public void GetMatches_ReturnsThreeMatchLocations_When666IsMatchedAgainst() { string matchTarget = "666"; TextPattern pattern = new TextPattern(dummyRegexPattern); Assert.Equal(pattern.GetMatches(matchTarget).Count(), 3); }
internal TextPatternRange(UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationTextRange range, TextPattern pattern) { Debug.Assert(range != null); Debug.Assert(pattern != null); this._range = range; this._pattern = pattern; }
internal static TextPatternRange Wrap(SafeTextRangeHandle hTextRange, TextPattern pattern) { if (hTextRange.IsInvalid) { return null; } return new TextPatternRange(hTextRange, pattern); }
//------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------ #region Constructors internal TextPatternRange(SafeTextRangeHandle hTextRange, TextPattern pattern) { Debug.Assert(!hTextRange.IsInvalid); Debug.Assert(pattern != null); _hTextRange = hTextRange; _pattern = pattern; }
internal static TextPatternRange Wrap(UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationTextRange range, TextPattern pattern) { Debug.Assert(pattern != null); if (range == null) { return null; } else { return new TextPatternRange(range, pattern); } }
public string GetSelectedText() { AutomationElement ae = AutomationElement.FocusedElement; TextPattern tp = ae.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; if (tp == null) { return(""); } TextPatternRange[] trs; if (tp.SupportedTextSelection == SupportedTextSelection.None) { return(""); } else { trs = tp.GetSelection(); return(trs[0].GetText(-1)); } }
public void MoveEndpointByCharacter() { SetText("The quick\tbrown (fox] \"jumps\"\rover:\nthe lazy, dog."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextPattern textPattern = (TextPattern)textbox3Element.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); TextPatternRange range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); int moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 0); Assert.AreEqual(0, moved_units); Assert.AreEqual("The quick\tbrown (fox] \"jumps\"\rover:\nthe lazy, dog.", range.GetText(-1)); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 1); Assert.AreEqual(1, moved_units); Assert.AreEqual("he quick\tbrown (fox] \"jumps\"\rover:\nthe lazy, dog.", range.GetText(-1)); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 8); Assert.AreEqual(8, moved_units); Assert.AreEqual("\tbrown (fox] \"jumps\"\rover:\nthe lazy, dog.", range.GetText(-1)); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 1000); Assert.AreEqual(42, moved_units); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, range.GetText(-1)); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, -1000); Assert.AreEqual(-52, moved_units); Assert.AreEqual("The quick\tbrown (fox] \"jumps\"\rover:\nthe lazy, dog.", range.GetText(-1)); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 5); Assert.AreEqual(5, moved_units); Assert.AreEqual("uick\tbrown (fox] \"jumps\"\rover:\nthe lazy, dog.", range.GetText(-1)); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, -3); Assert.AreEqual(-3, moved_units); Assert.AreEqual("e quick\tbrown (fox] \"jumps\"\rover:\nthe lazy, dog.", range.GetText(-1)); }
public void VerifyInput() { AutomationElement rootElement; Process appProcess = AutomationHelpers.StartProcess(new ProcessStartInfo("SampleApp.exe"), out rootElement); AutomationElement inputTextBox = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(rootElement, "inputTextBox")[0]; AutomationElement outputTextBox = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(rootElement, "outputTextBox")[0]; AutomationElement button = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(rootElement, "appendButton")[0]; string inputText = "TestTest"; string expectedText = inputText + "\n"; WindowPattern winPattern = (WindowPattern)rootElement.GetCurrentPattern(WindowPatternIdentifiers.Pattern); AutomationHelpers.MoveToAndClick(inputTextBox); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(1000); Microsoft.Test.Keyboard.Type(inputText); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(1000); AutomationHelpers.MoveToAndClick(button); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(1000); object o; outputTextBox.TryGetCurrentPattern(TextPatternIdentifiers.Pattern, out o); TextPattern pattern = (TextPattern)o; string actualText = pattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); try { Assert.AreEqual(expectedText, actualText, "The text did not match. Expected: {0} Actual: {1}", expectedText, actualText); } finally { AutomationHelpers.CloseWindow(rootElement); appProcess.WaitForExit(); } }
[TestProperty("Ignore", "True")] // GH#7282 - investigate and reenable public void CanExpandToEnclosingUnitTextRangeProvider() { using (CmdApp app = new CmdApp(CreateType.ProcessOnly, TestContext)) { var sbiex = app.GetScreenBufferInfo(); sbiex.dwSize.Y = (short)(2 * sbiex.srWindow.Height); app.SetScreenBufferInfo(sbiex); AutomationElement textAreaUiaElement = GetTextAreaUiaElement(app); TextPattern textPattern = textAreaUiaElement.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; TextPatternRange[] visibleRanges = textPattern.GetVisibleRanges(); TextPatternRange testRange = visibleRanges.First().Clone(); // change testRange to a degenerate range and then expand to a line testRange.MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, testRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start); Verify.AreEqual(0, testRange.CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, testRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End)); testRange.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Line); Verify.IsTrue(testRange.Compare(visibleRanges[0])); // expand to document size testRange.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Document); Verify.IsTrue(testRange.Compare(textPattern.DocumentRange)); // shrink back to a line testRange.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Line); Verify.IsTrue(testRange.Compare(visibleRanges[0])); // make the text buffer start to cycle its buffer _FillOutputBufferWithData(app); // expand to document range again testRange.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Document); Verify.IsTrue(testRange.Compare(textPattern.DocumentRange)); } }
