public void TestAddNamedTrackCopyWithOwnEnd() { var manualMidi = new MidiEventCollection(1, 200); var noteEvent = new NoteOnEvent(0, 1, 1, 1, 1); const string trackName = "name"; var trackNameEvent = new TextEvent(trackName, MetaEventType.SequenceTrackName, 0); var endTrackEvent = new MetaEvent(MetaEventType.EndTrack, 0, 90); var track = manualMidi.AddTrack(); track.Add(trackNameEvent); track.Add(noteEvent); track.Add(noteEvent.OffEvent); track.Add(endTrackEvent); var extensionMidi = new MidiEventCollection(1, 200); var events = new MidiEvent[] { noteEvent, noteEvent.OffEvent, endTrackEvent }; extensionMidi.AddNamedTrackCopy(trackName, events); MidiAssert.Equal(manualMidi, extensionMidi); // Assert they aren't the same objects var manualTrack = manualMidi[0]; var extensionTrack = extensionMidi[0]; for (var e = 0; e < manualTrack.Count; e++) { Assert.That(extensionTrack[e], Is.Not.SameAs(manualTrack[e])); } // Verify the NoteOnEvent.OffEvent link Assert.AreEqual(extensionMidi[0][2], ((NoteOnEvent)extensionMidi[0][1]).OffEvent); }
public void TestAddNamedTrack() { var manualMidi = new MidiEventCollection(1, 200); var noteEvent = new NoteOnEvent(0, 1, 1, 1, 1); const string trackName = "name"; var trackNameEvent = new TextEvent(trackName, MetaEventType.SequenceTrackName, 0); var endTrackEvent = new MetaEvent(MetaEventType.EndTrack, 0, noteEvent.OffEvent.AbsoluteTime); var track = manualMidi.AddTrack(); track.Add(trackNameEvent); track.Add(noteEvent); track.Add(noteEvent.OffEvent); track.Add(endTrackEvent); var extensionMidi = new MidiEventCollection(1, 200); var events = new MidiEvent[] { noteEvent, noteEvent.OffEvent }; extensionMidi.AddNamedTrack(trackName, events); MidiAssert.Equal(manualMidi, extensionMidi); // Assert events (not name / end) are the same objects var manualTrack = manualMidi[0]; var extensionTrack = extensionMidi[0]; for (var e = 1; e < manualTrack.Count - 1; e++) { Assert.That(extensionTrack[e], Is.SameAs(manualTrack[e])); } }
private static IMessage FactoryEvento(IFoteable node, ulong msgid, String texto, String gmid, DateTime dt) { IMessage salida; if (texto.StartsWith(CodeStr)) { STrace.Debug(typeof(FmiPacketId).FullName, node.Id, String.Format("llego mensaje predefinido: {0}", texto)); var code = (MessageIdentifier) Convert.ToUInt32(texto.Substring(CodeStr.Length, texto.IndexOf(';', CodeStr.Length) - CodeStr.Length)); salida = code.FactoryEvent(node.Id, msgid, null, dt, null, null); } else { STrace.Debug(typeof(FmiPacketId).FullName, node.Id, String.Format("llego mensaje personalizado: {0}", texto)); salida = new TextEvent(node.Id, msgid, dt) { Text = texto, }; } var dc = BaseDeviceCommand.createFrom(String.Format(Mensaje.GarminFm, "A1062500" + gmid), node, null); salida.AddStringToSend(dc.ToString(true)); // Fota.EnqueueOnTheFly(node, 0, new[] { dc }, ref salida); return(salida); }
/// <summary> /// Processes the argument String variables /// </summary> public static String ProcessString(String args, Boolean dispatch) { try { String result = args; if (result == null) { return(String.Empty); } result = reArgs.Replace(result, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceVars)); if (!dispatch || result.IndexOf('$') < 0) { return(result); } TextEvent te = new TextEvent(EventType.ProcessArgs, result); EventManager.DispatchEvent(Globals.MainForm, te); result = ReplaceArgsWithGUI(te.Value); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorManager.ShowError(ex); return(String.Empty); } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { PauseEvent = Pause; ClockEvent = UpdateClock; DescripEvent = UpdateDescrip; UpdateText = SetText; }
