Example #1
        public static async Task Run(
            [BlobTrigger("summariseddocuments/{name}.{ext}")] Stream myBlob,
            [Blob("summariseddocuments/{name}.{ext}.summary.txt", FileAccess.Write)] CloudBlobStream summaryBlob,
            string name,
            string ext,
            TraceWriter log
            // Because suffix filters don't work yet - this should take non-pdfs off the todo list
            if (ext.ToLower() != "pdf")

            log.Info($"Text Processing beginning for {name} ({myBlob.Length} Bytes)");

            log.Info($"Extracting text from the PDF");
            var pages = iTextPDFHelper.GetPDFPages(myBlob, log, ocrImages: true);

            log.Info($"Calling Text Analytics to determine key phrases");
            Dictionary <string, int> keyPhrases = await TextAnalyticsHelper.GetKeyPhrases(pages, log);

            var topPhrases = keyPhrases.OrderByDescending(pair => pair.Value).Take(20).ToList();

            log.Info($"Building summary");
            string summary = TextAnalyticsHelper.BuildSummary(pages, topPhrases);

            log.Info($"Saving summary to new blob");
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(summary), false))