Example #1
        public void TestBug17766()
            var data   = Create(@"
class Foo 
	$void Bar ()
            var engine = new CSharpTextEditorIndentation();

            var tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content = new TestViewContent(data);

            tww.ViewContent     = content;
            content.ContentName = "a.cs";
            engine.Initialize(new Document(tww));
            engine.KeyPress(Gdk.Key.Tab, '\t', Gdk.ModifierType.ShiftMask);
            CheckOutput(data, @"
class Foo 
$void Bar ()
", engine);
Example #2
        public async Task TestBug58473()
            var text   = @"$";
            int endPos = text.IndexOf('$');

            if (endPos >= 0)
                text = text.Substring(0, endPos) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);

            var project = Ide.Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject("C#");

            project.Name = "test";
            project.References.Add(MonoDevelop.Projects.ProjectReference.CreateAssemblyReference("System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"));

            project.FileName = "test.csproj";
            project.Files.Add(new ProjectFile("/a.cs", BuildAction.Compile));

            var solution = new MonoDevelop.Projects.Solution();

            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);
            using (var monitor = new ProgressMonitor())
                await TypeSystemService.Load(solution, monitor);

            var tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent       = content;
            content.ContentName   = "/a.cs";
            content.Data.MimeType = "text/x-csharp";
            content.Project       = project;

            content.Text           = text;
            content.CursorPosition = Math.Max(0, endPos);
            var doc = new MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document(tww);


            var compExt = new CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension();

            compExt.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc);

            await doc.UpdateParseDocument();

            var ctx = new CodeCompletionContext();

            var tmp = IdeApp.Preferences.EnableAutoCodeCompletion;

            var list = await compExt.HandleCodeCompletionAsync(ctx, CompletionTriggerInfo.CodeCompletionCommand);

        public async Task TestBug60365()
            var             tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            TestViewContent content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent       = content;
            content.ContentName   = "/a.cs";
            content.Data.MimeType = "text/x-csharp";

            var doc = new MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document(tww);

            var text   = "@c$";
            int endPos = text.IndexOf('$');

            if (endPos >= 0)
                text = text.Substring(0, endPos) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);

            content.Text           = text;
            content.CursorPosition = System.Math.Max(0, endPos);

            var project = MonoDevelop.Projects.Services.ProjectService.CreateProject("C#");

            project.Name     = "test";
            project.FileName = "test.csproj";
            project.Files.Add(new ProjectFile(content.ContentName, BuildAction.Compile));

            var solution = new MonoDevelop.Projects.Solution();

            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);
            using (var monitor = new ProgressMonitor())
                await TypeSystemService.Load(solution, monitor);
            content.Project = project;

            var ext = new CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension();

            ext.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc);
            var listWindow = new CompletionListWindow();
            var widget     = new TestCompletionWidget(ext.Editor, ext.DocumentContext);

            listWindow.CompletionWidget      = widget;
            listWindow.CodeCompletionContext = widget.CurrentCodeCompletionContext;

            var list = await ext.HandleCodeCompletionAsync(widget.CurrentCodeCompletionContext, new CompletionTriggerInfo (CompletionTriggerReason.CharTyped, 'c'));

            var ka = KeyActions.Complete;

            list.First(d => d.CompletionText == "class").InsertCompletionText(listWindow, ref ka, KeyDescriptor.Tab);

            Assert.AreEqual("@class", content.Text);


            await doc.UpdateParseDocument();

        async Task <RazorCSharpParsedDocument> Parse(string text, bool isPreprocessed)
            var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject("C#", "AspNetApp");

            project.FileName = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(".csproj");
            string      file        = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(".cshtml");
            ProjectFile projectFile = project.AddFile(file);

            if (isPreprocessed)
                projectFile.Generator = "RazorTemplatePreprocessor";

            var sev = new TestViewContent();
            await sev.Initialize(new FileDescriptor (file, null, project), null);

            sev.Text            = text;
            sev.Editor.FileName = sev.FilePath;

            solution = new MonoDevelop.Projects.Solution();
            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);
            await TypeSystemServiceTestExtensions.LoadSolution(solution);

            var parser = new RazorTestingParser {
                Editor = sev.Editor
            var options = new ParseOptions {
                Project  = project,
                FileName = file,
                Content  = new StringTextSource(text)

