Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the intersection points of the two curves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve1">First curve</param>
        /// <param name="curve2">Second curve</param>
        /// <param name="par1">Resulting parameters for the first curve</param>
        /// <param name="par2">Resulting parameters for the second curve</param>
        /// <param name="intersection">Three dimensional intersection points</param>
        /// <returns>Number of intersection points</returns>
        public static int Intersect(ICurve curve1, ICurve curve2, out double[] par1, out double[] par2, out GeoPoint[] intersection)
            // wenn es eine gemeinsame Ebene gibt, dann in dieser Ebene schneiden
            if (GetCommonPlane(curve1, curve2, out Plane pln))
                ICurve2D c2d1 = curve1.GetProjectedCurve(pln);
                ICurve2D c2d2 = curve2.GetProjectedCurve(pln);
                GeoPoint2DWithParameter[] ips = c2d1.Intersect(c2d2);
                // geht die Parametrierung der projizierten Kurven analog zu den Originalen?
                // da wir ja nur in die Ebene Projizieren, in der sich duie Kurven ohnehin befinden, müsste das stimmen
                // das muss aber noch getestet werden
                par1         = new double[ips.Length];
                par2         = new double[ips.Length];
                intersection = new GeoPoint[ips.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < ips.Length; ++i)
                    par1[i]         = ips[i].par1;
                    par2[i]         = ips[i].par2;
                    intersection[i] = pln.ToGlobal(ips[i].p);
            // eine Linie und eine nichtebene Kurve noch gesondert prüfen
            if (curve1.GetPlanarState() == PlanarState.Planar)
                double[]        ips   = curve2.GetPlaneIntersection(curve1.GetPlane());
                List <double>   lpar1 = new List <double>();
                List <double>   lpar2 = new List <double>();
                List <GeoPoint> lip   = new List <GeoPoint>();
                for (int i = 0; i < ips.Length; ++i)
                    GeoPoint p     = curve2.PointAt(ips[i]);
                    double   ppar1 = curve1.PositionOf(p);
                    GeoPoint p1    = curve1.PointAt(ppar1);
                    if (Precision.IsEqual(p, p1))
                        lip.Add(new GeoPoint(p, p1));
                par1         = lpar1.ToArray();
                par2         = lpar2.ToArray();
                intersection = lip.ToArray();
            if (curve2.GetPlanarState() == PlanarState.Planar)
                return(Intersect(curve2, curve1, out par2, out par1, out intersection));
            // Fehlt noch die Abfrage nach einer Linie, denn die ist ja nicht planar

            // allgemeiner Fall: zwei nicht ebene Kurven
            TetraederHull th1 = new TetraederHull(curve1);
            TetraederHull th2 = new TetraederHull(curve2);

            return(th1.Intersect(th2, out par1, out par2, out intersection));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.GeoObject.ISurfaceImpl.Intersect (ICurve, BoundingRect, out GeoPoint[], out GeoPoint2D[], out double[])"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve"></param>
        /// <param name="uvExtent"></param>
        /// <param name="ips"></param>
        /// <param name="uvOnFaces"></param>
        /// <param name="uOnCurve3Ds"></param>
        public override void Intersect(ICurve curve, BoundingRect uvExtent, out GeoPoint[] ips, out GeoPoint2D[] uvOnFaces, out double[] uOnCurve3Ds)
            if (curve is Line)
                GeoPoint ip;
                if (Plane.Intersect(curve.StartPoint, curve.StartDirection, out ip))
                    ips         = new GeoPoint[] { ip };
                    uvOnFaces   = new GeoPoint2D[] { PositionOf(ip) };
                    uOnCurve3Ds = new double[] { curve.PositionOf(ip) };
                    ips         = new GeoPoint[0];
                    uvOnFaces   = new GeoPoint2D[0];
                    uOnCurve3Ds = new double[0];
                //GeoPoint[] ipsdbg;
                //GeoPoint2D[] uvOnFacesdbg;
                //double[] uOnCurve3Dsdbg;
                //base.Intersect(curve, out ipsdbg, out uvOnFacesdbg, out uOnCurve3Dsdbg);
            //else if (curve is IExplicitPCurve3D)
            //    ExplicitPCurve3D epc3d = (curve as IExplicitPCurve3D).GetExplicitPCurve3D();
            //    double [] res = epc3d.GetPlaneIntersection(Location, DirectionX, DirectionY);
            //    for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        double d = Plane.Distance(epc3d.PointAt(res[i]));
            //        if (i>0) d = Plane.Distance(epc3d.PointAt((res[i]+res[i-1])/2.0));
            //    }
            //    double dd = Plane.Distance(epc3d.PointAt(epc3d.knots[epc3d.knots.Length - 1]));
            //    for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        res[i] = (res[i] - epc3d.knots[0]) / (epc3d.knots[epc3d.knots.Length - 1] - epc3d.knots[0]);
            //    }
                if (curve.GetPlanarState() == PlanarState.Planar)
                    GeoPoint  loc;
                    GeoVector dir;
                    Plane     pln = curve.GetPlane();
                    if (Plane.Intersect(curve.GetPlane(), out loc, out dir))
                        ICurve2D     c2d = curve.GetProjectedCurve(pln);
                        BoundingRect ext = c2d.GetExtent();
                        ext.Inflate(ext.Height + ext.Width); // sonst entstehen null-Linien
                        ICurve2D ll = new Line2D(pln.Project(loc), pln.Project(dir), ext);
                        DebuggerContainer dc = new DebuggerContainer();
                        GeoPoint2DWithParameter[] gpp = ll.Intersect(c2d);
                        ips         = new GeoPoint[gpp.Length];
                        uvOnFaces   = new GeoPoint2D[gpp.Length];
                        uOnCurve3Ds = new double[gpp.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < gpp.Length; ++i)
                            ips[i]         = pln.ToGlobal(gpp[i].p);
                            uvOnFaces[i]   = PositionOf(ips[i]);
                            uOnCurve3Ds[i] = curve.PositionOf(ips[i]);
                        ips         = new GeoPoint[0];
                        uvOnFaces   = new GeoPoint2D[0];
                        uOnCurve3Ds = new double[0];
                    //GeoPoint[] ipsdbg;
                    //GeoPoint2D[] uvOnFacesdbg;
                    //double[] uOnCurve3Dsdbg;
                    //base.Intersect(curve, out ipsdbg, out uvOnFacesdbg, out uOnCurve3Dsdbg);
            TetraederHull th = new TetraederHull(curve);
            // alle Kurven müssten eine gemeinsame basis habe, auf die man sich hier beziehen kann
            // damit die TetraederHull nicht mehrfach berechnet werden muss
            th.PlaneIntersection(this, out ips, out uvOnFaces, out uOnCurve3Ds);
            // base.Intersect(curve, out ips, out uvOnFaces, out uOnCurve3Ds);