private void CreateRunner(Collection <Target> target, Collection <Parameter> param) { try { ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); TextConsole console = new TextConsole(); //console.Show(); //ThreadStart consoleThreadStart = console.Show; //Thread consoleThread = new Thread(consoleThreadStart); //consoleThread.IsBackground = true; //consoleThread.Start(); doneEvents.Add(resetEvent); TargetRunner runner = new TargetRunner(target, param, null, resetEvent); targetRunners.AddItem(runner); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(runner.ThreadPoolCallback, targetRunners.Count - 1); //ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(maxRunners, maxRunners); //WaitOrTimerCallback waitOrTimerCallback = runner.ThreadPoolCallback; //ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(resetEvent, waitOrTimerCallback, targetRunners, TEN_MINUTES, true); WaitHandle.WaitAny(doneEvents.ToArray()); //RemoveItemFromQueue(targetRunners.Count - 1); OnRemoveFromQueueEvent(runner, new RemoveFromQueueEventArgs(targetRunners.Count - 1)); } catch { } }
public void PlayersSurestrike() { TextConsole _TextConsole = UI.Look._TextConsole; ScreenBuffer Buffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; Core.XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(Buffer); var cell = PickDirection(); ThrowSureStrike(cell); }
public Gerador_Grafos() { this.InitializeComponent(); ApplicationView view = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView(); view.TryEnterFullScreenMode(); myConsole = new TextConsole(Console_output); graphStats = new Stats(Grafo_stats); graphStats.Clear(); }
public void ReadInputWithPrompt() { MessageBus bus = new MessageBus(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb)) using (TextConsole console = new TextConsole(bus, TextReader.Null, writer)) { bus.Send(new InputRequestedMessage("What's up?")); sb.ToString().Should().Be("What's up? "); } }
public void ReadInputEnded() { MessageBus bus = new MessageBus(); using (TextConsole console = new TextConsole(bus, TextReader.Null, TextWriter.Null)) { bool done = false; bus.Subscribe <InputEndedMessage>(m => done = true); bus.Send(new InputRequestedMessage()); done.Should().BeTrue(); } }
public TargetRunner(Collection <Target> targets, Collection <Parameter> parameters, TextConsole console, ManualResetEvent doneEvent) { this._doneEvent = doneEvent; this.targets = targets; this.parameters = parameters; this.nantPath = ""; nantrun = new Process(); Console = console; // //nantrun // nantrun.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(nantrun_OutputDataReceived); nantrun.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(nantrun_OutputDataReceived); }
public void ReadEmptyLine() { MessageBus bus = new MessageBus(); using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(Environment.NewLine)) using (TextConsole console = new TextConsole(bus, reader, TextWriter.Null)) { List <string> lines = new List <string>(); bus.Subscribe <InputReceivedMessage>(m => lines.Add(m.Line)); bus.Send(new InputRequestedMessage()); lines.Should().Equal(string.Empty); } }
public void WriteAfterDispose() { MessageBus bus = new MessageBus(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb)) { using (TextConsole console = new TextConsole(bus, TextReader.Null, writer)) { } bus.Send(new OutputMessage("one")); sb.ToString().Should().BeEmpty(); } }
private async Task MainAsync2() { _client = new DiscordSocketClient(); _client.Log += Log; string token = BotConfig.Token; // Remember to keep this private! await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token); await _client.StartAsync(); TextConsole.Log($"_client.Latency: {_client.Latency}"); // Block this task until the program is closed. await Task.Delay(-1); }
public void WriteTwoLines() { MessageBus bus = new MessageBus(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb)) using (TextConsole console = new TextConsole(bus, TextReader.Null, writer)) { bus.Send(new OutputMessage("one")); sb.ToString().Should().Be("one" + Environment.NewLine); bus.Send(new OutputMessage("two")); sb.ToString().Should().Be("one" + Environment.NewLine + "two" + Environment.NewLine); } }
