Example #1
    public static void ComputeTemperature(World world, int seed)
        double[,] tempMap = world.GetOrAddMap <double>("temperature");
        int[,] heightMap  = world.GetMap <int>("height");
        int seaLevel     = (int)world.GetProperty("sealevel");
        int equator      = (int)world.GetProperty("equator");
        int planetHeight = (int)world.GetProperty("planetheight");

        //from roughly the hottest and coldest annual temperature, in kelvin
        //-30C to 30C
        double equatorTemp = 303;
        double poleTemp    = 263;
        double tempDistrib = planetHeight / 2.0;

        world.SetProperty("maxtemp", equatorTemp);
        world.SetProperty("mintemp", poleTemp);

        for (int x = 0; x < world.Width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < world.Height; y++)
                double newTemp = TerrainGenDemo.Lerp(equatorTemp, poleTemp, Math.Abs(equator - y) / tempDistrib);
                newTemp      -= Math.Max(heightMap[x, y] - seaLevel, 0) * 0.07;
                newTemp       = Math.Max(newTemp, 1);
                tempMap[x, y] = newTemp;