private static string getAdapterNameWithAMI(Test.TestIntfPrx testIntf) { object m = new object(); string result = null; testIntf.begin_getAdapterName().whenCompleted( (string name) => { lock (m) { result = name; System.Threading.Monitor.Pulse(m); } }, (Ice.Exception ex) => { test(false); }); lock (m) { while (result == null) { System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(m); } return(result); } }
public static void allTests(Test.TestHelper helper) { Ice.Communicator communicator = helper.communicator(); string sref = "test:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0); Ice.ObjectPrx obj = communicator.stringToProxy(sref); test(obj != null); int proxyPort = communicator.getProperties().getPropertyAsInt("Ice.HTTPProxyPort"); if (proxyPort == 0) { proxyPort = communicator.getProperties().getPropertyAsInt("Ice.SOCKSProxyPort"); } Test.TestIntfPrx testPrx = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.checkedCast(obj); test(testPrx != null); var output = helper.getWriter(); output.Write("testing connection... "); output.Flush(); { testPrx.ice_ping(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing connection information... "); output.Flush(); { Ice.IPConnectionInfo info = getIPConnectionInfo(testPrx.ice_getConnection().getInfo()); test(info.remotePort == proxyPort); // make sure we are connected to the proxy port. } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("shutting down server... "); output.Flush(); { testPrx.shutdown(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing connection failure... "); output.Flush(); { try { testPrx.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (Ice.LocalException) { } } output.WriteLine("ok"); }
public static void allTests(Ice.Communicator communicator) #endif { string sref = "test:default -p 12010"; Ice.ObjectPrx obj = communicator.stringToProxy(sref); test(obj != null); Test.TestIntfPrx testPrx = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.checkedCast(obj); test(testPrx != null); Write("testing connection... "); Flush(); { testPrx.ice_ping(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing connection information... "); Flush(); { Ice.IPConnectionInfo info = (Ice.IPConnectionInfo)testPrx.ice_getConnection().getInfo(); test(info.remotePort == 12030 || info.remotePort == 12031); // make sure we are connected to the proxy port. } WriteLine("ok"); Write("shutting down server... "); Flush(); { testPrx.shutdown(); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing connection failure... "); Flush(); { try { testPrx.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (Ice.LocalException) { } } WriteLine("ok"); }
private static Test.TestIntfPrx createTestIntfPrx(List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx> adapters) { List <Ice.Endpoint> endpoints = new List <Ice.Endpoint>(); Test.TestIntfPrx obj = null; IEnumerator <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx> p = adapters.GetEnumerator(); while (p.MoveNext()) { obj = p.Current.getTestIntf(); foreach (Ice.Endpoint e in obj.ice_getEndpoints()) { endpoints.Add(e); } } return(Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpoints(endpoints.ToArray()))); }
private static Test.TestIntfPrx createTestIntfPrx(List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx> adapters) { List <Endpoint> endpoints = new List <Endpoint>(); Test.TestIntfPrx obj = null; IEnumerator <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx> p = adapters.GetEnumerator(); while (p.MoveNext()) { obj = p.Current.getTestIntf(); foreach (Endpoint e in obj.Endpoints) { endpoints.Add(e); } } Debug.Assert(obj != null); return(obj.Clone(endpoints: endpoints.ToArray())); }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { Ice.Connection con = proxy.ice_getCachedConnection(); try { con.setACM(-19, Ice.Util.None, Ice.Util.None); test(false); } catch (ArgumentException) { } Ice.ACM acm; acm = con.getACM(); test(acm.timeout == 15); test(acm.close == Ice.ACMClose.CloseOnIdleForceful); test(acm.heartbeat == Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatOff); con.setACM(Ice.Util.None, Ice.Util.None, Ice.Util.None); acm = con.getACM(); test(acm.timeout == 15); test(acm.close == Ice.ACMClose.CloseOnIdleForceful); test(acm.heartbeat == Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatOff); con.setACM(1, Ice.ACMClose.CloseOnInvocationAndIdle, Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatAlways); acm = con.getACM(); test(acm.timeout == 1); test(acm.close == Ice.ACMClose.CloseOnInvocationAndIdle); test(acm.heartbeat == Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatAlways); proxy.startHeartbeatCount(); proxy.waitForHeartbeatCount(2); var t1 = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); con.setCloseCallback(_ => { t1.SetResult(null); }); con.close(Ice.ConnectionClose.Gracefully); test(t1.Task.Result == null); try { con.throwException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.ConnectionManuallyClosedException) { } var t2 = new TaskCompletionSource <object>(); con.setCloseCallback(_ => { t2.SetResult(null); }); test(t2.Task.Result == null); con.setHeartbeatCallback(_ => { test(false); }); }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { proxy.startHeartbeatCount(); Ice.Connection con = proxy.ice_getConnection(); con.heartbeat(); con.heartbeat(); con.heartbeat(); con.heartbeat(); con.heartbeat(); proxy.waitForHeartbeatCount(5); }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { proxy.ice_ping(); Thread.Sleep(300); } lock (this) { test(_heartbeat >= 3); } }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { Thread.Sleep(3000); lock (this) { test(_heartbeat >= 3); } }
private static string getAdapterNameWithAMI(Test.TestIntfPrx testIntf) { return(testIntf.getAdapterNameAsync().Result); }
public static void allTests(global::Test.TestHelper helper) { Ice.Communicator communicator = helper.communicator(); communicator.getProperties().setProperty("ReplyAdapter.Endpoints", "udp"); Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter("ReplyAdapter"); PingReplyI replyI = new PingReplyI(); Test.PingReplyPrx reply = (Test.PingReplyPrx)Test.PingReplyPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(replyI)).ice_datagram(); adapter.activate(); Console.Out.Write("testing udp... "); Console.Out.Flush(); Ice.ObjectPrx @base = communicator.stringToProxy("test:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0, "udp")).ice_datagram(); Test.TestIntfPrx obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(@base); int nRetry = 5; bool ret = false; while (nRetry-- > 0) { replyI.reset();;;; ret = replyI.waitReply(3, 2000); if (ret) { break; // Success } // If the 3 datagrams were not received within the 2 seconds, we try again to // receive 3 new datagrams using a new object. We give up after 5 retries. replyI = new PingReplyI(); reply = (Test.PingReplyPrx)Test.PingReplyPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(replyI)).ice_datagram(); } test(ret == true); if (communicator.getProperties().getPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Compress") == 0) { // // Only run this test if compression is disabled, the test expect fixed message size // to be sent over the wire. // byte[] seq = null; try { seq = new byte[1024]; while (true) { seq = new byte[seq.Length * 2 + 10]; replyI.reset(); obj.sendByteSeq(seq, reply); replyI.waitReply(1, 10000); } } catch (Ice.DatagramLimitException) { // // The server's Ice.UDP.RcvSize property is set to 16384, which means that DatagramLimitException // will be throw when try to send a packet bigger than that. // test(seq.Length > 16384); } obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); communicator.getProperties().setProperty("Ice.UDP.SndSize", "64000"); seq = new byte[50000]; try { replyI.reset(); obj.sendByteSeq(seq, reply); bool b = replyI.waitReply(1, 500); // // The server's Ice.UDP.RcvSize property is set to 16384, which means this packet // should not be delivered. // test(!b); } catch (Ice.DatagramLimitException) { } catch (Ice.LocalException ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex); test(false); } } Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); Console.Out.Write("testing udp multicast... "); Console.Out.Flush(); StringBuilder endpoint = new StringBuilder(); // // Use loopback to prevent other machines to answer. // if (communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.IPv6") == "1") { endpoint.Append("udp -h \"ff15::1:1\""); if (IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.isWindows || IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.isMacOS) { endpoint.Append(" --interface \"::1\""); } } else { endpoint.Append("udp -h"); if (IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.isWindows || IceInternal.AssemblyUtil.isMacOS) { endpoint.Append(" --interface"); } } endpoint.Append(" -p "); endpoint.Append(helper.getTestPort(10)); @base = communicator.stringToProxy("test -d:" + endpoint.ToString()); var objMcast = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(@base); nRetry = 5; while (nRetry-- > 0) { replyI.reset(); try {; } catch (Ice.SocketException) { if (communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.IPv6") == "1") { // Multicast IPv6 not supported on the platform. This occurs for example on macOS big_suir Console.Out.Write("(not supported) "); ret = true; break; } throw; } ret = replyI.waitReply(5, 5000); if (ret) { break; } replyI = new PingReplyI(); reply = (Test.PingReplyPrx)Test.PingReplyPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(replyI)).ice_datagram(); } if (!ret) { Console.Out.WriteLine("failed(is a firewall enabled?)"); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); } Console.Out.Write("testing udp bi-dir connection... "); Console.Out.Flush(); obj.ice_getConnection().setAdapter(adapter); nRetry = 5; while (nRetry-- > 0) { replyI.reset(); obj.pingBiDir(reply.ice_getIdentity()); obj.pingBiDir(reply.ice_getIdentity()); obj.pingBiDir(reply.ice_getIdentity()); ret = replyI.waitReply(3, 2000); if (ret) { break; // Success } replyI = new PingReplyI(); reply = (Test.PingReplyPrx)Test.PingReplyPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(replyI)).ice_datagram(); } test(ret); Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); // // Sending the replies back on the multicast UDP connection doesn't work for most // platform(it works for macOS Leopard but not Snow Leopard, doesn't work on SLES, // Windows...). For Windows, see UdpTransceiver constructor for the details. So // we don't run this test. // // Console.Out.Write("testing udp bi-dir connection... "); // nRetry = 5; // while(nRetry-- > 0) // { // replyI.reset(); // objMcast.pingBiDir(reply.ice_getIdentity()); // ret = replyI.waitReply(5, 2000); // if(ret) // { // break; // Success // } // replyI = new PingReplyI(); // reply =(PingReplyPrx)PingReplyPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(replyI)).ice_datagram(); // } // if(!ret) // { // Console.Out.WriteLine("failed(is a firewall enabled?)"); // } // else // { // Console.Out.WriteLine("ok"); // } }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { adapter.hold(); Thread.Sleep(3000); // Idle for 3 seconds waitForClosed(); lock (this) { test(_heartbeat == 0); } }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { try { // Heartbeats are disabled on the server, the // invocation should fail since heartbeats are // expected. proxy.sleep(10); test(false); } catch (Ice.ConnectionTimeoutException) { proxy.interruptSleep(); waitForClosed(); lock (this) { test(_heartbeat == 0); } } }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { try { // When the OA is put on hold, connections shouldn't // send heartbeats, the invocation should therefore // fail. proxy.sleepAndHold(10); test(false); } catch (Ice.ConnectionTimeoutException) { adapter.activate(); proxy.interruptSleep(); waitForClosed(); } }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { proxy.sleep(4); lock (this) { test(_heartbeat >= 4); } }
public abstract void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy);
public static void allTests(global::Test.TestHelper helper, bool collocated) { Communicator communicator = helper.communicator(); string sref = "test:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0); ObjectPrx obj = communicator.stringToProxy(sref); test(obj != null); Test.TestIntfPrx p = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj); sref = "testController:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(1); obj = communicator.stringToProxy(sref); test(obj != null); Test.TestIntfControllerPrx testController = Test.TestIntfControllerPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj); var output = helper.getWriter(); output.Write("testing async invocation..."); output.Flush(); { Dictionary <string, string> ctx = new Dictionary <string, string>(); test(p.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf").Result); test(p.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf", ctx).Result); p.ice_pingAsync().Wait(); p.ice_pingAsync(ctx).Wait(); test(p.ice_idAsync().Result.Equals("::Test::TestIntf")); test(p.ice_idAsync(ctx).Result.Equals("::Test::TestIntf")); test(p.ice_idsAsync().Result.Length == 2); test(p.ice_idsAsync(ctx).Result.Length == 2); if (!collocated) { test(p.ice_getConnectionAsync().Result != null); } p.opAsync().Wait(); p.opAsync(ctx).Wait(); test(p.opWithResultAsync().Result == 15); test(p.opWithResultAsync(ctx).Result == 15); try { p.opWithUEAsync().Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle(ex => ex is Test.TestIntfException); } try { p.opWithUEAsync(ctx).Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle(ex => ex is Test.TestIntfException); } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing async/await..."); output.Flush(); { Task.Run(async() => { Dictionary <string, string> ctx = new Dictionary <string, string>(); test(await p.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf")); test(await p.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf", ctx)); await p.ice_pingAsync(); await p.ice_pingAsync(ctx); var id = await p.ice_idAsync(); test(id.Equals("::Test::TestIntf")); id = await p.ice_idAsync(ctx); test(id.Equals("::Test::TestIntf")); var ids = await p.ice_idsAsync(); test(ids.Length == 2); ids = await p.ice_idsAsync(ctx); test(ids.Length == 2); if (!collocated) { var conn = await p.ice_getConnectionAsync(); test(conn != null); } await p.opAsync(); await p.opAsync(ctx); var result = await p.opWithResultAsync(); test(result == 15); result = await p.opWithResultAsync(ctx); test(result == 15); try { await p.opWithUEAsync(); test(false); } catch (System.Exception ex) { test(ex is Test.TestIntfException); } try { await p.opWithUEAsync(ctx); test(false); } catch (System.Exception ex) { test(ex is Test.TestIntfException); } }).Wait(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing async continuations..."); output.Flush(); { Dictionary <string, string> ctx = new Dictionary <string, string>(); p.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf").ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result); }).Wait(); p.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf", ctx).ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result); }).Wait(); p.ice_pingAsync().ContinueWith(previous => { previous.Wait(); }).Wait(); p.ice_pingAsync(ctx).ContinueWith(previous => { previous.Wait(); }).Wait(); p.ice_idAsync().ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result.Equals("::Test::TestIntf")); }).Wait(); p.ice_idAsync(ctx).ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result.Equals("::Test::TestIntf")); }).Wait(); p.ice_idsAsync().ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result.Length == 2); }).Wait(); p.ice_idsAsync(ctx).ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result.Length == 2); }).Wait(); if (!collocated) { p.ice_getConnectionAsync().ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result != null); }).Wait(); } p.opAsync().ContinueWith(previous => previous.Wait()).Wait(); p.opAsync(ctx).ContinueWith(previous => previous.Wait()).Wait(); p.opWithResultAsync().ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result == 15); }).Wait(); p.opWithResultAsync(ctx).ContinueWith(previous => { test(previous.Result == 15); }).Wait(); p.opWithUEAsync().ContinueWith(previous => { try { previous.Wait(); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle(ex => ex is Test.TestIntfException); } }).Wait(); p.opWithUEAsync(ctx).ContinueWith(previous => { try { previous.Wait(); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle(ex => ex is Test.TestIntfException); } }).Wait(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing local exceptions with async tasks... "); output.Flush(); { Test.TestIntfPrx indirect = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(p.ice_adapterId("dummy")); try { indirect.opAsync().Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle((ex) => { return(ex is NoEndpointException); }); } try { ((Test.TestIntfPrx)p.ice_oneway()).opWithResultAsync(); test(false); } catch (TwowayOnlyException) { } // // Check that CommunicatorDestroyedException is raised directly. // if (p.ice_getConnection() != null) { InitializationData initData = new InitializationData(); = communicator.getProperties().ice_clone_(); Communicator ic = helper.initialize(initData); ObjectPrx o = ic.stringToProxy(p.ToString()); Test.TestIntfPrx p2 = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.checkedCast(o); ic.destroy(); try { p2.opAsync(); test(false); } catch (CommunicatorDestroyedException) { // Expected. } } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing exception with async task... "); output.Flush(); { Test.TestIntfPrx i = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(p.ice_adapterId("dummy")); try { i.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf").Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException) { } try { i.opAsync().Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException) { } try { i.opWithResultAsync().Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException) { } try { i.opWithUEAsync().Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException) { } // Ensures no exception is called when response is received test(p.ice_isAAsync("::Test::TestIntf").Result); p.opAsync().Wait(); p.opWithResultAsync().Wait(); // If response is a user exception, it should be received. try { p.opWithUEAsync().Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle((ex) => { return(ex is Test.TestIntfException); }); } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing progress callback... "); output.Flush(); { { SentCallback cb = new SentCallback(); Task t = p.ice_isAAsync("", progress: new Progress(sentSynchronously => { cb.sent(sentSynchronously); })); cb.check(); t.Wait(); t = p.ice_pingAsync( progress: new Progress(sentSynchronously => { cb.sent(sentSynchronously); })); cb.check(); t.Wait(); t = p.ice_idAsync( progress: new Progress(sentSynchronously => { cb.sent(sentSynchronously); })); cb.check(); t.Wait(); t = p.ice_idsAsync( progress: new Progress(sentSynchronously => { cb.sent(sentSynchronously); })); cb.check(); t.Wait(); t = p.opAsync( progress: new Progress(sentSynchronously => { cb.sent(sentSynchronously); })); cb.check(); t.Wait(); } List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); byte[] seq = new byte[10024]; (new Random()).NextBytes(seq); testController.holdAdapter(); try { Task t = null; ProgresCallback cb; do { cb = new ProgresCallback(); t = p.opWithPayloadAsync(seq, progress: cb); tasks.Add(t); }while (cb.SentSynchronously); } finally { testController.resumeAdapter(); } foreach (Task t in tasks) { t.Wait(); } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing async/await... "); output.Flush(); Func <Task> task = async() => { try { await p.opAsync(); var r = await p.opWithResultAsync(); test(r == 15); try { await p.opWithUEAsync(); } catch (Test.TestIntfException) { } // Operations implemented with amd and async. await p.opAsyncDispatchAsync(); r = await p.opWithResultAsyncDispatchAsync(); test(r == 15); try { await p.opWithUEAsyncDispatchAsync(); test(false); } catch (Test.TestIntfException) { } } catch (OperationNotExistException) { // Expected with cross testing, this opXxxAsyncDispatch methods are C# only. } }; task().Wait(); output.WriteLine("ok"); if (p.ice_getConnection() != null) { output.Write("testing async Task cancellation... "); output.Flush(); { var cs1 = new CancellationTokenSource(); var cs2 = new CancellationTokenSource(); var cs3 = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task t1; Task t2; Task t3; try { testController.holdAdapter(); ProgresCallback cb = null; byte[] seq = new byte[10024]; for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i) // 2MB { cb = new ProgresCallback(); p.opWithPayloadAsync(seq, progress: cb); } test(!cb.Sent); t1 = p.ice_pingAsync(cancel: cs1.Token); t2 = p.ice_pingAsync(cancel: cs2.Token); cs3.Cancel(); t3 = p.ice_pingAsync(cancel: cs3.Token); cs1.Cancel(); cs2.Cancel(); try { t1.Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle(ex => { return(ex is InvocationCanceledException); }); } try { t2.Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle(ex => { return(ex is InvocationCanceledException); }); } try { t3.Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.Handle(ex => { return(ex is InvocationCanceledException); }); } } finally { testController.resumeAdapter(); p.ice_ping(); } } output.WriteLine("ok"); } if (p.ice_getConnection() != null && p.supportsAMD()) { output.Write("testing graceful close connection with wait... "); output.Flush(); { // // Local case: begin a request, close the connection gracefully, and make sure it waits // for the request to complete. // Connection con = p.ice_getConnection(); CallbackBase cb = new CallbackBase(); con.setCloseCallback(_ => { cb.called(); }); Task t = p.sleepAsync(100); con.close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); t.Wait(); // Should complete successfully. cb.check(); } { // // Remote case. // byte[] seq = new byte[1024 * 10]; // // Send multiple opWithPayload, followed by a close and followed by multiple opWithPaylod. // The goal is to make sure that none of the opWithPayload fail even if the server closes // the connection gracefully in between. // int maxQueue = 2; bool done = false; while (!done && maxQueue < 50) { done = true; p.ice_ping(); List <Task> results = new List <Task>(); for (int i = 0; i < maxQueue; ++i) { results.Add(p.opWithPayloadAsync(seq)); } ProgresCallback cb = new ProgresCallback(); p.closeAsync(Test.CloseMode.GracefullyWithWait, progress: cb); if (!cb.SentSynchronously) { for (int i = 0; i < maxQueue; i++) { cb = new ProgresCallback(); Task t = p.opWithPayloadAsync(seq, progress: cb); results.Add(t); if (cb.SentSynchronously) { done = false; maxQueue *= 2; break; } } } else { maxQueue *= 2; done = false; } foreach (Task q in results) { q.Wait(); } } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing graceful close connection without wait... "); output.Flush(); { // // Local case: start an operation and then close the connection gracefully on the client side // without waiting for the pending invocation to complete. There will be no retry and we expect the // invocation to fail with ConnectionManuallyClosedException. // p = (Test.TestIntfPrx)p.ice_connectionId("CloseGracefully"); // Start with a new connection. Connection con = p.ice_getConnection(); CallbackBase cb = new CallbackBase(); Task t = p.startDispatchAsync( progress: new Progress(sentSynchronously => { cb.called(); })); cb.check(); // Ensure the request was sent before we close the connection. con.close(ConnectionClose.Gracefully); try { t.Wait(); test(false); } catch (System.AggregateException ex) { test(ex.InnerException is ConnectionManuallyClosedException); test((ex.InnerException as ConnectionManuallyClosedException).graceful); } p.finishDispatch(); // // Remote case: the server closes the connection gracefully, which means the connection // will not be closed until all pending dispatched requests have completed. // con = p.ice_getConnection(); cb = new CallbackBase(); con.setCloseCallback(_ => { cb.called(); }); t = p.sleepAsync(100); p.close(Test.CloseMode.Gracefully); // Close is delayed until sleep completes. cb.check(); t.Wait(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing forceful close connection... "); output.Flush(); { // // Local case: start an operation and then close the connection forcefully on the client side. // There will be no retry and we expect the invocation to fail with ConnectionManuallyClosedException. // p.ice_ping(); Connection con = p.ice_getConnection(); CallbackBase cb = new CallbackBase(); Task t = p.startDispatchAsync( progress: new Progress(sentSynchronously => { cb.called(); })); cb.check(); // Ensure the request was sent before we close the connection. con.close(ConnectionClose.Forcefully); try { t.Wait(); test(false); } catch (AggregateException ex) { test(ex.InnerException is ConnectionManuallyClosedException); test(!(ex.InnerException as ConnectionManuallyClosedException).graceful); } p.finishDispatch(); // // Remote case: the server closes the connection forcefully. This causes the request to fail // with a ConnectionLostException. Since the close() operation is not idempotent, the client // will not retry. // try { p.close(Test.CloseMode.Forcefully); test(false); } catch (ConnectionLostException) { // Expected. } } output.WriteLine("ok"); } output.Write("testing ice_scheduler... "); output.Flush(); { p.ice_pingAsync().ContinueWith( (t) => { test(Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null || !Thread.CurrentThread.Name.Contains("ThreadPool.Client")); }).Wait(); p.ice_pingAsync().ContinueWith( (t) => { test(Thread.CurrentThread.Name.Contains("ThreadPool.Client")); }, p.ice_scheduler()).Wait(); { TaskCompletionSource <int> s1 = new TaskCompletionSource <int>(); TaskCompletionSource <int> s2 = new TaskCompletionSource <int>(); Task t1 = s1.Task; Task t2 = s2.Task; Task t3 = null; Task t4 = null; p.ice_pingAsync().ContinueWith( (t) => { test(Thread.CurrentThread.Name.Contains("ThreadPool.Client")); // // t1 Continuation run in the thread that completes it. // var id = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; t3 = t1.ContinueWith(prev => { test(id == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, p.ice_scheduler()); s1.SetResult(1); // // t2 completed from the main thread // t4 = t2.ContinueWith(prev => { test(id != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); test(Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null || !Thread.CurrentThread.Name.Contains("ThreadPool.Client")); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, p.ice_scheduler()); }, p.ice_scheduler()).Wait(); s2.SetResult(1); Task.WaitAll(t1, t2, t3, t4); } if (!collocated) { ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapter(""); PingReplyI replyI = new PingReplyI(); var reply = Test.PingReplyPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.addWithUUID(replyI)); adapter.activate(); p.ice_getConnection().setAdapter(adapter); p.pingBiDir(reply); test(replyI.checkReceived()); adapter.destroy(); } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing result struct... "); output.Flush(); { var q = Test.Outer.Inner.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast( communicator.stringToProxy("test2:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0))); q.opAsync(1).ContinueWith(t => { var r = t.Result; test(r.returnValue == 1); test(r.j == 1); }).Wait(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); p.shutdown(); }
