public static TestClass2 Create()
     return(new() {
         Class1 = TestClass1.Create(),
         Class1Array = new TestClass1[] {
         Class1Dict = new() {
             ["foo"] = TestClass1.Create(),
Example #2
        public void AClassIsTheMostCommonReferenceType()
            var obj = TestClass1.Create();

            // a class is a reference type, which are stored on the heap
            // a reference (variable here is obj) is a stored on the stack
            // the reference is only the location of the object on the heap, not the entire object data
            Assert.That(obj.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ValueType)), Is.Not.True);

            // field initialization is optional, will use default values
            // default values are often a bitwise '0' of value

            Assert.That(obj.Number, Is.EqualTo(0));
            // for an int that would be '0x00000000' (an int is 32 bits/4 bytes)

            // CANNOT do this... a readonly field can only be written to in a constructor
            //obj.ReadonlyField = 67;
            Assert.That(obj.ReadonlyField, Is.EqualTo(67));