            return((RazorCSharpParsedDocument)parser.Parse(options, default(CancellationToken)).Result);
        async Task <string> Test(string input, string type, string member, Gdk.Key key = Gdk.Key.Return, bool isDelegateExpected = false)
            var s = await Setup(input);

            var             ext     = s.Item1;
            TestViewContent content = s.Item2;

            var listWindow = new CompletionListWindow();
            var widget     = new TestCompletionWidget(ext.Editor, ext.DocumentContext);

            listWindow.CompletionWidget      = widget;
            listWindow.CodeCompletionContext = widget.CurrentCodeCompletionContext;
            var model = ext.DocumentContext.ParsedDocument.GetAst <SemanticModel> ();


            var t      = model.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(type);
            var method = member != null?t.GetMembers().First(m => m.Name == member) : t.GetMembers().OfType <IMethodSymbol> ().First(m => m.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor);

            var factory = new RoslynCodeCompletionFactory(ext, model);
            var data    = new RoslynSymbolCompletionData(null, factory, method);

            data.IsDelegateExpected = isDelegateExpected;
            KeyActions ka = KeyActions.Process;

            data.InsertCompletionText(listWindow, ref ka, KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(key, (char)key, Gdk.ModifierType.None));

Example #6
        public void TestBug58764()
            var tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent = content;

            var document = new Document(tww);

            var editor = TextEditorFactory.CreateNewEditor(document);

            editor.MimeType = "text/xml";
            const string originalText = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms""
             <Grid HeightRequest=

            editor.Text = originalText;
            var offset = editor.Text.IndexOf("HeightRequest=", StringComparison.Ordinal) + "HeightRequest=".Length;

            editor.GetContent <ITextEditorImpl> ().CaretOffset = offset;
            //Reason why we use GetNativeWidget, and navigate to ExtensibleTextEditor child
            //and execute KeyPress on it instead something more abstract is...
            //EditSession key processing is done inside ExtensibleTextEditor.
            var extensibleEditor = FindChild <ExtensibleTextEditor> (editor.GetNativeWidget <Container> ());

            extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent((Gdk.Key) '"', '"', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
            extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent(Gdk.Key.BackSpace, '\0', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
            extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent((Gdk.Key) '"', '"', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
            Assert.AreEqual(originalText.Insert(offset, "\"\""), editor.Text);
Example #7
        public static IDocumentIndentEngine CreateEngine(string text)
            var sb     = new StringBuilder();
            int offset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                var ch = text [i];
                if (ch == '$')
                    offset = i;

            var tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent       = content;
            content.ContentName   = "/a.json";
            content.Data.MimeType = "application/json";

            content.Data.Text = sb.ToString();
            var doc = new MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document(tww);

            var csi    = new JSonIndentEngine(content.Data, doc);
            var result = new CacheIndentEngine(csi);

            result.Update(content.Data, offset);
Example #8
        public async Task TestBug58764()
            DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance.AutoInsertMatchingBracket = true;
            var content = new TestViewContent();
            await content.Initialize(new FileDescriptor ("foo.xml", null, null));

            using (var testCase = await TextEditorExtensionTestCase.Create(content, null, false)) {
                var document = testCase.Document;
                var editor   = content.Editor;
                editor.MimeType = "text/xml";
                const string originalText = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms""
             <Grid HeightRequest=
                editor.Text = originalText;
                var offset = editor.Text.IndexOf("HeightRequest=", StringComparison.Ordinal) + "HeightRequest=".Length;
                editor.GetContent <ITextEditorImpl> ().CaretOffset = offset;
                //Reason why we use GetNativeWidget, and navigate to ExtensibleTextEditor child
                //and execute KeyPress on it instead something more abstract is...
                //EditSession key processing is done inside ExtensibleTextEditor.
                var extensibleEditor = editor.GetContent <SourceEditorView> ().TextEditor;
                extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent((Gdk.Key) '"', '"', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
                extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent(Gdk.Key.BackSpace, '\0', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
                extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent((Gdk.Key) '"', '"', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
                Assert.AreEqual(originalText.Insert(offset, "\"\""), editor.Text);
Example #9
        public static async Task <CompletionDataList> CreateProvider(string text, string extension, bool isCtrlSpace = false)
            var result = await CreateEditor(text, extension);

            var             textEditorCompletion = result.Extension;
            string          editorText           = result.EditorText;
            TestViewContent sev            = result.ViewContent;
            int             cursorPosition = text.IndexOf('$');