public void ReadAfterDispose() { MessageBus bus = new MessageBus(); List <string> lines = new List <string>(); bus.Subscribe <InputReceivedMessage>(m => lines.Add(m.Line)); using (StringReader reader = new StringReader("one" + Environment.NewLine + "two")) { using (TextConsole console = new TextConsole(bus, reader, TextWriter.Null)) { } bus.Send(new InputRequestedMessage()); lines.Should().BeEmpty(); } }
//start serwera private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //start server { try { if (Regex.IsMatch(IPTextBox.Text, @"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b") && !is_running) { server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(IPTextBox.Text), int.Parse(PortTextBox.Text)); server.Start(); ReadUserDataFromFile("userdata.txt"); TextConsole.AppendText("Server started\n"); TextConsole.AppendText("Waiting for client..."); client = server.AcceptTcpClient(); socket = client.Client; TextConsole.AppendText("Client connected \n"); STR = new StreamReader(client.GetStream()); STW = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream()); STW.AutoFlush = true; is_running = true; STW.WriteLine("220 " + server_name + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM\\/dd\\/yyyy h\\:mm tt")); backgroundWorker1.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); //receiving data } else { if (is_running) { MessageBox.Show("Already started\n"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong IP Address"); } } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message); } }
public async void Start(CancellationToken ct) { try { // ***Send a token to carry the message if cancellation is requested. TextConsole.Log("Discord Bot starting..."); // await MainAsync(cts.Token); TextConsole.Log("Discord Bot"); } // *** If cancellation is requested, an OperationCanceledException results. catch (OperationCanceledException) { TextConsole.Log("Discord Bot stopped!"); } catch (Exception e) { TextConsole.Log("Exception: " + e.Message); } }
public void ReadTwoLines() { MessageBus bus = new MessageBus(); using (StringReader reader = new StringReader("one" + Environment.NewLine + "two")) using (TextConsole console = new TextConsole(bus, reader, TextWriter.Null)) { List <string> lines = new List <string>(); bus.Subscribe <InputReceivedMessage>(m => lines.Add(m.Line)); bus.Send(new InputRequestedMessage()); lines.Should().ContainSingle().Which.Should().Be("one"); bus.Send(new InputRequestedMessage()); lines.Should().Equal("one", "two"); } }
public void SW_Choke(Cell C) { TextConsole textConsole = Look._TextConsole; ScreenBuffer scrapBuffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(scrapBuffer); bool bDraw = C.IsVisible(); int nBonus = Math.Max(ParentObject.Statistics["Ego"].Modifier, Level); if (C != null) { foreach (GameObject GO in C.GetObjectsInCell()) { if (GO.HasPart("Brain")) { //if(GO.HasTag("HeroNamePrefixes")) if (GO.HasTag("CanBeChoked")) { ChokedObject = GO; EquipForceGesture(); //Apply force choking effect to victim GO.ApplyEffect((Effect) new XRL.World.Parts.Effects.ZD_Choking(Level, GetBaseDamage(Level), GetBonusDamage(Level), ParentObject, GetSaveBonus(Level), GetRange(Level), ForceGestureObject)); } else { Popup.Show("The target does not have a throat for you to choke!", true); } } } } scrapBuffer.Goto(C.X, C.Y); scrapBuffer.Write("&Y#"); if (bDraw) { textConsole.DrawBuffer(scrapBuffer, (IScreenBufferExtra)null, false); } if (!bDraw) { return; } Thread.Sleep(50); }
