private static void TestArgumentNullCheckSpeed(int numberOfCalls) { var test1 = new Test1(); var test2 = new Test2(); var normalNullParameterCheckingTesting = new NormalNullParameterCheckingTesting(); var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++) { normalNullParameterCheckingTesting.TestWith1(test1); } Console.WriteLine("Normal null checking speed with 1 Test parameter: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); stopWatch.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++) { normalNullParameterCheckingTesting.TestWith2(test1, test2); } Console.WriteLine("Normal null checking speed with 2 Test parameter: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //System.Globalization.CultureInfo. Test1 t1 = new Test1(); Test2 t2 = new Test2(); t1.a = new List<List<float>>(); t1.a.Add(new List<float>()); t1.a.Add(new List<float>()); t1.a[0].Add(1); t1.a[1].Add(2); t2.a = t1.a; t1.a.Clear(); t1.a.Add(new List<float>()); t1.a.Add(new List<float>()); t1.a[0].Add(11); t1.a[1].Add(22); //t1.a.Add(2); foreach (var t in new Sample()) Console.WriteLine(t); //Console.ReadKey(); pmClasses.Collection cc = new pmClasses.Collection(5); cc.File.Load_TextFile("E:\\#Shared#\\43-219_pasha.exp(002)_s_pr_SF(T).txt" , null); cc.File.Save_TextFile("E:\\#Shared#\\43-219_pasha.exp(002)_s_pr_SF(T)_text.txt", null); }
public void PublicFieldGetSuccess() { var instance = new Test1(); var expected = "public"; var actual = Csla.Data.DataMapper.GetFieldValue(instance, "_f2"); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public static void Main() { object test1 = new Test1(); object test2 = new Test2(); // Test valid casts System.Console.WriteLine((Test1)test1 != null); System.Console.WriteLine((Test1)test2 != null); System.Console.WriteLine((Test2)test2 != null); System.Console.WriteLine((ITest)test2 != null); try { System.Console.WriteLine((Test2)test1 != null); } catch (System.InvalidCastException e) { System.Console.WriteLine("InvalidCast"); } try { System.Console.WriteLine((ITest)test1 != null); } catch (System.InvalidCastException e) { System.Console.WriteLine("InvalidCast"); } }
public static void Main() { ITest test1 = new Test1(); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A01()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A02()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A03()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A04()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A05()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A06()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A07()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A08()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A09()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A10()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A11()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A12()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A13()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A14()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A15()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A16()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A17()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A18()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A19()); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A20()); }
public static void Main() { Test1 test1 = new Test1(); Test1 test2 = new Test2(); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A()); System.Console.WriteLine(test2.A()); }
public override void Setup() { base.Setup(); _test1 = new Test1(); Container.Bind<Test0>().AsSingle().When(r => r.ObjectInstance == _test1); Container.Bind<Test1>().FromInstance(_test1); }
public void PrivateFieldSetFail() { var instance = new Test1(); var expected = "success"; Csla.Data.DataMapper.SetFieldValue(instance, "_f1", expected); var actual = Csla.Data.DataMapper.GetFieldValue(instance, "_f1"); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public static void Main() { SimpleDelegate action1 = new Test1().Method; action1("Test1"); // TODO: Delegate to static members are not supported yet SimpleDelegate action2 = Method; action2("Test2"); }
public void TestConstructByFactory() { Container.Bind<Test2>().ToSingle(); var val = new Test1(); var test1 = Container.Instantiate<Test2>(val); Assert.That(test1.val == val); }
public void PublicFieldSetSuccess() { var instance = new Test1(); var expected = "one"; Csla.Data.DataMapper.SetFieldValue(instance, "_f2", expected); var actual = instance._f2; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void TestFieldOptional2() { Container.Bind<Test3>().ToSingle(); var test1 = new Test1(); Container.Bind<Test1>().ToInstance(test1); Assert.That(Container.ValidateResolve<Test3>().IsEmpty()); Assert.IsEqual(Container.Resolve<Test3>().val1, test1); }
