public ActionResult Edit(TermRegistrationViewModel model, string level1, string Term2, string Session3) //public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection) { try { // TODO: Add update logic here foreach (TermRegistration m in model.TheTermRegistration) { if (m.Register == true && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.SchoolFeesKind)) { string theSchoolFeeKind = m.SchoolFeesKind; SchoolFeesType theFeeCost = work.SchoolFeesTypeRepository.Get(a => a.SchoolFeesKind == theSchoolFeeKind).First(); m.Cost = theFeeCost.Amount; m.Session = Session3; m.Term = Term2; List <TermRegistration> theReg = work2.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == m.StudentID && a.Session == m.Session && a.Term == m.Term).ToList(); if (theReg.Count() > 0) { TermRegistration theRegi = theReg[0]; theRegi.Cost = m.Cost; theRegi.Register = m.Register; theRegi.SchoolFeesKind = m.SchoolFeesKind; // theRegi. work2.TermRegistrationRepository.Update(theRegi); // work2.TermRegistrationRepository.Delete(theRegi); } else { m.DateRegistered = DateTime.Now; work.TermRegistrationRepository.Insert(m); } } } work2.Save(); work.Save(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
// // GET: /TermRegistration/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(string level, string Term, string Session) { //ViewData["level"] = theItem; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(level) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Term) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session)) { List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStudents = new List <PrimarySchoolStudent>(); List <TermRegistration> theTermRegistration = new List <TermRegistration>(); TermRegistrationViewModel theStudentsTermRegistration = new TermRegistrationViewModel(); List <TermRegistration> normalizedRegisteredStudents = new List <TermRegistration>(); // var selectedCoursesHS = new HashSet<string>(selectedCourses); // var instructorCourses = new HashSet<int>(instructorToUpdate.Subjects.Select(c => c.SubjectID)); List <TermRegistration> termRegistrations = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.Term == Term && a.Level == level && a.Session == Session).ToList(); HashSet <TermRegistration> reg = new HashSet <TermRegistration>(termRegistrations); // var instructorCourses = new HashSet<int>(instructor.Subjects.Select(c => c.SubjectID)); if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(level))) { theStudents = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.PresentLevel == level).OrderByDescending(a => a.LastName).ToList(); } if (theStudents.Count() > 0) { foreach (PrimarySchoolStudent p in theStudents) { bool foundValue = false; foreach (TermRegistration t in reg) { if (t.StudentID == p.UserID) { foundValue = true; break; } } //check if the user is in the termregistration database if (foundValue == false) { reg.Add(new TermRegistration { StudentID = p.UserID, FirstName = p.FirstName, Level = p.PresentLevel, LastName = p.LastName, Sex = p.Sex, Owing = 0 }); } } foreach (TermRegistration t in reg) { List <SchoolFeePayment> theStudentFeesPayment = new List <SchoolFeePayment>(); theStudentFeesPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); decimal totalOwing = 0; if (theStudentFeesPayment.Count > 0) { SchoolFeePayment thePayment = theStudentFeesPayment[0]; //check if its this current term we only wana disable for future registration // string s = thePayment.Term + thePayment.Session; // if (thePayment.Term != Term && thePayment.Session != Session) double paymentRepository = SessionHelper.FindLager(thePayment.Session, thePayment.Term); double thisTermPayment = SessionHelper.FindLager(Session, Term); if (thePayment.Term != Term && paymentRepository < thisTermPayment) { totalOwing = 0; // foreach (SchoolFeePayment s in theStudentFeesPayment) // if (theStudentFeesPayment.Count > 0) // { // SchoolFeePayment sf = theStudentFeesPayment.OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).First(); // totalOwing = sf.Owing; totalOwing = thePayment.Owing; //} } } //get the last registration to find out if there where payments string lastTerm = null; string lastSession = null; string lastLevel = null; TermRegistration theLastRegisteredTerm = new TermRegistration(); List <TermRegistration> pastRegistrationForCurrentGuy = new List <TermRegistration>(); // decimal lastTermCost = 0; // that means he has registered for this current term if CurrentRegistrationForCurrentGuy > 0 List <TermRegistration> currentRegistrationForCurrentGuy = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.Term == Term && a.Level == level && a.Session == Session && a.StudentID == t.StudentID && t.Register == true).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateRegistered).ToList(); if (currentRegistrationForCurrentGuy.Count > 0) { TermRegistration theCurrentReg = currentRegistrationForCurrentGuy[0]; pastRegistrationForCurrentGuy = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.DateRegistered < theCurrentReg.DateRegistered).