public GroupedField(bool negate, List <string> names, List <object> values) : base(negate) { if (values.Count != 1 && values.Count != names.Count) { throw new FieldException( "Invalid usage of multi value search. Size of values should be one or equal to size of names."); } Names = names; FieldTypes = new List <EntityFieldType>(); foreach (var x in values) { if (x is ITermValue) { ITermValue termValue = (ITermValue)x; TermValues.Add(termValue); } else { Values.Add(x); } FieldTypes.Add(FieldUtils.DetectFieldType(x)); } if (TermValues.Count > 0 && Values.Count > 0) { throw new FieldException("Invalid usage of multi value search. All values should be either term values or not."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { double testRounding = 23.85; double result = Math.Round(testRounding, 1); List <int> numbers = new List <int>() { 1, 5, 7, 3, 7, 3, 2, 29 }; Console.WriteLine("Math.Round(" + testRounding + ",1) = " + result); Console.ReadLine(); String firstName = "Bob"; String lastName = "Smith"; String name = firstName + " " + lastName; name = "Name: \"" + name + "\""; Console.WriteLine(name); Console.ReadLine(); String blob = name + "\nRounded Value: " + result; String file = "C:\\folder\\test.txt"; Console.WriteLine(blob); Console.WriteLine(file); Console.ReadLine(); double otherValue = 43.22; String doubleValue = "12.34"; String badDoubleValue = "a12.34"; double parsedValue = Double.Parse(doubleValue); var outputValue = doubleValue + otherValue; // 12.3443.22 var outputValue2 = parsedValue + otherValue; // 55.56 var intVal = Convert.ToInt32(outputValue2); var dblVal = Convert.ToDouble(intVal); double parsedValue2; Boolean tryParseResult = Double.TryParse(badDoubleValue, out parsedValue); // double parseBadValueResult = Double.Parse(badDoubleValue); // This throws an exception TermValues invoiceTerm = TermValues.Net60Days; Console.WriteLine("Invoice Term: " + (short)invoiceTerm); Nullable <decimal> d = null; decimal? d2 = null; //decimal d3 = null; d = 45.55m; decimal d4; if (d.HasValue && d != null) { d4 = d.Value; } d4 = d ?? -1; Console.ReadLine(); string num = null; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { num += i; num += "\n"; if (i < 4) { continue; } num += "Big\n"; } }