public static void OnText(Message Msg, bool isEdited) { TextEvent?.Invoke(new MessageEventArgs() { msg = Msg, isEdited = isEdited }); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the incoming events /// </summary> public void HandleEvent(Object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority prority) { switch (e.Type) { case EventType.Command: DataEvent evnt = (DataEvent)e; if (evnt.Action == "FileExplorer.BrowseTo") { this.pluginUI.BrowseTo(evnt.Data.ToString()); evnt.Handled = true; this.OpenPanel(null, null); } if (evnt.Action == "FileExplorer.GetContextMenu") { evnt.Data = this.pluginUI.GetContextMenu(); evnt.Handled = true; } break; case EventType.FileOpen: TextEvent evnt2 = (TextEvent)e; if (File.Exists(evnt2.Value)) { this.pluginUI.AddToMRU(evnt2.Value); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Processes the argument String variables /// </summary> public static String ProcessString(String args, Boolean dispatch) { try { String result = args; if (result == null) { return(String.Empty); } result = ProcessCodeStyleLineBreaks(result); if (!PluginBase.Settings.UseTabs) { result = reTabs.Replace(result, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceTabs)); } result = reArgs.Replace(result, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceVars)); if (!dispatch || result.IndexOf('$') < 0) { return(result); } TextEvent te = new TextEvent(EventType.ProcessArgs, result); EventManager.DispatchEvent(Globals.MainForm, te); result = ReplaceArgsWithGUI(te.Value); PrevSelWord = String.Empty; PrevSelText = String.Empty; return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorManager.ShowError(ex); return(String.Empty); } }
// Token: 0x06002A63 RID: 10851 RVA: 0x001380BC File Offset: 0x001362BC private static void smethod_5(EventsCollection eventsCollection_0, Song gclass27_0) { if (!GClass30.bool_0) { foreach (MidiEvent midiEvent in eventsCollection_0) { TimeSignatureEvent timeSignatureEvent = midiEvent as TimeSignatureEvent; if (timeSignatureEvent != null) { long absoluteTime = midiEvent.AbsoluteTime; gclass27_0.method_39(new GClass25((uint)absoluteTime, (uint)timeSignatureEvent.Numerator, (uint)timeSignatureEvent.Denominator), false); } else { SetTempoEvent setTempoEvent = midiEvent as SetTempoEvent; if (setTempoEvent != null) { long absoluteTime2 = midiEvent.AbsoluteTime; gclass27_0.method_39(new GClass24((uint)absoluteTime2, (uint)(60000000.0 / (double)setTempoEvent.MicrosecondsPerQuarterNote * 1000.0)), false); } else { TextEvent textEvent = midiEvent as TextEvent; if (textEvent != null) { gclass27_0.string_0 = textEvent.Text; } } } } gclass27_0.method_15(); } }
public static bool TryParse(TextEvent textEvent, out DrumMixEvent drumMixEvent) { drumMixEvent = null; if (textEvent.MetaEventType != MetaEventType.TextEvent) { return(false); } var match = Regex.Match(textEvent.Text, @"^\[mix (?<difficulty>[0-3]) (?<configuration>.*)\]$"); if (!match.Success) { return(false); } var configuration = match.Groups["configuration"].Value; if (!ValidConfigurations.Contains(configuration)) { return(false); } var difficulty = int.Parse(match.Groups["difficulty"].Value); drumMixEvent = new DrumMixEvent(difficulty, configuration, textEvent); return(true); }
private void ReportarAssistCargo(LogMensajeBase log, string assistCargoCode) { try { if (!log.Coche.ReportaAssistCargo) { return; } STrace.Debug(GetType().FullName, log.Dispositivo.Id, String.Format("AssistCargo Event: {0} -> {1}: {2}", log.Coche.Patente, Config.AssistCargo.AssistCargoEventQueue, assistCargoCode)); var queue = new IMessageQueue(Config.AssistCargo.AssistCargoEventQueue); if (queue.LoadResources()) { var data = new TextEvent(log.Dispositivo.Id, 0, DateTime.UtcNow) { Text = assistCargoCode, GeoPoint = new GPSPoint(log.Fecha, (float)log.Latitud, (float)log.Longitud) }; queue.Send(data, MessageQueueTransactionType.Automatic); } else { STrace.Error(GetType().FullName, log.Dispositivo.Id, String.Format("Problemas cargando la cola: {0}", Config.AssistCargo.AssistCargoEventQueue)); } } catch (Exception e) { STrace.Exception(GetType().FullName, e, log.Dispositivo.Id); } }