public void Select(string ItemName) { this.Open(); int itemindex = -1; if (ItemName.IndexOf('#') == 0) { itemindex = Convert.ToInt16(ItemName.Substring(1)); } Condition listCondtion = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.ListItem); AutomationElementCollection ac = this._condition.AutomationElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, listCondtion); AutomationElement listitem = null; if (itemindex != -1) { if (ac.Count - 1 < itemindex) { ControlSearcher.ThrowError(ErrorType.OutRange); } else { listitem = ac[itemindex]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < ac.Count; i++) { if (ac[i].Current.Name.Trim() == ItemName.Trim()) { listitem = ac[i]; } } if (listitem == null) { for (int i = 0; i < ac.Count; i++) { TextPattern t = (TextPattern)ac[i].GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); if (t.DocumentRange.GetText(-1).Trim() == ItemName.Trim()) { listitem = ac[i]; } } } if (listitem == null) { for (int i = 0; i < ac.Count; i++) { ValuePattern v = (ValuePattern)ac[i].GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern); if (v.Current.Value.Trim() == ItemName.Trim()) { listitem = ac[i]; } } } } if (listitem != null) { try { SelectionItemPattern itempattern = (SelectionItemPattern)listitem.GetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern); itempattern.Select(); if (_checkvalue(listitem.Current.Name)) { return; } } catch { } try { if (listitem.Current.NativeWindowHandle != 0) { KeyInput.Click(KeyInput.MouseClickType.LClick, listitem.Current.NativeWindowHandle); if (_checkvalue(listitem.Current.Name)) { return; } } } catch { } try { Point p = new Point((int)listitem.Current.BoundingRectangle.Left, (int)listitem.Current.BoundingRectangle.Top); KeyInput.Click(KeyInput.MouseClickType.LClick, p); if (_checkvalue(listitem.Current.Name)) { return; } } catch { } //ControlSearcher.ThrowError(ErrorType.CannotperforthisOperation); } else { ControlSearcher.ThrowError(ErrorType.NotItemExistinthelist); } }
/// <summary> /// Finds the desired text within the whole document text. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The UI Automation element</param> /// <param name="find">The string to find.</param> /// <param name="searchBackward">if set to <c>true</c> search backward from the end of the document.</param> /// <param name="ignoreCase">if set to <c>true</c> ignore case.</param> /// <returns> /// A text range matching the specified text; otherwise null /// </returns> internal static TextPatternRange FindText(AutomationElement control, string find, bool searchBackward, bool ignoreCase) { TextPattern pat = (TextPattern)CommonUIAPatternHelpers.CheckPatternSupport(TextPattern.Pattern, control); return(pat.DocumentRange.FindText(find, searchBackward, ignoreCase)); }
internal static TextPatternRange[] Wrap(UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationTextRangeArray ranges, TextPattern pattern) { if (ranges == null) { return(null); } TextPatternRange[] rangeArray = new TextPatternRange[ranges.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++) { rangeArray[i] = new TextPatternRange(ranges.GetElement(i), pattern); } return(rangeArray); }
public void GetMatches_ReturnsOneMatchLocation_WhenIdenticalStringIsMatchedAgainst() { TextPattern pattern = new TextPattern(dummyString); Assert.Equal(pattern.GetMatches(dummyString).Count(), 1); }
[TestProperty("Ignore", "True")] // GH#7282 - investigate and reenable public void CanMoveEndpointByUnitNearBottomBoundary() { using (CmdApp app = new CmdApp(CreateType.ProcessOnly, TestContext)) { var sbiex = app.GetScreenBufferInfo(); sbiex.dwSize.Y = (short)(2 * sbiex.srWindow.Height); app.SetScreenBufferInfo(sbiex); AutomationElement textAreaUiaElement = GetTextAreaUiaElement(app); TextPattern textPattern = textAreaUiaElement.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; TextPatternRange[] visibleRanges = textPattern.GetVisibleRanges(); TextPatternRange testRange = visibleRanges.First().Clone(); // assumes that range is a line range at the bottom of the screen buffer Action <TextPatternRange> testBottomBoundary = delegate(TextPatternRange range) { // the range is at the bottom of the screen buffer, we // shouldn't be able to move the endpoint endpoint down int moveAmount = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Line, 1); Verify.AreEqual(0, moveAmount); // we shouldn't be able to move the starting endpoint down either moveAmount = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Line, 1); Verify.AreEqual(0, moveAmount); }; // move the range to the bottom of the screen int rowsToMove = _GetTotalRows(app) - 1; int moveCount = testRange.Move(TextUnit.Line, rowsToMove); Verify.AreEqual(rowsToMove, moveCount); testBottomBoundary(testRange); // we want to test that the boundaries are still observed // when the screen buffer index and text buffer index don't align. // write a bunch of text to the screen to fill up the text // buffer and make it start to reuse its buffer _FillOutputBufferWithData(app); Globals.WaitForTimeout(); // move all the way to the top visibleRanges = textPattern.GetVisibleRanges(); testRange = visibleRanges.First().Clone(); while (true) { int moved = testRange.Move(TextUnit.Line, -1); if (moved == 0) { break; } } // we're at the top of the screen buffer, so move back to the bottom // so we can test rowsToMove = _GetTotalRows(app) - 1; moveCount = testRange.Move(TextUnit.Line, rowsToMove); Verify.AreEqual(rowsToMove, moveCount); testRange.ScrollIntoView(true); testBottomBoundary(testRange); } }