            var ctx = textEditorCompletion.GetCodeCompletionContext(sev);

            if (isCtrlSpace)
                return(await textEditorCompletion.HandleCodeCompletionAsync(ctx, CompletionTriggerInfo.CodeCompletionCommand) as CompletionDataList);
                var task = textEditorCompletion.HandleCodeCompletionAsync(ctx, new CompletionTriggerInfo(CompletionTriggerReason.CharTyped, editorText [cursorPosition - 1]));
                if (task != null)
                    return(await task as CompletionDataList);
Example #10
        static Document Setup(string input)
            var tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent     = content;
            content.ContentName = "a.cs";
            content.GetTextEditorData().Document.MimeType = "text/x-csharp";
            var doc = new Document(tww);

            var text   = input;
            int endPos = text.IndexOf('$');

            if (endPos >= 0)
                text = text.Substring(0, endPos) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);

            content.Text           = text;
            content.CursorPosition = Math.Max(0, endPos);

            var compExt = new CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension();


        async Task <string> Test(string input, string type, string member, Gdk.Key key = Gdk.Key.Return)
            var s = await Setup(input);

            var             ext     = s.Item1;
            TestViewContent content = s.Item2;

            var listWindow = new CompletionListWindow();
            var widget     = new TestCompletionWidget(ext.Editor, ext.DocumentContext);

            listWindow.CompletionWidget      = widget;
            listWindow.CodeCompletionContext = widget.CurrentCodeCompletionContext;
            var sm = ext.DocumentContext.ParsedDocument.GetAst <SemanticModel> ();

            var t           = sm.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(type);
            var foundMember = t.GetMembers().First(m => m.Name == member);
            var factory     = new RoslynCodeCompletionFactory(ext, sm);
            var data        = new RoslynSymbolCompletionData(null, factory, foundMember);

            data.DisplayFlags |= DisplayFlags.NamedArgument;
            KeyActions ka = KeyActions.Process;

            data.InsertCompletionText(listWindow, ref ka, KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(key, (char)key, Gdk.ModifierType.None));

        async Task <string> Test(string input, string type, string member, Gdk.Key key = Gdk.Key.Return, bool isDelegateExpected = false)
            var s = await Setup(input);

            var             ext     = s.Item1;
            TestViewContent content = s.Item2;

            var listWindow = new CompletionListWindow();
            var widget     = new TestCompletionWidget(ext.Editor, ext.DocumentContext);

            listWindow.CompletionWidget      = widget;
            listWindow.CodeCompletionContext = widget.CurrentCodeCompletionContext;
            var model = await ext.DocumentContext.AnalysisDocument.GetSemanticModelAsync();

            DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance.AutoInsertMatchingBracket = true;

            var t = model.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(type);

            var method = member != null?model.LookupSymbols(s.Item1.Editor.CaretOffset).OfType <IMethodSymbol> ().First(m => m.Name == member) : t.GetMembers().OfType <IMethodSymbol> ().First(m => m.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor);

            var factory = new RoslynCodeCompletionFactory(ext, model);
            var data    = new RoslynSymbolCompletionData(null, factory, method);

            data.IsDelegateExpected = isDelegateExpected;
            KeyActions ka = KeyActions.Process;

            data.InsertCompletionText(listWindow, ref ka, KeyDescriptor.FromGtk(key, (char)key, Gdk.ModifierType.None));

Example #13
        static async Task <Tuple <CodeActionEditorExtension, Projects.Solution> > GatherFixesNoDispose <T> (string input, Action <ResultsEditorExtension, TaskCompletionSource <T> > callback, params int[] caretLocations)
            await Ide.Composition.CompositionManager.InitializeAsync();

            TestWorkbenchWindow tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            TestViewContent     content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent       = content;
            content.ContentName   = "/a.cs";
            content.Data.MimeType = "text/x-csharp";

            var doc = new Ide.Gui.Document(tww);

            var text = input;

            content.Text = text;

            var project = Projects.Services.ProjectService.CreateProject("C#");

            project.Name     = "test";
            project.FileName = "test.csproj";
            project.Files.Add(new ProjectFile(content.ContentName, BuildAction.Compile));
            var solution = new Projects.Solution();

            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);
            content.Project = project;

            using (var monitor = new ProgressMonitor())
                await TypeSystemService.Load(solution, monitor);

            var resultsExt = new ResultsEditorExtension();

            resultsExt.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc);

            var compExt = new CodeActionEditorExtension();

            compExt.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc);

