = TextTypeHelper.GetText(vrtDf.FirstOrDefault().Text, TwoLetterISO);

                string end_key    = "@";
                string search_key = string.Empty;

                search_key = "@EP1=";
                string endpoint_1 = value.Substring(value.IndexOf(search_key) + search_key.Length);
                endpoint_1 = endpoint_1.Substring(0, endpoint_1.IndexOf(end_key));

                search_key = "@EP2=";
                string endpoint_2 = value.Substring(value.IndexOf(search_key) + search_key.Length);
                endpoint_2 = endpoint_2.Substring(0, endpoint_2.IndexOf(end_key));

                search_key = "@EPT=";
                string endpoint_type = value.Substring(value.IndexOf(search_key) + search_key.Length);
                endpoint_type = endpoint_type.Substring(0, endpoint_type.IndexOf(end_key));

                search_key = "@SOURCE=";
                string dataflow_source = value.Substring(value.IndexOf(search_key) + search_key.Length);
                dataflow_source = dataflow_source.Substring(0, dataflow_source.IndexOf(end_key));

                search_key = "@SEP=";
                string decimal_separator = "";
                if (value.IndexOf(search_key) != -1)
                    decimal_separator = value.Substring(value.IndexOf(search_key) + search_key.Length);
                    decimal_separator = decimal_separator.Substring(0, decimal_separator.IndexOf(end_key));
                    decimal_separator = TreeObj.Configuration.DecimalSeparator;

                //fabio forzo il sep prova debug del separatore decimale
                //if (dataflow.Id == "PARAS") { decimal_separator = ","; }

                List <string> valueDesc = new List <string>();
                if (dataflow.HasAnnotationType(VirtualDataflowTypeDescAnn))
                    var vrtDfDesc = dataflow.GetAnnotationsByType(VirtualDataflowTypeDescAnn);

                    foreach (var ann in vrtDfDesc)
                        valueDesc.Add(TextTypeHelper.GetText(ann.Text, TwoLetterISO));

                List <DataflowMetaUrl> valueUrls = new List <DataflowMetaUrl>();
                if (dataflow.HasAnnotationType(VirtualDataflowTypeUrlAnn))
                    var vrtDfUrls = dataflow.GetAnnotationsByType(VirtualDataflowTypeUrlAnn);

                    foreach (var ann in vrtDfUrls)
                        valueUrls.Add(new DataflowMetaUrl()
                            Title = TextTypeHelper.GetText(ann.Text, TwoLetterISO),
                            URL   = ann.Title

                dataflowNode = CreateDataflowNode(
                    TextTypeHelper.GetText(dataflow.Names, TwoLetterISO),
                // Normal DF
                dataflowNode.SetId(Utils.MakeKey(dataflow).Replace('.', '_').Replace('+', '-'));
                SetupNode(dataflowNode, dataflow, TwoLetterISO);

                IDataStructureObject dsd =
                        dataStructure => dataflow.DataStructureRef.Equals(dataStructure.AsReference));

                if (dsd != null && dsd is ICrossSectionalDataStructureObject)
                    dataflowNode.type = "xs-dataflow";
                    dataflowNode.type = "dataflow";

                dataflowNode.li_attr.Add("title", TreeObj.Configuration.Title);

                dataflowNode.a_attr = new JSTreeMetadata
                    DataflowID             = dataflow.Id,
                    DataflowVersion        = dataflow.Version,
                    DataflowAgency         = dataflow.AgencyId,
                    DataflowUrl            = TreeObj.Configuration.EndPoint,
                    DataflowUrlV20         = TreeObj.Configuration.EndPointV20,
                    DataflowUrlType        = TreeObj.Configuration.EndPointType,
                    DataflowSource         = TreeObj.Configuration.EndPointSource,
                    DataflowDecimalCulture = TreeObj.Configuration.DecimalSeparator,
        public SessionImplObject Get_DOTSTAT_CodemapAndLayout(ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSetting)
                ISdmxObjects structure = GetDsd();
                //IDataflowObject df = structure.Dataflows.First();
                IDataStructureObject kf = structure.DataStructures.First();

                if (kf == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStructure is not set");

                Dictionary <string, ICodelistObject> ConceptCodelists = GetCodeMap(structure, kf, false);

                string costraint     = string.Empty; //the code save in template
                string hideDimension = string.Empty;

                System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Sqlconn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString);
                string sqlquery = string.Format("Select * from Template where [tmplKey]='{0}'",
                                                new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(
                                                    CodemapObj.Dataflow.id + "+" + CodemapObj.Dataflow.agency + "+" + CodemapObj.Dataflow.version + "+" + CodemapObj.Configuration.EndPoint).Replace("'", "''"));
                using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand comm = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sqlquery, Sqlconn))
                    var reader = comm.ExecuteReader();
                    if (reader.Read())
                        costraint     = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("Criteria"));
                        hideDimension = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("HideDimension"));

                Dictionary <string, List <string> > _costraint = (Dictionary <string, List <string> >) new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(costraint, typeof(Dictionary <string, List <string> >));
                List <string>         _hideDimension           = (List <string>) new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(hideDimension, typeof(List <string>));
                CodemapResponseObject codemapret = new CodemapResponseObject()
                    codemap            = ParseCodelist(ConceptCodelists),
                    costraint          = _costraint,
                    hideDimension      = _hideDimension,
                    key_time_dimension = kf.TimeDimension.Id,
                    freq_dimension     = null,
                    dataflow           = new MaintenableObj()
                        id          = kf.Id,
                        agency      = kf.AgencyId,
                        version     = kf.Version,
                        name        = TextTypeHelper.GetText(kf.Names, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale),
                        description = TextTypeHelper.GetText(kf.Descriptions, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale)

                this.SessionObj.SavedCodemap = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(codemapret);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex);
                throw new Exception(ErrorOccured);
Example #8
 public string[] GetDefinedTextTypes()
 => TextTypeHelper.GetDefinedTextTypes();