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateRegistered).ToList(); } else { pastRegistrationForCurrentGuy = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID).OrderByDescending(a => a.DateRegistered).ToList(); } if (pastRegistrationForCurrentGuy.Count() > 0) { theLastRegisteredTerm = pastRegistrationForCurrentGuy[0]; lastTerm = theLastRegisteredTerm.Term; lastSession = theLastRegisteredTerm.Session; lastLevel = theLastRegisteredTerm.Level; // lastTermCost = theLastRegisteredTerm.Cost; //get if there were payments for last term List <SchoolFeePayment> theLastPayments = new List <SchoolFeePayment>(); theLastPayments = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.Term == lastTerm && a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Session == lastSession && a.Level == lastLevel).ToList(); if (theLastPayments.Count() > 0) { } else { //no payment for last term totalOwing = theLastRegisteredTerm.Cost; } } //(string session, string term) // int sessionToQuery = Models.SessionHelper.FindLager(lastTerm, lastTerm); //(string level, string Term, string Session) // int currentSession = Models.SessionHelper.FindLager(Term, Session); normalizedRegisteredStudents.Add(new TermRegistration { StudentID = t.StudentID, FirstName = t.FirstName, Level = t.Level, LastName = t.LastName, Sex = t.Sex, Owing = totalOwing, SchoolFeesKind = t.SchoolFeesKind, Cost = t.Cost, Session = t.Session, Term = t.Term, DateRegistered = t.DateRegistered, Register = t.Register }); } // theTermRegistration.Add(new TermRegistration { StudentID = p.UserID, FirstName = p.FirstName, Level = p.PresentLevel, LastName = p.LastName, Sex = p.Sex }); // } } theStudentsTermRegistration.TheTermRegistration = normalizedRegisteredStudents;// = theTermRegistration; // return View(); return(View("Edit", theStudentsTermRegistration)); } else { TermRegistrationViewModel theStudentsTermRegistration = new TermRegistrationViewModel(); return(View("Edit", theStudentsTermRegistration)); } }
public ActionResult ViewYourFees(string id, string term, string TheSchoolFeesType, string session) { string theTerm = ""; if (term == "1") { theTerm = "First"; ViewBag.Term = "First"; } if (term == "2") { theTerm = "Second"; ViewBag.Term = "Second"; } if (term == "3") { theTerm = "Third"; ViewBag.Term = "Third"; } ViewBag.session = session; ViewBag.ParentStudent = "ParentStudent"; Int32 stuentID = Convert.ToInt32(Models.Encript.DecryptString(id, true)); TermRegistration theTermRegistration = new TermRegistration(); List <TermRegistration> theTermRegistrations = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.Session == session && a.Term == theTerm && a.StudentID == stuentID).ToList(); // List<TermRegistration> theTermRegistrations = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.Session == session && a.Term == theTerm && a.StudentID == stuentID).ToList(); List <SchoolFeePayment> theStudentFeesPaymentLast10Transactions = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == stuentID).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).Take(10).OrderBy(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); ViewBag.Last10Transactions = theStudentFeesPaymentLast10Transactions; if (theTermRegistrations.Count() > 0) { theTermRegistration = theTermRegistrations[0]; ViewBag.TermRegistration = theTermRegistration; ViewBag.TheSchoolFeesType = theTermRegistration.SchoolFeesKind; ViewBag.session = theTermRegistration.Session; //theTermRegistration.Cost = PrimarySchoolStudent theStudent = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == stuentID).First(); ViewBag.Class = theStudent.LevelType; ViewBag.Name = theStudent.LastName.ToUpper(); //List<SchoolFeePayment> theStudentFeesPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudent.UserID && a.Level.Equals(theStudent.PresentLevel) && a.Term.Equals(term)).ToList(); List <SchoolFeePayment> theStudentFeesPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudent.UserID).OrderBy(a => a.DatePaid).Take(20).ToList(); List <SchoolFeePayment> theStudentFeesForThisStudentPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudent.UserID && a.Session == session && a.Term == theTerm).OrderBy(a => a.DatePaid).Take(10).ToList(); //check if the student is owing for current term List <SchoolFeePayment> theStudentFeesForStudentPaymentForThisTerm = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudent.UserID && a.Session == session && a.Term == theTerm).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); // List<TermRegistration> theLastStudentRegistration = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a=>a.) //ViewData["SchoolFeesKind"] = theItem; List <SchoolFeePayment> owingPayment = new List <SchoolFeePayment>(); decimal totalOwing = 0; // foreach (SchoolFeePayment s in theStudentFeesPayment) // if (theStudentFeesPayment.Count > 0) if (theStudentFeesForStudentPaymentForThisTerm.Count > 0) { // SchoolFeePayment p = theStudentFeesPayment.OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).First(); SchoolFeePayment p = theStudentFeesForStudentPaymentForThisTerm.OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).First(); totalOwing = p.Owing; if (totalOwing > 0) { owingPayment.Add(p); } } ViewBag.totalOwing = totalOwing; ViewBag.Last10Transaction = theStudentFeesForThisStudentPayment; ViewBag.theCurrentTermPayment = theStudentFeesForThisStudentPayment.Count(); ViewBag.Cost = theTermRegistration.Cost;// theType.Amount; ViewBag.Owing = owingPayment; return(View("Edit", new SchoolFeePayment() { Level = theStudent.PresentLevel, StudentID = theStudent.UserID, Term = term })); } else { return(View("Edit")); } }
