Example #1
        public static void DrawString(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont spriteFont, string text, Rectangle bounds,
                                      Color color, TextAlignment align)
            Vector2 size   = spriteFont.MeasureString(text);
            Vector2 pos    = bounds.Center.ToVector2();
            Vector2 origin = size * 0.5f;

            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left))
                origin.X += bounds.Width / 2.0f - size.X / 2;

            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Right))
                origin.X -= bounds.Width / 2.0f - size.X / 2;

            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top))
                origin.Y += bounds.Height / 2.0f - size.Y / 2;

            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Bottom))
                origin.Y -= bounds.Height / 2.0f - size.Y / 2;

            spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, text, pos, color, 0f, origin, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
Example #2
        public static void DrawImages(Graphics drawer, IEnumerable <Bitmap> images, long spacing,
                                      TextAlignment alignment, Rectangle box)
            var bitmap = CalculateBounds(images, spacing);

            int x, y;

            if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left))
                x = box.X;
            else if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Right))
                x = box.Right - bitmap.Width + 1;
                x = (box.Left + box.Right - bitmap.Width) >> 1;

            if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top))
                y = box.Top;
            else if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Bottom))
                y = box.Bottom - bitmap.Height + 1;
                y = (box.Top + box.Bottom - bitmap.Height) >> 1;

            if (x < box.Left)
                x = box.Left;
            if (y < box.Top)
                y = box.Top;

            foreach (var image in images)
                if (image == null)

                drawer.DrawImage(image, x, y);
                x += image.Width + (int)spacing;
Example #3
        // TODO: support for multiline strings plus angle
        public StringMetrics DrawString(string text, RectangleF rect, float angle, TextAlignment align, float realFontSize, Color4 color,
                                        CoordinateType coordinateType)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                return(new StringMetrics());

            var hl = align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left);
            var vt = align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top);

            if (hl && vt)
                return(DrawString(text, new Vector2(rect.X, rect.Y), angle, realFontSize, color, coordinateType));

            var hc = align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.HorizontalCenter);
            var vc = align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.VerticalCenter);

            var m = MeasureString(angle == 0f ? text : "00", angle, realFontSize, coordinateType);
            var p = new Vector2(
                hl ? rect.X : hc ? rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - m.Size.X / 2 : rect.Right - m.Size.X,
                vt ? rect.Y : vc ? rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - m.Size.Y / 2 : rect.Bottom - m.Size.Y);

            if (angle != 0f)
                var o = m.Size / 2f;
                o.Y /= 2f;
                p   += o - SpriteRenderer.Rotate(o, (float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Cos(angle));
                p   -= SpriteRenderer.Rotate(
                    GetOffset(MeasureString(text, 0f, realFontSize, coordinateType))
                    - GetOffset(MeasureString("00", 0f, realFontSize, coordinateType)),
                    (float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Cos(angle));

            return(DrawString(text, p, angle, realFontSize, color, coordinateType));

            Vector2 GetOffset(StringMetrics stringMetrics)
                var xm = hl ? 0f : hc ? stringMetrics.Size.X / 2 : stringMetrics.Size.X;
                var ym = vt ? 0f : vc ? stringMetrics.Size.Y / 2 : stringMetrics.Size.Y;

                return(new Vector2(xm, ym));
Example #4
        public void DrawText(float x, float y, string text, SDL.SDL_Color color, TextAlignment alignment = TextAlignment.Default, DisplayFont font = null)
            var surfacePtr = SDL_ttf.TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid(font?.Font ?? _font, text, color);

            SDL.SDL_Surface surface = (SDL.SDL_Surface)Marshal.PtrToStructure(surfacePtr, typeof(SDL.SDL_Surface));
            var             texture = SDL.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(_renderer, surfacePtr);
            int             w       = surface.w;
            int             h       = surface.h;
            int             xx      = (int)(x * ActualWidth);
            int             yy      = (int)(y * ActualHeight);

            if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.HorizontalCenter))
                xx -= w / 2;
            else if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.HorizontalRight))
                xx -= w;

            if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.VerticalCenter))
                yy -= h / 2;
            else if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.VerticalBottom))
                yy -= h;

            var src = new SDL.SDL_Rect()
                x = 0, y = 0, w = w, h = h
            var target = new SDL.SDL_Rect()
                x = xx, y = yy, w = w, h = h

            SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(_renderer, texture, ref src, ref target);
Example #5
        // TODO: support for multiline strings plus angle
        public StringMetrics DrawString(string text, RectangleF rect, float angle, TextAlignment align, float realFontSize, Color4 color,
                                        CoordinateType coordinateType)
            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top) && align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left))
                return(DrawString(text, new Vector2(rect.X, rect.Y), angle, realFontSize, color, coordinateType));

            var m = MeasureString(text, angle, realFontSize, coordinateType);
            var y = align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top) ? rect.Top :
                    align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.VerticalCenter) ? rect.Top + rect.Height / 2 - m.Size.Y / 2 :
                    rect.Bottom - m.Size.Y;
            var p = new Vector2(
                align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left) ? rect.X :
                align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.HorizontalCenter) ?
                rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - m.Size.X / 2 : rect.X + rect.Width - m.Size.X,

            if (angle != 0f)
                var o = m.Size / 2f;
                o.Y /= 2f;
                p   += o - SpriteRenderer.Rotate(o, (float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Cos(angle));

            return(DrawString(text, p, angle, realFontSize, color, coordinateType));
Example #6
        public StringMetrics DrawString(string text, Vector2 position, float angle, TextAlignment align, float realFontSize, Color4 color)
            float left, top, width, height;

            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.HorizontalCenter))
                left  = -10e3f + position.X;
                width = 20e3f;
            else if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Right))
                left  = -20e3f + position.X;
                width = 20e3f;
                left  = position.X;
                width = 20e3f;

