Example #1
        public void CanSkipBlankLines()
            string input =


            using (var s = new TextScanner(input))
                Assert.That(s.FindInLine(@"^\w+$"), Is.EqualTo("word"));
                Assert.That(s.FindInLine(@"^\w+$"), Is.EqualTo("words"));
                Assert.That(s.HasNextLine(), Is.False);
Example #2
        public void CanFindInLineAfterFail()
            var expectedStrings = new[] { "1", "2", "red", "blue" };

            string input = "1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish";

            using (var s = new TextScanner(input))
                Assert.That(s.FindInLine("someword thats not there"), Is.Null);

                var matchingText = s.FindInLine("(\\d+) fish (\\d+) fish (\\w+) fish (\\w+)");

                // skip the overall match and get the captured group values
                var groups = from @group in s.Match.Groups.Cast <Group>().Skip(1)
                             select @group.Value;

                Assert.That(groups, Is.EquivalentTo(expectedStrings));
                Assert.That(matchingText, Is.EqualTo("1 fish 2 fish red fish blue"));
                Assert.That(s.Next(), Is.EqualTo("fish"));
Example #3
        public void CanFindInLineToEnd()
            var expectedStrings = new[] { "1", "2", "red", "blue" };

            string input = "1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish";

            using (var s = new TextScanner(input))
                var matchingText = s.FindInLine(@"^((?<Kind>[^\s]+) fish\s*)+$");

                // skip the overall match and get the captured group values
                var groups = (from @group in s.Match.Groups["Kind"].Captures.Cast <Capture>()
                              select @group.Value).ToArray();

                // verified the following with a java sample.
                Assert.That(matchingText, Is.EqualTo("1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish"));
                Assert.That(groups, Is.EquivalentTo(expectedStrings));
Example #4
        public void CanSkipLines()
            string input =
                @"First Line, second statement,
Second Line, fourth statement

            using (var s = new TextScanner(input)
                Assert.That(s.Next(), Is.EqualTo("First Line"));
                Assert.That(s.NextLine(), Is.EqualTo(", second statement,"));
                Assert.That(s.Next(), Is.EqualTo("Second Line"));

                Assert.That(s.FindInLine(@"^[a-z, ]+$"), Is.EqualTo(", fourth statement"));

                Assert.That(s.HasNextLine(), Is.False);

                // there are no more line endings, so the following should throw
                Assert.Catch <InvalidOperationException>(() => s.NextLine());