public Gerador_Grafos() { this.InitializeComponent(); ApplicationView view = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView(); //Translate Transform Pop-Ups! Add_scene.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(); Remove_scene.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(); Utils_scene.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(); Grafo_manager.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(); //Fullscreen view.TryEnterFullScreenMode(); //Backend com calculos myConsole = new TextConsole(Console_output); graphStats = new Stats(Grafo_stats); graphStats.Clear(); log = new LogManager(); IsNotRendered = false; //Desenhos do Satanas Drawer = new DrawManager(TelaOutput); //Drawer.Draw(); }
private Task Log(LogMessage msg) { TextConsole.Log(msg.ToString()); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void Hydrofabricate() { List <Cell> CellList = PickCone(4 + Level, 30 + Level, AllowVis.OnlyVisible); CellList = CellList.OrderBy(cell => cell.ManhattanDistanceTo(ParentObject.CurrentCell)).ToList(); if (!this.ParentObject.pPhysics.CurrentCell.ParentZone.IsWorldMap()) { base.PlayWorldSound("splashcast", 1.5f, 0, true, null); XDidY(ParentObject, "materialize", "a torrential flood", "!", "C", null); for (int index = 0; index < CellList.Count; index++) { Cell C = CellList[index]; if (C.ParentZone.IsActive() && C.IsVisible()) { TextConsole.LoadScrapBuffers(); ScreenBuffer scrapBuffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(TextConsole.ScrapBuffer); scrapBuffer.Goto(C.X, C.Y); scrapBuffer.Write(GetRandomBlueFlashes() + "\a"); Popup._TextConsole.DrawBuffer(scrapBuffer); Thread.Sleep(10); XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(scrapBuffer); scrapBuffer.Goto(C.X, C.Y); scrapBuffer.Write(GetRandomBlueFlashes() + "\u0489"); Popup._TextConsole.DrawBuffer(scrapBuffer); Thread.Sleep(10); var Roll = Stat.Random(1, 100); if (Roll <= 50) { if (Roll >= 90) { base.PlayWorldSound("flood1", 1.5f, 0, true, null); } else if (Roll >= 60) { base.PlayWorldSound("flood2", 1.5f, 0, true, null); } else if (Roll >= 30) { base.PlayWorldSound("flood3", 1.5f, 0, true, null); } else { } } if (C.HasObjectWithPart("Combat") || C.HasObjectWithPart("Brain")) { var cObj = C.GetFirstObjectWithPart("Combat"); if (cObj != ParentObject) { cObj.Push(ParentObject.CurrentCell.GetDirectionFromCell(cObj.CurrentCell), 1000, 4); cObj.TakeDamage(2 * Level, "Drowned in a torrent of liquid.", null, DeathReason: "from %t torrent-blast.", ThirdPersonDeathReason: null, ParentObject, ParentObject, ParentObject); cObj.GetAngryAt(ParentObject, -50); } } C.Splash("{{B|~}}"); C.AddObject("SaltyWaterPuddle"); } } } }
//odbieranie wiadomosci i rozpoznawanie komend private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { while (client.Connected) { try { if (ready_to_save_file) { this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText("Saving file" + "\n"); })); SaveAsFile(); ready_to_save_file = false; } else { received_message = STR.ReadLine(); if (received_message != "") { //this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker( delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText("From Client: "+received_message + "\n"); })); if (received_message.Length > 3 && received_message.Substring(0, 4) == "Size") { _file_size = int.Parse(received_message.Substring(5)); this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); SendTextMessage("250 Size Ok"); } if (received_message.Length > 7 && received_message.Substring(0, 8) == "FileName") { this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); _file_name = received_message.Substring(9); ready_to_save_file = true; SendTextMessage("250 Ready"); } if (read_mail_message) { if (received_message == ".") { read_mail_message = false; } this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); } if (received_message == "No files") { this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); } if (!client_logged && received_message.Substring(0, 4) == "user") { bool user_found = false; foreach (Users user in userDatabase) { if (user.username == received_message.Substring(5, received_message.Length - 5)) { SendTextMessage("250 User Ok"); user_found = true; } } if (!user_found) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong username"); } } if (!client_logged && received_message.Substring(0, 4) == "pass") { bool pass_found = false; foreach (Users user in userDatabase) { if (user.password == received_message.Substring(5, received_message.Length - 5)) { SendTextMessage("250 Pass Ok"); pass_found = true; client_logged = true; } } if (!pass_found) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong password"); } } if (received_message.Length > 9 && received_message.Substring(0, 10) == "mail from:") { this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); SendTextMessage("250 Ok"); } if (received_message.Length > 7 && received_message.Substring(0, 8) == "rcpt to:") { this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); SendTextMessage("250 Accepted"); } if (received_message.Length >= 4) { switch (received_message.Substring(0, 4)) { case "helo": { this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); STW.WriteLine("250 Hello " + received_message.Substring(5, received_message.Length - 5) + " " + server_name + " here!"); break; } case "data": { this.TextConsole.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TextConsole.AppendText(received_message + "\n"); })); SendTextMessage("354 Ok Send data"); read_mail_message = true; break; } default: { break; } } } received_message = ""; } } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message.ToString()); } } }
public void ActuallyFire(int Charges) { FocusPsi PsiMutation = ParentObject.GetPart <FocusPsi>(); // Shows the line picker interface for the player. TextConsole _TextConsole = UI.Look._TextConsole; ScreenBuffer Buffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; Core.XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(Buffer); List <GameObject> hit = new List <GameObject>(1); List <Cell> usedCells = new List <Cell>(1); var line = PickLine(20, AllowVis.Any, null, false, ForMissileFrom: ParentObject); Body body = ParentObject.GetPart <Body>(); List <BodyPart> ParentsHead = body.GetPart("Head"); Cell targetCell = line[line.Count - 1]; if (!PsiMutation.usePsiCharges(Charges)) { AddPlayerMessage("You do not have enough psi-charges!"); return; } foreach (var Head in ParentsHead) { if (Head.Equipped != null) { Physics.ApplyExplosion(currentCell, GetForce(Level, Charges), usedCells, hit, true, true, ParentObject, GetDamage(Level, Charges), 1, false, false, 2); AddPlayerMessage("Your helmet obstructs the energy of the beam--it explodes in your face!"); return; } } if (ParentObject.HasEffect("Dazed") || ParentObject.HasEffect("Confused")) { Physics.ApplyExplosion(currentCell, GetForce(Level, Charges), usedCells, hit, true, true, ParentObject, GetDamage(Level, Charges), 1, false, false, 2); AddPlayerMessage("You lack the concentration to hold your focus! The collected energy explodes in your face!"); return; } ActivatedAbilities activatedAbilities = ParentObject.GetPart("ActivatedAbilities") as ActivatedAbilities; activatedAbilities.GetAbility(CombustionBlastActivatedAbilityID).Cooldown = (Charges - 1) * 100; // Loop through each cell of the line in order. List <string> SparkySparkyChars = new List <string>() { "\xf8", "*", "." }; List <Point> Beamline = Zone.Line(line[0].X, line[0].Y, targetCell.X, targetCell.Y); base.PlayWorldSound("sparkblast", 0.3f, 0.1f, true, null); for (int index = 1; index < line.Count; index++) { Cell cell = line[index]; char DisplayBeam = Beamline[index].DisplayChar; Buffer.Goto(cell.X, cell.Y); Buffer.Write("&Y^r" + DisplayBeam); Cell SparkyBeam = cell.GetRandomLocalAdjacentCell(); Buffer.Goto(SparkyBeam.X, SparkyBeam.Y); Buffer.Write("&W" + SparkySparkyChars.GetRandomElement()); _TextConsole.DrawBuffer(Buffer); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(18); // Find a solid object and combat id on obj in line, to hit in this cell. GameObject obj = cell.FindObject(o => o.ConsiderSolidFor(ParentObject, ParentObject) || (o.HasPart("Combat") && !o.pPhysics.Solid)); if (obj != null) { targetCell = cell; break; } } if (Stat.Random(1, 100) <= 50) { base.PlayWorldSound("bang1", 0.3f, 0, true, null); } else { base.PlayWorldSound("bang2", 0.3f, 0, true, null); } ComExplode(GetForce(Level, Charges), targetCell, ParentObject, GetDamage(Level, Charges)); ParentObject.UseEnergy(10000); }