            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.VerticalCenter))
                top    = -10e3f + position.Y;
                height = 20e3f;
            else if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Bottom))
                top    = -20e3f + position.Y;
                height = 20e3f;
                top    = position.Y;
                height = 20e3f;

            return(DrawString(text, new RectangleF(left, top, width, height), angle, align, realFontSize, color, CoordinateType.Absolute));
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the position and origin vectors that should be used when calling a SpriteBatch.DrawString method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font">The SpriteFont that will be used to draw the string.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The string that will be rendered.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">The rendering boundary.</param>
        /// <param name="alignment">The alignment of the string.</param>
        /// <param name="shiftPositionUsingOrigin">
        /// If true the position will be at the center of the bounding box and origin will be modified to move text into place.
        /// If false, the origin will remain at 0,0 and the position will be directly modified.
        /// </param>
        public static TextRenderingSettings CreateTextRenderingSettings(SpriteFont font, string text, Rectangle bounds, TextAlignment alignment, bool shiftPositionUsingOrigin)
            // Start by determining the amount of space the text will require
                        Vector2 sizeOfText = font.MeasureString(text);

                        float halfWidthOfBoundary = bounds.Width * 0.5f;
                        float halfHeightOfBoundary = bounds.Height * 0.5f;
                        float halfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText = sizeOfText.X * 0.5f;
                        float halfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText = sizeOfText.Y * 0.5f;
                        float deltaBetweenHalfWidthOfBoundaryAndHalfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText = halfWidthOfBoundary - halfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText;
                        float deltaBetweenHalfHeightOfBoundaryAndHalfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText = halfHeightOfBoundary - halfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText;

                        Vector2 position;
                        Vector2 origin;

                        if(shiftPositionUsingOrigin == true)
                                // Position the text at the center of the allowed boundry
                                position = new Vector2(halfWidthOfBoundary + bounds.X, halfHeightOfBoundary + bounds.Y);

                                // Set the origin at the center of the text
                                origin = new Vector2(halfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText, halfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText);
                                // Position the text at the center of the allowed boundry
                                position = new Vector2(deltaBetweenHalfWidthOfBoundaryAndHalfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText, deltaBetweenHalfHeightOfBoundaryAndHalfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText);

                                // Position the origin at the center of the allowed boundry
                                origin = Vector2.Zero;

                        // The below code can seem a bit tricky at first glance, but it works because shifting
                        // the origin in a direction, causes the text to be moved in the opposite direction.

                        if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left))
                                if (shiftPositionUsingOrigin == true)
                                        // Shift the origin to the right
                                        origin.X += deltaBetweenHalfWidthOfBoundaryAndHalfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText;
                                        // Shift the position to the left
                                        position.X -= deltaBetweenHalfWidthOfBoundaryAndHalfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText;

                        if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Right))
                                if (shiftPositionUsingOrigin == true)
                                        // Shift the origin to the left
                                        origin.X -= deltaBetweenHalfWidthOfBoundaryAndHalfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText;
                                        // Shift the position to the right
                                        position.X += deltaBetweenHalfWidthOfBoundaryAndHalfOfWidthRequiredToRenderText;

                        if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top))
                                if (shiftPositionUsingOrigin == true)
                                        // Shift the origin down
                                        origin.Y += deltaBetweenHalfHeightOfBoundaryAndHalfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText;
                                        // Shift the position up
                                        position.Y -= deltaBetweenHalfHeightOfBoundaryAndHalfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText;

                        if (alignment.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Bottom))
                                if (shiftPositionUsingOrigin == true)
                                        // Shift the origin up
                                        origin.Y -= deltaBetweenHalfHeightOfBoundaryAndHalfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText;
                                        // Shift the position down
                                        position.Y += deltaBetweenHalfHeightOfBoundaryAndHalfOfHeightRequiredToRenderText;

                        TextRenderingSettings renderingSettings = new TextRenderingSettings(text, origin + position, origin, sizeOfText);
                        return renderingSettings;
Example #8
        public StringMetrics DrawString(string text, RectangleF rect, TextAlignment align, float realFontSize, Color4 color, CoordinateType coordinateType)
            //If text is aligned top and left, no adjustment has to be made
            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top) && align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left))
                return(DrawString(text, new Vector2(rect.X, rect.Y), realFontSize, color, coordinateType));

            text = text.Replace("\r", "");
            var   rawTextMetrics = MeasureString(text, realFontSize, coordinateType);
            var   mMetrics       = MeasureString("m", realFontSize, coordinateType);
            float startY;

            if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Top))
                startY = rect.Top;
            else if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.VerticalCenter))
                startY = rect.Top + rect.Height / 2 - rawTextMetrics.Size.Y / 2;
            else             //Bottom
                startY = rect.Bottom - rawTextMetrics.Size.Y;

            var totalMetrics = new StringMetrics();

            //break text into lines
            var lines = text.Split('\n');

            foreach (var line in lines)
                float startX;
                if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.Left))
                    startX = rect.X;
                    var lineMetrics = MeasureString(line, realFontSize, coordinateType);
                    if (align.HasFlag(TextAlignment.HorizontalCenter))
                        startX = rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - lineMetrics.Size.X / 2;
                    else                     //Right
                        startX = rect.Right - lineMetrics.Size.X;

                var   lineMetrics2 = DrawString(line, new Vector2(startX, startY), realFontSize, color, coordinateType);
                float lineHeight;
                if (mMetrics.Size.Y < 0)
                    lineHeight = Math.Min(lineMetrics2.Size.Y, mMetrics.Size.Y);
                    lineHeight = Math.Max(lineMetrics2.Size.Y, mMetrics.Size.Y);
                startY += lineHeight;