public void TestFieldOptional2() { Container.Bind<Test3>().AsSingle().NonLazy(); var test1 = new Test1(); Container.Bind<Test1>().FromInstance(test1).NonLazy(); Container.Validate(); Assert.IsEqual(Container.Resolve<Test3>().val1, test1); }
public static void Main() { ITest test1 = new Test1(); ITest test2 = new Test2(); ITest test3 = new Test3(); ITest test4 = new Test4(); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A()); System.Console.WriteLine(test2.A()); System.Console.WriteLine(test3.A()); System.Console.WriteLine(test4.A()); }
public static void Main() { //Force static initialization order var test1 = new Test1(); var test2 = new Test2(); Test1.Method1(); //C# and D have different order of static initialization ... D initializes all statics at once, C# does on demand (Mono) // Test1.Method1(); //var test2 = new Test2(); }
public static void Main() { var test1 = new Test1(); SimpleDelegate action1 = test1.Method; action1("Test1"); action1 += Method; action1("Test2"); action1 -= test1.Method; action1("Test3"); }
public void TestPublicPrivate() { var test1 = new Test1(); Container.Bind<Test2>().ToSingle(); Container.Bind<Test1>().ToInstance(test1); Assert.That(Container.ValidateResolve<Test2>().IsEmpty()); var test2 = Container.Resolve<Test2>(); Assert.IsEqual(test2.val2, test1); Assert.IsEqual(test2.GetVal4(), test1); }
public void TestPublicPrivate() { var test1 = new Test1(); Container.Bind<Test2>().AsSingle().NonLazy(); Container.Bind<Test1>().FromInstance(test1).NonLazy(); Container.Validate(); var test2 = Container.Resolve<Test2>(); Assert.IsEqual(test2.val2, test1); Assert.IsEqual(test2.GetVal4(), test1); }
public void InjectionMemberTests_BuildUp_WithoutService() { using (var container = new StashboxContainer()) { container.RegisterType<ITest, Test>(); var test1 = new Test1(); container.BuildUp(test1); var inst = container.Resolve<Test1>(); Assert.IsNotNull(inst); Assert.IsNotNull(inst.Test); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(inst, typeof(Test1)); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(inst.Test, typeof(Test)); } }
static void Main() { Test1 a = new Test1(); Test2 a1 = new Test2(); Test3 a2 = new Test3(); Mutex wait = new Mutex(false); MyThreadPool pool = new MyThreadPool(5, wait); for (int I = 0; I < 20; I++) pool.PutInQueue(new Test1()); // pool.PutInQueue(a); //pool.PutInQueue(a1); //pool.PutInQueue(a2); Thread.Sleep(100); Console.ReadKey(); pool.EndMyThreadPool(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void Main() { object test1 = new Test1(); object test2 = new Test2(); System.Console.WriteLine(test1 is Test1 ? "True" : "False"); System.Console.WriteLine(test1 is Test2); System.Console.WriteLine(test1 is ITest); System.Console.WriteLine(test2 is Test1); System.Console.WriteLine(test2 is Test2); System.Console.WriteLine(test2 is ITest); System.Console.WriteLine(test1 as Test1 != null ? "True" : "False"); System.Console.WriteLine(test1 as Test2 != null); System.Console.WriteLine(test1 as ITest != null); System.Console.WriteLine(test2 as Test1 != null); System.Console.WriteLine(test2 as Test2 != null); System.Console.WriteLine(test2 as ITest != null); }
public void InjectionMemberTests_BuildUp() { using (var container = new StashboxContainer()) { container.RegisterType<ITest, Test>(); var test1 = new Test1(); container.BuildUp<ITest1>(test1); var inst = container.Resolve<ITest1>(); Assert.IsNotNull(inst); Assert.IsNotNull(inst.Test); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(inst, typeof(Test1)); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(inst.Test, typeof(Test)); Assert.IsNotNull(((Test1)inst).TestFieldProperty); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(((Test1)inst).TestFieldProperty, typeof(Test)); } }
public void TestOrder() { var test1 = new Test1(); var afterTest1 = new AfterTest1(); var beforeTest1 = new BeforeTest1(); var afterBeforeTest1 = new AfterBeforeTest1(); var unspecified = new Unspecified(); var list = new List<object>() {afterBeforeTest1, test1, beforeTest1, afterTest1, unspecified}; var sorted = ExecuteOrderSorter.Sort(list); sorted.Count.ShouldBe(list.Count); foreach (var o in sorted) { Console.WriteLine(o); } AssertOrder(beforeTest1, test1, sorted); AssertOrder(test1, afterTest1, sorted); AssertOrder(beforeTest1, afterBeforeTest1, sorted); }
public static void CreateCollector <T>(this Test1 <T> arg1, Test2 <T>[] arg2) { }
public void Get_Class_Parsed() { var test = new Test1 { Property1 = 1M, Property2 = "val", Property3 = _now }; var outDic = _digger.Get(test); Assert.That(outDic.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(outDic["Property1"].PropertyNameSource, Is.EqualTo(PropertyNameSource.Default)); Assert.That(outDic["Property1"].Value, Is.EqualTo(1M)); Assert.That(outDic["Property2"].PropertyNameSource, Is.EqualTo(PropertyNameSource.Default)); Assert.That(outDic["Property2"].Value, Is.EqualTo("val")); Assert.That(outDic["Property3"].PropertyNameSource, Is.EqualTo(PropertyNameSource.Default)); Assert.That(outDic["Property3"].Value, Is.EqualTo(_now)); }