public void VerifyInput() { // // Start the application we are testing // string sampleAppPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase), "SampleApp.exe"); AutomatedApplication a = new OutOfProcessApplication(new OutOfProcessApplicationSettings { ProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(sampleAppPath), ApplicationImplementationFactory = new UIAutomationOutOfProcessApplicationFactory() }); a.Start(); try { a.WaitForMainWindow(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); var mainWindow = a.MainWindow as AutomationElement; // // Discover various elements in the UI // AutomationElement inputTextBox = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(mainWindow, "inputTextBox")[0]; AutomationElement outputTextBox = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(mainWindow, "outputTextBox")[0]; AutomationElement appendButton = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(mainWindow, "appendButton")[0]; // // Click on the input text box and simulate typing // string inputText = "TestTest"; string expectedText = inputText + "\n"; WindowPattern winPattern = mainWindow.GetCurrentPattern(WindowPattern.Pattern) as WindowPattern; Helpers.MoveToAndClick(inputTextBox); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(1000); Microsoft.Test.Input.Keyboard.Type(inputText); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(1000); // // Now click the button // Helpers.MoveToAndClick(appendButton); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(1000); // // Now, get the text of the outputTextBox and compare it against what's expected // Fail the test if expected != actual // TextPattern textPattern = outputTextBox.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; string actualText = textPattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); // // Report the test result // Assert.AreEqual(expectedText, actualText); } finally { // // Close the tested application // a.Close(); } }
public void CanMoveRange() { using (CmdApp app = new CmdApp(CreateType.ProcessOnly, TestContext)) { AutomationElement textAreaUiaElement = GetTextAreaUiaElement(app); TextPattern textPattern = textAreaUiaElement.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; TextPatternRange[] visibleRanges = textPattern.GetVisibleRanges(); TextPatternRange testRange = visibleRanges.First().Clone(); // assumes range is at the top of the screen buffer Action <TextPatternRange> testMovement = delegate(TextPatternRange range) { // the range is at the top of the screen // buffer, we shouldn't be able to move up. int moveAmount = range.Move(TextUnit.Line, -1); Verify.AreEqual(0, moveAmount); // move to the bottom of the screen // - 1 because we're already on the 0th row int rowsToMove = _GetTotalRows(app) - 1; moveAmount = range.Move(TextUnit.Line, rowsToMove); Verify.AreEqual(rowsToMove, moveAmount); // try to move one more row down, we should not be able to moveAmount = range.Move(TextUnit.Line, 1); Verify.AreEqual(0, moveAmount); // move the range up to the top again, one row at a time, // making sure that we have only one line being encompassed // by the range. We check this by counting the number of // bounding rectangles that represent the range. for (int i = 0; i < rowsToMove; ++i) { moveAmount = range.Move(TextUnit.Line, -1); // we need to scroll into view or getting the boundary // rectangles might return 0 Verify.AreEqual(-1, moveAmount); range.ScrollIntoView(true); Rect[] boundingRects = range.GetBoundingRectangles(); Verify.AreEqual(1, boundingRects.GetLength(0)); } // and back down to the bottom, one row at a time for (int i = 0; i < rowsToMove; ++i) { moveAmount = range.Move(TextUnit.Line, 1); // we need to scroll into view or getting the boundary // rectangles might return 0 Verify.AreEqual(1, moveAmount); range.ScrollIntoView(true); Rect[] boundingRects = range.GetBoundingRectangles(); Verify.AreEqual(1, boundingRects.GetLength(0)); } }; testMovement(testRange); // test again with unaligned text buffer and screen buffer _FillOutputBufferWithData(app); Globals.WaitForTimeout(); visibleRanges = textPattern.GetVisibleRanges(); testRange = visibleRanges.First().Clone(); // move range back to the top while (true) { int moveCount = testRange.Move(TextUnit.Line, -1); if (moveCount == 0) { break; } } testMovement(testRange); } }
/// <summary> /// Exposes methods and properties used in batch styling of text. In contrast to the TextAnnotator /// class, this class is meant to be used in the styling of *formatted* strings, i.e. strings that /// follow the "{0}, {1}...{n}" pattern. /// </summary> /// <param name="defaultColor"> /// The color to be associated with unstyled text. /// </param> public TextFormatter( Color defaultColor) { _defaultColor = defaultColor; _textPattern = new TextPattern(_defaultFormatToken); }
public static void GetValue(AutomationElement element, ref string value) { TextPattern valuePattern = (TextPattern)element.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); value = valuePattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); }
public void ParagraphNormalize() { string text = "gomez thing\r\nmorticia\twednesday"; SetText(text); Thread.Sleep(500); TextPattern textPattern = (TextPattern)textbox3Element.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); TextPatternRange range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); // NOTE: These all pass successfully on Windows Vista, so // think twice before you change anything. // Case #1 int moved_units; // Looks like gtk collapses \r\n into one char moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -100); // Seems that SWF treats \n as two chars or something similar int expected = (Atspi? -31: -32); Assert.AreEqual(expected, moved_units, "Case 1: Moved units are incorrect in -100 character move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, range.GetText(-1), "Case 1: Text is incorrect in -100 character move"); range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 1: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); // Case #2 range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -23); Assert.AreEqual(-23, moved_units, "Case 2: Moved units are incorrect in -23 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("gomez th", range.GetText(-1), "Case 2: Text is incorrect in -23 character move"); range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 