bool OnTextEvent(TextEvent e, Action continuation) { var eventManager = Resolve <IEventManager>(); var mapManager = Resolve <IMapManager>(); var(useEventText, textSourceId) = eventManager.Context?.Source switch { EventSource.Map map => (false, (int)map.MapId), EventSource.EventSet eventSet => (true, (int)eventSet.EventSetId), _ => (false, (int)mapManager.Current.MapId) }; var textEvent = useEventText ? (BaseTextEvent) new EventTextEvent( (EventSetId)textSourceId, e.TextId, e.Location, e.PortraitId) : new MapTextEvent( (MapDataId)textSourceId, e.TextId, e.Location, e.PortraitId); return(OnBaseTextEvent(textEvent, continuation)); }
// Receives only eventMask events public void HandleEvent(object sender, NotifyEvent e) { if (e.Type == EventType.FileOpen) { string path = MainForm.CurFile; string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); if (extension.ToLower() == ".swf") { DisplaySwf(MainForm.CurFile); } } else if (e.Type == EventType.Command) { TextEvent te = e as TextEvent; if (te.Text.StartsWith(COMMAND_POPUPSWF)) { string[] split = te.Text.Split(';'); string path = split[2]; int width = int.Parse(split[3]); int height = int.Parse(split[4]); PopupSwf(path, width, height); } } }
bool OnPartyMemberTextEvent(PartyMemberTextEvent e, Action continuation) { var party = Resolve <IParty>(); var textEvent = new TextEvent(ContextTextSource, e.TextId, TextLocation.PortraitLeft, e.MemberId); return(OnBaseTextEvent(textEvent, continuation)); }
void updater_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { updater.Stop(); string src = File.Exists(logFile) ? File.ReadAllText(logFile) : ""; MatchCollection matches = reError.Matches(src); TextEvent te; if (matches.Count == 0) { te = new TextEvent(EventType.ProcessEnd, "Done(0)"); EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, te); if (!te.Handled) { PlaySWF(); } return; } NotifyEvent ne = new NotifyEvent(EventType.ProcessStart); EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, ne); foreach (Match m in matches) { string file = m.Groups["file"].Value; string line = m.Groups["line"].Value; string desc = m.Groups["desc"].Value.Trim(); TraceManager.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}: {2}", file, line, desc), -3); } te = new TextEvent(EventType.ProcessEnd, "Done(" + matches.Count + ")"); EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, te); (PluginBase.MainForm as Form).Activate(); (PluginBase.MainForm as Form).Focus(); }
public bool Apply(MidiEvent inEvent, EventRuleArgs args) { bool match = false; TextEvent textEvent = inEvent as TextEvent; if (textEvent != null && textEvent.MetaEventType == EventType) { switch (MatchType) { case TextMatchType.ExactMatch: match = (textEvent.Text == InValue); break; case TextMatchType.Substring: match = textEvent.Text.Contains(InValue); break; case TextMatchType.Regex: match = inRegex.Match(textEvent.Text).Success; break; } } if (match) { textEvent.Text = ProcessText(textEvent.Text, args); } return(match); }
/// <summary> /// Reverts the document to the orginal state /// </summary> public void Revert(Boolean showQuestion) { if (!this.IsEditable) { return; } if (showQuestion) { String dlgTitle = TextHelper.GetString("Title.ConfirmDialog"); String message = TextHelper.GetString("Info.AreYouSureToRevert"); if (MessageBox.Show(Globals.MainForm, message, " " + dlgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } TextEvent te = new TextEvent(EventType.FileRevert, Globals.SciControl.FileName); EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, te); if (!te.Handled) { while (this.SciControl.CanUndo) { this.SciControl.Undo(); } ButtonManager.UpdateFlaggedButtons(); } }