public Test4(Test1 val1) { }
public Test3(Test1 val) { this.val = val; }
public static void DoTestWithSerialization() { Console.WriteLine("----- JsonSerializerTest.DoTestWithSerialization -----"); JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); Test1 t1 = new Test1() { A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 }; Test2 t2 = new Test2() { A = 2, B = 4, C = 6 }; Test3 t3 = new Test3() { A = 3, B = 6, C = 9 }; MemoryStream stream1 = new MemoryStream(20480); MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(20480); MemoryStream stream3 = new MemoryStream(20480); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream1)) { using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { serializer.Serialize(writer, t1); } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream2)) { using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { serializer.Serialize(writer, t2); } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream3)) { using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { serializer.Serialize(writer, t3); } } string jsonString1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream1.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("Test1 对象转换为 Json 字符串:\n{0}", jsonString1); string jsonString2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream2.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("Test2 对象转换为 Json 字符串:\n{0}", jsonString2); string jsonString3 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream3.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("Test3 对象转换为 Json 字符串:\n{0}", jsonString3); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //全て.Net Framework上で実行したい場合はこちらをコメントアウト Weaver.Initialize(ComputeDeviceTypes.Gpu); //Weaver.Initialize(ComputeDeviceTypes.Cpu, 1); //複数デバイスがある場合は添字が必要 //MLPによるXORの学習 Test1.Run(); //MLPによるXORの学習【回帰版】 //Test2.Run(); //MLPによるSin関数の学習 //Test3.Run(); //MLPによるMNIST(手書き文字)の学習 //Test4.Run(); //エクセルCNNの再現 //Test5.Run(); //5層CNNによるMNISTの学習 //Test6.Run(); //BatchNormを使った15層MLPによるMNISTの学習 //Test7.Run(); //LSTMによるSin関数の学習 //Test8.Run(); //SimpleなRNNによるRNNLM //Test9.Run(); //LSTMによるRNNLM //Test10.Run(); //Decoupled Neural Interfaces using Synthetic GradientsによるMNISTの学習 //Test11.Run(); //Test11のDNIをcDNIとした //Test12.Run(); //Deconvolution2Dのテスト(Winform) //new Test13WinForm().ShowDialog(); //Test6を連結して実行 //Test14.Run(); //CaffeモデルのVGG16を読み込んで画像分類をさせるテスト //Test15.Run(); //ChainerモデルのTest5と同じ内容を読み込んで実行 //Test16.Run(); //CaffeモデルのRESNETを読み込んで画像分類をさせるテスト //Test17.Run(Test17.ResnetModel.ResNet50); //任意のResnetモデルを選択してください //CIFAR-10を5層CNNを使って学習する //Test18.Run(isCifar100:false, isFineLabel:false); //CaffeモデルのAlexNetを読み込んで画像分類をさせるテスト //Test19.Run(); //Linearの分割実行 //TestX.Run(); //ベンチマーク SingleBenchmark.Run(); Console.WriteLine("Test Done..."); Console.Read(); }
public static void Main() { ITest <string> test1 = new Test1(); System.Console.WriteLine(test1.A()); }
private static void TestParameterValidatorSpeed(int numberOfCalls) { var test1 = new Test1(); var test2 = new Test2(); var parameterValidatorTesting = new ParameterValidatorTesting(); var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++) { parameterValidatorTesting.TestWith1(test1); } Console.WriteLine("Parameter Validator speed with 1 Test parameter: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); stopWatch.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++) { parameterValidatorTesting.TestWith2(test1, test2); } Console.WriteLine("Parameter Validator speed with 2 Test parameter: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); stopWatch.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++) { parameterValidatorTesting.TestWith1AndValue(test1); } Console.WriteLine("Parameter Validator speed with 2 Test parameter and specifying values (No expression compilation): " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); stopWatch.Restart(); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++) { parameterValidatorTesting.TestWith2AndValue(test1, test2); } Console.WriteLine("Parameter Validator speed with 2 Test parameter and specifying values (No expression compilation): " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public Test2(Test1 test1, Test1 test2, Test1 test3, Test1 test4) { }
public Test1 test(Test1 test) { test.Id = 5; test.Name = "ali"; return(test); }
public void Add(Test1 test) { var vv = new Repository <Test1>(_context); vv.Add(test); }
public async Task Click2() { await Task.Delay(3000); await Test1.SetAsync("Thehehest"); }
public static void Main() { var t = new Test1(); t.Play(); }
public void TestWith2(Test1 test1, Test2 test2) { if (test1 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("test1"); if (test2 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("test2"); }