public override int run(string[] args) { Test.TestIntfPrx proxy = AllTests.allTests(this); proxy.shutdown(); return(0); }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { // No close on invocation, the call should succeed this // time. proxy.sleep(3); lock (this) { test(_heartbeat == 0); test(!_closed); } }
public static void allTests(global::Test.TestHelper helper) { Communicator communicator = helper.communicator(); var com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx.Parse($"communicator:{helper.getTestEndpoint(0)}", communicator); var rand = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks)); var output = helper.getWriter(); output.Write("testing binding with single endpoint... "); output.Flush(); { Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter = com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter", "default"); var test1 = adapter.getTestIntf(); var test2 = adapter.getTestIntf(); test(test1.GetConnection() == test2.GetConnection()); test1.IcePing(); test2.IcePing(); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter); var test3 = Test.TestIntfPrx.UncheckedCast(test1); test(test3.GetConnection() == test1.GetConnection()); test(test3.GetConnection() == test2.GetConnection()); try { test3.IcePing(); test(false); } catch (ConnectFailedException) { } catch (ConnectTimeoutException) { } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing binding with multiple endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter11", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter12", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter13", "default")); // // Ensure that when a connection is opened it's reused for new // proxies and that all endpoints are eventually tried. // List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("Adapter11"); names.Add("Adapter12"); names.Add("Adapter13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test1.IcePing(); test(test1.GetConnection() == test2.GetConnection()); test(test2.GetConnection() == test3.GetConnection()); names.Remove(test1.getAdapterName()); test1.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Ensure that the proxy correctly caches the connection(we // always send the request over the same connection.) // { foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().IcePing(); } var t = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); string name = t.getAdapterName(); int nRetry = 10; int i; for (i = 0; i < nRetry && t.getAdapterName().Equals(name); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapters. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter((Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx)adapters[0]); names.Add("Adapter12"); names.Add("Adapter13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1.GetConnection() == test2.GetConnection()); test(test2.GetConnection() == test3.GetConnection()); names.Remove(test1.getAdapterName()); test1.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapter. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter((Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx)adapters[2]); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter12")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing binding with multiple random endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[5]; adapters[0] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom11", "default"); adapters[1] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom12", "default"); adapters[2] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom13", "default"); adapters[3] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom14", "default"); adapters[4] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom15", "default"); int count = 20; int adapterCount = adapters.Length; while (--count > 0) { Test.TestIntfPrx[] proxies; if (count == 1) { com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[4]); --adapterCount; } proxies = new Test.TestIntfPrx[10]; int i; for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; ++i) { var adpts = new Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[rand.Next(adapters.Length)]; if (adpts.Length == 0) { adpts = new Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[1]; } for (int j = 0; j < adpts.Length; ++j) { adpts[j] = adapters[rand.Next(adapters.Length)]; } proxies[i] = createTestIntfPrx(new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adpts)); } for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; i++) { proxies[i].getAdapterNameAsync(); } for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; i++) { try { proxies[i].IcePing(); } catch (LocalException) { } } List <Connection> connections = new List <Connection>(); for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; i++) { if (proxies[i].GetCachedConnection() != null) { if (!connections.Contains(proxies[i].GetCachedConnection())) { connections.Add(proxies[i].GetCachedConnection()); } } } test(connections.Count <= adapterCount); foreach (var a in adapters) { try { a.getTestIntf().GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } catch (LocalException) { // Expected if adapter is down. } } } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing binding with multiple endpoints and AMI... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI11", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI12", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI13", "default")); // // Ensure that when a connection is opened it's reused for new // proxies and that all endpoints are eventually tried. // List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("AdapterAMI11"); names.Add("AdapterAMI12"); names.Add("AdapterAMI13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test1.IcePing(); test(test1.GetConnection() == test2.GetConnection()); test(test2.GetConnection() == test3.GetConnection()); names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(test1)); test1.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Ensure that the proxy correctly caches the connection(we // always send the request over the same connection.) // { foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().IcePing(); } var t = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); string name = getAdapterNameWithAMI(t); int nRetry = 10; int i; for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(t).Equals(name); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapters. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.Add("AdapterAMI12"); names.Add("AdapterAMI13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1.GetConnection() == test2.GetConnection()); test(test2.GetConnection() == test3.GetConnection()); names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(test1)); test1.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapter. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI12")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing random endpoint selection... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter21", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter22", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter23", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(obj.EndpointSelection == EndpointSelectionType.Random); var names = new List <string>(); names.Add("Adapter21"); names.Add("Adapter22"); names.Add("Adapter23"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); obj.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } obj = obj.Clone(endpointSelectionType: EndpointSelectionType.Random); test(obj.EndpointSelection == EndpointSelectionType.Random); names.Add("Adapter21"); names.Add("Adapter22"); names.Add("Adapter23"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); obj.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing ordered endpoint selection... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter31", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter32", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter33", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); obj = obj.Clone(endpointSelectionType: EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); test(obj.EndpointSelection == EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); int nRetry = 3; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter31"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter32"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter33"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { obj.getAdapterName(); } catch (ConnectFailedException) { } catch (ConnectTimeoutException) { } Endpoint[] endpoints = obj.Endpoints; adapters.Clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter36", endpoints[2].