public CoreRootPage(Page rootPage, NavigationBehavior navigationBehavior = NavigationBehavior.PushAsync) { ValidateRegistrar(); var galleryFactory = DependencyService.Get<IPlatformSpecificCoreGalleryFactory>(); Title = galleryFactory?.Title ?? "Core Gallery"; var corePageView = new CorePageView(rootPage, navigationBehavior); var searchBar = new SearchBar() { AutomationId = "SearchBar" }; searchBar.TextChanged += (sender, e) => { corePageView.FilterPages(e.NewTextValue); }; var testCasesButton = new Button { Text = "Go to Test Cases", AutomationId = "GoToTestButton", TabIndex = -2, Command = new Command(async () => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchBar.Text)) await corePageView.PushPage(searchBar.Text); else await Navigation.PushModalAsync(TestCases.GetTestCases()); }) }; var stackLayout = new StackLayout() { Children = { testCasesButton, searchBar, new Button { Text = "Click to Force GC", TabIndex = -2, Command = new Command(() => { GC.Collect (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); GC.Collect (); }) } } };