private void AddTestCenter() { //tilføj testcenter string[] hoursarr; int open; int close; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter Test center hours: \"open close\""); string hours = Console.ReadLine(); hoursarr = hours.Split(" "); }while (hoursarr.Length != 2 || !int.TryParse(hoursarr[0], out open) || !int.TryParse(hoursarr[1], out close)); Console.WriteLine("Enter Test center name: \"name\""); string name = Console.ReadLine(); using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new CovidContext())) { var testCenter = new TestCenter(open, close, name); unitOfWork.TestCenters.Add(testCenter); unitOfWork.Complete(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateTestCenter(TestCenterDto testCenterDto) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } var newTestCenter = new TestCenter { City = testCenterDto.City, SlotCapacity = testCenterDto.SlotCapacity, Street = testCenterDto.Street, Name = testCenterDto.Name, Postalcode = testCenterDto.Postalcode }; try { await _unitOfWork.TestCenters.AddAsync(newTestCenter); await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction( nameof(Get), new { id = newTestCenter.Id }, newTestCenter)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
private void AddManagment() { //tilføj Testledelse Console.WriteLine("Skriv navn på testcenter der ledes:"); var name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Indtast telefon nr. og email: \"tlf email\""); string[] res = Console.ReadLine().Split(" "); using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new CovidContext())) { TestCenter center = unitOfWork.TestCenters.GetAll().Where(s => s.CenterName == name).First(); TestCenterManagement testCenterManagement = null; if (center != null) { testCenterManagement = new TestCenterManagement(center.TestCenterId, res[0], int.Parse(res[1])); unitOfWork.TestCenterManagements.Add(testCenterManagement); unitOfWork.Complete(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Ugyldig Center navn."); Console.WriteLine("Tryk på en knap for at vælge en ny mulighed"); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutTestCenter(int id, TestCenter testCenter) { if (id != testCenter.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _unitOfWork.TestCenters.UpdateTestCentersData(testCenter); try { await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!await TestCenterExistsAsync(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteTestCenter(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(BadRequest()); } TestCenter testCenter = await _unitOfWork.TestCenterRepository.GetTestCenterByIdAsync(id.Value); if (testCenter == null) { return(NotFound()); } _unitOfWork.TestCenterRepository.Delete(testCenter); try { await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (ValidationException ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <ActionResult> PutTestCenter(int?id, TestCenterDto testCenterDto) { if (id == null) { return(BadRequest()); } TestCenter testCenter = await _unitOfWork.TestCenterRepository.GetTestCenterByIdAsync(id.Value); if (testCenter == null) { return(NotFound()); } testCenter.Name = testCenterDto.Name; testCenter.City = testCenterDto.City; testCenter.Postcode = testCenterDto.Postcode; testCenter.Street = testCenterDto.Street; testCenter.SlotCapacity = testCenterDto.SlotCapacity; try { await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <TestCenter> RemoveTestCenterAsync(int testCenterId) { TestCenter cmp = await _dbContext.TestCenters .Where(c => c.Id == testCenterId) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); _dbContext.TestCenters.Remove(cmp); return(cmp); }
public TestCenterDto(TestCenter testCenter) { Id = testCenter.Id; Name = testCenter.Name; City = testCenter.City; Postcode = testCenter.Postcode; Street = testCenter.Street; SlotCapacity = testCenter.SlotCapacity; }
