public void Draw(TextBuilder text, TextBatcher textBatcher, DemoSet demoSet, Vector2 position, float textHeight, Vector3 textColor, Font font) { if (TrackingInput) { text.Clear().Append("Swap demo to: "); if (TargetDemoIndex >= 0) { text.Append(TargetDemoIndex); } else { text.Append("_"); } textBatcher.Write(text, position, textHeight, textColor, font); var lineSpacing = textHeight * 1.1f; position.Y += textHeight * 0.5f; textHeight *= 0.8f; for (int i = 0; i < demoSet.Count; ++i) { position.Y += lineSpacing; text.Clear().Append(demoSet.GetName(i)); textBatcher.Write(text.Clear().Append(i).Append(": ").Append(demoSet.GetName(i)), position, textHeight, textColor, font); } } }
public void Draw(TextBuilder characters, UILineBatcher lines, TextBatcher text) { //Collect information to define data window ranges. int minX = int.MaxValue; int maxX = int.MinValue; var minY = double.MaxValue; var maxY = double.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < graphSeries.Count; ++i) { var data = graphSeries[i].Data; if (minX > data.Start) { minX = data.Start; } if (maxX < data.End) { maxX = data.End; } for (int j = data.Start; j < data.End; ++j) { var value = data[j]; if (minY > value) { minY = value; } if (maxY < value) { maxY = value; } } } //If no data series contain values, then just use a default size. if (minY == float.MinValue) { minY = 0; maxY = 1; } //You could make use of this earlier to avoid comparisons but it doesn't really matter! if (description.ForceVerticalAxisMinimumToZero) { minY = 0; if (maxY < 0) { maxY = 1; } } //Calculate the data span that takes into account rounding. We want intervals to be evenly spaced, but also to match nicely rounded numbers. //That means the span must be equal to some rounded number multiplied by the number of intervals. var yDataSpan = maxY - minY; var yIntervalCount = description.TargetVerticalTickCount + 1; var rawIntervalLength = yDataSpan / yIntervalCount; var roundingOffset = 0.5 * Math.Pow(0.1, description.VerticalIntervalLabelRounding); yDataSpan = Math.Round(rawIntervalLength * description.VerticalIntervalValueScale + roundingOffset, description.VerticalIntervalLabelRounding) * (yIntervalCount / description.VerticalIntervalValueScale); //Draw the graph body axes. var lowerLeft = description.BodyMinimum + new Vector2(0, description.BodySpan.Y); var upperRight = description.BodyMinimum + new Vector2(description.BodySpan.X, 0); var lowerRight = description.BodyMinimum + description.BodySpan; lines.Draw(description.BodyMinimum, lowerLeft, description.AxisLineRadius, description.BodyLineColor); lines.Draw(lowerLeft, lowerRight, description.AxisLineRadius, description.BodyLineColor); //Draw axis labels. characters.Clear().Append(description.HorizontalAxisLabel); var baseAxisLabelDistance = description.IntervalTickLength + description.IntervalTextHeight * description.LineSpacingMultiplier; var verticalAxisLabelDistance = baseAxisLabelDistance + 2 * description.VerticalTickTextPadding; var horizontalAxisLabelDistance = baseAxisLabelDistance + 2 * description.HorizontalTickTextPadding + description.AxisLabelHeight * description.LineSpacingMultiplier; text.Write(characters, lowerLeft + new Vector2((description.BodySpan.X - GlyphBatch.MeasureLength(characters, description.Font, description.AxisLabelHeight)) * 0.5f, horizontalAxisLabelDistance), description.AxisLabelHeight, description.TextColor, description.Font); characters.Clear().Append(description.VerticalAxisLabel); text.Write(characters, description.BodyMinimum + new Vector2(-verticalAxisLabelDistance, (description.BodySpan.Y + GlyphBatch.MeasureLength(characters, description.Font, description.AxisLabelHeight)) * 0.5f), description.AxisLabelHeight, new Vector2(0, -1), description.TextColor, description.Font); //Position tickmarks, tick labels, and background lines along the axes. { var xDataIntervalSize = (maxX - minX) / (description.TargetHorizontalTickCount + 1f); var previousTickValue = int.MinValue; float valueToPixels = description.BodySpan.X / (maxX - minX); for (int i = 0; i < description.TargetHorizontalTickCount + 2; ++i) { //Round pen offset such that the data tick lands on an integer. var valueAtTick = i * xDataIntervalSize; var tickValue = (int)Math.Round(valueAtTick); if (tickValue == previousTickValue) { //Don't bother creating redundant ticks. continue; } previousTickValue = tickValue; var penPosition = lowerLeft + new Vector2(tickValue * valueToPixels, 0); var tickEnd = penPosition + new Vector2(0, description.IntervalTickLength); var backgroundEnd = penPosition - new Vector2(0, description.BodySpan.Y); lines.Draw(penPosition, tickEnd, description.IntervalTickRadius, description.BodyLineColor); lines.Draw(penPosition, backgroundEnd, description.BackgroundLineRadius, description.BodyLineColor); characters.Clear().Append(tickValue); text.Write(characters, tickEnd + new Vector2(GlyphBatch.MeasureLength(characters, description.Font, description.IntervalTextHeight) * -0.5f, description.HorizontalTickTextPadding + description.IntervalTextHeight * description.LineSpacingMultiplier), description.IntervalTextHeight, description.TextColor, description.Font); } } { var yDataIntervalSize = yDataSpan / (description.TargetVerticalTickCount + 1f); var previousTickValue = double.MinValue; //Note the inclusion of the scale. Rounding occurs post-scale; moving back to pixels requires undoing the scale. var valueToPixels = description.BodySpan.Y / (yDataSpan * description.VerticalIntervalValueScale); for (int i = 0; i < description.TargetVerticalTickCount + 2; ++i) { var tickValue = Math.Round((minY + yDataIntervalSize * i) * description.VerticalIntervalValueScale, description.VerticalIntervalLabelRounding); if (tickValue == previousTickValue) { //Don't bother creating redundant ticks. continue; } previousTickValue = tickValue; var penPosition = lowerLeft - new Vector2(0, (float)(tickValue * valueToPixels)); var tickEnd = penPosition - new Vector2(description.IntervalTickLength, 0); var backgroundEnd = penPosition + new Vector2(description.BodySpan.X, 0); lines.Draw(penPosition, tickEnd, description.IntervalTickRadius, description.BodyLineColor); lines.Draw(penPosition, backgroundEnd, description.BackgroundLineRadius, description.BodyLineColor); characters.Clear().Append(tickValue, description.VerticalIntervalLabelRounding); text.Write(characters, tickEnd + new Vector2(-description.VerticalTickTextPadding, 0.5f * GlyphBatch.MeasureLength(characters, description.Font, description.IntervalTextHeight)), description.IntervalTextHeight, new Vector2(0, -1), description.TextColor, description.Font); } } //Draw the line graphs on top of the body. { var dataToPixelsScale = new Vector2(description.BodySpan.X / (maxX - minX), (float)(description.BodySpan.Y / yDataSpan)); Vector2 DataToScreenspace(int x, double y) { var graphCoordinates = new Vector2(x - minX, (float)(y - minY)) * dataToPixelsScale; var screenCoordinates = graphCoordinates; screenCoordinates.Y = description.BodySpan.Y - screenCoordinates.Y; screenCoordinates += description.BodyMinimum; return(screenCoordinates); } for (int i = 0; i < graphSeries.Count; ++i) { var series = graphSeries[i]; var data = series.Data; var count = data.End - data.Start; if (count > 0) { var previousScreenPosition = DataToScreenspace(data.Start, data[data.Start]); if (count > 1) { for (int j = data.Start + 1; j < data.End; ++j) { var currentScreenPosition = DataToScreenspace(j, data[j]); lines.Draw(previousScreenPosition, currentScreenPosition, series.LineRadius, series.LineColor); previousScreenPosition = currentScreenPosition; } } else { //Only one datapoint. Draw a zero length line just to draw a dot. (The shader can handle it without producing nans.) lines.Draw(previousScreenPosition, previousScreenPosition, series.LineRadius, series.LineColor); } } } } //Draw the legend entry last. Alpha blending will put it on top in case the legend is positioned on top of the body. { var penPosition = description.LegendMinimum; var legendLineSpacing = description.LegendNameHeight * 1.5f; penPosition.Y += legendLineSpacing; for (int i = 0; i < graphSeries.Count; ++i) { var series = graphSeries[i]; var lineStart = new Vector2(penPosition.X, penPosition.Y); var lineEnd = lineStart + new Vector2(description.LegendLineLength, -0.7f * description.LegendNameHeight); lines.Draw(lineStart, lineEnd, series.LineRadius, series.LineColor); var textStart = new Vector2(lineEnd.X + series.LineRadius + description.LegendNameHeight * 0.2f, penPosition.Y); characters.Clear().Append(series.Name); text.Write(characters, textStart, description.LegendNameHeight, description.TextColor, description.Font); penPosition.Y += legendLineSpacing; } } }