public ActionResult DeleteAttachment(string id, string attachment) { TestCaseRepository testCaseRepo = new TestCaseRepository(); EvidenceRepository evidenceRepo = new EvidenceRepository(); TestCase testCase = testCaseRepo.GetById(Guid.Parse(id)); if (testCase.Evidences != null && testCase.Evidences.Count > 0) { foreach (var evidence in testCase.Evidences) { if (evidence.Id == Guid.Parse(attachment)) { System.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/" + evidence.Name + evidence.Extension)); evidenceRepo.Delete(evidence); } } } SoftwareTypeRepository swTypeRepo = new SoftwareTypeRepository(); IList <SoftwareType> swTypes = swTypeRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.SoftwareTypes = swTypes; TestCategoryRepository testCatRepo = new TestCategoryRepository(); IList <TestCategory> testCats = testCatRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.TestCategories = testCats; return(RedirectToAction("EditTestCase", "Tests", new { id = testCase.Id.ToString() })); }
public ActionResult DeleteTestCase(IList <TestCase> rows) { var testCaseRepo = new TestCaseRepository(); foreach (var row in rows) { var testCase = testCaseRepo.GetById(row.Id); if (testCase.Evidences != null && testCase.Evidences.Count > 0) { var evidenceRepo = new EvidenceRepository(); foreach (var evidence in testCase.Evidences) { System.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/" + evidence.Name + evidence.Extension)); evidenceRepo.Delete(evidence); } } if (testCase.Reviews != null && testCase.Reviews.Count > 0) { var reviewsRepo = new ReviewRepository(); foreach (var review in testCase.Reviews) { reviewsRepo.Delete(review); } } testCaseRepo.Delete(testCase); } TempData["success"] = "Test case/s was deleted!"; return(View("CompanyTests")); }
public ActionResult DeleteAttachedTestCase(string id, string testCaseId) { TestGroupRepository testGroupRepo = new TestGroupRepository(); TestCaseRepository testCaseRepo = new TestCaseRepository(); TestGroup testGroup = testGroupRepo.GetById(Guid.Parse(id)); if (testGroup.TestCases != null && testGroup.TestCases.Count > 0) { foreach (var tempTestCase in testGroup.TestCases) { if (tempTestCase.Id == Guid.Parse(testCaseId)) { testGroup.TestCases.Remove(tempTestCase); break; } } testGroup.SkillDificulty = testGroup.CountSkillDificulty(); testGroup.TimeDificulty = testGroup.CountTimeDificulty(); testGroupRepo.Update(testGroup); TestCase testCase = testCaseRepo.GetById(Guid.Parse(testCaseId)); testCase.IsInGroup = false; testCaseRepo.Update(testCase); } return(RedirectToAction("EditTestGroup", "TestGroups", new { id = testGroup.Id.ToString() })); }
public ActionResult DeleteTestGroupAll(IList <TestGroup> rows) { IList <Guid> testCasesId = new List <Guid>(); foreach (var row in rows) { var testGroupRepo = new TestGroupRepository(); TestGroup testGroup = testGroupRepo.GetById(row.Id); foreach (var testCase in testGroup.TestCases) { testCase.IsInGroup = false; testCasesId.Add(testCase.Id); } testGroupRepo.Update(testGroup); testGroupRepo.Delete(testGroup); } TestCaseRepository testCaseRepo = new TestCaseRepository(); foreach (var id in testCasesId) { TestCase testCase = testCaseRepo.GetById(id); if (testCase.Evidences != null && testCase.Evidences.Count > 0) { var evidenceRepo = new EvidenceRepository(); foreach (var evidence in testCase.Evidences) { System.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/" + evidence.Name + evidence.Extension)); evidenceRepo.Delete(evidence); } } if (testCase.Reviews != null && testCase.Reviews.Count > 0) { var reviewsRepo = new ReviewRepository(); foreach (var review in testCase.Reviews) { reviewsRepo.Delete(review); } } testCaseRepo.Delete(testCase); } TempData["success"] = "Test group/s and tests was deleted!"; return(View("CompanyTestGroups")); }
public ActionResult TestsResaults(int?page, Guid?testCaseGuid, Guid?statusGuid) { TestsRepository testsRepo = new TestsRepository(); ApplicationUserRepository <Company> userRepo = new ApplicationUserRepository <Company>(); Company company = userRepo.GetByUserName(User.Identity.Name); TestCaseRepository testCaseRepo = new TestCaseRepository(); ViewBag.TestCases = testCaseRepo.GetAllForCompany(company); TestStatusRepository statusRepo = new TestStatusRepository(); ViewBag.Statuses = statusRepo.GetAll(); int itemsOnPage = 20; int pg = page ?? 1; int startIndex = (pg * itemsOnPage) - itemsOnPage; TestCase testCase = null; if (testCaseGuid != null) { testCase = testCaseRepo.GetById((Guid)testCaseGuid); ViewBag.TestCase = testCase; } TestStatus testStatus = null; if (statusGuid != null) { testStatus = statusRepo.GetById((Guid)statusGuid); ViewBag.Status = testStatus; } IList <DataAccess.Model.Tests.Tests> testses = testsRepo.GetTestsForCompany(company, out int totalTests, out int filteredCount, testCase, testStatus, startIndex, itemsOnPage); ViewBag.Pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalTests / (double)itemsOnPage); ViewBag.CurrentPage = pg; if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(PartialView(testses)); } return(View(testses)); }