2: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); // Case #3 range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -18); Assert.AreEqual(-18, moved_units, "Case 3: Moved units are incorrect in -18 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 3: Text is incorrect in -18 character move"); range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 3: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); // Case #4 range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -14); Assert.AreEqual(-14, moved_units, "Case 4: Moved units are incorrect in -14 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\nmort", range.GetText(-1), "Case 4: Text is incorrect in -14 character move"); // XXX: Behaves differently than TextUnit.Line range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\nmorticia\twednesday", range.GetText(-1), "Case 4: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); // Case #5 range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, moved_units, "Case 5: Moved units are incorrect in +2 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("mez thing\r\nmorticia\twednesday", range.GetText(-1), "Case 5: Text is incorrect in +2 character move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -100); expected = (Atspi? -31: -32); Assert.AreEqual(expected, moved_units, "Case 1: Moved units are incorrect in -100 character move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, range.GetText(-1), "Case 5: Text is incorrect in -100 character move"); range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 5: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); // Case #6 range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -18); Assert.AreEqual(-18, moved_units, "Case 6: Moved units are incorrect in -18 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 6: Text is incorrect in -18 character move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, moved_units, "Case 6: Moved units are incorrect in +2 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("mez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 6: Text is incorrect in 2 character move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -4); Assert.AreEqual(-4, moved_units, "Case 6: Moved units are incorrect in -4 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("mez thi", range.GetText(-1), "Case 6: Text is incorrect in -4 character move"); range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 6: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); // Case #7 range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -18); Assert.AreEqual(-18, moved_units, "Case 7: Moved units are incorrect in -18 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 7: Text is incorrect in -18 character move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 4); Assert.AreEqual(4, moved_units, "Case 7: Moved units are incorrect in +4 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("z thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 7: Text is incorrect in +4 character move"); range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\n", range.GetText(-1), "Case 7: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); // Case #8 range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, moved_units, "Case 8: Moved units are incorrect in +2 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("mez thing\r\nmorticia\twednesday", range.GetText(-1), "Case 8: Text is incorrect in +2 character move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, -16); Assert.AreEqual(-16, moved_units, "Case 8: Moved units are incorrect in -16 character move"); Assert.AreEqual("mez thing\r\nmo", range.GetText(-1), "Case 8: Text is incorrect in -16 character move"); // XXX: Behaves differently than TextUnit.Line range.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit.Paragraph); Assert.AreEqual("gomez thing\r\nmorticia\twednesday", range.GetText(-1), "Case 8: Text is incorrect in ExpandToEnclosingUnit"); }
private void MoveEndpointByParagraphIntensive(string newline) { string text = String.Format("apples{0}{0}pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline); SetText(text); Thread.Sleep(500); TextPattern textPattern = (TextPattern)textbox3Element.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); TextPatternRange range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); // NOTE: These all pass successfully on Windows Vista, so // think twice before you change anything. int moved_units; moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 1); Assert.AreEqual(1, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in 0 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("pples{0}{0}pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in 0 paragraph move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Paragraph, -1); Assert.AreEqual(-1, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in -1 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("apples{0}{0}pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in -1 paragraph move"); range = textPattern.DocumentRange.Clone(); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, 1); Assert.AreEqual(1, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in +1 character move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("pples{0}{0}pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in +1 character move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Paragraph, 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in +2 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in +2 paragraph move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Paragraph, -1); Assert.AreEqual(-1, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in first -1 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("{0}pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in -1 paragraph move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Paragraph, -1); Assert.AreEqual(-1, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in first -1 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("apples{0}{0}pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in -1 paragraph move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Paragraph, 4); Assert.AreEqual(4, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in +4 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in +4 paragraph move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Paragraph, 10); Assert.AreEqual(2, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in +10 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in +10 paragraph move"); moved_units = range.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Paragraph, -10); Assert.AreEqual(-6, moved_units, "Moved units are incorrect in -10 paragraph move"); Assert.AreEqual(String.Format("apples{0}{0}pears{0}peaches{0}{0}bananas", newline), range.GetText(-1), "Text is incorrect in -10 paragraph move"); // Going bananas yet? }
