void Save() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); var price = (double)m_nudPrice.Value; DateTime dtSpot = m_dtpSpotTime.Value; if (m_spotValue.Price == price && m_spotValue.SpotTime == dtSpot) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } //verification contrainte 8 using (var ndxer = new AttrIndexer <DateTime>(m_ndxerValues.Source, d => (d as SpotValue).SpotTime)) { ndxer.Connect(); IEnumerable <SpotValue> values = from SpotValue sv in ndxer.Get(dtSpot) where sv.ProductID == m_spotValue.ProductID && sv.SupplierID == m_spotValue.SupplierID && sv.ValueContextID == m_spotValue.ValueContextID select sv; if (values.Count() > 1 || (values.Count() == 1 && values.Single().ID != m_spotValue.ID)) { var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); foreach (SpotValue sv in values) { logger.PutLine(sv); } logger.Flush(); MessageBox.Show("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations.", null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } var newValue = new SpotValue(m_spotValue.ID, price, dtSpot, m_spotValue.ProductID, m_spotValue.ValueContextID, m_spotValue.SupplierID, 0); m_ndxerValues.Source.Replace(m_ndxerValues.IndexOf(m_spotValue.ID), newValue); TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); Close(); } }
void Save() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); string name = m_tbName.GetInputText(); //is input ok if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { this.ShowWarning("Nom de source mal servis. Veuillez compléter le formulaire."); m_tbName.Select(); return; } //any modifs? if (m_datum.Name == name) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } //any dupliacte? var rows = m_ndxerSuppliers.Source.Count == 0 ? Enumerable.Empty <DataSupplier>() : from ds in m_ndxerSuppliers.Source.Enumerate().Cast <DataSupplier>() where string.Compare(ds.Name, name) == 0 && ds.ID != m_datum.ID select ds; if (rows.Any()) { DataSupplier supplier = rows.First(); var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); logger.Put("ID: {0}\n", supplier.ID); logger.Put("Source: {0}", supplier.Name); logger.Flush(); this.ShowWarning("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations."); } else { var supplier = new DataSupplier(m_datum.ID, name); int ndx = m_ndxerSuppliers.IndexOf(m_datum.ID); m_ndxerSuppliers.Source.Replace(ndx, supplier); Close(); TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); } }
void Save() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); string ictName = m_tbName.GetInputText(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ictName)) { this.ShowWarning("Champs monétaire mal servi. Veuillez compléter le formulaire."); m_tbName.Select(); return; } if (m_incoterm != null && m_incoterm.Name == ictName) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } IEnumerable <IDatum> data = m_ndxerNames.Get(ictName.ToUpper()); int count = data.Count(); if (count == 0 || (count == 1 && m_incoterm != null && m_incoterm.ID == data.Cast <Incoterm>().Single().ID)) { uint id = m_incoterm == null?AppContext.TableManager.Incoterms.CreateUniqID() : m_incoterm.ID; var ict = new Incoterm(id, ictName); if (m_incoterm == null) { m_ndxerNames.Source.Insert(ict); } else { m_ndxerNames.Source.Replace(m_ndxerNames.IndexOf(m_incoterm.Name.ToUpper()).Single(), ict); } TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); Close(); } else { var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); foreach (Incoterm ict in data) { logger.PutLine(ict); } logger.Flush(); MessageBox.Show("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations.", null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
void Save() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); //is input ok? string name = m_tbName.GetInputText(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { this.ShowWarning("Champs monétaire mal servi. Veuillez compléter le formulaire."); m_tbName.Select(); return; } uint idCtry = (m_cbCountries.SelectedItem as CountryListEntry).Country.ID; if (m_datum != null && name == m_datum.Name && idCtry == m_datum.CountryID) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } /* * - selon containte 4 (name, idCtry) est unique * **/ //any duplicate? Predicate <IDatum> filter = d => { var place = d as Place; return(string.Compare(place.Name, name, true) == 0 && place.CountryID == idCtry); }; bool duplicate = true; using (var dp = new DatumProvider(m_ndxerPlaces.Source, filter)) using (new AutoReleaser(() => UseWaitCursor = false)) { UseWaitCursor = true; dp.Connect(); if (dp.Count == 0 || (dp.Count == 1 && m_datum != null && m_datum.ID != (dp.Get(0) as Place).ID)) { duplicate = false; } else { var place = dp.Get(0) as Place; var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); logger.Put("ID: {0}\n", place.ID); logger.Put("Lieu: {0}\n", place.Name); logger.Put("Pays: {0}", (m_cbCountries.SelectedItem as CountryListEntry).Country); logger.Flush(); } } if (duplicate) { this.ShowWarning("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations."); } else { uint id = (m_datum?.ID) ?? AppContext.TableManager.Places.CreateUniqID(); var place = new Place(id, name, idCtry); if (m_datum == null) { m_ndxerPlaces.Source.Insert(place); ClearForm(); } else { int ndx = m_ndxerPlaces.IndexOf(m_datum.ID); m_ndxerPlaces.Source.Replace(ndx, place); Close(); } TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); } }
void Save() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); string name = m_tbName.GetInputText(); SubHeading subHeading = SubHeading.Parse(m_tbSubHeading.GetInputText()); //is input ok? if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || subHeading == null) { this.ShowWarning("Champs mal servis. Veuillez compléter le formulaire."); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { m_tbName.SelectAll(); } else { m_tbSubHeading.Select(); } return; } //any modif.? if (m_datum != null && name == m_datum.Name && subHeading.Value == m_datum.SubHeading.Value) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } //any duplicates? Predicate <IDatum> filter = d => { var prod = d as Product; return(prod.SubHeading.Value == subHeading.Value && string.Compare(name, prod.Name, true) == 0 && (m_datum == null || m_datum.ID != prod.ID)); }; bool duplicate = true; using (var dp = new DatumProvider(m_ndxerProducts.Source, filter)) using (new AutoReleaser(() => UseWaitCursor = false)) { UseWaitCursor = true; dp.Connect(); if (dp.Count == 0) { duplicate = false; } else { Product prod = dp.Get(0) as Product; var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); logger.Put("ID: {0}\n", prod.ID); logger.Put("Pays: {0}\n", prod.Name); logger.Put("Code: {0}", prod.SubHeading); logger.Flush(); } } if (duplicate) { this.ShowWarning("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations."); } else { uint id = (m_datum?.ID) ?? AppContext.TableManager.Products.CreateUniqID(); var prod = new Product(id, name, subHeading); if (m_datum == null) { m_ndxerProducts.Source.Insert(prod); ClearForm(); } else { int ndx = m_ndxerProducts.IndexOf(m_datum.ID); m_ndxerProducts.Source.Replace(ndx, prod); Close(); } TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); } }
void Save() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); /* * - Name required and not uniq * - Description and CountryID not required and both not uniq * */ string name = m_tbName.GetInputText(); //is input ok? if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { this.ShowWarning("Champs monétaire mal servi. Veuillez compléter le formulaire."); m_tbName.Select(); return; } string descr = m_tbDescription.GetInputText(); uint idCtry = m_cbCountries.SelectedIndex == 0 ? 0 : (m_cbCountries.SelectedItem as CountryListEntry).Country.ID; //any modif? if (m_datum != null && name == m_datum.Name && m_datum.Description == descr && idCtry == m_datum.CountryID) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } /* * - si idCtry == 0 => name doit etre unique * - sinon (name, idCtry) doit etre unique * * # * - checher name -> rows * - si rows.Count = 0 => ok * - si rows.Count = 1 et m_datum != null => ok * - sinon * - si idCtry = 0 => erreur * - sinon * - pour tout r dans rows * - si r.CountryID = 0 ou r.CountryID == idCtry => erreur **/ //any duplicate? bool duplicate = true; using (var ndxerNames = new AttrIndexer <string>(m_ndxerCurrencies.Source, d => (d as Currency).Name.ToUpper())) using (new AutoReleaser(() => UseWaitCursor = false)) { UseWaitCursor = true; ndxerNames.Connect(); Currency[] rows = ndxerNames.Get(name.ToUpper()).Cast <Currency>().ToArray(); if (rows.Length == 0 || (rows.Length == 1 && m_datum != null && m_datum.ID == rows[0].ID)) { duplicate = false; } else { var cncy = rows.First(); var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); logger.Put("ID: {0}\n", cncy.ID); logger.Put("Monnaie: {0}\n", cncy.Name); logger.Put("Pays ID: {0}\n", cncy.CountryID); logger.Put("Description ISO: {0}", cncy.Description); logger.Flush(); } } if (duplicate) { this.ShowWarning("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations."); } else { uint id = (m_datum?.ID) ?? AppContext.TableManager.Currencies.CreateUniqID(); var cncy = new Currency(id, name, idCtry, descr); if (m_datum == null) { AppContext.LogManager.LogUserActivity($"Action utilsateur: Ajout d'une monnaie: {cncy}"); m_ndxerCurrencies.Source.Insert(cncy); ClearForm(); } else { AppContext.LogManager.LogUserActivity("Action utilsateur: Remplacement d'une monnaie: " + $"ancienne valeur: {m_datum}, nouvelle valeur: {cncy}"); int ndx = m_ndxerCurrencies.IndexOf(m_datum.ID); m_ndxerCurrencies.Source.Replace(ndx, cncy); Close(); } TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); } }
