Example #1
        public FormTess()

            rdoSimpleIncCurveFlattener.Checked         = true;
            rdoSimpleIncCurveFlattener.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();
            rdoSubdivCureveFlattener.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();

            textBox1.KeyUp += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();

            rdoTessPoly2Tri.CheckedChanged        += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();
            rdoTessSGI.CheckedChanged             += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();
            chkShowContourAnalysis.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();

            txtIncrementalTessStep.KeyUp      += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();
            txtDivCurveRecursiveLimit.KeyUp   += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();
            txtDivAngleTolerenceEpsilon.KeyUp += (s, e) => UpdateOutput();

            string testFont = "c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Tahoma.ttf";

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(testFont, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                OpenFontReader reader = new OpenFontReader();
                _typeface = reader.Read(fs);

            _tovxs            = new GlyphTranslatorToVxs();
            _glyphPathBuilder = new GlyphOutlineBuilder(_typeface);
            _tessTool = new TessTool();
Example #2
        public TextPrinter()
            FontSizeInPoints = 14;
            ScriptLang       = ScriptLangs.Latin;

            _curveFlattener = new SimpleCurveFlattener();

            _tessTool = new TessTool();
Example #3
        public GlyphDemo()
            SingleChar = "";

            string testFont = "c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\Tahoma.ttf";

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(testFont, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                OpenFontReader reader = new OpenFontReader();
                _typeface = reader.Read(fs);

            _tovxs            = new Typography.OpenFont.Contours.GlyphTranslatorToVxs();
            _glyphPathBuilder = new Typography.OpenFont.Contours.GlyphOutlineBuilder(_typeface);
            _tessTool = new TessTool();
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// tess and read result as triangle list vertex array (for GLES draw-array)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tessTool"></param>
        /// <param name="vertex2dCoords"></param>
        /// <param name="contourEndPoints"></param>
        /// <param name="vertexCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float[] TessAsTriVertexArray(this TessTool tessTool,
                                                   float[] vertex2dCoords,
                                                   int[] contourEndPoints,
                                                   out int vertexCount)
            if (!tessTool.TessPolygon(vertex2dCoords, contourEndPoints))
                vertexCount = 0;
            List <ushort> indexList = tessTool.TessIndexList;
            List <TessVertex2d> tempVertexList = tessTool.TempVertexList;

            vertexCount = indexList.Count;
            int orgVertexCount = vertex2dCoords.Length / 2;

            float[] vtx = new float[vertexCount * 2];//***
            int     n   = 0;

            for (int p = 0; p < vertexCount; ++p)
                ushort index = indexList[p];
                if (index >= orgVertexCount)
                    //extra coord (newly created)
                    TessVertex2d extraVertex = tempVertexList[index - orgVertexCount];
                    vtx[n]     = (float)extraVertex.x;
                    vtx[n + 1] = (float)extraVertex.y;
                    //original corrd
                    vtx[n]     = (float)vertex2dCoords[index * 2];
                    vtx[n + 1] = (float)vertex2dCoords[(index * 2) + 1];
                n += 2;
            //triangle list
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// tess and read result as triangle list index array (for GLES draw element)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tessTool"></param>
        /// <param name="vertex2dCoords"></param>
        /// <param name="contourEndPoints"></param>
        /// <param name="outputCoords"></param>
        /// <param name="vertexCount"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ushort[] TessAsTriIndexArray(this TessTool tessTool,
                                                   float[] vertex2dCoords,
                                                   int[] contourEndPoints,
                                                   out float[] outputCoords,
                                                   out int vertexCount)
            if (!tessTool.TessPolygon(vertex2dCoords, contourEndPoints))
                vertexCount  = 0;
                outputCoords = null;
                return(null); //* early exit
            List <ushort> indexList = tessTool.TessIndexList;
            List <TessVertex2d> tempVertexList = tessTool.TempVertexList;

            vertexCount = indexList.Count;

            //create a new array and append with original and new tempVertex list
            int tempVertListCount = tempVertexList.Count;

            outputCoords = new float[vertex2dCoords.Length + tempVertListCount * 2];
            //1. copy original array
            Array.Copy(vertex2dCoords, outputCoords, vertex2dCoords.Length);
            //2. append with newly create vertex (from tempVertList)
            int endAt = vertex2dCoords.Length + tempVertListCount;
            int p     = 0;
            int q     = vertex2dCoords.Length; //start adding at

            for (int i = vertex2dCoords.Length; i < endAt; ++i)
                TessVertex2d v = tempVertexList[p];
                outputCoords[q]     = (float)v.x;
                outputCoords[q + 1] = (float)v.y;
                q += 2;