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <T> ();

            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            cts.CancelAfter(60 * 1000);
            cts.Token.Register(() => tcs.TrySetCanceled());

            resultsExt.TasksUpdated += delegate {
                callback(resultsExt, tcs);

            await doc.UpdateParseDocument();

            await Task.Run(() => tcs.Task);

            return(Tuple.Create(compExt, solution));
Example #14
 public TextEditorExtensionTestCase(Document doc, TestViewContent content, TestWorkbenchWindow window, EditorExtensionTestData data, bool wrap)
     Document = doc;
     Content  = content;
     Window   = window;
     TestData = data;
     Wrap     = wrap;
        protected async Task <TextEditorExtensionTestCase> SetupTestCase(string input, int cursorPosition = -1, bool wrap = false)
            await Composition.CompositionManager.InitializeAsync();

            var data = GetContentData();

            var content = new TestViewContent {
                ContentName = data.FileName,
                Text        = input,

            content.Data.MimeType = data.MimeType;
            if (cursorPosition != -1)
                content.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;

            var tww = new TestWorkbenchWindow {
                ViewContent = content,

            var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject(data.Language);

            project.Name     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(data.ProjectFileName);
            project.FileName = data.ProjectFileName;
            project.Files.Add(new ProjectFile(content.ContentName, BuildAction.Compile));
            foreach (var reference in data.References)

            var solution = new Solution();

            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);

            content.Project = project;

            if (wrap && !IdeApp.IsInitialized)
                IdeApp.Initialize(new ProgressMonitor());
            Document doc = wrap ? IdeApp.Workbench.WrapDocument(tww) : new Document(tww);


            using (var monitor = new ProgressMonitor())
                await TypeSystemService.Load(solution, monitor);

            foreach (var ext in GetEditorExtensions())
                ext.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc);
            await doc.UpdateParseDocument();

            return(new TextEditorExtensionTestCase(doc, content, tww, data, wrap));
        public async static Task <TextEditorExtensionTestCase> Create(TestViewContent content, EditorExtensionTestData data, bool wrap)
            var test = new TextEditorExtensionTestCase();
            await test.Init(content, data, wrap);

            test.Document = await test.DocumentManager.OpenDocument(content);

        async Task Init(TestViewContent content, EditorExtensionTestData data, bool wrap)
            //serviceProvider = ServiceHelper.SetupMockShell ();
            documentManager = await Runtime.GetService <DocumentManager> ();

            Content  = content;
            TestData = data;
            Wrap     = wrap;
Example #18
        static async Task <CreateEditorResult> CreateEditor(string text, string extension)
            string          editorText;
            TestViewContent sev;
            string          parsedText;
            int             cursorPosition = text.IndexOf('$');
            int             endPos         = text.IndexOf('$', cursorPosition + 1);

            if (endPos == -1)
                parsedText = editorText = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1);
                parsedText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + new string (' ', endPos - cursorPosition) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                editorText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1, endPos - cursorPosition - 1) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                cursorPosition = endPos - 1;

            var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject("C#");

            project.FileName = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(".csproj");
            string file = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(extension);


            sev                = new TestViewContent();
            sev.Project        = project;
            sev.ContentName    = file;
            sev.Text           = editorText;
            sev.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;

            var tww = new TestWorkbenchWindow();

            tww.ViewContent = sev;

            var doc = new TestDocument(tww);

            doc.Editor.FileName = sev.ContentName;
            var parser  = new WebFormsParser();
            var options = new ParseOptions {
                Project  = project,
                FileName = sev.ContentName,
                Content  = new StringTextSource(parsedText)
            var parsedDoc = await parser.Parse(options, default(CancellationToken)) as WebFormsParsedDocument;

            doc.HiddenParsedDocument = parsedDoc;

            return(new CreateEditorResult {
                Extension = new WebFormsTestingEditorExtension(doc),
                EditorText = editorText,
                ViewContent = sev
Example #19
        async Task <Document> CreateDocument(string input)
            var text   = input;
            int endPos = text.IndexOf('$');

            if (endPos >= 0)
                text = text.Substring(0, endPos) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);

            if (solution != null)

            var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject("C#");

            project.Name = "test";
            project.References.Add(MonoDevelop.Projects.ProjectReference.CreateAssemblyReference("System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"));