private string ClassAndStructTest(out string str2) { //DateTimeList为自定义的一个类型,见引用部分,其类型为List<T> DateTimeList dtl = new DateTimeList(); //逆变协变的使用 Func <Object, ArgumentException> fn1 = null; Func <string, Exception> fn2 = fn1; //可空值类型 //若不为可空值类型,则其值不可为null Nullable <int> nullX = 3; int? nullY = 4; nullX = null; //当左边不为null,则等于左边,否则等于右边 int?nullZ = nullX ?? nullY; nullY = nullX; nullZ = nullX ?? nullY ?? 5; try { Member m = new Member() { Nage = "123", Age = 5 - 3 }; } catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } //匿名类型 var o1 = new { Name = "123", Age = -3, Sex = "F" }; someClass sc = new someClass(); someClass sc2 = new someClass(); someStruct ss = new someStruct(); someStruct ss2 = new someStruct(); sc.x = 3; sc2 = sc; sc.x = 5; ss.x = 4; ss2 = ss; ss.x = 6; object o = ss.x; someStruct ss3 = new someStruct(); someClass sc3 = new someClass(); ss3.x = (int)o; sc3.x = (int)o; ss.x = 7; o = 9; int j = 3; int k = 9; if (j == k) { } MethodsClass.SetDouble(ref j); Swap(ref k, ref j); Test1 <string> t1 = new Test1 <string>(); ITest1 <string> t2 = t1; string t1r = t1.TestIMethod(); string t2r = t2.TestIMethod(); string str1 = @"/// <summary> /// 引用类型,在内存中,传递指针 /// </summary> class someClass { public int x; } /// <summary> /// 在线程栈中,复制值 /// </summary> struct someStruct { public int x; } someClass sc = new someClass(); someClass sc2 = new someClass(); someStruct ss = new someStruct(); someStruct ss2 = new someStruct(); sc.x = 3; sc2 = sc; sc.x = 5; ss.x = 4; ss2 = ss; ss.x = 6; object o = ss.x; someStruct ss3 = new someStruct(); someClass sc3 = new someClass(); ss3.x = (int)o; sc3.x = (int)o; ss.x = 7 o = 9; int j = 3; int k = 9; SetDouble(ref j); Swap(ref k, ref j); ===================================================================== "; str2 = "sc=" + sc.x + "\n" + "sc2=" + sc2.x + "\n" + "ss=" + ss.x + "\n" + "ss2=" + ss2.x + "\n"; str2 += "ss3=" + ss3.x + "\nsc3=" + sc3.x + "\no=" + o + "\nj.Triple()=" + j.Triple() + "\n"; str2 += DisplayTypes(3, "ss", o, j, k, null); string a = null; //若a为空,则将x赋值给b string b = a ?? "x"; return(str1); }
public void TestWith2AndValue(Test1 test1, Test2 test2) { ParameterValidator.ParameterValidator.EnsureParametersAreValid(new NullValidatorWithValue<Test1>(() => test1, test1), new NullValidatorWithValue<Test2>(() => test2, test2)); }
public static int Main() { IsTrue(Test1.StartsWith1("")); IsTrue(Test1.StartsWith2("")); IsTrue(Test1.StartsWith3("")); IsTrue(Test1.StartsWith4("")); IsTrue(Test1.StartsWith5("")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("simd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("simx")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("simx")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("simx")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("simx")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("simx")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith1("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith2("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith3("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith4("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test1.StartsWith5("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith1("")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith2("")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith3("")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith4("")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith5("")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith1("swar")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith2("swar")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith3("swar")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith4("swar")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith5("swar")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith1("swa")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith2("swa")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith3("swa")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith4("swa")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith5("swa")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith1("s")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith2("s")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith3("s")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith4("s")); IsTrue(Test2.StartsWith5("s")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("s\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("s\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("s\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("s\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("s\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("simd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("simx")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("simx")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("simx")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("simx")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("simx")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith1("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith2("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith3("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith4("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test2.StartsWith5("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith1("")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith2("")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith3("")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith4("")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith5("")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith1("swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith2("swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith3("swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith4("swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith5("swar")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith1("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith2("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith3("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith4("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith5("simd")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith1("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith2("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith3("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith4("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith5("swar\0")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith1(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith2(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith3(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith4(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith5(" swar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith1("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith2("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith3("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith4("swarswar")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith5("swarswar")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith1("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith2("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith3("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith4("simd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith5("simd")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith1("simx")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith2("simx")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith3("simx")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith4("simx")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith5("simx")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith1("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith2("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith3("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith4("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(Test3.StartsWith5("simdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith1("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith2("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith3("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith4("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); IsTrue(!Test3.StartsWith5("simdsimdsimdsimdsimdsimd")); return(retCode); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(Test1.GetHashCode() + Test2.GetHashCode()); }
public static int Main() { Test1.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test1 OK"); } Test2.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test2 OK"); } Test3.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test3 OK"); } Test4.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test4 OK"); } Test5.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test5 OK"); } Test6.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test6 OK"); } Test7.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test7 OK"); } Test8.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test8 OK"); } Test9.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test9 OK"); } Test10.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test10 OK"); } Test11.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test11 OK"); } Test12.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test12 OK"); } Test13.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test13 OK"); } Test14.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test14 OK"); } Test15.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test15 OK"); } Test16.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test16 OK"); } Test17.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test17 OK"); } Test18.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test18 OK"); } Test19.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test19 OK"); } Test20.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test20 OK"); } Test21.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test21 OK"); } Test22.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test22 OK"); } Test23.Test(); if (Utils.failures == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Test23 OK"); } if (Utils.failures > 0) { return(101); } else { Console.WriteLine("PASS"); return(100); } }