public ActionResult Edit(SchoolFeePayment model, decimal cost, string TheSchoolFeesType, string term, string session) { try { // Int32 stuentID = Convert.ToInt32(Models.Encript.DecryptString(id, true)); string theTerm = ""; model.DatePaid = DateTime.Now; model.TheSchoolFeesType = TheSchoolFeesType; model.EnteredBy = User.Identity.Name; if (term == "1") { theTerm = "First"; model.Term = "First"; } if (term == "2") { theTerm = "Second"; model.Term = "Second"; } if (term == "3") { theTerm = "Second"; model.Term = "Third"; } TermRegistration theTermRegistration = work2.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.Session == session && a.Term == theTerm && a.StudentID == model.StudentID).First(); model.TheSchoolFeesType = theTermRegistration.SchoolFeesKind; if (ModelState.IsValid) { int theStudentID = model.StudentID; List <SchoolFeePayment> theStudentFeesPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); if (theStudentFeesPayment.Count > 0) { //take out the very last payment SchoolFeePayment p = theStudentFeesPayment.First(); if (p.Owing == 0) { model.Owing = (model.Cost - model.Paid); } if (p.Owing < 0) { model.Owing = (p.Owing + model.Cost) - (model.Paid); } if (p.Owing > 0) { model.Owing = (p.Owing) - (model.Paid); } //totalOwing = p.Owing; } else { model.Owing = model.Cost - model.Paid; } work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Insert(model); work.Save(); } // TODO: Add update logic here // model. if (User.Identity.Name != "5000001") { AuditTrail audit = new AuditTrail { Date = DateTime.Now, Action = "Updated school Fees for User ID -:" + model.StudentID, UserID = User.Identity.Name }; work.AuditTrailRepository.Insert(audit); work.Save(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SchoolFeePayment")); } catch { return(View("Edit")); } }
//public ActionResult Index(string levelString, string session, string arm, string DateFrom, string DateTo, string ApprovedString, string searchString, string SexString, string LevelString, string StudentIDString, int? page // , string paidschoolfess, string term, bool? printQuery) //{ public ActionResult Index(string levelString, string session, string arm, string DateFrom, string DateTo, string ApprovedString, string searchString, string SexString, string LevelString, string StudentIDString, int?page , string paidschoolfess, string term) { bool?thePrintQuery = null; // thePrintQuery = printQuery; if (User.IsInRole("Parent")) { List <TermRegistration> studentList = new List <TermRegistration>(); int theParentUserName = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name); Parent theParent = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theParentUserName).First(); List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStudents = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.ParentID == theParent.ParentID).ToList(); int counter = 0; foreach (PrimarySchoolStudent s in theStudents) { if (counter == 0) { theParent.StudentIDOne = Convert.ToString(s.UserID); } if (counter == 1) { theParent.StudentIDTwo = Convert.ToString(s.UserID); } if (counter == 2) { theParent.StudentIDThree = Convert.ToString(s.UserID); } if (counter == 3) { theParent.StudentIDFour = Convert.ToString(s.UserID); } if (counter == 4) { theParent.StudentIDFive = Convert.ToString(s.UserID); } counter = counter + 1; } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDOne))) { int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDOne); //List<TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID && a.Term == term && a.Session == session).ToList(); List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList(); if (theList.Count > 0) { studentList.Add(theList[0]); } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDTwo))) { int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDTwo); List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList(); if (theList.Count > 0) { studentList.Add(theList[0]); } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDThree))) { int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDThree); List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList(); if (theList.Count > 0) { studentList.Add(theList[0]); } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDFour))) { int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDFour); List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList(); if (theList.Count > 0) { studentList.Add(theList[0]); } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(theParent.StudentIDFive))) { int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theParent.StudentIDFive); List <TermRegistration> theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID).ToList(); if (theList.Count > 0) { studentList.Add(theList[0]); } } List <SelectListItem> theItem = new List <SelectListItem>(); theItem.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "None", Value = "" }); foreach (var level in studentList) { theItem.