            project.FileName = "test.csproj";
            project.Files.Add(new ProjectFile("/a.cs", BuildAction.Compile));

            solution = new MonoDevelop.Projects.Solution();
            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);
            using (var monitor = new ProgressMonitor())
                await TypeSystemService.Load(solution, monitor);

            var tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent       = content;
            content.ContentName   = "/a.cs";
            content.Data.MimeType = "text/x-csharp";
            content.Project       = project;

            content.Text           = text;
            content.CursorPosition = Math.Max(0, endPos);
            var doc = new Document(tww);


            var compExt = new CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension();

            compExt.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc);

            await doc.UpdateParseDocument();

Example #20
        public void TestProjectionCompletion()
            var editor  = TextEditorFactory.CreateNewEditor();
            var options = new CustomEditorOptions(editor.Options);

            options.EditorTheme = "Tango";
            editor.Options      = options;
            editor.Text         = "12345678901234567890";

            var projectedDocument = TextEditorFactory.CreateNewDocument(
                new StringTextSource("__12__34__56__78__90"),

            var segments = new List <ProjectedSegment> ();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                segments.Add(new ProjectedSegment(i * 2, 2 + i * 4, 2));
            var projection = new Projection.Projection(projectedDocument, segments);
            var tww        = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content    = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent = content;

            var originalContext = new Document(tww);
            var projectedEditor = projection.CreateProjectedEditor(originalContext);
            TestCompletionExtension orignalExtension;

            editor.SetExtensionChain(originalContext, new [] { orignalExtension = new TestCompletionExtension(editor)
                                                                   CompletionWidget = new EmptyCompletionWidget(editor)
                                                               } });
            TestCompletionExtension projectedExtension;

            projectedEditor.SetExtensionChain(originalContext, new [] { projectedExtension = new TestCompletionExtension(editor)
                                                                            CompletionWidget = new EmptyCompletionWidget(projectedEditor)
                                                                        } });

            editor.SetOrUpdateProjections(originalContext, new [] { projection }, TypeSystem.DisabledProjectionFeatures.None);
            editor.CaretOffset = 1;

            var service = new CommandManager();

            service.DispatchCommand(TextEditorCommands.ShowCompletionWindow, null, editor.CommandRouter);

            editor.CaretOffset = 15;
            service.DispatchCommand(TextEditorCommands.ShowCompletionWindow, null, editor.CommandRouter);
Example #21
        static async Task <CreateEditorResult> CreateEditor(string text, string extension)
            string          editorText;
            TestViewContent sev;
            string          parsedText;
            int             cursorPosition = text.IndexOf('$');
            int             endPos         = text.IndexOf('$', cursorPosition + 1);

            if (endPos == -1)
                parsedText = editorText = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1);
                parsedText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + new string (' ', endPos - cursorPosition) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                editorText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1, endPos - cursorPosition - 1) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                cursorPosition = endPos - 1;

            var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject("C#");

            project.FileName = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(".csproj");
            string file = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(extension);


            sev = new TestViewContent();
            await sev.Initialize(new FileDescriptor (file, null, project), null);

            sev.Text           = editorText;
            sev.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;

            var parser  = new WebFormsParser();
            var options = new ParseOptions {
                Project  = project,
                FileName = file,
                Content  = new StringTextSource(parsedText)

            sev.Editor.FileName = sev.FilePath;

            var parsedDoc = await parser.Parse(options, default(CancellationToken)) as WebFormsParsedDocument;

            var documentContext = sev.GetContent <RoslynDocumentContext> ();


            return(new CreateEditorResult {
                Extension = new WebFormsTestingEditorExtension(sev.Editor, documentContext),
                EditorText = editorText,
                ViewContent = sev
Example #22
            public CodeCompletionContext GetCodeCompletionContext(TestViewContent sev)
                var ctx = new CodeCompletionContext {
                    TriggerOffset = sev.CursorPosition

                sev.GetLineColumnFromPosition(ctx.TriggerOffset, out int line, out int column);
                ctx.TriggerLine       = line;
                ctx.TriggerLineOffset = column - 1;

        static WebFormsTestingEditorExtension CreateEditor(string text, string extension, out string editorText, out TestViewContent sev)
            string parsedText;
            int    cursorPosition = text.IndexOf('$');
            int    endPos         = text.IndexOf('$', cursorPosition + 1);