// Token: 0x06002A62 RID: 10850 RVA: 0x00137FB8 File Offset: 0x001361B8 private static void smethod_4(IList <MidiEvent> ilist_0) { foreach (MidiEvent midiEvent in ilist_0) { NoteOnEvent noteOnEvent = midiEvent as NoteOnEvent; if (noteOnEvent != null) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "Note: ", noteOnEvent.NoteNumber, ", Pos: ", noteOnEvent.AbsoluteTime, ", Vel: ", noteOnEvent.Velocity, ", Channel: ", noteOnEvent.Channel, ", Off pos: ", noteOnEvent.OffEvent.AbsoluteTime })); } TextEvent textEvent = midiEvent as TextEvent; if (textEvent != null) { Console.WriteLine(textEvent.Text + " " + textEvent.AbsoluteTime); } } }
public IEnumerator BathroomRoll(TextEvent e) { int i = 0; isRollingBathroom = true; while (i < toAddBathroom.Length) { if (roomM.roomIAmIn == "Bathroom") { masterString += toAddBathroom[i]; if (toAddBathroom[i] != ' ') { // currentTextSound.pitch = Random.Range(0.99f,1.01f); currentTextSound.Play(); } } i++; scrb.value = 0; timeTilDone = ((toAddBathroom.Length - i) * del); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(del)); } toAddBathroom = ""; isRollingBathroom = false; }
public IEnumerator LivingRoomRoll(TextEvent e) { int i = 0; isRollingLiving = true; while (i < toAddLiving.Length) { if (roomM.roomIAmIn == "Living Room") { // if(toAddLiving[i] == '¤'){ // masterString += ParsePerson(e); // } masterString += toAddLiving[i]; if (toAddLiving[i] != ' ') { // currentTextSound.pitch = Random.Range(0.99f,1.01f); currentTextSound.Play(); } } i++; scrb.value = 0; timeTilDone = ((toAddLiving.Length - i) * del); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(del)); } isRollingLiving = false; toAddLiving = ""; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the incoming events /// </summary> public void HandleEvent(Object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority priority) { switch (e.Type) { case EventType.FileOpen: TextEvent fo = e as TextEvent; if (fo != null) { this.pluginUI.CreateDocument(fo.Value); } break; case EventType.FileClose: TextEvent fc = e as TextEvent; if (fc != null) { this.pluginUI.CloseDocument(fc.Value); } break; case EventType.ApplySettings: this.pluginUI.UpdateSettings(); break; case EventType.FileEmpty: this.pluginUI.CloseAll(); break; } }
private static void OnText(Message msg, bool isEdited) { TextEvent?.Invoke(new MessageEventArgs() { msg = msg, isEdited = isEdited }); }
/// <summary> /// Restores the specified panel layout /// </summary> public static void RestoreLayout(String file) { try { Globals.MainForm.RestoringContents = true; Session session = SessionManager.GetCurrentSession(); TextEvent te = new TextEvent(EventType.RestoreLayout, file); EventManager.DispatchEvent(Globals.MainForm, te); if (!te.Handled) { Globals.MainForm.CloseAllDocuments(false); if (!Globals.MainForm.CloseAllCanceled) { session.Type = SessionType.Layout; LayoutManager.BuildLayoutSystems(file); SessionManager.RestoreSession("", session); } } Globals.MainForm.RestoringContents = false; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorManager.ShowError(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Reloads an editable document /// </summary> public void Reload(Boolean showQuestion) { if (!this.IsEditable) { return; } if (showQuestion) { String dlgTitle = TextHelper.GetString("Title.ConfirmDialog"); String message = TextHelper.GetString("Info.AreYouSureToReload"); if (MessageBox.Show(Globals.MainForm, message, " " + dlgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } Globals.MainForm.ReloadingDocument = true; Int32 position = this.SciControl.CurrentPos; TextEvent te = new TextEvent(EventType.FileReload, this.FileName); EventManager.DispatchEvent(Globals.MainForm, te); if (!te.Handled) { EncodingFileInfo info = FileHelper.GetEncodingFileInfo(this.FileName); if (info.CodePage == -1) { Globals.MainForm.ReloadingDocument = false; return; // If the files is locked, stop. } Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(info.CodePage); this.SciControl.IsReadOnly = false; this.SciControl.Encoding = encoding; this.SciControl.Text = info.Contents; this.SciControl.IsReadOnly = FileHelper.FileIsReadOnly(this.FileName); this.SciControl.SetSel(position, position); this.SciControl.EmptyUndoBuffer(); int lineCount = SciControl.LineCount; foreach (var lineNum in this.bookmarks) { if (lineNum < 0) { continue; } if (lineNum >= lineCount) { if (!MarkerManager.HasMarker(SciControl, 0, lineCount - 1)) { MarkerManager.ToggleMarker(SciControl, 0, lineCount - 1); } } else { MarkerManager.ToggleMarker(SciControl, 0, lineNum); } } this.InitBookmarks(); this.fileInfo = new FileInfo(this.FileName); } Globals.MainForm.OnDocumentReload(this); }
public Input() { Key = new Dictionary <Keyboard.Key, KeyEvent>(); MouseButton = new Dictionary <Mouse.Button, MouseButtonEvent>(); Text = null; MouseWheel = null; MouseMove = null; }
private bool selectNotice() { if (notice == null) { notice = GameObject.Find("Game").transform.Find("GameGraphics").transform.Find("NoticeCanvas").transform.Find("Notice").transform.GetComponent <TextEvent>(); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Saves an editable document /// </summary> public void Save(String file) { if (!this.IsEditable) { return; } if (!this.IsUntitled && FileHelper.FileIsReadOnly(this.FileName)) { String dlgTitle = TextHelper.GetString("Title.ConfirmDialog"); String message = TextHelper.GetString("Info.MakeReadOnlyWritable"); if (MessageBox.Show(Globals.MainForm, message, dlgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { ScintillaManager.MakeFileWritable(this.SciControl); } else { return; } } Boolean otherFile = (this.SciControl.FileName != file); if (otherFile) { RecoveryManager.RemoveTemporaryFile(this.FileName); TextEvent close = new TextEvent(EventType.FileClose, this.FileName); EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, close); } TextEvent saving = new TextEvent(EventType.FileSaving, file); EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, saving); if (!saving.Handled) { this.UpdateDocumentIcon(file); this.SciControl.FileName = file; ScintillaManager.CleanUpCode(this.SciControl); DataEvent de = new DataEvent(EventType.FileEncode, file, this.SciControl.Text); EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, de); // Lets ask if a plugin wants to encode and save the data.. if (!de.Handled) { FileHelper.WriteFile(file, this.SciControl.Text, this.SciControl.Encoding, this.SciControl.SaveBOM); } this.IsModified = false; this.SciControl.SetSavePoint(); RecoveryManager.RemoveTemporaryFile(this.FileName); this.fileInfo = new FileInfo(this.FileName); if (otherFile) { ScintillaManager.UpdateControlSyntax(this.SciControl); Globals.MainForm.OnFileSave(this, true); } else { Globals.MainForm.OnFileSave(this, false); } } this.UpdateToolTipText(); this.UpdateTabText(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the incoming events /// </summary> public void HandleEvent(Object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority priority) { switch (e.Type) { case EventType.FileEncode: DataEvent fe = (DataEvent)e; String ext = Path.GetExtension(fe.Action); if (ext == ".fdb" || ext == ".fda" || ext == ".fdm") { this.SaveBinaryFile(fe.Action, fe.Data as String); fe.Handled = true; } break; case EventType.FileDecode: DataEvent fd = (DataEvent)e; String ext1 = Path.GetExtension(fd.Action); if (ext1 == ".fdb" || ext1 == ".fda" || ext1 == ".fdm") { String text = this.LoadBinaryFile(fd.Action); if (text != null) { fd.Data = text; fd.Handled = true; } } break; case EventType.FileSaving: TextEvent se = (TextEvent)e; if (this.IsFileOpen(se.Value)) { if (!this.IsXmlSaveable(se.Value)) { se.Handled = true; } } this.oldFileName = String.Empty; break; case EventType.FileRenaming: TextEvent re = (TextEvent)e; String[] files = re.Value.Split(';'); this.oldFileName = files[0]; // Save for later.. if (this.IsFileOpen(this.oldFileName)) { foreach (TypeData objType in this.objectTypes) { if (objType.File == this.oldFileName) { objType.File = files[1]; break; } } } break; } }