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter36"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); obj.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter35", endpoints[1].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter35"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); obj.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter34", endpoints[0].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter34"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding with single endpoint... "); output.Flush(); { var adapter = com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter41", "default"); var test1 = adapter.getTestIntf().Clone(connectionCached: false); var test2 = adapter.getTestIntf().Clone(connectionCached: false); test(!test1.IsConnectionCached); test(!test2.IsConnectionCached); test(test1.GetConnection() != null && test2.GetConnection() != null); test(test1.GetConnection() == test2.GetConnection()); test1.IcePing(); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter); var test3 = Test.TestIntfPrx.UncheckedCast(test1); try { test(test3.GetConnection() == test1.GetConnection()); test(false); } catch (ConnectFailedException) { } catch (ConnectTimeoutException) { } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding with multiple endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter51", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter52", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter53", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters).Clone(connectionCached: false); test(!obj.IsConnectionCached); List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("Adapter51"); names.Add("Adapter52"); names.Add("Adapter53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.Add("Adapter52"); names.Add("Adapter53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter52")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding with multiple endpoints and AMI... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI51", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI52", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI53", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters).Clone(connectionCached: false); test(!obj.IsConnectionCached); var names = new List <string>(); names.Add("AdapterAMI51"); names.Add("AdapterAMI52"); names.Add("AdapterAMI53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj)); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.Add("AdapterAMI52"); names.Add("AdapterAMI53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj)); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); test(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI52")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding and ordered endpoint selection... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter61", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter62", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter63", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); obj = obj.Clone(endpointSelectionType: EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); test(obj.EndpointSelection == EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); obj = obj.Clone(connectionCached: false); test(!obj.IsConnectionCached); int nRetry = 3; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter61"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter62"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter63"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { obj.getAdapterName(); } catch (ConnectFailedException) { } catch (ConnectTimeoutException) { } Endpoint[] endpoints = obj.Endpoints; adapters.Clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter66", endpoints[2].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter66"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter65", endpoints[1].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter65"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter64", endpoints[0].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter64"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding and ordered endpoint selection and AMI... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI61", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI62", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI63", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); obj = obj.Clone(endpointSelectionType: EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); test(obj.EndpointSelection == EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); obj = obj.Clone(connectionCached: false); test(!obj.IsConnectionCached); int nRetry = 3; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI61"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI62"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI63"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { obj.getAdapterName(); } catch (ConnectFailedException) { } catch (ConnectTimeoutException) { } Endpoint[] endpoints = obj.Endpoints; adapters.Clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI66", endpoints[2].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI66"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI65", endpoints[1].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI65"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI64", endpoints[0].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI64"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing endpoint mode filtering... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter71", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter72", "udp")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter71")); var testUDP = obj.Clone(invocationMode: InvocationMode.Datagram); test(obj.GetConnection() != testUDP.GetConnection()); try { testUDP.getAdapterName(); } catch (TwowayOnlyException) { } } output.WriteLine("ok"); if (communicator.GetProperty("Plugin.IceSSL") != null) { output.Write("testing unsecure vs. secure endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter81", "ssl")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter82", "tcp")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter82")); obj.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } var testSecure = obj.Clone(secure: true); test(testSecure.IsSecure); testSecure = obj.Clone(secure: false); test(!testSecure.IsSecure); testSecure = obj.Clone(secure: true); test(testSecure.IsSecure); test(obj.GetConnection() != testSecure.GetConnection()); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter81")); obj.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter83", (obj.Endpoints[1]).ToString()); // Reactive tcp OA. for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter83")); obj.GetConnection().close(ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); try { testSecure.IcePing(); test(false); } catch (ConnectFailedException) { } catch (ConnectTimeoutException) { } deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); } { output.Write("testing ipv4 & ipv6 connections... "); output.Flush(); var ipv4 = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "IPv4", "1" }, { "IPv6", "0" }, { "Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost" } }; var ipv6 = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "IPv4", "0" }, { "IPv6", "1" }, { "Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost" } }; var bothPreferIPv4 = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "IPv4", "1" }, { "IPv6", "1" }, { "PreferIPv6Address", "0" }, { "Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost" } }; var bothPreferIPv6 = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "IPv4", "1" }, { "IPv6", "1" }, { "PreferIPv6Address", "1" }, { "Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost" } }; Dictionary <string, string>[] clientProps = { ipv4, ipv6, bothPreferIPv4, bothPreferIPv6 }; string endpoint = "tcp -p " + helper.getTestPort(2).ToString(); var anyipv4 = new Dictionary <string, string>(ipv4); anyipv4["Adapter.Endpoints"] = endpoint; anyipv4["Adapter.PublishedEndpoints"] = $"{endpoint} -h"; var anyipv6 = new Dictionary <string, string>(ipv6); anyipv6["Adapter.Endpoints"] = endpoint; anyipv6["Adapter.PublishedEndpoints"] = $"{endpoint} -h \".1\""; var anyboth = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "IPv4", "1" }, { "IPv6", "1" }, { "Adapter.Endpoints", endpoint }, { "Adapter.PublishedEndpoints", $"{endpoint} -h \"::1\":{endpoint} -h" } }; var localipv4 = new Dictionary <string, string>(ipv4); localipv4["Adapter.Endpoints"] = "tcp -h"; var localipv6 = new Dictionary <string, string>(ipv6); localipv6["Adapter.Endpoints"] = "tcp -h \"::1\""; Dictionary <string, string>[] serverProps = { anyipv4, anyipv6, anyboth, localipv4, localipv6 }; bool ipv6NotSupported = false; foreach (var p in serverProps) { Communicator serverCommunicator = new Communicator(p); ObjectAdapter oa; try { oa = serverCommunicator.createObjectAdapter("Adapter"); oa.Activate(); } catch (DNSException) { serverCommunicator.destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } catch (SocketException) { if (p == ipv6) { ipv6NotSupported = true; } serverCommunicator.destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } var prx = oa.CreateProxy("dummy"); try { prx.Clone(collocationOptimized: false).IcePing(); } catch (LocalException) { serverCommunicator.destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } string strPrx = prx.ToString(); foreach (var q in clientProps) { Communicator clientCommunicator = new Communicator(q); prx = IObjectPrx.Parse(strPrx, clientCommunicator); try { prx.IcePing(); test(false); } catch (ObjectNotExistException) { // Expected, no object registered. } catch (DNSException) { // Expected if no IPv4 or IPv6 address is // associated to localhost or if trying to connect // to an any endpoint with the wrong IP version, // e.g.: resolving an IPv4 address when only IPv6 // is enabled fails with a DNS exception. } catch (SocketException) { test((p == ipv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == ipv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == bothPreferIPv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == bothPreferIPv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == bothPreferIPv6 && q == ipv6 && ipv6NotSupported) || (p == anyipv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == anyipv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == localipv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == localipv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == ipv6 && q == bothPreferIPv4) || (p == ipv6 && q == bothPreferIPv6) || (p == bothPreferIPv6 && q == ipv6)); } clientCommunicator.destroy(); } serverCommunicator.destroy(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); } com.shutdown(); }
public static void allTests(global::Test.TestHelper helper) { Ice.Communicator communicator = helper.communicator(); string @ref = "communicator:" + helper.getTestEndpoint(0); Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrx com = Test.RemoteCommunicatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy(@ref)); var rand = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks)); var output = helper.getWriter(); output.Write("testing binding with single endpoint... "); output.Flush(); { Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter = com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter", "default"); var test1 = adapter.getTestIntf(); var test2 = adapter.getTestIntf(); test(test1.ice_getConnection() == test2.ice_getConnection()); test1.ice_ping(); test2.ice_ping(); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter); var test3 = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(test1); test(test3.ice_getConnection() == test1.ice_getConnection()); test(test3.ice_getConnection() == test2.ice_getConnection()); try { test3.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (Ice.ConnectFailedException) { } catch (Ice.ConnectTimeoutException) { } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing binding with multiple endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter11", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter12", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter13", "default")); // // Ensure that when a connection is opened it's reused for new // proxies and that all endpoints are eventually tried. // List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("Adapter11"); names.Add("Adapter12"); names.Add("Adapter13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test1.ice_ping(); test(test1.ice_getConnection() == test2.ice_getConnection()); test(test2.ice_getConnection() == test3.ice_getConnection()); names.Remove(test1.getAdapterName()); test1.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Ensure that the proxy correctly caches the connection(we // always send the request over the same connection.) // { foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().ice_ping(); } var t = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); string name = t.getAdapterName(); int nRetry = 10; int i; for (i = 0; i < nRetry && t.getAdapterName().Equals(name); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapters. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter((Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx)adapters[0]); names.Add("Adapter12"); names.Add("Adapter13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1.ice_getConnection() == test2.ice_getConnection()); test(test2.ice_getConnection() == test3.ice_getConnection()); names.Remove(test1.getAdapterName()); test1.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapter. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter((Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx)adapters[2]); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter12")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing binding with multiple random endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[5]; adapters[0] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom11", "default"); adapters[1] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom12", "default"); adapters[2] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom13", "default"); adapters[3] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom14", "default"); adapters[4] = com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom15", "default"); int count = 20; int adapterCount = adapters.Length; while (--count > 0) { Test.TestIntfPrx[] proxies; if (count == 1) { com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[4]); --adapterCount; } proxies = new Test.TestIntfPrx[10]; int i; for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; ++i) { var adpts = new Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[rand.Next(adapters.Length)]; if (adpts.Length == 0) { adpts = new Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx[1]; } for (int j = 0; j < adpts.Length; ++j) { adpts[j] = adapters[rand.Next(adapters.Length)]; } proxies[i] = createTestIntfPrx(new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adpts)); } for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; i++) { proxies[i].begin_getAdapterName(); } for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; i++) { try { proxies[i].ice_ping(); } catch (Ice.LocalException) { } } List <Ice.Connection> connections = new List <Ice.Connection>(); for (i = 0; i < proxies.Length; i++) { if (proxies[i].ice_getCachedConnection() != null) { if (!connections.Contains(proxies[i].ice_getCachedConnection())) { connections.Add(proxies[i].ice_getCachedConnection()); } } } test(connections.Count <= adapterCount); foreach (var a in adapters) { try { a.getTestIntf().ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } catch (Ice.LocalException) { // Expected if adapter is down. } } } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing binding with multiple endpoints and AMI... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI11", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI12", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI13", "default")); // // Ensure that when a connection is opened it's reused for new // proxies and that all endpoints are eventually tried. // List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("AdapterAMI11"); names.Add("AdapterAMI12"); names.Add("AdapterAMI13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test1.ice_ping(); test(test1.ice_getConnection() == test2.ice_getConnection()); test(test2.ice_getConnection() == test3.ice_getConnection()); names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(test1)); test1.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Ensure that the proxy correctly caches the connection(we // always send the request over the same connection.) // { foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().ice_ping(); } var t = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); string name = getAdapterNameWithAMI(t); int nRetry = 10; int i; for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(t).Equals(name); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); foreach (var adpt in adapters) { adpt.getTestIntf().ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapters. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.Add("AdapterAMI12"); names.Add("AdapterAMI13"); while (names.Count > 0) { var adpts = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(adapters); var test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); shuffle(ref adpts); var test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1.ice_getConnection() == test2.ice_getConnection()); test(test2.ice_getConnection() == test3.ice_getConnection()); names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(test1)); test1.