public static string GetTextPattern(AutomationElement targetTextElement, TextPattern textPattern) { return(textPattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1)); }
private void MouseHook_LeftButtonUp(MouseHook.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT mouseStruct) { mouseHook.Uninstall(); Point mousePoint = new Point(,; int hwnd = User.WindowFromPoint(,; if (0 == hwnd) { return; } int root = User.GetAncestor((IntPtr)hwnd, User.GA_ROOT); int pid = 0; User.GetWindowThreadProcessId((IntPtr)root, ref pid); Process[] processlist = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process p in processlist) { if (p.Id == pid) { mainwndText = p.MainWindowTitle; processName = p.ProcessName; //processPath = p.MainModule.FileName; } } Automation.Condition condition = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, mainwndText); AutomationElement appElement = rootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, condition); AutomationElementCollection theCollection = appElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, Automation.Condition.TrueCondition); if (null == appElement) { return; } AutomationElement focusElement = AutomationElement.FromPoint(mousePoint); switch (focusElement.Current.FrameworkId) { case "WPF": switch (focusElement.Current.ClassName) { case "TextBox": { ValuePattern pattern = focusElement.GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern) as ValuePattern; tb_detail.Text += pattern.Current.Value + "\r\n"; } break; case "TextBlock": case "Text": { tb_detail.Text += focusElement.Current.Name + "\r\n"; } break; case "RichTextBox": { TextPattern pattern = focusElement.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; string controlText = pattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); tb_detail.Text += controlText + "\r\n"; } break; } break; case "Win32": if (focusElement.Current.ControlType == ControlType.Document || focusElement.Current.ControlType == ControlType.Edit) { TextPattern pattern = focusElement.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; string controlText = pattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); tb_detail.Text += controlText + "\r\n"; } else if (focusElement.Current.ControlType == ControlType.Text) { tb_detail.Text += focusElement.Current.Name + "\r\n"; } break; case "WinForm": tb_detail.Text += focusElement.Current.Name + "\r\n"; break; case "Silverlight": break; case "SWT": break; default: break; } TreeWalker tWalker = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker; AutomationElement parentElement = tWalker.GetParent(focusElement); if (parentElement == AutomationElement.RootElement) { return; } while (true) { AutomationElement element = tWalker.GetParent(parentElement); if (element == AutomationElement.RootElement) { break; } else { parentElement = element; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("\nBegin WinForm UIAutomation test run\n"); // launch Form1 application // get refernce to main Form control // get references to user controls // manipulate application // check resulting state and determine pass/fail Console.WriteLine("\nBegin WinForm UIAutomation test run\n"); Console.WriteLine("Launching WinFormTest application"); //启动被测试的程序 Process p = Process.Start(@"E:\Project\WinFormTest\WinFormTest\bin\Debug\WinFormTest.exe"); //自动化根元素 AutomationElement aeDeskTop = AutomationElement.RootElement; Thread.Sleep(2000); AutomationElement aeForm = AutomationElement.FromHandle(p.MainWindowHandle); //获得对主窗体对象的引用,该对象实际上就是 Form1 应用程序(方法一) //if (null == aeForm) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Can not find the WinFormTest from."); //} //获得对主窗体对象的引用,该对象实际上就是 Form1 应用程序(方法二) int numWaits = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Looking for WinFormTest……"); //查找第一个自动化元素 aeForm = aeDeskTop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition( AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Form1")); ++numWaits; Thread.Sleep(100); } while (null == aeForm && numWaits < 50); if (null == aeForm) { throw new NullReferenceException("Failed to find WinFormTest."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Found it!"); } Console.WriteLine("Finding all user controls"); //找到第一次出现的Button控件 AutomationElement aeButton = aeForm.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "button1")); //找到所有的TextBox控件 AutomationElementCollection aeAllTextBoxes = aeForm.FindAll(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Edit)); // 控件初始化的顺序是先初始化后添加到控件 // this.Controls.Add(this.textBox3); // this.Controls.Add(this.textBox2); // this.Controls.Add(this.textBox1); AutomationElement aeTextBox1 = aeAllTextBoxes[2]; AutomationElement aeTextBox2 = aeAllTextBoxes[1]; AutomationElement aeTextBox3 = aeAllTextBoxes[0]; Console.WriteLine("Settiing input to '30'"); //通过ValuePattern设置TextBox1的值 ValuePattern vpTextBox1 = (ValuePattern)aeTextBox1.GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern); vpTextBox1.SetValue("30"); Console.WriteLine("Settiing input to '50'"); //通过ValuePattern设置TextBox2的值 ValuePattern vpTextBox2 = (ValuePattern)aeTextBox2.GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern); vpTextBox2.SetValue("50"); Thread.Sleep(1500); Console.WriteLine("Clickinig on button1 Button."); //通过InvokePattern模拟点击按钮 InvokePattern ipClickButton1 = (InvokePattern)aeButton.