public void SoulShunt() { Physics pGOPhysics = ParentObject.GetPart("Physics") as Physics; TextConsole _TextConsole = UI.Look._TextConsole; ScreenBuffer Buffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; Core.XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(Buffer); Cell TargetCell = PickDirection(); if (TargetCell == null) { AddPlayerMessage("Soulshunt requires a target."); return; } var TargetHusk = TargetCell.GetFirstObjectWithPart("Brain"); var SkillAccess = ParentObject.GetPart <Skills>(); var SkillList = SkillAccess.SkillList; if (TargetHusk != null) { var OwnersEgo = ParentObject.Statistics["Ego"]; var OwnersWillpower = ParentObject.Statistics["Willpower"]; var OwnersIntelligence = ParentObject.Statistics["Intelligence"]; var OwnersMentalMutations = ParentObject.GetMentalMutations(); var OwnersMutationAlterations = ParentObject.GetPart <Mutations>(); var TargetsEgo = TargetHusk.Statistics["Ego"]; var TargetsWillpower = TargetHusk.Statistics["Willpower"]; var TargetsIntelligence = TargetHusk.Statistics["Intelligence"]; var TargetsMentalMutations = TargetHusk.GetMentalMutations(); var TargetsMutationAlterations = TargetHusk.GetPart <Mutations>(); int OwnersLevel = ParentObject.Stat("Level"); int TargetsLevel = TargetHusk.Stat("Level"); var LevelDifference = TargetsLevel - OwnersLevel; if (!TargetHusk.MakeSave("Willpower", 8 + LevelDifference, ParentObject, "Ego", ParentObject.It + " attempted to shunt " + TargetHusk.Its + " mind from " + TargetHusk.Its + " body.", false, false, false, false)) { if (!TargetHusk.HasPart("NotOriginalEntity")) { TargetHusk.AddPart <NotOriginalEntity>(); } if (ParentObject.IsEsper()) { if (!TargetHusk.IsEsper()) { TargetHusk.SetStringProperty("Genotype", "Esper"); } } TargetsEgo.BaseValue = OwnersEgo.BaseValue; TargetsIntelligence.BaseValue = OwnersIntelligence.BaseValue; TargetsWillpower.BaseValue = OwnersWillpower.BaseValue; // AddPlayerMessage("removing old mutes"); //removes husk original mental mutations foreach (var key1 in TargetsMentalMutations) { TargetsMutationAlterations.RemoveMutation(key1); } // AddPlayerMessage("adding old mutes"); //adds parent objects mental mutations to husk foreach (var key2 in OwnersMentalMutations) { TargetsMutationAlterations.AddMutation(key2.GetMutationEntry(), key2.BaseLevel); } if (!TargetsMutationAlterations.HasMutation("PsychoplethoricDeterioration")) { TargetsMutationAlterations.AddMutation("PsychoplethoricDeterioration", 1); } if (!TargetHusk.HasPart("Survival")) { TargetHusk.RequirePart <Survival>(); TargetHusk.RequirePart <Survival_Camp>(); TargetHusk.RequirePart <Survival_Trailblazer>(); } if (ParentObject.IsPlayer()) { XRL.The.Game.Player.Body = TargetHusk; } else { XRL.The.Game.Player.Body = ParentObject; } TargetHusk.UseEnergy(1000); ParentObject.UseEnergy(5000); TargetHusk.FireEvent(Event.New("SuccessfulDethroning", "OriginalBody", ParentObject)); UbernostrumScaling = 0; } else { TargetHusk.GetAngryAt(ParentObject, -100); AddPlayerMessage( + " resisted " + ParentObject.its + " attempt at shunting " + TargetHusk.its + " mind."); } } }
private void WriteConsole(string text) { TextConsole.AppendText("\n" + text); }
public void Init(TextConsole console, ScreenBuffer buffer) { Console = console; Buffer = buffer; }