public void DoTextEvent(TextEvent e) { try{ txtMan.AddToText(e, true); } catch { Debug.LogError("COULD NOT PLAY " +; } }
public void CheckForEvents(int roomNumber) { TextEvent textEvent = textEvents.FirstOrDefault(e => e.segmentToTrigger == roomNumber); if (textEvent != null) { uiManager.TriggerTextEvent(textEvent); } }
/// <summary> /// is invoked when the text has changed. /// </summary> /// <param name="textEvent">The text event.</param> public void textChanged(TextEvent textEvent) { try { //var textBox = textEvent.Source; //String textBoxName = (String)GetProperty(textBox,"Name"); //if(textBoxName.Equals("commentField")){ //var crNew = criteriaMap[index]; //if (crNew is Criterion) //{ // ((Criterion)crNew).Comment = GetProperty(textBox, "Text") as String; // util.Debug.GetAllProperties(textEvent.Source); //} //} // get the control that has fired the event, XControl xControl = (XControl)textEvent.Source; XControlModel xControlModel = xControl.getModel(); XPropertySet xPSet = (XPropertySet)xControlModel; String sName = (String)xPSet.getPropertyValue("Name").Value; // just in case the listener has been added to several controls, // we make sure we refer to the right one if (sName.Equals("TextField1")) { String sText = (String)xPSet.getPropertyValue("Text").Value; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(sText); // insert your code here to validate the text of the control... } } catch ( ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("uno.Exception:"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); } catch (System.Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("System.Exception:"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Renames the found documents based on the specified path /// NOTE: Directory paths should be without the last separator /// </summary> public static void MoveDocuments(String oldPath, String newPath) { Boolean reactivate = false; oldPath = Path.GetFullPath(oldPath); newPath = Path.GetFullPath(newPath); ITabbedDocument current = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument; foreach (ITabbedDocument document in PluginBase.MainForm.Documents) { /* We need to check for virtual models, another more generic option would be * Path.GetFileName(document.FileName).IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) == -1 * But this one is used in more places */ if (document.IsEditable && !document.Text.StartsWithOrdinal("[model] ")) { String filename = Path.GetFullPath(document.FileName); if (filename.StartsWithOrdinal(oldPath)) { TextEvent ce = new TextEvent(EventType.FileClose, document.FileName); EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, ce); document.SciControl.FileName = filename.Replace(oldPath, newPath); TextEvent oe = new TextEvent(EventType.FileOpen, document.FileName); EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, oe); if (current != document) { document.Activate(); reactivate = true; } else { TextEvent se = new TextEvent(EventType.FileSwitch, document.FileName); EventManager.DispatchEvent(PluginBase.MainForm, se); } } PluginBase.MainForm.ClearTemporaryFiles(filename); document.RefreshTexts(); } } PluginBase.MainForm.RefreshUI(); if (reactivate) current.Activate(); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Construct the text arguments from a text event /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Text event</param> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TextEventArgs(TextEvent e) { Unicode = Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)e.Unicode); }
