Example #1
        public async Task write_csv_async_returns_number_of_items_written()
            using (var writer = new CsvWriter(new StringWriter()))
                writer.WriteRecord("some", "record");

                var items = new TestType1[]
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "1",
                        Property2 = "2",
                        Property3 = "3"
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "4",
                        Property2 = "5",
                        Property3 = "6"

                Assert.Equal(2, await items.WriteCsvAsync(writer));
                Assert.Equal(2, await items.WriteCsvAsync(writer, false));
Example #2
        public void write_csv_writes_all_public_properties_by_default()
            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var writer = new CsvWriter(stringWriter))
                    writer.NewLine = "<EOL>";

                    var items = new TestType1[]
                        new TestType1
                            Property1 = "1",
                            Property2 = "2",
                            Property3 = "3"
                        new TestType1
                            Property1 = "4",
                            Property2 = "5",
                            Property3 = "6"

                    var result = stringWriter.ToString();

                    // can't assert exact contents because order of properties is undefined (and changes)
                    Assert.Contains("Property1", result);
                    Assert.Contains("Property2", result);
                    Assert.Contains("1", result);
                    Assert.Contains("2", result);
                    Assert.Contains("4", result);
                    Assert.Contains("5", result);
        private async Task DatabaseSetUp()
            var connection = GetRequiredService <IDbConnectionFactory>()

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType1.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType2.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType3.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType4.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType5.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType6.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType7.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType8.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType9.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType10.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType11.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType12.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType13.CreateTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType14.CreateTableScript());
Example #4
        public async Task write_csv_async_writes_only_requested_properties_if_specified()
            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var writer = new CsvWriter(stringWriter))
                    writer.NewLine = "<EOL>";

                    var items = new TestType1[]
                        new TestType1
                            Property1 = "1",
                            Property2 = "2",
                            Property3 = "3"
                        new TestType1
                            Property1 = "4",
                            Property2 = "5",
                            Property3 = "6"

                    await items.WriteCsvAsync(writer, true, new string[] { "Property2" });

                    Assert.Equal("Property2<EOL>2<EOL>5<EOL>", stringWriter.ToString());
        private async Task DatabaseTeardown()
            var connection = GetRequiredService <IDbConnectionFactory>()

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType1.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType2.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType3.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType4.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType5.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType6.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType7.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType8.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType9.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType10.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType11.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType12.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType13.DropTableScript());

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(TestType14.DropTableScript());
        public async Task ShouldInsertTestType1()
            var connection = GetRequiredService <IDbConnectionFactory>()

            var givenId   = Fixture.Create <long>();
            var givenItem = new TestType1
                Id   = givenId,
                Name = Fixture.Create <string>()

            await connection.InsertAsync(givenItem);

            var items = (await connection
                         .QueryAsync <TestType1>(@"SELECT * FROM TestType1s"))

            var retrievedItem = items.First();

        public static TestType1 CreateTestType1(int keyProp, string valueProp)
            TestType1 testType1 = new TestType1();

            testType1.KeyProp   = keyProp;
            testType1.ValueProp = valueProp;
Example #8
        public void SetValue()
            TestType1 i = new TestType1();

            _info.SetValue(i, 4711);
            int x = (int)_info.GetValue(i);

            Assert.AreEqual(4711, x);
Example #9
        static void Main()
            TestType1 t1 = new TestType1();
            TestType2 t2 = new TestType2();

            Console.WriteLine("Attempting generic function on t1 and t2");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting generic function on string 'S'");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting with func<type>(param) syntax - this enforces type checking at compile time as well...");
            // ReSharper disable once RedundantTypeArgumentsOfMethod
            //Note that compiler performs type inference for this line, you cant pass in wrong parameter values.
            OutputThing <string>("S");
            //Console.WriteLine("...and this fails if uncommented...");

            Console.WriteLine("The real power of generics");
            Console.WriteLine("Here is how c# can use function pointers - using the delegates!");
            string[] names =

            //The line below declares an action target (in c++ terms, its a function pointer).
            //This action target defines function address our 'Apply' function needs to call.
            //Notice how this code works without any side effects and without any dependency
            //on external state maintenance. The 'Apply' function works only based on supplied
            //parameters, without maintaining any class or module level state variables or
            //any external resource, etc. If 'Apply' method calls another function directly
            //this sort of builds a hard bound dependency on that function, instead this method
            //intentionally takes a delegate (or function pointer) as a parameter, which means
            //calling code can define target method to be invoked.
            Action <string> messageTarget = delegate(string s) { PrintOnConsole(s); };

            Apply(names, messageTarget);
Example #10
 public void TestMethod(int parameter1, TestType1 parameter2)
        public void Invoke()
            TestType1 cii = _info.Invoke(new object[] { }) as TestType1;

        public void write_csv_writes_all_public_properties_by_default()
            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
            using (var writer = new CsvWriter(stringWriter))
                writer.NewLine = "<EOL>";

                var items = new TestType1[]
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "1",
                        Property2 = "2",
                        Property3 = "3"
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "4",
                        Property2 = "5",
                        Property3 = "6"

                var result = stringWriter.ToString();

                // can't assert exact contents because order of properties is undefined (and changes)
                Assert.Contains("Property1", result);
                Assert.Contains("Property2", result);
                Assert.Contains("1", result);
                Assert.Contains("2", result);
                Assert.Contains("4", result);
                Assert.Contains("5", result);
        public async Task write_csv_async_returns_number_of_items_written()
            using (var writer = new CsvWriter(new StringWriter()))
                writer.WriteRecord("some", "record");

                var items = new TestType1[]
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "1",
                        Property2 = "2",
                        Property3 = "3"
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "4",
                        Property2 = "5",
                        Property3 = "6"

                Assert.Equal(2, await items.WriteCsvAsync(writer));
                Assert.Equal(2, await items.WriteCsvAsync(writer, false));
        public async Task write_csv_async_writes_only_requested_properties_if_specified()
            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
            using (var writer = new CsvWriter(stringWriter))
                writer.NewLine = "<EOL>";

                var items = new TestType1[]
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "1",
                        Property2 = "2",
                        Property3 = "3"
                    new TestType1
                        Property1 = "4",
                        Property2 = "5",
                        Property3 = "6"

                await items.WriteCsvAsync(writer, true, new string[] { "Property2" });
                Assert.Equal("Property2<EOL>2<EOL>5<EOL>", stringWriter.ToString());