Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The Create Or Get Webhook finds the given channel and, when provided a name, attempts to find a webhook
        /// with that said name. If the webhook can not be found, it creates a new webhook in the channel with the set name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ChannelID">The Channel ID is the snowflake ID of the channel which you wish the webhook to be made in.</param>
        /// <param name="WebhookName">The Webhook Name is the identifier of the webhook, and is what the webhook will be called.</param>
        /// <returns>The DiscordWebhookClient of the webhook that has been gotten or created.</returns>

        public async Task <DiscordWebhookClient> CreateOrGetWebhook(ulong ChannelID, string WebhookName)
            if (ChannelID > 0)
                try {
                    SocketChannel Channel = DiscordSocketClient.GetChannel(ChannelID);

                    if (Channel is SocketTextChannel TextChannel)
                        foreach (RestWebhook RestWebhook in await TextChannel.GetWebhooksAsync())
                            if (RestWebhook.Name.Equals(WebhookName))
                                return(new DiscordWebhookClient(RestWebhook.Id, RestWebhook.Token));

                        RestWebhook Webhook = await TextChannel.CreateWebhookAsync(WebhookName, ProfileService.GetRandomPFP());

                        return(new DiscordWebhookClient(Webhook.Id, Webhook.Token));

                    throw new Exception($"The webhook {WebhookName} could not be initialized in the given channel {Channel} due to it being of type {Channel.GetType().Name}.");
                } catch (HttpException) { }
