/// <summary>
        /// Handle additional <see cref="CreateMessage"/> data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <param name="cache"></param>
        /// <param name="shapeIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Error PostHandleMessage(CreateMessage msg, PacketBuffer packet, BinaryReader reader,
                                                   ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            if (shapeIndex >= 0)
                // Read the text in the buffer.
                TextShapeData textData   = new TextShapeData();
                int           textLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
                textData.Mesh = null;
                textData.Text = string.Empty;
                if (textLength > 0)
                    byte[] textBytes = reader.ReadBytes(textLength);
                    textData.Text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(textBytes);

                textData.FontSize = (int)msg.Attributes.ScaleZ;

                if ((msg.Flags & (ushort)Text3DFlag.ScreenFacing) != 0)
                    // Need to use -forward for text.
                    // ScreenFacing.AddToManager(obj, -Vector3.forward, Vector3.up);
                    textData.ScreenFacing = true;
                cache.SetShapeDataByIndex(shapeIndex, textData);

            return(base.PostHandleMessage(msg, packet, reader, cache, shapeIndex));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a text shape for serialisation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeComponent">The component to create a shape for.</param>
        /// <returns>A shape instance suitable for configuring to generate serialisation messages.</returns>
        protected override Shapes.Shape CreateSerialisationShape(ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex, CreateMessage shape)
            TextShapeData textData = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex);
            // Note: initialise position to zero. SetAttributes() below will overwrite this.
            var textShape = new Shapes.Text3D(textData.Text, shape.ObjectID, shape.Category, Maths.Vector3.Zero);

        /// <summary>
        /// Handle additional <see cref="UpdateMessage"/> data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <param name="reader"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override Error PostHandleMessage(UpdateMessage msg, PacketBuffer packet, BinaryReader reader,
                                                   ShapeCache cache, int shapeIndex)
            TextShapeData textData = cache.GetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex);

            // textData.Mesh.fontSize = (int)msg.Attributes.ScaleZ;
            // textData.Mesh.color = Maths.ColourExt.ToUnity32(new Maths.Colour(msg.Attributes.Colour));
            textData.ScreenFacing = (msg.Flags & (ushort)Text3DFlag.ScreenFacing) != 0;

            cache.SetShapeDataByIndex(shapeIndex, textData);

            return(base.PostHandleMessage(msg, packet, reader, cache, shapeIndex));
        protected void Render(CameraContext cameraContext, ShapeCache shapeCache)
            // TODO: (KS) verify material setup.
            // TODO: (KS) incorporate the 3es scene transform.
            // TODO: (KS) handle multiple cameras (code only tailored to one).
            Vector3         cameraPosition = (Vector3)cameraContext.CameraToWorldTransform.GetColumn(3);
            CategoriesState categories     = this.CategoriesState;

            // Walk the items in the shape cache.
            foreach (int shapeIndex in shapeCache.ShapeIndices)
                // if (shapeCache.GetShapeDataByIndex<CreateMessage>(shapeIndex).Category)
                CreateMessage shape = shapeCache.GetShapeByIndex(shapeIndex);
                if (!categories.IsActive(shape.Category))
                    // Category not enabled.

                // Get transform and text data.
                Matrix4x4     transform = shapeCache.GetShapeTransformByIndex(shapeIndex);
                TextShapeData textData  = shapeCache.GetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex);

                if (textData.Mesh == null || textData.Material == null)
                    // No mesh/material. Try instantiate via the delegate.
                    if (CreateTextMeshHandler != null)
                        CreateTextMeshHandler(textData.Text, textData.FontSize,
                                              Maths.ColourExt.ToUnity(new Maths.Colour(shape.Attributes.Colour)),
                                              ref textData.Mesh, ref textData.Material);

                    if (textData.Mesh == null || textData.Material == null)

                    // Newly creates mesh/material. Store the changes.
                    shapeCache.SetShapeDataByIndex <TextShapeData>(shapeIndex, textData);

                if (textData.Mesh == null || textData.Material == null)

                if (textData.ScreenFacing)
                    Vector3 textPosition = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * (Vector3)transform.GetColumn(3);
                    Vector3 toCamera     = cameraPosition - textPosition;
                    // Remove any height component from the camera. Indexing using Unity's left handed, Y up system.
                    toCamera[1] = 0;

                    if (toCamera.sqrMagnitude > 1e-3f)
                        toCamera = toCamera.normalized;
                        Vector3 side = Vector3.Cross(toCamera, Vector3.up);
                        // Build new rotation axes using toCamera for forward and a new Up axis.
                        transform.SetColumn(0, new Vector4(side.x, side.y, side.z));
                        transform.SetColumn(1, new Vector4(Vector3.up.x, Vector3.up.y, Vector3.up.z));
                        transform.SetColumn(2, new Vector4(toCamera.x, toCamera.y, toCamera.z));
                        transform.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(textPosition.x, textPosition.y, textPosition.z, 1.0f));
                    // else too close to the camera to build a rotation.
                    // transform = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * transform;
                    // Just extract the text position.
                    // TODO: (KS) will have to look at allowing users to orient the text from the server.
                    Vector3 textPosition = cameraContext.TesSceneToWorldTransform * (Vector3)transform.GetColumn(3);
                    transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
                    transform.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(textPosition.x, textPosition.y, textPosition.z, 1.0f));

                cameraContext.TransparentBuffer.DrawMesh(textData.Mesh, transform, textData.Material);

                // TODO: (KS) resolve procedural rendering without a game object. Consider TextMeshPro.
                // TODO: (KS) select opaque layer.
                // Graphics.DrawMesh(textData.Mesh, transform, material, 0);