public void CallLightningAnimation() { TextConsole _TextConsole = UI.Look._TextConsole; ScreenBuffer Buffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; Core.XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(Buffer); var TargetCell = PickDestinationCell(9, AllowVis.OnlyVisible); var zone = TargetCell.ParentZone; var SkyCell = zone.GetCell(TargetCell.X, 0); List <Point> SpawningLine = Zone.Line(9, 0, 16, 0); List <Point> Lightningline = Zone.Line(SpawningLine.GetRandomElement().X, SpawningLine.GetRandomElement().Y, TargetCell.X, TargetCell.Y); List <string> SparkySparkyChars = new List <string>() { "\xf8", "*", "." }; for (int index = 0; index < Lightningline.Count; index++) { Point point = Lightningline[index]; Cell cell = zone.GetCell(point); char DisplayBeam; if (index % 2 == 0) { DisplayBeam = '/'; } else { DisplayBeam = '\\'; } Buffer.Goto(cell.X, cell.Y); Buffer.Write("&Y^b" + DisplayBeam); Cell SparkyBeam = cell.GetRandomLocalAdjacentCell(); Buffer.Goto(SparkyBeam.X, SparkyBeam.Y); Buffer.Write("&Y" + SparkySparkyChars.GetRandomElement()); _TextConsole.DrawBuffer(Buffer); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(18); } // foreach (var C in line) // { // GameObject Target = C.GetFirstObjectWithPart("Combat"); // AddPlayerMessage("Target: " + Target.DisplayName); // Cell TargetCell = Target.CurrentCell; // AddPlayerMessage("Target Cell Found?: " + TargetCell.DebugName); // Zone TargetsZone = Target.CurrentZone; // AddPlayerMessage("Target Zone Found?: " + TargetsZone.DebugName); // AddPlayerMessage("Sky Cell Found?: " + SkyCell.DebugName); // List<string> ElectricChars = new List<string>() { "\xf8", "*", "." }; // // List<Point> Lightningline = Zone.Line(line[0].X, line[0].Y, TargetCell.X, SkyCell.Y); // int num = 1; // int dx = Math.Abs(num - num), sx = num < -num ? 1 : -1; // int dy = Math.Abs(num - num), sy = num < -num ? 1 : -1; // XRLCore.ParticleManager.Add(ElectricChars.GetRandomElement(), TargetCell.X, SkyCell.Y, -dx, -dy, 1, 0f, 0f); // AddPlayerMessage("Lightining Code Fired."); // // for (int index = 1; index < line.Count; index++) // // { // // Cell cell = line[index]; // // char DisplayLightning = Lightningline[index].DisplayChar; // // Buffer.Goto(cell.X, cell.Y); // // Buffer.Write("&B^b" + DisplayLightning); // // Cell LightningStrike = cell.GetRandomLocalAdjacentCell(); // // Buffer.Goto(LightningStrike.X, LightningStrike.Y); // // Buffer.Write("&W" + ElectricChars.GetRandomElement()); // // _TextConsole.DrawBuffer(Buffer); // // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(18); // // // Find a solid object and combat id on obj in line, to hit in this cell. // // GameObject obj = cell.FindObject(o => (o.HasPart("Combat"))); // // if (obj != null) // // { // // TargetCell = cell; // // break; // // } // // } // break; // } }
public void CastDarkness() { try { int ParentsEgoModifer = ParentObject.Statistics["Ego"].Modifier; int MaximumRadius = Math.Min(1 + (Level / 2), 4); List <Cell> Cells = PickBurst(MaximumRadius, 8 + Level, false, AllowVis.OnlyExplored); int Ran1 = Stat.Random(1, 100); if (!this.ParentObject.pPhysics.CurrentCell.ParentZone.IsWorldMap()) { if (Stat.Random(1, 100) < Ran1) { base.PlayWorldSound("darknesscast", 15f, 0, true, null); } else { base.PlayWorldSound("darknesscastdeep", 15f, 0, true, null); } for (int index = 0; index < Cells.Count; index++) { Cell C = Cells[index]; if (C.ParentZone.IsActive() && C.IsVisible()) { TextConsole.LoadScrapBuffers(); ScreenBuffer scrapBuffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(TextConsole.ScrapBuffer); scrapBuffer.Goto(C.X, C.Y); scrapBuffer.Write(GetDarknesBlips() + "\a"); Popup._TextConsole.DrawBuffer(scrapBuffer); Thread.Sleep(10); XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(scrapBuffer); scrapBuffer.Goto(C.X, C.Y); scrapBuffer.Write(GetDarknesBlips() + "\u0489"); Popup._TextConsole.DrawBuffer(scrapBuffer); Thread.Sleep(5); var Roll = Stat.Random(1, 100); if (Roll <= 10) { base.PlayWorldSound("darkness", 15f, 0, true, null); } if (C.HasObjectWithPart("Combat") || C.HasObjectWithPart("Brain")) { var cObj = C.GetFirstObjectWithPart("Combat"); if (cObj != ParentObject) { if (cObj.MakeSave(Stat: "Ego", Difficulty: 5 + Level, Attacker: ParentObject, AttackerStat: "Ego")) { cObj.ApplyEffect(new Confused(ParentsEgoModifer * 10, Level, (ParentsEgoModifer + Level) / 2)); } } } GameObject gameObject = C.AddObject("MagicalDarkness"); MagicalDarkness Darkness = gameObject.GetPart <MagicalDarkness>(); // AddPlayerMessage("Status Check: Setting up Objects"); int Ran2 = Stat.Random(0, 3); Darkness.Duration = ((Level * (10 + ParentsEgoModifer) / 2) + Ran2); } } } CooldownMyActivatedAbility(ShadowAreaEffectActivatedAbilityID, 60); } catch { } }