public async Task AddTestCenterAsync(ZentrumDto testCenter) { TestCenter center = new TestCenter { Name = testCenter.Name, City = testCenter.City, Postalcode = testCenter.Postalcode, Street = testCenter.Street, SlotCapacity = testCenter.SlotCapacity }; await _dbContext.TestCenters.AddAsync(center); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } TestCenter = await _unitOfWork.TestCenters.GetTestCenterByIdAsync(id.Value); if (TestCenter == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Page()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ExaminationDto[]> > GetExaminationsByTestCenterId(int id) { TestCenter testCenter = await _unitOfWork.TestCenterRepository.GetTestCenterByIdAsync(id); if (testCenter == null) { return(NotFound()); } ExaminationDto[] examinations = (await _unitOfWork.ExaminationRepository.GetExaminationByTestCenterIdAsync(testCenter.Id)) .Select(e => new ExaminationDto(e)) .ToArray(); return(Ok(examinations)); }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Register log event handler TestCenter.Logger.LogEnterred += new TestLogger.LogEventHandler(Logger_LogEnterred); //Grab the center m_testcenter = TestCenter.GetInstance(); //Init the image list lstMessages.SmallImageList = new ImageList(); lstMessages.SmallImageList.Images.Add(new Bitmap("error.bmp")); lstMessages.SmallImageList.Images.Add(new Bitmap("info.bmp")); lstMessages.SmallImageList.Images.Add(new Bitmap("warning.bmp")); UpdateStatus(); }
private void cmdLogin_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (txtUsername.Text == "" || txtPassword.Text == "") { FormError("Please enter a username and password"); } else { if (!TestCenter.GetInstance().Authenticate(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { FormError("Either the username or password is incorrect"); } else { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } TestCenter = await _unitOfWork.TestCenters.GetTestCenterByIdAsync(id.Value); if (TestCenter != null) { await _unitOfWork.TestCenters.RemoveTestCenterAsync(TestCenter.Id); await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(RedirectToPage("./Index")); }
private void AddTestResult() { //tilføj testresultat Console.WriteLine("Indtast oplysninger om resultat: \"BorgerID centerID resultat(p/n) status"); var tokens = Console.ReadLine().Split(" "); int borgerid; int centerid; Citizen cit = null; TestCenter cent = null; if (int.TryParse(tokens[0], out borgerid) && int.TryParse(tokens[1], out centerid)) { cit = new UnitOfWork(new CovidContext()).Citizens.Find(c => c.ID == borgerid).First(); cent = new UnitOfWork(new CovidContext()).TestCenters.Find(c => c.TestCenterId == centerid).First(); if (cit.ID == borgerid && cent.TestCenterId == centerid) { bool pos = false; if (tokens[2] == "p") { pos = true; } using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new CovidContext())) { TestDate test = new TestDate() { TestCenterID = centerid , Citizen_ID = borgerid , Date = DateTime.Now , Status = tokens[3] , Result = pos }; unitOfWork.TestDates.Add(test); unitOfWork.Complete(); } } } }
public void TestCenterCreation(TestCenterService tcs) { Console.WriteLine("Enter ID for the testcenter: "); int TestCenterId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter opening hours of the testcenter (fx. 8-16): "); string hours = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter MunicipalityID for the municipality in which the testcenter is: "); int municipalityId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var AddTestCenter = new TestCenter() { TestCenterId = TestCenterId, OpenHours = hours, MunicipalityId = municipalityId }; tcs.Create(AddTestCenter); Console.WriteLine("TestCenter added!\n"); }
private void AddTestResult() { //tilføj testresultat Console.WriteLine("Indtast oplysninger om resultat: \"BorgerID centerID resultat(p/n) status"); var tokens = Console.ReadLine().Split(" "); int borgerid; int centerid; Citizen cit = null; TestCenter cent = null; if (int.TryParse(tokens[0], out borgerid) && int.TryParse(tokens[1], out centerid)) { cit = service.GetCitizens().Find(c => c.ID == borgerid); cent = service.GetTestCenters().Find(c => c.ID == centerid); if (cit.ID == borgerid && cent.ID == centerid) { string pos = "neg"; if (tokens[2] == "p") { pos = "pos"; } Test test = new Test() { TC = cent.Name, Res = pos, Date = DateTime.Now, Status = tokens[3] }; service.AddTest(test, cit.ID); } } }