void SaveDatum() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); /* - check that fields are filled * - in edit mode: * - if no change then exit (case sensitive) * - iterate through rows and check that: * - Name, Code are uniq * - if isoCode is set then it must be uniq * - if no duplicate then save * - otherwise inform * */ string name = m_tbName.GetInputText(); var code = (ushort)m_nudInternalCode.Value; string isoCode = m_tbIsoCode.GetInputText(); //input is ok? if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) || code == 0) { string msg = "Certains champs sont mal servis. Veuillez compléter le formulaire."; MessageBox.Show(msg, null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { m_tbName.SelectAll(); } else { m_nudInternalCode.Select(); } return; } //are there any modif? if (m_datum != null && name == m_datum.Name && code == m_datum.InternalCode && isoCode == m_datum.IsoCode) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } Predicate <IDatum> filter = d => { var row = d as Country; return((row.InternalCode == code || string.Compare(name, row.Name, true) == 0 || (isoCode != "" && string.Compare(isoCode, row.IsoCode, true) == 0)) && (m_datum == null || m_datum.ID != row.ID)); }; bool duplicate = true; using (new AutoReleaser(() => UseWaitCursor = false)) using (var dp = new DatumProvider(m_ndxerCountries.Source, filter)) { UseWaitCursor = true; dp.Connect(); //any dupliacte data? if (dp.Count == 0) { uint id = m_datum == null?AppContext.TableManager.Countries.CreateUniqID() : m_datum.ID; var ctry = new Country(id, name, code, isoCode); if (m_datum == null) { AppContext.LogManager.LogUserActivity($"Action utilisateur : Ajout d’un pays: {ctry}"); m_ndxerCountries.Source.Insert(ctry); m_tbIsoCode.Clear(); m_tbName.Clear(); m_nudInternalCode.Value = 0; m_tbName.Select(); } else { AppContext.LogManager.LogUserActivity("Action utilisateur : Remplacement d’un pays: " + $"ancienne valeur: {m_datum}, nouvelle vaeur: {ctry}"); int ndx = m_ndxerCountries.IndexOf(id); m_ndxerCountries.Source.Replace(ndx, ctry); Close(); } duplicate = false; } if (duplicate) { var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); foreach (Country ctry in dp.Enumerate()) { logger.Put("ID: {0}\n", ctry.ID); logger.Put("Pays: {0}\n", ctry.Name); logger.Put("Code: {0}\n", ctry.InternalCode); logger.Put("Code ISO: {0}", ctry.IsoCode); } logger.Flush(); } } if (duplicate) { MessageBox.Show("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations.", null, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); } }
void Save() { Assert(!InvokeRequired); string name = m_tbName.GetInputText(); //is input ok? if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { this.ShowWarning("Unité mal servie. Veuillez compléter le formulaire."); m_tbName.Select(); return; } string descr = m_tbDescription.GetInputText(); //any modif? if (m_datum != null && name == m_datum.Name && descr == m_datum.Description) { TextLogger.Info("Aucune modification détectée, enregistrement non-nécessaire."); Close(); return; } //any duplicate? using (new AutoReleaser(() => UseWaitCursor = false)) { UseWaitCursor = true; var seq = m_ndxerUnits.Source.Count == 0 ? Enumerable.Empty <Unit>() : from u in m_ndxerUnits.Source.Enumerate().Cast <Unit>() where string.Compare(u.Name, name, true) == 0 && (m_datum == null || m_datum.ID != u.ID) select u; if (seq.Any()) { Unit unit = seq.First(); var logger = new TextLogger(LogSeverity.Warning); logger.Put("Duplication de données détectée."); logger.Put("Elément trouvé:\n"); logger.Put("ID: {0}\n", unit.ID); logger.Put("Unité: {0}\n", unit.Name); logger.Put("Description: {0}", unit.Description); logger.Flush(); this.ShowWarning("La validation de données a échouée. " + "Consultez le journal des événements pour plus d’informations."); } else { uint id = (m_datum?.ID) ?? AppContext.TableManager.Units.CreateUniqID(); var unit = new Unit(id, name, descr); if (m_datum != null) { int ndx = m_ndxerUnits.IndexOf(id); m_ndxerUnits.Source.Replace(ndx, unit); Close(); } else { m_ndxerUnits.Source.Insert(unit); ClearForm(); } TextLogger.Info("Enregistrement réussi."); } } }