public static void SetToken(string token) { //TODO: change token is possible only if bot not working _token = token; TextConsole.Log("Token has been successfully set."); }
void Start() { textConsole = this; }
public void ApplyCombustExplosion(Cell C, List <Cell> UsedCells, List <GameObject> Hit, int Force, bool bLocal, bool bShow, GameObject Owner, string BonusDamage, bool?Phase, bool Neutron = false, float DamageModifier = 1f) { TextConsole textConsole = Look._TextConsole; ScreenBuffer scrapBuffer = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer; if (bShow) { TextConsole.LoadScrapBuffers(); XRLCore.Core.RenderMapToBuffer(scrapBuffer); } CleanQueue <Cell> cleanQueue = new CleanQueue <Cell>(); CleanQueue <int> cleanQueue2 = new CleanQueue <int>(); CleanQueue <string> cleanQueue3 = new CleanQueue <string>(); cleanQueue.Enqueue(C); cleanQueue2.Enqueue(Force); cleanQueue3.Enqueue("."); UsedCells.Add(C); while (cleanQueue.Count > 0) { Cell cell = cleanQueue.Dequeue(); int num = cleanQueue2.Dequeue(); string text = cleanQueue3.Dequeue(); for (int i = 0; i < UsedCells.Count; i++) { Cell cell2 = UsedCells[i]; if (cell2 == null) { return; } if (cell2.ParentZone == XRLCore.Core.Game.ZoneManager.ActiveZone) { scrapBuffer.Goto(cell2.X, cell2.Y); int num2 = Stat.Random(1, 3); if (num2 == 1) { scrapBuffer.Write((Phase != null) ? ((!(Phase == true)) ? "&Y*" : "&K*") : "&M*"); } else if (num2 == 2) { scrapBuffer.Write((Phase != null) ? ((!(Phase == true)) ? "&R*" : "&b*") : "&G*"); } else { scrapBuffer.Write((Phase != null) ? ((!(Phase == true)) ? "&W*" : "&c*") : "&m*"); } } } if (bShow && C.ParentZone != null && C.ParentZone.IsActive()) { textConsole.DrawBuffer(scrapBuffer, null, false); if (Force < 100000) { Thread.Sleep(5); } } List <Cell> list; if (bLocal) { list = cell.GetLocalAdjacentCells(1, false); } else { list = cell.GetAdjacentCells(true); } for (int j = 0; j < UsedCells.Count; j++) { Cell item = UsedCells[j]; if (list.CleanContains(item)) { list.Remove(item); } } int num3 = 0; Damage damage = null; Event @event = null; foreach (GameObject gameObject in cell.GetObjectsWithPart("Physics")) { if (!Hit.Contains(gameObject)) { Hit.Add(gameObject); if (gameObject.PhaseMatches(0)) { num3 += gameObject.Weight; if (damage == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BonusDamage)) { damage = new Damage((int)(DamageModifier * (float)num / 250f)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BonusDamage)) { damage.Amount += BonusDamage.RollCached(); } damage.AddAttribute("Explosion"); damage.AddAttribute("Heat"); damage.AddAttribute("Fire"); damage.AddAttribute("Concussion"); if (cell != C) { damage.AddAttribute("Accidental"); } } if (@event == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BonusDamage)) { @event = Event.New("TakeDamage", 0, 0, 0); @event.SetParameter("Damage", damage); @event.SetParameter("Owner", Owner); @event.SetParameter("Attacker", Owner); if (Neutron) { if (gameObject.IsPlayer()) { gameObject.pPhysics.LastDeathReason = "Crushed under the weight of a thousand suns."; } @event.SetParameter("Message", "from being crushed under the weight of a thousand suns."); } else { @event.SetParameter("Message", "from %t explosion!"); } } gameObject.FireEvent(@event); } } } System.Random random = new System.Random(); for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++) { int index = random.Next(0, list.Count); Cell value = list[k]; list[k] = list[index]; list[index] = value; } Damage damage2 = null; Event event2 = null; for (; ;) { IL_44B: int l = 0; while (l < list.Count) { Cell cell3 = list[l]; if (!bLocal) { goto IL_4AD; } if (cell3.X != 0) { if (cell3.X != 79) { if (cell3.Y != 0) { if (cell3.Y != 24) { goto IL_4AD; } } } } IL_68C: l++; continue; IL_4AD: foreach (GameObject