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern); ipClickButton1.Invoke(); Thread.Sleep(1500); //验证计算的结果与预期的结果是否相符合 Console.WriteLine("Checking textBox3 for '80'"); TextPattern tpTextBox3 = (TextPattern)aeTextBox3.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); string result = tpTextBox3.DocumentRange.GetText(-1);//获取textbox3中的值 //获取textbox3中的值 //string result = (string)aeTextBox2.GetCurrentPropertyValue(ValuePattern.ValueProperty); if ("80" == result) { Console.WriteLine("Found it."); Console.WriteLine("TTest scenario: *PASS*"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Did not find it."); Console.WriteLine("Test scenario: *FAIL*"); } Console.WriteLine("Close application in 5 seconds."); Thread.Sleep(5000); //实现关闭被测试程序 WindowPattern wpCloseForm = (WindowPattern)aeForm.GetCurrentPattern(WindowPattern.Pattern); wpCloseForm.Close(); Console.WriteLine("\nEnd test run\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Fatal error: " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Exposes methods and properties used in batch styling of text. In contrast to the TextAnnotator /// class, this class is meant to be used in the styling of *formatted* strings, i.e. strings that /// follow the "{0}, {1}...{n}" pattern. /// </summary> /// <param name="defaultColor">The color to be associated with unstyled text.</param> /// <param name="formatToken">A regular expression representing the format token. By default, /// the TextFormatter will use a regular expression that matches the "{0}, {1}...{n}" pattern.</param> public TextFormatter(Color defaultColor, string formatToken) { this.defaultColor = defaultColor; textPattern = new TextPattern(defaultFormatToken); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the plain text of the text range. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The UI Automation element</param> /// <param name="maxLength">The maximum length of the string to return. Use -1 if no limit is required</param> /// <returns> /// The plain text of the text range, possibly truncated at the specified maxLength /// </returns> internal static string GetText(AutomationElement control, int maxLength) { TextPattern pat = (TextPattern)CommonUIAPatternHelpers.CheckPatternSupport(TextPattern.Pattern, control); return(pat.DocumentRange.GetText(maxLength)); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves an array of disjoint text ranges from a text container where each text range begins with the first /// partially visible line through to the end of the last partially visible line /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The UI Automation element</param> /// <returns> /// The collection of visible text ranges within the container or an empty array /// </returns> internal static TextPatternRange[] GetVisibleRanges(AutomationElement control) { TextPattern pat = (TextPattern)CommonUIAPatternHelpers.CheckPatternSupport(TextPattern.Pattern, control); return(pat.GetVisibleRanges()); }
internal TextPatternRange (TextPattern textPattern, ITextPatternRange source) { TextPattern = textPattern; this.source = source; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a value that specifies whether a text provider supports selection and, if so, the type of selection supported /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The UI Automation element</param> /// <returns> /// <see cref="SupportedTextSelection"/> None, Single, or Multiple /// </returns> internal static SupportedTextSelection GetSupportedTextSelection(AutomationElement control) { TextPattern pat = (TextPattern)CommonUIAPatternHelpers.CheckPatternSupport(TextPattern.Pattern, control); return(pat.SupportedTextSelection); }
internal static TextPatternRange [] Wrap(SafeTextRangeHandle [] hTextRanges, TextPattern pattern) { if (hTextRanges == null) return null; TextPatternRange[] ranges = new TextPatternRange[hTextRanges.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < hTextRanges.Length; i++) { // if invalid, leave as null if (!hTextRanges[i].IsInvalid) { ranges[i] = new TextPatternRange(hTextRanges[i], pattern); } } return ranges; }
internal TextPatternRange(TextPattern textPattern, ITextPatternRange source) { TextPattern = textPattern; this.source = source; }
public static string GetText(AutomationElement element) { TextPattern currentPattern = AutomationPatternHelper.GetTextPattern(element); return(currentPattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1)); }
public TextPatternPropertyObject(TextPattern pattern) { this._pattern = pattern; }
public void GetMatchLocations_ReturnsOneMatchLocation_WhenIdenticalStringIsMatchedAgainst() { TextPattern pattern = new TextPattern(dummyString); Assert.Single(pattern.GetMatchLocations(dummyString)); }
internal static TextPatternRange[] Wrap(UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationTextRangeArray ranges, TextPattern pattern) { if (ranges == null) { return null; } TextPatternRange[] rangeArray = new TextPatternRange[ranges.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++) { rangeArray[i] = new TextPatternRange(ranges.GetElement(i), pattern); } return rangeArray; }
