//Color function
    public static Color ColorDensity(float3 point, float3 gradient, TerrainColorData colorData)
        gradient = math.normalize(gradient);
        //Blends between grass and dirt
        float grassBlend = math.saturate(math.pow(math.dot(gradient, new float3(0, 1, 0)) + colorData.offset, colorData.pow));
        //Blends between dirt and stone
        float  dirtBlend  = math.saturate(math.pow(math.dot(gradient, new float3(0, 1, 0)) + colorData.offset2, colorData.pow2));
        float4 grassColor = ColorToFloat4(colorData.grass) * ((noise.snoise(point * colorData.grassNoiseScale) * colorData.grassNoiseMul) + colorData.grassNoiseOffset);
        float4 color;

        //color = math.lerp(ColorToFloat4(colorData.dirt), ColorToFloat4(colorData.grass), math.clamp(grassBlend, 0, 1));
        color = math.lerp(math.lerp(ColorToFloat4(colorData.stone), ColorToFloat4(colorData.dirt), dirtBlend), grassColor, grassBlend);
        //color = new float4(gradient, 1);
        color = math.clamp(color, float4.zero, new float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
Example #2
    //Generates the MarchingCube mesh
    public void GenerateMesh(TerrainGenerationData _terrainGenerationData, TerrainColorData _terrainColorData, Vector3Int chunkPos, TerrainGenerator _terrain, int[] _triTable, float3[] _edgeTable, float3[] _edgeTable2, int LOD = 0, bool resetMesh = true, bool immediate = false)
        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        if (resetMesh)
            GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = new Mesh();
        completed             = false;
        terrainGenerationData = _terrainGenerationData;
        terrainColorData      = _terrainColorData;
        terrain       = _terrain;
        chunkPosition = chunkPos;
        int resolution = terrainGenerationData.resolution - LOD;

        voxels         = new NativeArray <float>((resolution + 2) * (resolution + 2) * (resolution + 2), Allocator.Persistent);
        vertices       = new NativeArray <float3>(12 * resolution * resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
        finalVertices  = new NativeList <Vector3>(Allocator.Persistent);
        triangles      = new NativeArray <int>(16 * resolution * resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
        finalTriangles = new NativeList <int>(Allocator.Persistent);
        colors         = new NativeArray <Color>(12 * resolution * resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
        finalColors    = new NativeList <Color>(Allocator.Persistent);
        triTable       = new NativeArray <int>(_triTable.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        edgeTable      = new NativeArray <float3>(12, Allocator.Persistent);
        edgeTable2     = new NativeArray <float3>(12, Allocator.Persistent);
        if (_terrainGenerationData.usePregeneratedVoxelData)
            MarchingCubeVoxelJob voxelJob = new MarchingCubeVoxelJob()
                voxels                = voxels,
                chunkPosition         = new float3(chunkPosition.x * 10, chunkPosition.y * 10, chunkPosition.z * 10),
                scale                 = (float)10 / (float)resolution,
                resolution            = resolution + 2,
                terrainGenerationData = _terrainGenerationData
            voxelHandle = voxelJob.Schedule((resolution + 2) * (resolution + 2) * (resolution + 2), 64);
        MarchingCubeJob job = new MarchingCubeJob()
            edgeTable             = edgeTable,
            edgeTable2            = edgeTable2,
            scale                 = (float)10 / (float)resolution,
            LOD                   = LOD,
            voxels                = voxels,
            resolution            = resolution,
            triangulationTable    = triTable,
            chunkPosition         = new float3(chunkPosition.x * 10, chunkPosition.y * 10, chunkPosition.z * 10),
            vertices              = vertices,
            triangles             = triangles,
            colors                = colors,
            terrainGenerationData = _terrainGenerationData,
            terrainColorData      = _terrainColorData

        if (_terrainGenerationData.usePregeneratedVoxelData)
            jobHandle = job.Schedule(resolution * resolution * resolution, 64, voxelHandle);
            jobHandle = job.Schedule(resolution * resolution * resolution, 64);

        MarchingCubeOptimizeJob optimize = new MarchingCubeOptimizeJob()
            vertices       = vertices,
            finalVertices  = finalVertices,
            triangles      = triangles,
            finalTriangles = finalTriangles,
            colors         = colors,
            finalColors    = finalColors

        optimizeHandle = optimize.Schedule(jobHandle);

        if (immediate)