public static void DrawBrushPreview(
            PaintContext heightmapPC,
            TerrainBrushPreviewMode previewTexture,
            Texture brushTexture,                           // brush texture to apply
            BrushTransform brushXform,                      // brush transform that defines the brush UV space
            Material proceduralMaterial,                    // the material to render with (must support procedural quad-mesh generation)
            int materialPassIndex)                          // the pass to use within the material
            // we want to build a quad mesh, with one vertex for each pixel in the heightmap
            // i.e. a 3x3 heightmap would create a mesh that looks like this:
            //    +-+-+
            //    |\|\|
            //    +-+-+
            //    |\|\|
            //    +-+-+
            int quadsX      = heightmapPC.pixelRect.width - 1;
            int quadsY      = heightmapPC.pixelRect.height - 1;
            int vertexCount = quadsX * quadsY * (2 * 3);  // two triangles (2 * 3 vertices) per quad

            // issue: the 'int vertexID' in the shader is often stored in an fp32
            // which can only represent exact integers up to 16777216 ~== 6 * 1672^2
            // once we have more than 16777216 vertices, the vertexIDs start skipping odd values, resulting in missing triangles
            // the solution is to reduce vertex count by halving our mesh resolution before we hit that point
            const int kMaxFP32Int = 16777216;
            int       vertSkip    = 1;

            while (vertexCount > kMaxFP32Int / 2)   // in practice we want to stay well below 16 million verts, for perf sanity
                quadsX      = (quadsX + 1) / 2;
                quadsY      = (quadsY + 1) / 2;
                vertexCount = quadsX * quadsY * (2 * 3);
                vertSkip   *= 2;

            // this is used to tessellate the quad mesh (from within the vertex shader)
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_QuadRez", new Vector4(quadsX, quadsY, vertexCount, vertSkip));

            // paint context pixels to heightmap uv:   uv = (pixels + 0.5) / width
            Texture heightmapTexture = (previewTexture == TerrainBrushPreviewMode.SourceRenderTexture) ? heightmapPC.sourceRenderTexture : heightmapPC.destinationRenderTexture;
            float   invWidth         = 1.0f / heightmapTexture.width;
            float   invHeight        = 1.0f / heightmapTexture.height;

            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_HeightmapUV_PCPixelsX", new Vector4(invWidth, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_HeightmapUV_PCPixelsY", new Vector4(0.0f, invHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_HeightmapUV_Offset", new Vector4(0.5f * invWidth, 0.5f * invHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f));

            // make sure we point filter the heightmap
            FilterMode oldFilter = heightmapTexture.filterMode;

            heightmapTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            proceduralMaterial.SetTexture("_Heightmap", heightmapTexture);

            // paint context pixels to object (terrain) position
            // objectPos.x = scaleX * pcPixels.x + heightmapRect.xMin * scaleX
            // objectPos.y = scaleY * H
            // objectPos.z = scaleZ * pcPixels.y + heightmapRect.yMin * scaleZ
            float scaleX = heightmapPC.pixelSize.x;
            float scaleY = heightmapPC.heightWorldSpaceSize / PaintContext.kNormalizedHeightScale;
            float scaleZ = heightmapPC.pixelSize.y;

            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_ObjectPos_PCPixelsX", new Vector4(scaleX, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_ObjectPos_HeightMapSample", new Vector4(0.0f, scaleY, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_ObjectPos_PCPixelsY", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, scaleZ, 0.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_ObjectPos_Offset", new Vector4(heightmapPC.pixelRect.xMin * scaleX, heightmapPC.heightWorldSpaceMin - heightmapPC.originTerrain.GetPosition().y, heightmapPC.pixelRect.yMin * scaleZ, 1.0f));

            // heightmap paint context pixels to brush UV
            // derivation:

            // BrushUV = f(terrainSpace.xz) = f(g(pcPixels.xy))
            //   f(ts.xy) = ts.x * brushXform.X + ts.y * brushXform.Y + brushXform.Origin
            //   g(pcPixels.xy) = ts.xz = pcOrigin + pcPixels.xy * pcSize
            //   f(g(pcPixels.uv)) == (pcOrigin + pcPixels.uv * pcSize).x * brushXform.X + (pcOrigin + pcPixels.uv * pcSize).y * brushXform.Y + brushXform.Origin
            //   f(g(pcPixels.uv)) == (pcOrigin.x + pcPixels.u * pcSize.x) * brushXform.X + (pcOrigin.y + pcPixels.v * pcSize.y) * brushXform.Y + brushXform.Origin
            //   f(g(pcPixels.uv)) == (pcOrigin.x * brushXform.X) + (pcPixels.u * pcSize.x) * brushXform.X + (pcOrigin.y * brushXform.Y) + (pcPixels.v * pcSize.y) * brushXform.Y + brushXform.Origin
            //   f(g(pcPixels.uv)) == pcPixels.u * (pcSize.x * brushXform.X) + pcPixels.v * (pcSize.y * brushXform.Y) + (brushXform.Origin + (pcOrigin.x * brushXform.X) + (pcOrigin.y * brushXform.Y))

            // paint context origin in terrain space
            // (note this is the UV space origin and size, not the mesh origin & size)
            float pcOriginX = heightmapPC.pixelRect.xMin * heightmapPC.pixelSize.x;
            float pcOriginZ = heightmapPC.pixelRect.yMin * heightmapPC.pixelSize.y;
            float pcSizeX   = heightmapPC.pixelSize.x;
            float pcSizeZ   = heightmapPC.pixelSize.y;

            Vector2 scaleU = pcSizeX * brushXform.targetX;
            Vector2 scaleV = pcSizeZ * brushXform.targetY;
            Vector2 offset = brushXform.targetOrigin + pcOriginX * brushXform.targetX + pcOriginZ * brushXform.targetY;

            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_BrushUV_PCPixelsX", new Vector4(scaleU.x, scaleU.y, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_BrushUV_PCPixelsY", new Vector4(scaleV.x, scaleV.y, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_BrushUV_Offset", new Vector4(offset.x, offset.y, 0.0f, 1.0f));
            proceduralMaterial.SetTexture("_BrushTex", brushTexture);

            Vector3 terrainPos = heightmapPC.originTerrain.GetPosition();

            proceduralMaterial.SetVector("_TerrainObjectToWorldOffset", terrainPos);

            Graphics.DrawProceduralNow(MeshTopology.Triangles, vertexCount);

            heightmapTexture.filterMode = oldFilter;
Example #2
 public void RenderBrushPreview(PaintContext paintContext, TerrainBrushPreviewMode previewTexture, BrushTransform brushTransform, Material material, int pass)
     TerrainPaintUtilityEditor.DrawBrushPreview(paintContext, previewTexture, brushTexture, brushTransform, material, pass);
Example #3
 public void RenderBrushPreview(PaintContext paintContext, TerrainBrushPreviewMode previewTexture, BrushTransform brushTransform, Material material, int pass)
     m_BrushRenderWithTerrain.RenderBrushPreview(paintContext, previewTexture, brushTransform, material, pass);