            if (endPos == -1)
                parsedText = editorText = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1);
                parsedText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + new string (' ', endPos - cursorPosition) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                editorText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1, endPos - cursorPosition - 1) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                cursorPosition = endPos - 1;

            var project = new AspNetAppProject("C#");

            project.References.Add(new ProjectReference(ReferenceType.Package, "System"));
            project.References.Add(new ProjectReference(ReferenceType.Package, "System.Web"));
            project.FileName = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(".csproj");
            string file = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(extension);


            var pcw = TypeSystemService.LoadProject(project);


            sev                = new TestViewContent();
            sev.Project        = project;
            sev.ContentName    = file;
            sev.Text           = editorText;
            sev.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;

            var tww = new TestWorkbenchWindow();

            tww.ViewContent = sev;

            var doc = new TestDocument(tww);

            doc.Editor.Document.FileName = sev.ContentName;
            var parser    = new WebFormsParser();
            var parsedDoc = (WebFormsParsedDocument)parser.Parse(false, sev.ContentName, new StringReader(parsedText), project);

            doc.HiddenParsedDocument = parsedDoc;

            return(new WebFormsTestingEditorExtension(doc));
        protected async Task <TextEditorExtensionTestCase> SetupTestCase(string input, int cursorPosition = -1, bool wrap = false)
            await Runtime.GetService <CompositionManager> ();

            var data = GetContentData();

            var content = new TestViewContent();
            await content.Initialize(new FileDescriptor (data.FileName, null, null));

            content.Text = input;

            content.Editor.MimeType = data.MimeType;
            if (cursorPosition != -1)
                content.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;

            var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject(data.Language);

            project.Name     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(data.ProjectFileName);
            project.FileName = data.ProjectFileName;
            project.Files.Add(new ProjectFile(content.FilePath, BuildAction.Compile));
            foreach (var reference in data.References)

            var solution = new Solution();

            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);

            content.Owner = project;

            using (var monitor = new ProgressMonitor())
                await IdeApp.TypeSystemService.Load(solution, monitor);

            var testCase = await TextEditorExtensionTestCase.Create(content, data, wrap);

            var doc = testCase.Document;

            foreach (var ext in GetEditorExtensions())
                ext.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc.DocumentContext);
            await doc.DocumentContext.UpdateParseDocument();

        static RazorTestingEditorExtension CreateEditor(string text, bool isInCSharpContext, out string editorText,
                                                        out TestViewContent sev)
            string parsedText;
            int    cursorPosition = text.IndexOf('$');
            int    endPos         = text.IndexOf('$', cursorPosition + 1);

            if (endPos == -1)
                parsedText = editorText = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1);
                parsedText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + new string (' ', endPos - cursorPosition) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                editorText     = text.Substring(0, cursorPosition) + text.Substring(cursorPosition + 1, endPos - cursorPosition - 1) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);
                cursorPosition = endPos - 1;

            var project = new AspMvc3Project("C#");

            project.FileName = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(".csproj");
            string file = UnitTests.TestBase.GetTempFile(extension);


            var pcw = TypeSystemService.LoadProject(project);


            sev                = new TestViewContent();
            sev.Project        = project;
            sev.ContentName    = file;
            sev.Text           = editorText;
            sev.CursorPosition = cursorPosition;

            var tww = new TestWorkbenchWindow();

            tww.ViewContent = sev;

            var doc    = new Document(tww);
            var parser = new RazorTestingParser()
                Doc = doc
            var parsedDoc = parser.Parse(false, sev.ContentName, new StringReader(parsedText), project);

            return(new RazorTestingEditorExtension(doc, parsedDoc as RazorCSharpParsedDocument, isInCSharpContext));
        static async Task <Tuple <CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension, TestViewContent> > Setup(string input)
            TestWorkbenchWindow tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            TestViewContent     content = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent       = content;
            content.ContentName   = "/a.cs";
            content.Data.MimeType = "text/x-csharp";

            var doc = new MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document(tww);

            var text   = input;
            int endPos = text.IndexOf('$');

            if (endPos >= 0)
                text = text.Substring(0, endPos) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);

            content.Text           = text;
            content.CursorPosition = System.Math.Max(0, endPos);

            var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateProject("C#");