public Test2(Test1 test0, Test1 test1) { Test0 = test0; Test1 = test1; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void WriteLog() { TraceLogger.WriteInfo(string.Format("LoggerTest {0}, {1}", Test1.GetName(), Test2.GetName())); ErrorLogger.WriteInfo("ErrorLoggerTest"); DebugLogger.WriteInfo("LoggerTest"); }
private void JsctxtUserClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var frmtest = new Test1(); frmtest.Show(); }
public TestScope2(Test1 test1) { Test1 = test1; }
public Test5( [InjectOptional] Test1 val1) { Val1 = val1; }
public Test2(Test1 t1) { }
public void Method(T param) { Test1 <T> .Action(param); }
public Test2(Test1 val = null) { this.val = val; }
public void setLC(Test1 l) { t = l; }
public void TestWith1(Test1 test1) { if (test1 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("test1"); }
public bool runTest() { Console.WriteLine(s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " , for " + s_strClassMethod + " , Source ver : " + s_strDtTmVer); int iCountErrors = 0; int iCountTestcases = 0; String strLoc = "Loc_000oo"; ObjectManager objmgr1 = null; ISurrogateSelector isur = null; StreamingContext sc1 = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All); ObjectIDGenerator objid1 = null; TestFixup tstfxp1; Int64 iRootID; Int64 iChildID; String strValue; bool fFirstTime; MemberInfo[] members = null; Test1 tst1; A a1; Int32 iOurMan; Boolean fChildFound; Test2 tst2; Test3 tst3; B b1; try { do { tstfxp1 = new TestFixup(); objid1 = new ObjectIDGenerator(); iRootID = objid1.GetId(tstfxp1, out fFirstTime); strValue = "Hello World"; iChildID = objid1.GetId(strValue, out fFirstTime); members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(tstfxp1.GetType()); objmgr1 = new ObjectManager(isur, sc1); objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, members[0], iChildID); objmgr1.RegisterObject(tstfxp1, iRootID); objmgr1.RegisterObject(strValue, iChildID); iCountTestcases++; if (!tstfxp1.strFixupValue.Equals(strValue)) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_753cd! Expected value not returned, " + tstfxp1.strFixupValue + ", expected, " + strValue); } objmgr1.DoFixups(); iCountTestcases++; if (!tstfxp1.strFixupValue.Equals(strValue)) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_90342ddvs! Expected value not returned, " + tstfxp1.strFixupValue + ", expected, " + strValue); } tst1 = new Test1(); a1 = new A(); objid1 = new ObjectIDGenerator(); iRootID = objid1.GetId(tst1, out fFirstTime); iChildID = objid1.GetId(a1, out fFirstTime); members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(typeof(Test1)); iOurMan = -1; fChildFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { if (members[i].Name.Equals("a")) { fChildFound = true; iOurMan = i; break; } } if (!fChildFound) { throw new Exception("Loc_342ds! didn't find the member"); } objmgr1 = new ObjectManager(isur, sc1); objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, members[iOurMan], iChildID); try{ iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.RegisterObject(a1, iChildID); objmgr1.RegisterObject(tst1, iRootID); objmgr1.DoFixups(); Console.WriteLine("Loc_0283! exception not thrown"); }catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_04523cd! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } tst1 = new Test1(); objid1 = new ObjectIDGenerator(); iRootID = objid1.GetId(tst1, out fFirstTime); a1 = new A(); iChildID = objid1.GetId(a1, out fFirstTime); members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(typeof(Test1)); iOurMan = -1; fChildFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { if (members[i].Name.Equals("a")) { fChildFound = true; iOurMan = i; break; } } if (!fChildFound) { throw new Exception("Loc_342ds! didn't find the member"); } objmgr1 = new ObjectManager(isur, sc1); objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, members[iOurMan], iChildID); try{ iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.DoFixups(); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_7453fd! exception not thrown"); }catch (SerializationException) { }catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_1204cd! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } tst1 = new Test1(); objid1 = new ObjectIDGenerator(); iRootID = objid1.GetId(tst1, out fFirstTime); a1 = new A(); iChildID = objid1.GetId(a1, out fFirstTime); members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(typeof(Test1)); iOurMan = -1; fChildFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { if (members[i].Name.Equals("a")) { fChildFound = true; iOurMan = i; break; } } if (!fChildFound) { throw new Exception("Loc_342ds! didn't find the member"); } objmgr1 = new ObjectManager(isur, sc1); try{ iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.RegisterObject(a1, iChildID); objmgr1.RegisterObject(tst1, iRootID); objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, members[iOurMan], iChildID); objmgr1.DoFixups(); Console.WriteLine("Loc_02843cd! exception not thrown"); }catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0438fd! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } tst1 = new Test1(); objid1 = new ObjectIDGenerator(); iRootID = objid1.GetId(tst1, out fFirstTime); a1 = new A(); iChildID = objid1.GetId(a1, out fFirstTime); members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(typeof(Test1)); iOurMan = -1; fChildFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { if (members[i].Name.Equals("a")) { fChildFound = true; iOurMan = i; break; } } if (!fChildFound) { throw new Exception("Loc_342fsd! didn't find the member"); } objmgr1 = new ObjectManager(isur, sc1); try{ iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.RegisterObject(a1, iChildID); objmgr1.RegisterObject(tst1, iRootID); objmgr1.DoFixups(); Console.WriteLine("Loc_94523fsd! exception not thrown"); }catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_0348dcs! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } tst2 = new Test2(); tst3 = new Test3(); b1 = new B(); b1.StrValue = "Hello World"; tst3.Set_B = b1; objid1 = new ObjectIDGenerator(); iRootID = objid1.GetId(tst2, out fFirstTime); iChildID = objid1.GetId(tst3, out fFirstTime); members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(typeof(Test2)); iOurMan = -1; fChildFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { if (members[i].Name.Equals("tst3")) { fChildFound = true; iOurMan = i; break; } } if (!fChildFound) { throw new Exception("Loc_024fd! didn't find the member"); } objmgr1 = new ObjectManager(isur, sc1); objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, members[iOurMan], iChildID); objmgr1.RegisterObject(tst2, iRootID); objmgr1.RegisterObject(tst3, iChildID); iCountTestcases++; Console.WriteLine("Loc_4523vfd! we hve, " + tst2.StrValue); if (!tst2.StrValue.Equals("Hello World")) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_038qm! Expected value not returned, " + tst2.StrValue); } tstfxp1 = new TestFixup(); objid1 = new ObjectIDGenerator(); iRootID = objid1.GetId(tstfxp1, out fFirstTime); strValue = "Hello World"; members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(tstfxp1.GetType()); objmgr1 = new ObjectManager(null, sc1); objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, members[0], iRootID); try{ iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.RegisterObject(tstfxp1, iRootID); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_753cd! exception not thrown"); }catch (ArgumentException) { }catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_04523cd! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } try { iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.RecordFixup(-1, members[0], iChildID); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_034cd! exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_034cd! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } try { iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, members[0], -5); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_037csd! exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_710ca! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } try { iCountTestcases++; objmgr1.RecordFixup(iRootID, null, iChildID); iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_048cs! exception not thrown"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) {} catch (Exception ex) { iCountErrors++; Console.WriteLine("Err_079cd! Unexpected exception, " + ex.ToString()); } } while (false); } catch (Exception exc_general) { ++iCountErrors; Console.WriteLine(s_strTFAbbrev + " : Error Err_8888yyy! strLoc==" + strLoc + ", exc_general==\n" + exc_general.StackTrace); } if (iCountErrors == 0) { Console.WriteLine("paSs. " + s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " ,iCountTestcases==" + iCountTestcases); return(true); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAiL! " + s_strTFPath + " " + s_strTFName + " ,iCountErrors==" + iCountErrors + " , BugNums?: " + s_strActiveBugNums); return(false); } }
public void TestWith1(Test1 test1) { ParameterValidator.ParameterValidator.EnsureParametersAreValid(new NullValidator<Test1>(() => test1)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { AssetManager.Initialize(); _t = new Test1(); }
public static void RunTest() { Test1.Test(); }
public Test4(Test1 test1) { this.test1 = test1; }
static int Main() { return((Test1.Run() & Test2.Run() & Test3.Run()) ? 100 : -1); }
public void SetDeps(Test1 test1) { Test1 = test1; }