Example #1
        public override void Construct()
            Font  = "font10";
            Title = AddChild(new Widget()
                Font       = "font16",
                Text       = "Finance",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop

            InfoWidget = AddChild(new Widget()
                Font        = "font10",
                Text        = "",
                MinimumSize = new Point(640, 300),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop

            OnUpdate = (sender, time) =>
                numrows = 0;
                AddRow("Corporate Liquid Assets:", World.Overworld.PlayerCorporationFunds.ToString());
                AddRow("Corporate Material Assets:", new DwarfBux(World.Overworld.PlayerCorporationResources.Enumerate().Sum(r => r.MoneyValue)).ToString());
                AddRow("Liquid assets:", Faction.Economy.Funds.ToString());
                var resources = World.EnumerateResourcesIncludingMinions();
                AddRow("Material assets:", String.Format("{0} goods valued at ${1}",
                                                         resources.Sum(r => r.MoneyValue)));
                var payPerDay = (DwarfBux)Faction.Minions.Select(m => m.Stats.CurrentLevel.Pay.Value).Sum();
                AddRow("Employees:", String.Format("{0} at {1} per day.", Faction.Minions.Count, payPerDay));
                AddRow("Runway:", String.Format("{0} day(s).\n", (int)(Faction.Economy.Funds / Math.Max(payPerDay, (decimal)0.01))));
                var freeStockPile  = World.ComputeRemainingStockpileSpace();
                var totalStockPile = Math.Max(World.ComputeTotalStockpileSpace(), 1);
                AddRow("Stockpile space:", String.Format("{0} used of {1} ({2:00.00}%)\n", totalStockPile - freeStockPile, totalStockPile, (float)(totalStockPile - freeStockPile) / (float)totalStockPile * 100.0f));
                AddRow("Average dwarf happiness:", String.Format("{0}%", (int)(float)Faction.Minions.Sum(m => m.Stats.Happiness.Percentage) / Math.Max(Faction.Minions.Count, 1)));
            var selector = AddChild(new ComboBox()
                Items      = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats.Keys.ToList(),
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop
            }) as ComboBox;
            var graph = AddChild(new Graph()
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill, GraphStyle = Graph.Style.LineChart
            }) as Graph;

            graph.Values = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats["Money"].Values.Select(v => v.Value).ToList();

            selector.OnSelectedIndexChanged = (sender) =>
                var values = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats[selector.SelectedItem].Values;
                graph.Values = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats[selector.SelectedItem].Values.Select(v => v.Value).ToList();
                if (values.Count > 0)
                    graph.XLabelMin = "\n" + TextGenerator.AgeToString(Faction.World.Time.CurrentDate - values.First().Date);
                    graph.XLabelMax = "\nNow";
Example #2
            public override void Construct()
                MinimumSize      = new Point(1024, 128 + 6);
                ScreenshotWidget = AddChild(new Widget()
                    MinimumSize = new Point(128, 128),
                    AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                    Text        = Item.Screenshot == null ? "No image" : "",
                    Font        = "font8",
                    Border      = "border-one"

                var rightContent = AddChild(new Widget()
                    AutoLayout     = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                    MinimumSize    = new Point(1024, 128),
                    InteriorMargin = new Margin(10, 10, 10, 10)

                var title = rightContent.AddChild(new Widget()
                    Text       = Item.Name,
                    Font       = "font16",
                    AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop,

                rightContent.AddChild(new Widget()
                    Text       = TextGenerator.AgeToString(Item.Age),
                    Font       = "font8",
                    AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.Valid))
                    rightContent.AddChild(new Widget()
                        Text       = String.Format("(Invalid save: {0})", Item.Valid),
                        Font       = "font8",
                        AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop

                var buttonContainer = rightContent.AddChild(new Widget()
                    MinimumSize = new Point(64, 32),
                    AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockBottom

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Item.Valid))
                    LoadButton = buttonContainer.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.Button()
                        Text           = "Load",
                        AutoLayout     = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                        Border         = "border-thin",
                        InteriorMargin = new Margin(0, 0, 3, 3),
                        Tooltip        = "Click to load this save file"

                DeleteButton = buttonContainer.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.Button()
                    Text           = "Delete",
                    AutoLayout     = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                    Border         = "border-thin",
                    InteriorMargin = new Margin(0, 0, 3, 3),
                    Tooltip        = "Click to delete this save file"

                InteriorMargin = new Margin(3, 3, 3, 3);