public void SortAlphabetically_RemoveAllPunctuationsFromTheEnd() { // Arrange var sut = new TextSorter(); const string text = "a! b\" c# d$ e% f& g' h( i) l* m+ n, o- p. q/ r: s; t? u@ v[ w\\ x] y^ z_ aa` bb{ cc| dd} ee~ "; // Act var result = sut.Sort(text, SortOption.Alphabetically); // Assert var expected = new List <string> { "a", "aa", "b", "bb", "c", "cc", "d", "dd", "e", "ee", "f", "g", "h", "i", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" }; expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result); }
public void SortBySentenceLength() { // Arrange var sut = new TextSorter(); const string text = "Short sentence. This a longer sentence."; // Act var result = sut.Sort(text, SortOption.BySentenceLength); // Assert var expected = new List <string> { "Short sentence", "This a longer sentence" }; expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result); }
public void SortByWordLength() { // Arrange var sut = new TextSorter(); const string text = "cc b aaa"; // Act var result = sut.Sort(text, SortOption.ByWordLength); // Assert var expected = new List <string> { "b", "cc", "aaa", }; expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result); }
public void SortAlphabetically_SetOfCharactersWithDot() { // Arrange var sut = new TextSorter(); const string text = "d e. A"; // Act var result = sut.Sort(text, SortOption.Alphabetically); // Assert var expected = new List <string> { "A", "d", "e" }; expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result); }
public void SortAlphabetically_SetOfWordsWithSingleQuote() { // Arrange var sut = new TextSorter(); const string text = "A sentence' with an hyphen"; // Act var result = sut.Sort(text, SortOption.Alphabetically); // Assert var expected = new List <string> { "A", "an", "hyphen", "sentence", "with" }; expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result); }
public void SortAlphabetically_SentenceWithSpace() { // Arrange var sut = new TextSorter(); const string text = "This is the text to be sorted"; // Act var result = sut.Sort(text, SortOption.Alphabetically); // Assert var expected = new List <string> { "be", "is", "sorted", "text", "the", "This", "to" }; expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result); }
public void SortAlphabetically_SetOfCharactersSeparatedBySpace() { // Arrange var sut = new TextSorter(); const string text = "a b c d e f g"; // Act var result = sut.Sort(text, SortOption.Alphabetically); // Assert var expected = new List <string> { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" }; expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(result); }