private void FindBest() { float bestScore = -99999; int bestRotation = 0; int bestColumn = 0; for (int rotation = 0; rotation < 4; rotation++) { for (int column = 0; column < TetrisGrid.w; column++) { int x = 5; if (column < 5) { while (activePiece.MoveLeft() && x > column) { x--; } } else if (column > 5) { while (activePiece.MoveRight() && x < column) { x++; } } int rowsDeleted = activePiece.MoveDown(false); while (rowsDeleted == -1) { rowsDeleted = activePiece.MoveDown(false); } // Calculate Score float lineDel = rowsDeleted * rowsWeight; float height = activeGrid.AggregateHeight() * heightWeight; float bumps = activeGrid.Bumpiness() * bumpinessWeight; float holes = activeGrid.Holes() * holesWeight; float score = lineDel - height - bumps - holes; if (score > bestScore) { bestScore = score; bestRotation = rotation; bestColumn = column; } Debug.Log("Check rot: " + rotation + " col: " + column + " height: " + height + " bumps: " + bumps + " lines deleted: " + lineDel + " holes: " + holes + " Score: " + score); // Return grid to privouse state activeGrid.grid = CopyGrid(originalGrid, TetrisGrid.w, TetrisGrid.h); // Return piece to origin activePiece.transform.position = pieceOrigin; } activePiece.RotateUp(); } // Rotate to origin activePiece.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(; ExecuteBest(bestColumn, bestRotation); }