            project.Name     = "test";
            project.FileName = "test.csproj";
            project.Files.Add(new ProjectFile(content.ContentName, BuildAction.Compile));
            project.Policies.Set(PolicyService.InvariantPolicies.Get <CSharpFormattingPolicy> (), CSharpFormatter.MimeType);
            var solution = new MonoDevelop.Projects.Solution();

            solution.AddConfiguration("", true);
            using (var monitor = new ProgressMonitor())
                await TypeSystemService.Load(solution, monitor);
            content.Project = project;

            var compExt = new CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension();

            compExt.Initialize(doc.Editor, doc);

            await doc.UpdateParseDocument();

            return(Tuple.Create(compExt, content));
        static Document Setup(string input)
            var tww     = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content = new TestViewContent();

            var project = new DotNetAssemblyProject("C#");

            project.Name = "test";
            project.References.Add(new ProjectReference(ReferenceType.Package, "System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"));
            project.References.Add(new ProjectReference(ReferenceType.Package, "System.Core"));

            project.FileName = "test.csproj";

            var wrapper = TypeSystemService.LoadProject(project);

            content.Project = project;

            tww.ViewContent     = content;
            content.ContentName = "a.cs";
            content.GetTextEditorData().Document.MimeType = "text/x-csharp";
            var doc = new Document(tww);

            var text   = input;
            int endPos = text.IndexOf('$');

            if (endPos >= 0)
                text = text.Substring(0, endPos) + text.Substring(endPos + 1);

            content.Text           = text;
            content.CursorPosition = Math.Max(0, endPos);

            var compExt = new CSharpCompletionTextEditorExtension();

Example #28
        static CodeCompletionContext GetCodeCompletionContext(bool cSharpContext, TestViewContent sev, UnderlyingDocument underlyingDocument)
            var ctx = new CodeCompletionContext();

            if (!cSharpContext)
                ctx.TriggerOffset = sev.CursorPosition;
                ctx.TriggerOffset = underlyingDocument.Editor.CaretOffset;

            int line, column;

            sev.GetLineColumnFromPosition(ctx.TriggerOffset, out line, out column);
            ctx.TriggerLine       = line;
            ctx.TriggerLineOffset = column - 1;

Example #29
        public async Task TestVSTS615849()
            DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance.AutoInsertMatchingBracket = true;

            var content = new TestViewContent();
            await content.Initialize(new FileDescriptor ("foo.xml", null, null));

            using (var testCase = await TextEditorExtensionTestCase.Create(content, null, false)) {
                var document = testCase.Document;
                var editor   = content.Editor;
                editor.MimeType = "text/xml";
                const string originalText = @"";
                editor.Text = originalText;

                var extensibleEditor = editor.GetContent <SourceEditorView> ().TextEditor;
                extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent((Gdk.Key) '"', '"', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
                extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent(Gdk.Key.Right, '\0', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
                extensibleEditor.OnIMProcessedKeyPressEvent(Gdk.Key.BackSpace, '\0', Gdk.ModifierType.None);
                Assert.AreEqual("\"", editor.Text);
Example #30
        public void TestProjectionUpdate()
            var editor = TextEditorFactory.CreateNewEditor();

            editor.Text = "1234567890";

            var projectedDocument = TextEditorFactory.CreateNewDocument(
                new StringTextSource("__12__34__56__78__90"),

            var segments = new List <ProjectedSegment> ();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                segments.Add(new ProjectedSegment(i * 2, 2 + i * 4, 2));
            var projection = new Projection.Projection(projectedDocument, segments);
            var tww        = new TestWorkbenchWindow();
            var content    = new TestViewContent();

            tww.ViewContent = content;

            var originalContext = new Document(tww);

            using (var testCase = new TextEditorExtensionTestCase(originalContext, content, tww, null, false)) {
                var projectedEditor = projection.CreateProjectedEditor(originalContext);
                editor.SetOrUpdateProjections(originalContext, new [] { projection }, TypeSystem.DisabledProjectionFeatures.All);
                editor.InsertText(1, "foo");
                Assert.AreEqual("__1foo2__34__56__78__90", projectedEditor.Text);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, projection.ProjectedSegments.ElementAt(0).ProjectedOffset);
                Assert.AreEqual(2 + "foo".Length, projection.ProjectedSegments.ElementAt(0).Length);
                for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(2 + i * 4 + "foo".Length, projection.ProjectedSegments.ElementAt(i).ProjectedOffset);
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, projection.ProjectedSegments.ElementAt(i).Length);