private bool Load(string fileName) { string line; line = ""; StringReader theReader = new StringReader(fileName); using (theReader) { // While there's lines left in the text file, do this: int lineCounter = 0; while(line != null){ instances.Clear(); e.Clear(); //print("reading line"); line = theReader.ReadLine(); if(line != null && !firstTime && line.Substring(0,4) != "SKIP"){ //print ("LINE: "+line); e = (line.Split(';').ToList()); //U+03B1 THAT SUCKS //foreach(string s in e){ // print (s); //} Event ev = null; //print(e[0]); if(e[0] == "TEXT"){ //CREATE TEXT EVENT ev = new TextEvent(e[1],int.Parse(e[5]),e[2],e[3],e[4]); // ("<"+e[2]+">") // print(e[2]); } else if(e[0] == "AUDIO"){ ev = new AudioEvent(e[1],int.Parse(e[5]),e[2],e[3]); } //print("parsed "; if(ev != null){ switch(e[3]){ case "L": = "Living Room"; break; case "K": = "Kitchen"; break; case "B": = "Bedroom"; break; case "T": = "Bathroom"; break; } eventsParsed.Add(ev); //print("parsed room "; } //print ("EVENT PARSED: "+eventsParsed[lineCounter].name+" "+eventsParsed[lineCounter].time+" "+eventsParsed[lineCounter].room); lineCounter++; } if(firstTime){ firstTime = false; } } // Done reading, close the reader and return true to broadcast success theReader.Close(); return true; } }
public IEnumerator LivingRoomRoll(TextEvent e){ int i = 0; isRollingLiving = true; while(i< toAddLiving.Length){ if(roomM.roomIAmIn == "Living Room"){ // if(toAddLiving[i] == '¤'){ // masterString += ParsePerson(e); // } masterString += toAddLiving[i]; if(toAddLiving[i] != ' '){ // currentTextSound.pitch = Random.Range(0.99f,1.01f); currentTextSound.Play(); } } i++; scrb.value = 0; timeTilDone = ((toAddLiving.Length-i)*del); yield return new WaitForSeconds(del); } isRollingLiving = false; toAddLiving = ""; }
public IEnumerator BedroomRoomRoll(TextEvent e){ int i = 0; isRollingBedroom = true; //print ("STARTING BEDROOM ROLL"); while(i< toAddBedroom.Length){ if(roomM.roomIAmIn == "Bedroom"){ //if(toAddBedroom[i] == '¤'){ // print("found Person Marker"); // masterString += ParsePerson(e); //} //ParsePerson(e); masterString += toAddBedroom[i]; if(toAddBedroom[i] != ' '){ // currentTextSound.pitch = Random.Range(0.99f,1.01f); currentTextSound.Play(); } } i++; scrb.value = 0; timeTilDone = ((toAddBedroom.Length-i)*del); yield return new WaitForSeconds(del); } isRollingBedroom = false; toAddBedroom = ""; }
public void DoTextEvent(TextEvent e){ try{ txtMan.AddToText(e, true); } catch{ Debug.LogError("COULD NOT PLAY "; } }
public IEnumerator BathroomRoll(TextEvent e){ int i = 0; isRollingBathroom = true; while(i< toAddBathroom.Length){ if(roomM.roomIAmIn == "Bathroom"){ masterString += toAddBathroom[i]; if(toAddBathroom[i] != ' '){ // currentTextSound.pitch = Random.Range(0.99f,1.01f); currentTextSound.Play(); } } i++; scrb.value = 0; timeTilDone = ((toAddBathroom.Length-i)*del); yield return new WaitForSeconds(del); } toAddBathroom = ""; isRollingBathroom = false; }
public string ParsePerson(TextEvent e){ print("parsing"); switch(e.person){ case "Alyv": print("Alyv detected"); currentTextSound = alyvTextSound; break; case "Troma": print("Troma detected"); currentTextSound = tromaTextSound; break; default: print("NO ONE detected"); currentTextSound = masterTextSound; break; }; return personSus[e.person]; }
public void AddToText(TextEvent e, bool addspace){ // print ("ADDING TEXT "+e.text+" "+toAddBedroom); switch({ case "Living Room": if(addspace){ toAddLiving += "\n"; } toAddLiving += personSus[e.person]+": "+e.text; if(!isRollingLiving){ StartCoroutine(LivingRoomRoll(e)); } break; case "Kitchen": if(addspace){ toAddKitchen += "\n"; } toAddKitchen += personSus[e.person]+": "+e.text; if(!isRollingKitchen){ StartCoroutine(KitchenRoomRoll(e)); } break; case "Bedroom": if(addspace){ toAddBedroom += "\n"; } toAddBedroom += personSus[e.person]+": "+e.text; if(!isRollingBedroom){ StartCoroutine(BedroomRoomRoll(e)); } break; case "Bathroom": if(addspace){ toAddBathroom += "\n"; } toAddBathroom += personSus[e.person]+": "+e.text; if(!isRollingBathroom){ StartCoroutine(BathroomRoll(e)); } break; } }