Example #1
        private void addFormElement()
            if ((ChosenFormElementOption == null) || (ChosenFormElementOption == String.Empty))

            if (ChosenFormElementOption == "Label")
                LabelFormElement e = new LabelFormElement();
                e.Name      = "New Label";
                e.LabelText = "New Label";
                LabelElementWrapper w = new LabelElementWrapper(e);
            else if (ChosenFormElementOption == "Text Box")
                TextFormElement e = new TextFormElement();
                e.Name = "New text box";
                FormElementWrapper w = new FormElementWrapper(e);
            else if (ChosenFormElementOption == "Numeric Up Down")
                NumericFormElement e = new NumericFormElement();
                e.Name = "New numeric box";
                NumericElementWrapper w = new NumericElementWrapper(e);
Example #2
        private void FormViewer_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (!(this.DataContext is FormInstance))
            ///Ok so the datacontex wil be a Forminstance
            FormInstance f = (FormInstance)this.DataContext;

            //does this forminstance already have dataitems

            //We clear all the existing elements from the Grid
            //Set up the rows and columns
            var rows = f.FormTemplate.Rows.Split(',');

            for (int i = 0; i < f.FormTemplate.NumberOfRows; i++)
                RowDefinition def          = new RowDefinition();
                Binding       widthBinding = new Binding("ActualHeight");
                widthBinding.Source             = FormGrid;
                widthBinding.Converter          = new FractionConverter();
                widthBinding.ConverterParameter = Convert.ToDouble(rows[i]);
                def.SetBinding(RowDefinition.HeightProperty, widthBinding);
                FormGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {
                    Height = new GridLength(Convert.ToDouble(rows[i]), GridUnitType.Star)
            var cols = f.FormTemplate.Columns.Split(',');

            for (int i = 0; i < f.FormTemplate.NumberOfColumns; i++)
                ColumnDefinition def          = new ColumnDefinition();
                Binding          widthBinding = new Binding("ActualWidth");
                widthBinding.Source             = FormGrid;
                widthBinding.Converter          = new FractionConverter();
                widthBinding.ConverterParameter = Convert.ToDouble(cols[i]);
                def.SetBinding(ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty, widthBinding);
                FormGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                    Width = new GridLength(Convert.ToDouble(cols[i]), GridUnitType.Star)

            ///Now we iterate the elements that make up this template
            ///and add them to the grid
            ///for each form element, we add a control, and we check if the FormInstance already has a
            ///QADataItem that matches in terms of its DataDictionaryEntry and EquipmentItem
            ///if we have match, then we assign that dataitem to the Control we just added
            foreach (FormElement elm in f.FormTemplate.FormElements)
                if (elm is LabelFormElement)
                    LabelFormElement l = (LabelFormElement)elm;
                    Label            X = new Label();
                    X.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    X.VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                    X.Content = l.LabelText;

                    setControlLayout(l, X);
                else if (elm is BooleanFormElement)
                    BooleanFormElement b          = (BooleanFormElement)elm;
                    CheckBox           X          = new CheckBox();
                    QADataItem         qaDataItem = null;
                    if (f.DataItems.Where(x => x.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName == b.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName).Any())
                        //qaDataItem = (QADataItem)f.DataItems.Where(x => x.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName == b.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName).First();
                        //qaDataItem = new QADataItem();
                        //qaDataItem.EquipmentItem = b.EquipmentItem;

                    setControlLayout(b, X);
                else if (elm is NumericFormElement)
                    ///create refernce to native type
                    NumericFormElement n = (NumericFormElement)elm;
                    ///Create the control
                    MahApps.Metro.Controls.NumericUpDown t = new MahApps.Metro.Controls.NumericUpDown();
                    t.Maximum      = n.Maximum;
                    t.MinHeight    = n.Minimum;
                    t.StringFormat = "{}{0:F" + n.NumberOfDecimals.ToString() + "} " + n.Unit;

                    ///We should never have a NumericFormElement without a DataDictionaryEntry
                    if (n.DataDictionaryEntry != null)
                        ///This object is the underlying QADataItem that the control will bind to.
                        QADataItem d = null;
                        if (f.DataItems.Where(x => x.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName == n.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName && (x as QADataItem).EquipmentItem.FullName == n.EquipmentItem.FullName).Any())
                            ///This FormInstance already has a QADataItem that matches on DataDictionaryEntry and EquipmentItem, so let's retrieve that one.
                            d = f.DataItems.Where(x => x.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName == n.DataDictionaryEntry.FullName && (x as QADataItem).EquipmentItem.FullName == n.EquipmentItem.FullName).First() as QADataItem;
                            d = new QuantifiableQADataItem
                                EquipmentItem       = n.EquipmentItem,
                                DataDictionaryEntry = n.DataDictionaryEntry,
                                QAFormInstance      = f as QAFormInstance

                        Binding bd = new Binding("Value");
                        bd.Source = d;

                        bd.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
                        BindingOperations.SetBinding(t, MahApps.Metro.Controls.NumericUpDown.ValueProperty, bd);
                        // / we should log this

                    //t.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler((senderX, eX) => FormatNumericElement(senderX, eX, n.Format + n.NumberOfDecimals));
                    setControlLayout(n, t);
                else if (elm is TextFormElement)
                    TextFormElement tfe = (TextFormElement)elm;
                    TextBox         t   = new TextBox();
                    setControlLayout(tfe, t);