public override void FinishField()
     Debug.Assert(TermCount == 0);
     Debug.Assert(FieldStatus == Status.STARTED);
     FieldStatus = Status.FINISHED;
 public override void FinishField()
     if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
         Debugging.Assert(termCount == 0);
     if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
         Debugging.Assert(fieldStatus == Status.STARTED);
     fieldStatus = Status.FINISHED;
Example #3
        internal void FinishDocument()
            Debug.Assert(docState.TestPoint("TermVectorsTermsWriterPerField.finish start"));

            int numPostings = termsHashPerField.bytesHash.Count;

            BytesRef flushTerm = termsWriter.flushTerm;

            Debug.Assert(numPostings >= 0);

            if (numPostings > maxNumPostings)
                maxNumPostings = numPostings;

            // this is called once, after inverting all occurrences
            // of a given field in the doc.  At this point we flush
            // our hash into the DocWriter.


            TermVectorsPostingsArray postings = (TermVectorsPostingsArray)termsHashPerField.postingsArray;
            TermVectorsWriter        tv       = termsWriter.writer;

            int[] termIDs = termsHashPerField.SortPostings(tv.Comparer);

            tv.StartField(fieldInfo, numPostings, doVectorPositions, doVectorOffsets, hasPayloads);

            ByteSliceReader posReader = doVectorPositions ? termsWriter.vectorSliceReaderPos : null;
            ByteSliceReader offReader = doVectorOffsets ? termsWriter.vectorSliceReaderOff : null;

            ByteBlockPool termBytePool = termsHashPerField.termBytePool;

            for (int j = 0; j < numPostings; j++)
                int termID = termIDs[j];
                int freq   = postings.freqs[termID];

                // Get BytesRef
                termBytePool.SetBytesRef(flushTerm, postings.textStarts[termID]);
                tv.StartTerm(flushTerm, freq);

                if (doVectorPositions || doVectorOffsets)
                    if (posReader != null)
                        termsHashPerField.InitReader(posReader, termID, 0);
                    if (offReader != null)
                        termsHashPerField.InitReader(offReader, termID, 1);
                    tv.AddProx(freq, posReader, offReader);

