Example #1
        // I'm commenting this test because it does not represent
        // crossings. The Thread.Sleep's in here are not meaningful mocks,
        // and they sometimes fail in panda.
        // We need to talk in order to develop a test
        // that really tests region crossings. There are 3 async components,
        // but things are synchronous among them. So there should be
        // 3 threads in here.
        public void T021_TestCrossToNewRegion()


            // Adding child agent to region 1001
            string reason;

            scene2.NewUserConnection(acd1, 0, out reason);

            ScenePresence presence = scene.GetScenePresence(agent1);

            presence.MakeRootAgent(new Vector3(0, unchecked (Constants.RegionSize - 1), 0), true);

            ScenePresence presence2 = scene2.GetScenePresence(agent1);

            // Adding neighbour region caps info to presence2

            string cap = presence.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo().CapsPath;

            presence2.AddNeighbourRegion(region1, cap);

            Assert.That(presence.IsChildAgent, Is.False, "Did not start root in origin region.");
            Assert.That(presence2.IsChildAgent, Is.True, "Is not a child on destination region.");

            // Cross to x+1
            presence.AbsolutePosition = new Vector3(Constants.RegionSize + 1, 3, 100);

            EventWaitHandle wh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, "Crossing");

            // Mimicking communication between client and server, by waiting OK from client
            // sent by TestClient.CrossRegion call. Originally, this is network comm.
            if (!wh.WaitOne(5000, false))
                if (!wh.WaitOne(8000, false))
                    throw new ArgumentException("1 - Timeout waiting for signal/variable.");

            // This is a TestClient specific method that fires OnCompleteMovementToRegion event, which
            // would normally be fired after receiving the reply packet from comm. done on the last line.

            // Crossings are asynchronous
            int timer = 10;

            // Make sure cross hasn't already finished
            if (!presence.IsInTransit && !presence.IsChildAgent)
                // If not and not in transit yet, give it some more time

            // Enough time, should at least be in transit by now.
            while (presence.IsInTransit && timer > 0)
                timer -= 1;

            Assert.That(timer, Is.GreaterThan(0), "Timed out waiting to cross 2->1.");
            Assert.That(presence.IsChildAgent, Is.True, "Did not complete region cross as expected.");
            Assert.That(presence2.IsChildAgent, Is.False, "Did not receive root status after receiving agent.");

            // Cross Back
            presence2.AbsolutePosition = new Vector3(-10, 3, 100);

            if (!wh.WaitOne(5000, false))
                if (!wh.WaitOne(8000, false))
                    throw new ArgumentException("2 - Timeout waiting for signal/variable.");

            if (!presence2.IsInTransit && !presence2.IsChildAgent)
                // If not and not in transit yet, give it some more time

            // Enough time, should at least be in transit by now.
            while (presence2.IsInTransit && timer > 0)
                timer -= 1;

            Assert.That(timer, Is.GreaterThan(0), "Timed out waiting to cross 1->2.");
            Assert.That(presence2.IsChildAgent, Is.True, "Did not return from region as expected.");
            Assert.That(presence.IsChildAgent, Is.False, "Presence was not made root in old region again.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up correct handling of the InformClientOfNeighbour call from the source region that triggers the
        /// viewer to setup a connection with the destination region.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='tc'></param>
        /// <param name='neighbourTcs'>
        /// A list that will be populated with any TestClients set up in response to 
        /// being informed about a destination region.
        /// </param>
        public static void SetupSendRegionTeleportTriggersDestinationClientCreateAndCompleteMovement(
            TestClient client, List<TestClient> destinationClients)
                += (regionHandle, simAccess, regionExternalEndPoint, locationID, flags, capsURL) =>
                uint x, y;
                Utils.LongToUInts(regionHandle, out x, out y);
                x /= Constants.RegionSize;
                y /= Constants.RegionSize;

                    "[TEST CLIENT]: Processing send region teleport for destination at {0},{1} at {2}", 
                    x, y, regionExternalEndPoint);

                AgentCircuitData newAgent = client.RequestClientInfo();

                Scene destinationScene;
                SceneManager.Instance.TryGetScene(x, y, out destinationScene);

                TestClient destinationClient = new TestClient(newAgent, destinationScene);
                destinationScene.AddNewAgent(destinationClient, PresenceType.User);

                ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(o => destinationClient.CompleteMovement(), null);
Example #3
        public void TestCrossOnSameSimulatorNoRootDestPerm()
            //            TestHelpers.EnableLogging();

            UUID userId = TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x1);

            EntityTransferModule           etmA = new EntityTransferModule();
            EntityTransferModule           etmB = new EntityTransferModule();
            LocalSimulationConnectorModule lscm = new LocalSimulationConnectorModule();

            IConfigSource config        = new IniConfigSource();
            IConfig       modulesConfig = config.AddConfig("Modules");

            modulesConfig.Set("EntityTransferModule", etmA.Name);
            modulesConfig.Set("SimulationServices", lscm.Name);

            SceneHelpers sh     = new SceneHelpers();
            TestScene    sceneA = sh.SetupScene("sceneA", TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x100), 1000, 1000);
            TestScene    sceneB = sh.SetupScene("sceneB", TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x200), 1000, 999);

            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(new Scene[] { sceneA, sceneB }, config, lscm);
            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(sceneA, config, new CapabilitiesModule(), etmA);

            // We need to set up the permisions module on scene B so that our later use of agent limit to deny
            // QueryAccess won't succeed anyway because administrators are always allowed in and the default
            // IsAdministrator if no permissions module is present is true.
            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(sceneB, config, new CapabilitiesModule(), new PermissionsModule(), etmB);

            AgentCircuitData  acd = SceneHelpers.GenerateAgentData(userId);
            TestClient        tc  = new TestClient(acd, sceneA);
            List <TestClient> destinationTestClients = new List <TestClient>();

            EntityTransferHelpers.SetupInformClientOfNeighbourTriggersNeighbourClientCreate(tc, destinationTestClients);

            // Make sure sceneB will not accept this avatar.
            sceneB.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.PublicAccess = false;

            ScenePresence originalSp = SceneHelpers.AddScenePresence(sceneA, tc, acd);

            originalSp.AbsolutePosition = new Vector3(128, 32, 10);

            AgentUpdateArgs moveArgs = new AgentUpdateArgs();

            //moveArgs.BodyRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromEulers(Vector3.Zero);
            moveArgs.BodyRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromEulers(new Vector3(0, 0, (float)-(Math.PI / 2)));
            moveArgs.ControlFlags = (uint)AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS;
            moveArgs.SessionID    = acd.SessionID;

            originalSp.HandleAgentUpdate(originalSp.ControllingClient, moveArgs);


            //            Console.WriteLine("Second pos {0}", originalSp.AbsolutePosition);

            // FIXME: This is a sufficient number of updates to for the presence to reach the northern border.
            // But really we want to do this in a more robust way.
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                //                Console.WriteLine("Pos {0}", originalSp.AbsolutePosition);

            // sceneA agent should still be root
            ScenePresence spAfterCrossSceneA = sceneA.GetScenePresence(originalSp.UUID);

            Assert.That(spAfterCrossSceneA.IsChildAgent, Is.False);

            ScenePresence spAfterCrossSceneB = sceneB.GetScenePresence(originalSp.UUID);

            // sceneB agent should also still be root
            Assert.That(spAfterCrossSceneB.IsChildAgent, Is.True);

            // sceneB should ignore unauthorized attempt to upgrade agent to root
            TestClient sceneBTc = ((TestClient)spAfterCrossSceneB.ControllingClient);

            int agentMovementCompleteReceived = 0;

            sceneBTc.OnReceivedMoveAgentIntoRegion += (ri, pos, look) => agentMovementCompleteReceived++;


            Assert.That(agentMovementCompleteReceived, Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(spAfterCrossSceneB.IsChildAgent, Is.True);
Example #4
        public void TestCrossOnSameSimulator()
            //            TestHelpers.EnableLogging();

            UUID userId = TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x1);

            //            TestEventQueueGetModule eqmA = new TestEventQueueGetModule();
            EntityTransferModule           etmA = new EntityTransferModule();
            EntityTransferModule           etmB = new EntityTransferModule();
            LocalSimulationConnectorModule lscm = new LocalSimulationConnectorModule();