gameObject2 in cell3.GetObjectsWithPart("Physics")) { if (!Hit.Contains(gameObject2)) { Hit.Add(gameObject2); if (gameObject2.PhaseMatches(0)) { if (damage2 == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BonusDamage)) { damage2 = new Damage(num / 250); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BonusDamage)) { damage2.Amount += BonusDamage.RollCached(); } damage2.AddAttribute("Explosion"); damage2.AddAttribute("Accidental"); damage2.AddAttribute("Heat"); damage2.AddAttribute("Fire"); damage2.AddAttribute("Concussion"); } if (event2 == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BonusDamage)) { event2 = Event.New("TakeDamage", 0, 0, 0); event2.SetParameter("Damage", damage2); event2.SetParameter("Owner", Owner); event2.SetParameter("Attacker", Owner); if (Neutron) { if (gameObject2.IsPlayer()) { gameObject2.pPhysics.LastDeathReason = "Crushed under the weight of a thousand suns."; } event2.SetParameter("Message", "from being crushed under the weight of a thousand suns."); } else { event2.SetParameter("Message", "from %t explosion!"); } } gameObject2.FireEvent(event2); } } if (gameObject2.PhaseMatches(0)) { int weight = gameObject2.Weight; if (weight > num) { list.Remove(cell3); goto IL_44B; } if (weight > 0) { gameObject2.Move((!(text == ".")) ? text : Directions.GetRandomDirection(), EnergyCost: 1000); } } } if (cell3.IsSolid()) { list.Remove(cell3); goto IL_44B; } goto IL_68C; } break; } if (list.Count > 0) { int num4 = (num - num3) / list.Count; if (num4 > 100) { foreach (Cell cell4 in list) { if (cell4 != null && !UsedCells.Contains(cell4)) { UsedCells.Add(cell4); cleanQueue.Enqueue(cell4); cleanQueue2.Enqueue(num4); cleanQueue3.Enqueue(cell.GetDirectionFromCell(cell4)); } } } } } }
internal ConsoleOutStream(TextConsole console) => this.console = console ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(console));
public static int Menu(List <string> list, string header) { if (list.Contains("Действия с профилем")) { list.Add("Выход"); } else { list.Add("Назад"); } var backup = list.ToList(); ConsoleColor selected = ConsoleColor.Magenta; ConsoleColor selectedHigh = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; TextConsole.PrintConsole.Header(header); int control = 3; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { Console.BackgroundColor = selected; } list[i] = $"{TextConsole.Tab()}[{i + 1}] - {list.ElementAt(i)}"; Console.WriteLine(list.ElementAt(i)); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); int position = control; int lastPosition = control; Console.SetCursorPosition(0, position); Console.CursorVisible = false; while (true) { if (position != lastPosition) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, lastPosition); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine(list[lastPosition - control]); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, position); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, position); Console.BackgroundColor = selectedHigh; Console.WriteLine(list[position - control]); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, position); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, position); } switch (Console.ReadKey().Key) { case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: lastPosition = position; if (position > control) { position--; } else { position = list.Count - 1 + control; } break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: lastPosition = position; if (position != list.Count - 1 + control) { position++; } else { position = control; } break; case ConsoleKey.Enter: Console.CursorVisible = true; Console.ResetColor(); if (backup.ElementAt(position - control).IndexOf($"Назад") == 0 || backup.ElementAt(position - control).IndexOf($"Выход") == 0) { return(-1); } return(position - control + 1); case ConsoleKey.D0: Console.CursorVisible = true; Console.ResetColor(); return(-1); case ConsoleKey.NumPad0: goto case (ConsoleKey.D0); case ConsoleKey.Backspace: goto case (ConsoleKey.D0); } } }