public void AddTestCenter(string name, int hours, int phonenumber, string email) { var updatedMunicipality = client.Municipalities.FindOneAndDelete(m => m.Name == name); if (updatedMunicipality == null) { Console.WriteLine("No municipality with name '{0}' exists.", name); return; } var testcenter = new TestCenter { TestCenterId = (int)client.TestCenters.CountDocuments(t => t.TestCenterId >= 0), Hours = hours, TestCenterManagement = new Testcentermanagement { Phonenumber = phonenumber, Email = email } }; client.TestCenters.InsertOne(testcenter); updatedMunicipality.TestCenter_id.Add(testcenter.TestCenterId); client.Municipalities.InsertOne(updatedMunicipality); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //CLEAR DATABASE using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { context.CitizenTestedAtTestCenters.RemoveRange(context.CitizenTestedAtTestCenters); context.CitizenWasAtLocations.RemoveRange(context.CitizenWasAtLocations); context.Citizens.RemoveRange(context.Citizens); context.TestCenters.RemoveRange(context.TestCenters); context.Locations.RemoveRange(context.Locations); context.TestCenterManagements.RemoveRange(context.TestCenterManagements); context.Municipalities.RemoveRange(context.Municipalities); context.SaveChanges(); } //INSERT MUNICIPALITIES List <Municipality> municipalities = new List <Municipality>(); string[] readLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"Municipality.csv"); foreach (string line in readLines) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(','); Municipality municipality = new Municipality(); municipality.Name = splitLine[1]; municipality.Population = int.Parse(splitLine[2]); municipalities.Add(municipality); } using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { foreach (Municipality municipality in municipalities) { context.Add(municipality); } context.SaveChanges(); } //INSERT TEST CENTER MANAGEMENT List <TestCenterManagement> testCenterManagements = new List <TestCenterManagement>(); readLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"TestCenterManagementData"); foreach (string line in readLines) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(';'); TestCenterManagement management = new TestCenterManagement(); management.Name = splitLine[0]; management.PhoneNumber = int.Parse(splitLine[1]); management.Email = splitLine[2]; testCenterManagements.Add(management); } using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { foreach (TestCenterManagement management in testCenterManagements) { context.Add(management); } context.SaveChanges(); } //INSERT LOCATIONS List <Location> locations = new List <Location>(); readLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"LocationData"); foreach (string line in readLines) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(';'); Location location = new Location(); location.Address = splitLine[0]; location.MunicipalityName = splitLine[1]; locations.Add(location); } using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { foreach (Location location in locations) { context.Add(location); } context.SaveChanges(); } //INSERT TEST CENTERS List <TestCenter> testCenters = new List <TestCenter>(); readLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"TestCenterData"); foreach (string line in readLines) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(';'); TestCenter testCenter = new TestCenter(); testCenter.Name = splitLine[0]; testCenter.Hours = splitLine[1]; testCenter.ManagementName = splitLine[2]; testCenter.LocationAddress = splitLine[3]; testCenters.Add(testCenter); } using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { foreach (TestCenter testCenter in testCenters) { context.Add(testCenter); } context.SaveChanges(); } //INSERT CITIZENS List <Citizen> citizens = new List <Citizen>(); readLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"CitizenData"); foreach (string line in readLines) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(';'); Citizen citizen = new Citizen(); citizen.FirstName = splitLine[0]; citizen.LastName = splitLine[1]; citizen.Sex = splitLine[2][0]; citizen.Age = int.Parse(splitLine[3]); citizen.SSN = splitLine[4]; citizen.MunicipalityName = splitLine[5]; citizens.Add(citizen); } using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { foreach (Citizen citizen in citizens) { context.Add(citizen); } context.SaveChanges(); } //INSERT CITIZENVISITS List <CitizenWasAtLocation> citizenWasAtLocations = new List <CitizenWasAtLocation>(); readLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"LocationVisitedData"); foreach (string line in readLines) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(';'); CitizenWasAtLocation citizenWasAtLocation = new CitizenWasAtLocation(); citizenWasAtLocation.VisitingCitizenSSN = splitLine[0]; citizenWasAtLocation.DateOfVisit = DateTime.Parse(splitLine[1]); citizenWasAtLocation.VisitedLocationAddress = splitLine[2]; citizenWasAtLocations.Add(citizenWasAtLocation); } using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { foreach (CitizenWasAtLocation citizenWasAtLocation in citizenWasAtLocations) { var Location = context.Locations .Include(b => b.Visits).First(b => b.Address == citizenWasAtLocation.VisitedLocationAddress); Location.Visits.Add(citizenWasAtLocation); } context.SaveChanges(); } //INSERT TESTS List <CitizenTestedAtTestCenter> citizenTestedAtTestCenters = new List <CitizenTestedAtTestCenter>(); readLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"TestResultData"); foreach (string line in readLines) { string[] splitLine = line.Split(';'); CitizenTestedAtTestCenter citizenTestedAtTestCenter = new CitizenTestedAtTestCenter(); citizenTestedAtTestCenter.CitizenSSN = splitLine[0]; citizenTestedAtTestCenter.Date = DateTime.Parse(splitLine[1]); citizenTestedAtTestCenter.TestCenterName = splitLine[2]; citizenTestedAtTestCenter.Result = splitLine[3]; citizenTestedAtTestCenter.Status = splitLine[4]; citizenTestedAtTestCenters.Add(citizenTestedAtTestCenter); } using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { foreach (CitizenTestedAtTestCenter citizenTestedAtTestCenter in citizenTestedAtTestCenters) { var Citizen = context.Citizens .Include(b => b.Tests).First(b => b.SSN == citizenTestedAtTestCenter.CitizenSSN); Citizen.Tests.Add(citizenTestedAtTestCenter); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public List <TestCenterCitizen> GetTestCenter(TestCenter testcenter) => _testcentercitizen.Find(testcentercitizen => testcentercitizen.testCenter == testcenter).ToList();
public void UpdateTestCentersData(TestCenter oldTestCenter) => _dbContext.TestCenters .Attach(oldTestCenter) .State = EntityState.Modified;
public void Update(int testCenterId, TestCenter testCenterIn) => _testcenter.ReplaceOne(testcenter => testcenter.TestCenterId == testCenterId, testCenterIn);
public void Remove(TestCenter testCenterId) => _testcenter.DeleteOne(testcenter => testcenter.TestCenterId == testCenterId.TestCenterId);
public async Task AddAsync(TestCenter testCenters) { await _dbContext.TestCenter.AddAsync(testCenters); }
//CRUD operations public TestCenter Create(TestCenter testCenter) { _testcenter.InsertOne(testCenter); return(testCenter); }
private async void TestCenterSaveCommandHandler() { bool verificationFailed = false; if (TestCenterUnderCreation.LocationAddress == string.Empty) { Window.TestCenterLocationRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; verificationFailed = true; } else { Window.TestCenterLocationRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } if (TestCenterUnderCreation.Name == string.Empty) { Window.TestCenterNameRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; verificationFailed = true; } else { Window.TestCenterNameRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } if (TestCenterUnderCreation.Hours == string.Empty) { Window.TestCenterHoursRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; verificationFailed = true; } else { Window.TestCenterHoursRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } if (TestCenterUnderCreation.ManagementName == string.Empty) { Window.TestCenterManagementRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; verificationFailed = true; } else { Window.TestCenterManagementRequired.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } if (verificationFailed) { return; } else { try { using (var context = new TrackerContext()) { context.Add(TestCenterUnderCreation); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); TestCenterUnderCreation = new TestCenter(); RaisePropertyChanged("TestCenters"); } } catch (Exception e) { StringBuilder exceptionString = new StringBuilder(); while (e != null) { exceptionString.AppendLine(e.Message); e = e.InnerException; } MessageBox.Show(exceptionString.ToString()); } } }
public void Delete(TestCenter testCenter) { _dbContext.TestCenter.Remove(testCenter); }
public void Remove(TestCenter testCenter) => _dbContext.TestCenters.Remove(testCenter);
public void Update(TestCenter tesCenter) => _dbContext.TestCenters.Update(tesCenter);
public async Task AddAsync(TestCenter testCenter) => await _dbContext .TestCenters .AddAsync(testCenter);