            IConfigSource config        = new IniConfigSource();
            IConfig       modulesConfig = config.AddConfig("Modules");

            modulesConfig.Set("EntityTransferModule", etmA.Name);
            modulesConfig.Set("SimulationServices", lscm.Name);
            //            IConfig entityTransferConfig = config.AddConfig("EntityTransfer");

            // In order to run a single threaded regression test we do not want the entity transfer module waiting
            // for a callback from the destination scene before removing its avatar data.
            //            entityTransferConfig.Set("wait_for_callback", false);

            SceneHelpers sh     = new SceneHelpers();
            TestScene    sceneA = sh.SetupScene("sceneA", TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x100), 1000, 1000);
            TestScene    sceneB = sh.SetupScene("sceneB", TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x200), 1000, 999);

            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(new Scene[] { sceneA, sceneB }, config, lscm);
            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(sceneA, config, new CapabilitiesModule(), etmA);
            //            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(sceneA, config, new CapabilitiesModule(), etmA, eqmA);
            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(sceneB, config, new CapabilitiesModule(), etmB);

            AgentCircuitData  acd = SceneHelpers.GenerateAgentData(userId);
            TestClient        tc  = new TestClient(acd, sceneA);
            List <TestClient> destinationTestClients = new List <TestClient>();

            EntityTransferHelpers.SetupInformClientOfNeighbourTriggersNeighbourClientCreate(tc, destinationTestClients);

            ScenePresence originalSp = SceneHelpers.AddScenePresence(sceneA, tc, acd);

            originalSp.AbsolutePosition = new Vector3(128, 32, 10);

            //            originalSp.Flying = true;

            //            Console.WriteLine("First pos {0}", originalSp.AbsolutePosition);

            //            eqmA.ClearEvents();

            AgentUpdateArgs moveArgs = new AgentUpdateArgs();

            //moveArgs.BodyRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromEulers(Vector3.Zero);
            moveArgs.BodyRotation = Quaternion.CreateFromEulers(new Vector3(0, 0, (float)-(Math.PI / 2)));
            moveArgs.ControlFlags = (uint)AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS;
            moveArgs.SessionID    = acd.SessionID;

            originalSp.HandleAgentUpdate(originalSp.ControllingClient, moveArgs);


            //            Console.WriteLine("Second pos {0}", originalSp.AbsolutePosition);

            // FIXME: This is a sufficient number of updates to for the presence to reach the northern border.
            // But really we want to do this in a more robust way.
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                //                Console.WriteLine("Pos {0}", originalSp.AbsolutePosition);

            // Need to sort processing of EnableSimulator message on adding scene presences before we can test eqm
            // messages
            //            Dictionary<UUID, List<TestEventQueueGetModule.Event>> eqmEvents = eqmA.Events;
            //            Assert.That(eqmEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            //            Assert.That(eqmEvents.ContainsKey(originalSp.UUID), Is.True);
            //            List<TestEventQueueGetModule.Event> spEqmEvents = eqmEvents[originalSp.UUID];
            //            Assert.That(spEqmEvents.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
            //            Assert.That(spEqmEvents[0].Name, Is.EqualTo("CrossRegion"));

            // sceneA should now only have a child agent
            ScenePresence spAfterCrossSceneA = sceneA.GetScenePresence(originalSp.UUID);

            Assert.That(spAfterCrossSceneA.IsChildAgent, Is.True);

            ScenePresence spAfterCrossSceneB = sceneB.GetScenePresence(originalSp.UUID);

            // Agent remains a child until the client triggers complete movement
            Assert.That(spAfterCrossSceneB.IsChildAgent, Is.True);

            TestClient sceneBTc = ((TestClient)spAfterCrossSceneB.ControllingClient);

            int agentMovementCompleteReceived = 0;

            sceneBTc.OnReceivedMoveAgentIntoRegion += (ri, pos, look) => agentMovementCompleteReceived++;


            Assert.That(agentMovementCompleteReceived, Is.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(spAfterCrossSceneB.IsChildAgent, Is.False);
        public void TestCrossOnSameSimulatorWithSittingAvatar()
            //            TestHelpers.EnableLogging();

            UUID    userId            = TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x1);
            int     sceneObjectIdTail = 0x2;
            Vector3 so1StartPos       = new Vector3(128, 10, 20);