public ActionResult DetailTestCaseCompany(string id) { SoftwareTypeRepository swTypeRepo = new SoftwareTypeRepository(); IList <SoftwareType> swTypes = swTypeRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.SoftwareTypes = swTypes; TestCategoryRepository testCatRepo = new TestCategoryRepository(); IList <TestCategory> testCats = testCatRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.TestCategories = testCats; var testCaseRepo = new TestCaseRepository(); var testCase = testCaseRepo.GetById(Guid.Parse(id)); return(View(testCase)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateTestCase(TestCase testCase, HttpPostedFileBase[] files) { ModelState.Remove(nameof(testCase.Evidences)); ModelState.Remove(nameof(testCase.Rating)); ModelState.Remove(nameof(testCase.Created)); ModelState.Remove(nameof(testCase.Creator)); ModelState.Remove(nameof(testCase.Reviews)); ModelState.Remove(nameof(testCase.IsInGroup)); ModelState.Remove("SoftwareType.Name"); ModelState.Remove("Category.Name"); ModelState.Remove("files"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { TestCaseRepository testCaseRepo = new TestCaseRepository(); TestCategoryRepository testCatRepo = new TestCategoryRepository(); SoftwareTypeRepository swTypeRepo = new SoftwareTypeRepository(); TestCase oldTestCase = testCaseRepo.GetById(testCase.Id); IList <Evidence> evidences = new List <Evidence>(); if (testCase.AvailableTo <= DateTime.Now) { IList <SoftwareType> swTypes = swTypeRepo.GetAllValid(); IList <TestCategory> testCats = testCatRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.SoftwareTypes = swTypes; ViewBag.TestCategories = testCats; TempData["error"] = "Available To must be in future!"; return(View("EditTestCase", testCase)); } if (files[0] != null) { if (oldTestCase.Evidences == null || oldTestCase.Evidences.Count <= 0) { oldTestCase.Evidences = new List <Evidence>(); } var maxSizeInMb = 20; var byteSize = 1048576; var maxSizeInBytes = byteSize * maxSizeInMb; foreach (var file in files) { if (file.ContentLength > maxSizeInBytes) { IList <SoftwareType> swTypes = swTypeRepo.GetAllValid(); IList <TestCategory> testCats = testCatRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.SoftwareTypes = swTypes; ViewBag.TestCategories = testCats; TempData["error"] = "File " + file.FileName + " is too big! (max size is " + maxSizeInMb + "MB)"; return(View("EditTestCase", testCase)); } } foreach (var file in files) { Evidence evidence = new Evidence(); evidence.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); evidence.Name = evidence.Id.ToString(); evidence.RealName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName); evidence.Attached = DateTime.Now; var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); evidence.Extension = extension; var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads"), evidence.Name + extension); Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads")); file.SaveAs(path); oldTestCase.Evidences.Add(evidence); evidences.Add(evidence); } } var swType = swTypeRepo.GetByIdAsync(testCase.SoftwareType.Id); var testCat = testCatRepo.GetByIdAsync(testCase.Category.Id); oldTestCase.SoftwareType = await swType; oldTestCase.Category = await testCat; oldTestCase.Name = testCase.Name; oldTestCase.SkillDificulty = testCase.SkillDificulty; oldTestCase.TimeDificulty = testCase.TimeDificulty; oldTestCase.AvailableTo = testCase.AvailableTo; oldTestCase.Description = testCase.Description; oldTestCase.Reward = testCase.Reward; EvidenceRepository evidRepo = new EvidenceRepository(); foreach (var evidence in evidences) { evidRepo.Create(evidence); } testCaseRepo.Update(oldTestCase); TempData["success"] = "Test case was edited"; } else { SoftwareTypeRepository swTypeRepo = new SoftwareTypeRepository(); IList <SoftwareType> swTypes = swTypeRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.SoftwareTypes = swTypes; TestCategoryRepository testCatRepo = new TestCategoryRepository(); IList <TestCategory> testCats = testCatRepo.GetAllValid(); ViewBag.TestCategories = testCats; if (!swTypeRepo.IsSwTypeExist(testCase.SoftwareType.Id)) { TempData["error"] = "Please select Software type!"; return(View("EditTestCase", testCase)); } if (!testCatRepo.IsTestCatExist(testCase.Category.Id)) { TempData["error"] = "Please select Category!"; return(View("EditTestCase", testCase)); } return(View("EditTestCase", testCase)); } return(RedirectToAction("CompanyTests")); }