Example #1
 void Awake()
     myButton = GetComponent <Button>();         // <-- you get access to the button component here
     myButton.onClick.AddListener(VerifFormule); // <-- you assign a method to the button OnClick event here
     focusHandler   = (FocusHandler)GameObject.Find("Canvas/PanelDessous/FormulePan").GetComponent <FocusHandler>();
     terrainHandler = (TerrainHandler)GameObject.Find("Plane").GetComponent <TerrainHandler>();
Example #2
    public TerrainChunk(TerrainHandler handler, Vector3 position, int3 chunkSize, Material terrainMat)
        this.handler   = handler;
        this.position  = position;
        this.chunkSize = chunkSize;

        chunkObject = new GameObject("Chunk Object: " + position);
        chunkObject.transform.position = position;
        chunkObject.transform.SetParent(handler.gameObject.transform, true);
        this.terrainMat = terrainMat;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Main loop, runs the WebSocket connection.
        /// </summary>
        protected void RunSocket()
            //We don't really need to store the handlers;
            //just create them and let them call our EnqueueMessage method.
            //XXX automatically find these like WebServer does.
            Log($"Creating socket handlers (thread: {Thread.CurrentThread.Name})");
            BudgetHandler       budgetHandler       = new BudgetHandler(this);
            BuildingHandler     buildingHandler     = new BuildingHandler(this);
            CameraHandler       cameraHandler       = new CameraHandler(this);
            ChirperHandler      chirperHandler      = new ChirperHandler(this);
            CitizenHandler      citizenHandler      = new CitizenHandler(this);
            CityInfoHandler     cityInfoHandler     = new CityInfoHandler(this);
            DebugHandler        debugHandler        = new DebugHandler(this);
            DistrictHandler     districtHandler     = new DistrictHandler(this);
            FlagsHandler        flagsHandler        = new FlagsHandler(this);
            InstancesHandler    instancesHandler    = new InstancesHandler(this);
            LimitsHandler       limitsHandler       = new LimitsHandler(this);
            NotificationHandler notificationHandler = new NotificationHandler(this);
            ReflectionHandler   reflectionHandler   = new ReflectionHandler(this);
            TerrainHandler      terrainHandler      = new TerrainHandler(this);
            TransportHandler    transportHandler    = new TransportHandler(this);
            VehicleHandler      vehicleHandler      = new VehicleHandler(this);

            Log("Waiting for messages");
            try {
                while (true)
                    if (stream.DataAvailable)
                    String msg = GetNextOutgoingMessage();
                    if (msg != null)
                        byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException) {
                //we're done, stream is closed
                Log("Connection closed");
            catch (OperationCanceledException) {
                Log("Connection closed");
Example #4
    public void Start()
        vertices       = new List <Vector3>();
        triangles      = new List <int>();
        uvs            = new List <Vector2>();
        map            = new byte[chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ];
        blocks         = Block.GetBlocks();
        terrainHandler = new TerrainHandler();


        Debug.Log("Vertices: " + vertices.Count);
        Debug.Log("Triangles: " + triangles.Count / 3);
Example #5
    void OnMouseDown()
        // Debug.Log("tile: " + x + " : " + y + " CLICK");
        if (_flower)
            TerrainHandler            terrain = this.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <TerrainHandler>();
            TerrainHandler.ToggleType mode    = terrain.getMode();

            if (mode == TerrainHandler.ToggleType.Create)
                _flower.setXY((float)x, (float)y);
            if (mode == TerrainHandler.ToggleType.Delete)
                if (_flower.isAttribuate())
                    _flower.setXY(-42, -42);
Example #6
 void Awake()
     myButton = GetComponent<Button>(); // <-- you get access to the button component here
     myButton.onClick.AddListener(VerifFormule);  // <-- you assign a method to the button OnClick event here
     terrainHandler = (TerrainHandler)GameObject.Find("Plane").GetComponent<TerrainHandler>();
Example #7
 void Start()
     terrainHandler = (TerrainHandler)GameObject.Find("Plane").GetComponent<TerrainHandler>();
Example #8
 void Start()
     terrainHandler = (TerrainHandler)GameObject.Find("Plane").GetComponent <TerrainHandler>();
Example #9
    public void Initialize()
        AllEnvironments = new Dictionary <string, Environment>();

        AllLevels         = new List <Level>();
        CurrentLevel      = new Level();
        CurrentLevel.Name = GameManager.Inst.LevelName;

        CurrentTerrain = GameObject.Find("Terrain").GetComponent <TerrainHandler>();

        CurrentTime        = 60 * 17f;
        IsDayTime          = true;
        NightDayTransition = 60 * 6 + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * 30;
        DayNightTransition = 60 * 20 + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1f, 1f) * 30;

        Environment dayWild = new Environment("Wilderness");

        GameManager.Inst.SoundManager.SetMusic(dayWild.Name, IsDayTime);
        dayWild.IsInterior = false;

        dayWild.AmbientLightColor = new Color(0.424f, 0.430f, 0.444f);
        dayWild.AmbientIntensity  = 0.7f;
        dayWild.SunMoonColor      = new Color(1, 0.984f, 0.918f, 1f);
        dayWild.SunMoonIntensity  = 0.7f;
        dayWild.ShadowIntensity   = 1;
        AllEnvironments.Add(dayWild.Name, dayWild);

        Environment cellar = new Environment("Cellar");

        cellar.IsInterior = true;

        cellar.AmbientLightColor = new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
        cellar.AmbientIntensity  = 0.1f;
        cellar.SunMoonColor      = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
        cellar.SunMoonIntensity  = 0;
        cellar.ShadowIntensity   = 1;
        AllEnvironments.Add(cellar.Name, cellar);

        Environment buildingInterior = new Environment("BuildingInteriorWood");

        buildingInterior.IsInterior = true;

        buildingInterior.AmbientLightColor = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
        buildingInterior.AmbientIntensity  = 0.3f;
        buildingInterior.SunMoonColor      = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
        buildingInterior.SunMoonIntensity  = 0;
        buildingInterior.ShadowIntensity   = 1;
        AllEnvironments.Add(buildingInterior.Name, buildingInterior);

        CurrentEnvironment = dayWild;

        _nextAmbientTime    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(3, 6);
        _ambientPlayCounter = 0;

         * //assign ID to all doors
         * GameObject [] doors = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Door");
         * foreach(GameObject o in doors)
         * {
         *      Door door = o.GetComponent<Door>();
         *      if(door != null)
         *      {
         *              door.ID = CurrentLevelName + "Door" + _doorIDIndex;
         *              _doorIDIndex ++;
         *      }
         * }