//需要传一个IE窗口标题的参数, 如上海清算所招聘后台管理系统 static void Main(string[] args) { AutomationElement desktop = AutomationElement.RootElement; Thread.Sleep(3000); try { String title = null; if (args.Length == 1) { title = args[0] + " - Internet Explorer"; } //IE弹出窗口 var downloadWin = desktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Window), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, title) //"上海清算所招聘后台管理系统 - Internet Explorer" )); //下拉箭头 Condition dropDownCondition = new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.SplitButton), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "")); var dropDownBtn = downloadWin.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, dropDownCondition); InvokePattern invoke = (InvokePattern)dropDownBtn.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern); invoke.Invoke(); Thread.Sleep(2000); //选择另存为 Condition savaAsCondition = new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.MenuItem), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "另存为(A)")); var savaAsMenu = desktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, savaAsCondition); ((InvokePattern)savaAsMenu.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern)).Invoke(); Thread.Sleep(3000); //另存为对话框 var savaAsWin = desktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Window), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "另存为"))); Condition fileNameCondition = new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Edit), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "文件名:")); var fileNameTxt = savaAsWin.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, fileNameCondition); TextPattern valuePattern = (TextPattern)fileNameTxt.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); string fileName = valuePattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); //取文件名 String fullPath = @"D:\autoItDownload\" + fileName; String iniFile = @"D:\autoItDownload\downloadFileFullPath.ini"; if (File.Exists(fullPath)) { File.Delete(fullPath); } try { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(iniFile)) { sw.Write(fullPath); sw.Flush(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } ValuePattern name = (ValuePattern)fileNameTxt.GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern); name.SetValue(fullPath); //save Condition saveCondition = new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Button), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "保存(S)")); var saveBtn = savaAsWin.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, saveCondition); ((InvokePattern)saveBtn.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern)).Invoke(); Thread.Sleep(5000); //close the window Condition closeCondition = new AndCondition( new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Button), new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "关闭")); var closeBtn = downloadWin.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, closeCondition); ((InvokePattern)closeBtn.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern)).Invoke(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("下载文件异常"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
internal static TextPatternRange Wrap(UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationTextRange range, TextPattern pattern) { Debug.Assert(pattern != null); if (range == null) { return(null); } else { return(new TextPatternRange(range, pattern)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // テスト自動化の一般的な処理として、ハーネスの最上位のtry/catch ブロックでラップして致命的なエラーに対処している。 try { Console.WriteLine("\nBegin WPF UIAutomation test run\n"); // テストアプリを起動。 Process p = null; p = Process.Start("..\\..\\..\\WPFUITest\\bin\\Debug\\WPFUITest.exe"); // sleep(遅延ループ) int ct = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Looking for CryptoCalc process. . . "); ++ct; Thread.Sleep(100); } while (p == null && ct < 50); // 遅延ループがタイムアウトになったか、またはAUTプロセスが見つかったかを判断する。 if (p == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to find CryptoCalc process"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Found CryptoCalc process"); } // テストアプリを参照するため、全ての親WindowとなるDesktopを取得する。 Console.WriteLine("\nGetting Desktop"); AutomationElement aeDesktop = null; aeDesktop = AutomationElement.RootElement; // DeskTopが取得できたか? if (aeDesktop == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to get Desktop"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Found Desktop\n"); } // DeskTopからテストアプリを取得する。 AutomationElement aeCryptoCalc = null; int numWaits = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Looking for CryptoCalc main window. . . "); aeCryptoCalc = aeDesktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Window1")); ++numWaits; Thread.Sleep(200); } while (aeCryptoCalc == null && numWaits < 50); // テストアプリが取得できたか? if (aeCryptoCalc == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to find CryptoCalc main window"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Found CryptoCalc main window"); } #if false // 自動テストがてら、エビデンスのキャプチャもとっちゃおう!というコード // テストアプリのウィンドウ位置を取得する(キャプチャに使用) var rtWindow = aeCryptoCalc.Current.BoundingRectangle; #endif // テストアプリからボタンを取得する。 // Buttonコントロールは静的コントロールであるため、コントロールへの参照にアクセスする前に遅延ループ手法を使用する必要はない。(動的コントロールの場合は必要になる!) Console.WriteLine("\nGetting all user controls"); AutomationElement aeButton = null; aeButton = aeCryptoCalc.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Compute")); // ボタンが取得できたか? if (aeButton == null) { throw new Exception("No compute button"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Got Compute button"); } // テストアプリからテキストボックスを取得する。 #if false // TextBoxコントロール(に限るのかな?)はNameプロパティを受け取らないため、AutomationIdPropertyを使用する。 AutomationElement aeTextBox1 = null; aeTextBox1 = aeCryptoCalc.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "TextBox1")); #else // または、こんな方法もあるよ! AutomationElementCollection aeAllTextBoxes = null; aeAllTextBoxes = aeCryptoCalc.FindAll(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Edit)); if (aeAllTextBoxes == null) { throw new Exception("No textboxes collection"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Got textboxes collection"); } AutomationElement aeTextBox1 = null; AutomationElement aeTextBox2 = null; aeTextBox1 = aeAllTextBoxes[0]; aeTextBox2 = aeAllTextBoxes[1]; if (aeTextBox1 == null || aeTextBox2 == null) { throw new Exception("TextBox1 or TextBox2 not found"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Got TextBox1 and TextBox2"); } #endif // テストアプリからラジオボタンを取得する。 AutomationElement aeRadioButton3 = null; aeRadioButton3 = aeCryptoCalc.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "DES Encrypt")); if (aeRadioButton3 == null) { throw new Exception("No RadioButton3"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Got RadioButton3"); } // テキストボックス1にHello!を入力する。 // 直接参照するのではなく、ValuePatternオブジェクト経由のSetValueで入力する。 