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapter. // com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI12")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing random endpoint selection... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter21", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter22", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter23", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random); var names = new List <string>(); names.Add("Adapter21"); names.Add("Adapter22"); names.Add("Adapter23"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random)); test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random); names.Add("Adapter21"); names.Add("Adapter22"); names.Add("Adapter23"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing ordered endpoint selection... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter31", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter32", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter33", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered)); test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); int nRetry = 3; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter31"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter32"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter33"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { obj.getAdapterName(); } catch (Ice.ConnectFailedException) { } catch (Ice.ConnectTimeoutException) { } Ice.Endpoint[] endpoints = obj.ice_getEndpoints(); adapters.Clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter36", endpoints[2].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter36"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter35", endpoints[1].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter35"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter34", endpoints[0].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter34"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding with single endpoint... "); output.Flush(); { var adapter = com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter41", "default"); var test1 = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.getTestIntf().ice_connectionCached(false)); var test2 = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(adapter.getTestIntf().ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!test1.ice_isConnectionCached()); test(!test2.ice_isConnectionCached()); test(test1.ice_getConnection() != null && test2.ice_getConnection() != null); test(test1.ice_getConnection() == test2.ice_getConnection()); test1.ice_ping(); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter); var test3 = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(test1); try { test(test3.ice_getConnection() == test1.ice_getConnection()); test(false); } catch (Ice.ConnectFailedException) { } catch (Ice.ConnectTimeoutException) { } } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding with multiple endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter51", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter52", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter53", "default")); var obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(createTestIntfPrx(adapters).ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!obj.ice_isConnectionCached()); List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("Adapter51"); names.Add("Adapter52"); names.Add("Adapter53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.Add("Adapter52"); names.Add("Adapter53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(obj.getAdapterName()); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter52")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding with multiple endpoints and AMI... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI51", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI52", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI53", "default")); var obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(createTestIntfPrx(adapters).ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!obj.ice_isConnectionCached()); var names = new List <string>(); names.Add("AdapterAMI51"); names.Add("AdapterAMI52"); names.Add("AdapterAMI53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj)); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.Add("AdapterAMI52"); names.Add("AdapterAMI53"); while (names.Count > 0) { names.Remove(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj)); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); test(getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI52")); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding and ordered endpoint selection... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter61", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter62", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter63", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered)); test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!obj.ice_isConnectionCached()); int nRetry = 3; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter61"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter62"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter63"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { obj.getAdapterName(); } catch (Ice.ConnectFailedException) { } catch (Ice.ConnectTimeoutException) { } Ice.Endpoint[] endpoints = obj.ice_getEndpoints(); adapters.Clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter66", endpoints[2].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter66"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter65", endpoints[1].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter65"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter64", endpoints[0].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter64"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing per request binding and ordered endpoint selection and AMI... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI61", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI62", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI63", "default")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered)); test(obj.ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered); obj = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!obj.ice_isConnectionCached()); int nRetry = 3; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI61"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI62"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI63"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { obj.getAdapterName(); } catch (Ice.ConnectFailedException) { } catch (Ice.ConnectTimeoutException) { } Ice.Endpoint[] endpoints = obj.ice_getEndpoints(); adapters.Clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI66", endpoints[2].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI66"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI65", endpoints[1].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI65"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI64", endpoints[0].ToString())); for (i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(obj).Equals("AdapterAMI64"); i++) { ; } test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); output.Write("testing endpoint mode filtering... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter71", "default")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter72", "udp")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter71")); var testUDP = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_datagram()); test(obj.ice_getConnection() != testUDP.ice_getConnection()); try { testUDP.getAdapterName(); } catch (Ice.TwowayOnlyException) { } } output.WriteLine("ok"); if (communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Plugin.IceSSL").Length > 0) { output.Write("testing unsecure vs. secure endpoints... "); output.Flush(); { var adapters = new List <Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx>(); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter81", "ssl")); adapters.Add(com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter82", "tcp")); var obj = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter82")); obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } var testSecure = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_secure(true)); test(testSecure.ice_isSecure()); testSecure = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_secure(false)); test(!testSecure.ice_isSecure()); testSecure = Test.TestIntfPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(obj.ice_secure(true)); test(testSecure.ice_isSecure()); test(obj.ice_getConnection() != testSecure.ice_getConnection()); com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter81")); obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } com.createObjectAdapter("Adapter83", (obj.ice_getEndpoints()[1]).ToString()); // Reactive tcp OA. for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(obj.getAdapterName().Equals("Adapter83")); obj.ice_getConnection().close(Ice.ConnectionClose.GracefullyWithWait); } com.deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); try { testSecure.