            EntityTransferModule           etmA = new EntityTransferModule();
            EntityTransferModule           etmB = new EntityTransferModule();
            LocalSimulationConnectorModule lscm = new LocalSimulationConnectorModule();

            IConfigSource config        = new IniConfigSource();
            IConfig       modulesConfig = config.AddConfig("Modules");

            modulesConfig.Set("EntityTransferModule", etmA.Name);
            modulesConfig.Set("SimulationServices", lscm.Name);
            IConfig entityTransferConfig = config.AddConfig("EntityTransfer");

            // In order to run a single threaded regression test we do not want the entity transfer module waiting
            // for a callback from the destination scene before removing its avatar data.
            entityTransferConfig.Set("wait_for_callback", false);

            SceneHelpers sh     = new SceneHelpers();
            TestScene    sceneA = sh.SetupScene("sceneA", TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x100), 1000, 1000);
            TestScene    sceneB = sh.SetupScene("sceneB", TestHelpers.ParseTail(0x200), 1000, 999);

            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(new Scene[] { sceneA, sceneB }, config, lscm);
            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(sceneA, config, new CapabilitiesModule(), etmA);
            SceneHelpers.SetupSceneModules(sceneB, config, new CapabilitiesModule(), etmB);

            SceneObjectGroup so1   = SceneHelpers.AddSceneObject(sceneA, 1, userId, "", sceneObjectIdTail);
            UUID             so1Id = so1.UUID;

            so1.AbsolutePosition = so1StartPos;

            AgentCircuitData  acd = SceneHelpers.GenerateAgentData(userId);
            TestClient        tc  = new TestClient(acd, sceneA);
            List <TestClient> destinationTestClients = new List <TestClient>();

            EntityTransferHelpers.SetupInformClientOfNeighbourTriggersNeighbourClientCreate(tc, destinationTestClients);

            ScenePresence sp1SceneA = SceneHelpers.AddScenePresence(sceneA, tc, acd);

            sp1SceneA.AbsolutePosition = so1StartPos;
            sp1SceneA.HandleAgentRequestSit(sp1SceneA.ControllingClient, sp1SceneA.UUID, so1.UUID, Vector3.Zero);

            // Cross
                so1.LocalId, new Vector3(so1StartPos.X, so1StartPos.Y - 20, so1StartPos.Z), userId);

            SceneObjectGroup so1PostCross;

                ScenePresence sp1SceneAPostCross = sceneA.GetScenePresence(userId);
                Assert.IsTrue(sp1SceneAPostCross.IsChildAgent, "sp1SceneAPostCross.IsChildAgent unexpectedly false");

                ScenePresence sp1SceneBPostCross = sceneB.GetScenePresence(userId);
                TestClient    sceneBTc           = ((TestClient)sp1SceneBPostCross.ControllingClient);

                Assert.IsFalse(sp1SceneBPostCross.IsChildAgent, "sp1SceneAPostCross.IsChildAgent unexpectedly true");

                Assert.IsNull(sceneA.GetSceneObjectGroup(so1Id), "uck");
                so1PostCross = sceneB.GetSceneObjectGroup(so1Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, so1PostCross.GetSittingAvatarsCount());

            Vector3 so1PostCrossPos = so1PostCross.AbsolutePosition;

            //            Console.WriteLine("CRISSCROSS");

            // Recross
                so1PostCross.LocalId, new Vector3(so1PostCrossPos.X, so1PostCrossPos.Y + 20, so1PostCrossPos.Z), userId);

                ScenePresence sp1SceneBPostReCross = sceneB.GetScenePresence(userId);
                Assert.IsTrue(sp1SceneBPostReCross.IsChildAgent, "sp1SceneBPostReCross.IsChildAgent unexpectedly false");

                ScenePresence sp1SceneAPostReCross = sceneA.GetScenePresence(userId);
                TestClient    sceneATc             = ((TestClient)sp1SceneAPostReCross.ControllingClient);

                Assert.IsFalse(sp1SceneAPostReCross.IsChildAgent, "sp1SceneAPostCross.IsChildAgent unexpectedly true");

                Assert.IsNull(sceneB.GetSceneObjectGroup(so1Id), "uck2");
                SceneObjectGroup so1PostReCross = sceneA.GetSceneObjectGroup(so1Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, so1PostReCross.GetSittingAvatarsCount());