Console.WriteLine("\nSetting input to 'Hello!'"); ValuePattern vpTextBox1 = (ValuePattern)aeTextBox1.GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern); vpTextBox1.SetValue("Hello!"); #if false // 自動テストがてら、エビデンスのキャプチャもとっちゃおう!というコード // キャプチャをとる。 Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)rtWindow.Width, (int)rtWindow.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { g.CopyFromScreen(int.Parse(rtWindow.X.ToString()) , int.Parse(rtWindow.Y.ToString()) , 0 , 0 , new System.Drawing.Size((int)rtWindow.Size.Width, (int)rtWindow.Size.Height) , CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); } string filePath = @"c:\screen.bmp"; bmp.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Bmp); #endif // ラジオボタンにチェックを入れる。 Console.WriteLine("Selecting 'DES Encrypt' "); SelectionItemPattern spSelectRadioButton3 = (SelectionItemPattern)aeRadioButton3.GetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern); spSelectRadioButton3.Select(); // ボタンをクリックする。 Console.WriteLine("\nClicking on Compute button"); InvokePattern ipClickButton1 = (InvokePattern)aeButton.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern); ipClickButton1.Invoke(); Thread.Sleep(1500); // テキストボックス2の値を確認する。 Console.WriteLine("\nChecking TextBox2 for '91-1E-84-41-67-4B-FF-8F'"); TextPattern tpTextBox2 = (TextPattern)aeTextBox2.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern); string result = tpTextBox2.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); // これでもOK //string result = (string)aeTextBox2.GetCurrentPropertyValue(ValuePattern.ValueProperty); if (result == "91-1E-84-41-67-4B-FF-8F") { Console.WriteLine("Found it"); Console.WriteLine("\nTest scenario: Pass"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Did not find it"); Console.WriteLine("\nTest scenario: *FAIL*"); } // Menuコントロールを調べ、テストアプリを終了する。 Console.WriteLine("\nClicking on File-Exit item in 5 seconds"); Thread.Sleep(5000); AutomationElement aeFile = null; aeFile = aeCryptoCalc.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "File")); if (aeFile == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find File menu"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Got File menu"); } // [File]項目を展開する。 Console.WriteLine("Clicking on 'File'"); ExpandCollapsePattern expClickFile = (ExpandCollapsePattern)aeFile.GetCurrentPattern(ExpandCollapsePattern.Pattern); expClickFile.Expand(); // [Exit]をクリックする。 AutomationElement aeFileExit = null; aeFileExit = aeCryptoCalc.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Exit")); if (aeFileExit == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find File-Exit"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Got File-Exit"); } InvokePattern ipFileExit = (InvokePattern)aeFileExit.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern); ipFileExit.Invoke(); Console.WriteLine("\nEnd automation\n"); // Console.WriteLine("\nEnd automation\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Fatal: " + ex.Message); } }
public void FaultAppendText() { //This is a work-around, Xunit moves the reference dll's at run time so we need to call register //from the test, instead of TestApiCore. string processorArch = DetectProccessorArchitecture(); ComRegistrar.Register(@".\FaultInjectionEngine\" + processorArch + @"\FaultInjectionEngine.dll"); string sampleAppPath = "SampleApp.exe"; //Create the FaultRule and FaultSession FaultRule rule = new FaultRule( "SampleApp.Window1.Append(string, string)", BuiltInConditions.TriggerOnEveryCall, BuiltInFaults.ReturnValueFault("")); FaultSession session = new FaultSession(rule); //Start the app ProcessStartInfo psi = session.GetProcessStartInfo(sampleAppPath); OutOfProcessApplication testApp = new OutOfProcessApplication( new OutOfProcessApplicationSettings { ProcessStartInfo = psi, ApplicationImplementationFactory = new UIAutomationOutOfProcessApplicationFactory() }); testApp.Start(); try { testApp.WaitForMainWindow(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)); // Discover various elements in the UI AutomationElement mainWindowElement = (AutomationElement)testApp.MainWindow; AutomationElement inputTextBox = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(mainWindowElement, "inputTextBox")[0]; AutomationElement outputTextBox = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(mainWindowElement, "outputTextBox")[0]; AutomationElement appendButton = AutomationUtilities.FindElementsById(mainWindowElement, "appendButton")[0]; // Click on the input text box and simulate typing string inputText = "TestTest"; string expectedText = ""; //expected text should be nothing since we intercept the Append method WindowPattern winPattern = mainWindowElement.GetCurrentPattern(WindowPattern.Pattern) as WindowPattern; Helpers.MoveToAndClick(inputTextBox); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(inputWaitTime); Microsoft.Test.Input.Keyboard.Type(inputText); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(inputWaitTime); // Now click the button Helpers.MoveToAndClick(appendButton); winPattern.WaitForInputIdle(inputWaitTime); // Now, get the text of the outputTextBox and compare it against what's expected // Fail the test if expected != actual TextPattern textPattern = outputTextBox.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern; string actualText = textPattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1); // Report the test result Assert.Equal <string>(expectedText, actualText); } finally { // Close the tested application testApp.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the degenerate (empty) text range nearest to the specified screen coordinates /// </summary> /// <param name="control">The UI Automation element</param> /// <param name="screenLocation">The location in screen coordinates</param> /// <returns> /// A degenerate range nearest the specified location /// </returns> internal static TextPatternRange GetRangeFromPoint(AutomationElement control, Point screenLocation) { TextPattern pat = (TextPattern)CommonUIAPatternHelpers.CheckPatternSupport(TextPattern.Pattern, control); return(pat.RangeFromPoint(screenLocation)); }