public void TypeBasedExpressionRewriter_NoChange()
     foreach (var e in new Expression[]
         Expression.Constant(1L, typeof(long)),
         (Expression <Func <DateTimeOffset> >)(() => DateTimeOffset.Now),
         (Expression <Func <IEnumerable <long>, IEnumerable <string> > >)(xs => from x in xs where x % 2 == 0 select x.ToString())
         var rewriter = new TestRewriter();
         Assert.AreSame(e, rewriter.Visit(e));
        public void TypeBasedExpressionRewriter_NoChange()
            foreach (var e in new Expression[]
                Expression.Constant(1L, typeof(long)),
#pragma warning disable IDE0004 // Remove Unnecessary Cast. (Only unnecessary on C# 10 or later.)
                (Expression <Func <DateTimeOffset> >)(() => DateTimeOffset.Now),
#pragma warning restore IDE0004
                (Expression <Func <IEnumerable <long>, IEnumerable <string> > >)(xs => from x in xs where x % 2 == 0 select x.ToString())
                var rewriter = new TestRewriter();
                Assert.AreSame(e, rewriter.Visit(e));
        public void TypeBasedExpressionRewriter_Simple()
            var f = new Foo {
                Value = 42

            foreach (var e in new Dictionary <Expression, Expression>
                { Expression.Constant(f, typeof(Foo)), Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(f, typeof(Foo)), typeof(Bar)) },
                { (Expression <Func <Foo, Foo> >)(x => x.Other), (Expression <Func <Foo, Foo> >)(x => (Bar)((Bar)x).Other) },
                { (Expression <Func <Foo, Foo> >)(x => x), (Expression <Func <Foo, Foo> >)(x => (Bar)x) },
#pragma warning disable IDE0004 // Remove Unnecessary Cast. (Keeping inside expression tree.)
                { (Expression <Func <List <int>, IEnumerable <int> > >)(x => (IEnumerable <int>)x), (Expression <Func <List <int>, IEnumerable <int> > >)(x => (IEnumerable <int>)(IEnumerable <int>) x) },
#pragma warning restore IDE0004
                var comparer = new ExpressionEqualityComparer();
                var rewriter = new TestRewriter();
                Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Equals(rewriter.Visit(e.Key), e.Value));
Example #4
        private Tuple <JsClass, MockErrorReporter> Compile(string source, bool expectErrors = false)
            var sourceFile  = new MockSourceFile("file.cs", source);
            var er          = new MockErrorReporter(!expectErrors);
            var n           = new Namer();
            var references  = new[] { Mscorlib, QUnit };
            var compilation = PreparedCompilation.CreateCompilation("Test", new[] { sourceFile }, references, null);
            var s           = new AttributeStore(compilation.Compilation, er);

            var md  = new MetadataImporter(er, compilation.Compilation, s, new CompilerOptions());
            var rtl = new RuntimeLibrary(md, er, compilation.Compilation, n, s);

            var compiler = new Compiler(md, n, rtl, er);

            var result = compiler.Compile(compilation).ToList();

            Assert.That(result, Has.Count.EqualTo(1), "Should compile exactly one type");
            Assert.That(er.AllMessages, Is.Empty, "Compile should not generate errors");

            result = new TestRewriter(er, rtl, s).Rewrite(result).ToList();
            Assert.That(result, Has.Count.EqualTo(1), "Should have one type after rewrite");
            Assert.That(result[0], Is.InstanceOf <JsClass>(), "Compiled type should be a class after rewrite");

            if (expectErrors)
                Assert.That(er.AllMessages, Is.Not.Empty);
                Assert.That(er.AllMessages, Is.Empty);

            return(Tuple.Create((JsClass)result[0], er));