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (Ice.ConnectFailedException) { } catch (Ice.ConnectTimeoutException) { } deactivate(com, adapters); } output.WriteLine("ok"); } { output.Write("testing ipv4 & ipv6 connections... "); output.Flush(); Ice.Properties ipv4 = Ice.Util.createProperties(); ipv4.setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); ipv4.setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "0"); ipv4.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); Ice.Properties ipv6 = Ice.Util.createProperties(); ipv6.setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "0"); ipv6.setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); ipv6.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); Ice.Properties bothPreferIPv4 = Ice.Util.createProperties(); bothPreferIPv4.setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); bothPreferIPv4.setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); bothPreferIPv4.setProperty("Ice.PreferIPv6Address", "0"); bothPreferIPv4.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); Ice.Properties bothPreferIPv6 = Ice.Util.createProperties(); bothPreferIPv6.setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); bothPreferIPv6.setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); bothPreferIPv6.setProperty("Ice.PreferIPv6Address", "1"); bothPreferIPv6.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); List <Ice.Properties> clientProps = new List <Ice.Properties>(); clientProps.Add(ipv4); clientProps.Add(ipv6); clientProps.Add(bothPreferIPv4); clientProps.Add(bothPreferIPv6); string endpoint = "tcp -p " + helper.getTestPort(2).ToString(); Ice.Properties anyipv4 = ipv4.ice_clone_(); anyipv4.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", endpoint); anyipv4.setProperty("Adapter.PublishedEndpoints", endpoint + " -h"); Ice.Properties anyipv6 = ipv6.ice_clone_(); anyipv6.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", endpoint); anyipv6.setProperty("Adapter.PublishedEndpoints", endpoint + " -h \".1\""); Ice.Properties anyboth = Ice.Util.createProperties(); anyboth.setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); anyboth.setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); anyboth.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", endpoint); anyboth.setProperty("Adapter.PublishedEndpoints", endpoint + " -h \"::1\":" + endpoint + " -h"); Ice.Properties localipv4 = ipv4.ice_clone_(); localipv4.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h"); Ice.Properties localipv6 = ipv6.ice_clone_(); localipv6.setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h \"::1\""); List <Ice.Properties> serverProps = new List <Ice.Properties>(clientProps); serverProps.Add(anyipv4); serverProps.Add(anyipv6); serverProps.Add(anyboth); serverProps.Add(localipv4); serverProps.Add(localipv6); bool ipv6NotSupported = false; foreach (Ice.Properties p in serverProps) { Ice.InitializationData serverInitData = new Ice.InitializationData(); = p; Ice.Communicator serverCommunicator = Ice.Util.initialize(serverInitData); Ice.ObjectAdapter oa; try { oa = serverCommunicator.createObjectAdapter("Adapter"); oa.activate(); } catch (Ice.DNSException) { serverCommunicator.destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } catch (Ice.SocketException) { if (p == ipv6) { ipv6NotSupported = true; } serverCommunicator.destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } Ice.ObjectPrx prx = oa.createProxy(Ice.Util.stringToIdentity("dummy")); try { prx.ice_collocationOptimized(false).ice_ping(); } catch (Ice.LocalException) { serverCommunicator.destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } string strPrx = prx.ToString(); foreach (Ice.Properties q in clientProps) { Ice.InitializationData clientInitData = new Ice.InitializationData(); = q; Ice.Communicator clientCommunicator = Ice.Util.initialize(clientInitData); prx = clientCommunicator.stringToProxy(strPrx); try { prx.ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (Ice.ObjectNotExistException) { // Expected, no object registered. } catch (Ice.DNSException) { // Expected if no IPv4 or IPv6 address is // associated to localhost or if trying to connect // to an any endpoint with the wrong IP version, // e.g.: resolving an IPv4 address when only IPv6 // is enabled fails with a DNS exception. } catch (Ice.SocketException) { test((p == ipv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == ipv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == bothPreferIPv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == bothPreferIPv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == bothPreferIPv6 && q == ipv6 && ipv6NotSupported) || (p == anyipv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == anyipv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == localipv4 && q == ipv6) || (p == localipv6 && q == ipv4) || (p == ipv6 && q == bothPreferIPv4) || (p == ipv6 && q == bothPreferIPv6) || (p == bothPreferIPv6 && q == ipv6)); } clientCommunicator.destroy(); } serverCommunicator.destroy(); } output.WriteLine("ok"); } com.shutdown(); }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { Thread.Sleep(3000); // Idle for 3 seconds lock (this) { test(_heartbeat == 0); test(!_closed); } }
public static void testExceptions(Test.TestIntfPrx obj) { try { obj.requestFailedException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.ObjectNotExistException ex) { test(; test(ex.facet.Equals(obj.ice_getFacet())); test(ex.operation.Equals("requestFailedException")); } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.unknownUserException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownUserException ex) { test(ex.unknown.Equals("reason")); } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.unknownLocalException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownLocalException ex) { test(ex.unknown.Equals("reason")); } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.unknownException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownException ex) { test(ex.unknown.Equals("reason")); } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.userException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownUserException ex) { //Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.unknown); test(ex.unknown.IndexOf("Test::TestIntfUserException") >= 0); } catch (Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.localException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownLocalException ex) { test(ex.unknown.IndexOf("Ice::SocketException") >= 0 || ex.unknown.IndexOf("Ice.SocketException") >= 0); } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.csException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownException ex) { test(ex.unknown.IndexOf("System.Exception") >= 0); } catch (Ice.OperationNotExistException) { } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.unknownExceptionWithServantException(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownException ex) { test(ex.unknown.Equals("reason")); } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.impossibleException(false); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownUserException) { // Operation doesn't throw, but locate() and finished() throw TestIntfUserException. } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.impossibleException(true); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnknownUserException) { // Operation throws TestImpossibleException, but locate() and finished() throw TestIntfUserException. } catch (Exception) { test(false); } try { obj.intfUserException(false); test(false); } catch (Test.TestImpossibleException) { // Operation doesn't throw, but locate() and finished() throw TestImpossibleException. } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); test(false); } try { obj.intfUserException(true); test(false); } catch (Test.TestImpossibleException) { // Operation throws TestIntfUserException, but locate() and finished() throw TestImpossibleException. } catch (Exception) { test(false); } }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { // // Put the adapter on hold. The server will not respond to // the graceful close. This allows to test whether or not // the close is graceful or forceful. // adapter.hold(); Thread.Sleep(5000); // Idle for 5 seconds lock (this) { test(_heartbeat == 0); test(!_closed); // Not closed yet because of graceful close. } adapter.activate(); waitForClosed(); }
private static int run(string[] args, Ice.Communicator communicator) { Test.TestIntfPrx proxy = AllTests.allTests(communicator); proxy.shutdown(); return(0); }
public override void runTestCase(Test.RemoteObjectAdapterPrx adapter, Test.TestIntfPrx proxy) { adapter.hold(); waitForClosed(); lock (this) { test(_heartbeat == 0); } }