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = level.StudentID.ToString(), Value = level.StudentID.ToString() }); } ViewData["studentIds"] = theItem; // students = studentList; } if (term == "First") { ViewBag.Term = "1"; } if (term == "Second") { ViewBag.Term = "2"; } if (term == "Third") { ViewBag.Term = "3"; } decimal totalAmount = 0; if (Request.HttpMethod == "GET") { // searchString = currentFilter; } else { page = 1; } ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString; var students = from s in work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.Term == term) select s; // var students = from s in work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get() // select s; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(term)) { // students = from s in work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get() // select s; students = students.Where(s => s.Term.Equals(term)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session)) { students = students.Where(s => s.Session.Equals(session)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LevelString)) { students = students.Where(s => s.Level == LevelString); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StudentIDString)) { int theID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDString); students = students.Where(s => s.StudentID == theID); } int pageSize = 50; int pageNumber = (page ?? 1); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paidschoolfess)) { if (paidschoolfess == "Owing") { var payments = from s in work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get() select s; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(term)) { payments = payments.Where(s => s.Term.Equals(term)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(session)) { payments = payments.Where(s => s.Session.Equals(session)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LevelString)) { payments = payments.Where(s => s.Level == LevelString); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StudentIDString)) { int theID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDString); payments = payments.Where(s => s.StudentID == theID); } // payments = payments.Where(a => a.Owing > 0).OrderBy(a => a.StudentID);//.OrderBy(a => a.DatePaid); TermRegistration theStudentWhoRegistered = new TermRegistration(); List <TermRegistration> theOwingStudents = new List <TermRegistration>(); List <SchoolFeePayment> theRegisteredSchoolFeePyament = new List <SchoolFeePayment>(); SchoolFeePayment thePayment = new SchoolFeePayment(); TermRegistration tR = new TermRegistration(); SchoolFeePayment sF = new SchoolFeePayment(); List <TermRegistration> theRegisteredStudents = new List <TermRegistration>(); theRegisteredStudents = students.ToList(); foreach (TermRegistration t in theRegisteredStudents) { List <SchoolFeePayment> thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); if (thisGuyPayment.Count() > 0) { SchoolFeePayment theCurrentPayment = thisGuyPayment[0]; if (theCurrentPayment.Owing > 0) { totalAmount += theCurrentPayment.Owing; theOwingStudents.Add(new TermRegistration { DateRegistered = t.DateRegistered, Owing = t.Owing, TermRegistrationID = t.TermRegistrationID, Register = t.Register, Sex = t.Sex, LastName = t.LastName, FirstName = t.FirstName, SchoolFeesKind = theCurrentPayment.TheSchoolFeesType, Cost = theCurrentPayment.Cost, Level = theCurrentPayment.Level, Session = theCurrentPayment.Session, Term = theCurrentPayment.Term, StudentID = theCurrentPayment.StudentID, }); } } } students = theOwingStudents; } else { if (Convert.ToBoolean(paidschoolfess) == true) { List <SchoolFeePayment> listOfPayments = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get().Where(a => a.Owing <= 0).OrderBy(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); List <TermRegistration> theRegisteredStuentWhoHavePaid = new List <TermRegistration>(); foreach (TermRegistration r in students) { foreach (SchoolFeePayment l in listOfPayments) { if (r.StudentID == l.StudentID) { totalAmount += l.Cost; theRegisteredStuentWhoHavePaid.Add(r); break; } } // if(s.StudentID ==)theRegisteredStuentWhoHavePaid } students = theRegisteredStuentWhoHavePaid; } else { List <TermRegistration> theNeverPaidStuddentStudents = new List <TermRegistration>(); List <TermRegistration> theRegisteredStudents = new List <TermRegistration>(); theRegisteredStudents = students.ToList(); theRegisteredStudents = students.ToList(); foreach (TermRegistration t in theRegisteredStudents) { List <SchoolFeePayment> thisGuyPayment = new List <SchoolFeePayment>(); // List<SchoolFeePayment> thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(session)) { thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(session))) { thisGuyPayment = work.SchoolFeePaymentRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == t.StudentID && a.Session == session && a.Term == term).OrderByDescending(a => a.DatePaid).ToList(); } if (thisGuyPayment.Count() == 0) { totalAmount += t.Cost; theNeverPaidStuddentStudents.Add(new TermRegistration { LastName = t.LastName, FirstName = t.FirstName, SchoolFeesKind = t.SchoolFeesKind, Cost = t.Cost, Level = t.Level, Session = t.Session, Term = t.Term, StudentID = t.StudentID }); } } students = theNeverPaidStuddentStudents; } } } if (User.IsInRole("Parent")) { //ViewBag.Term = "1"; int theParentUserName = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name); Parent theParent = work.ParentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theParentUserName).First(); List <TermRegistration> studentList = new List <TermRegistration>(); int theStudentID = 0; if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(StudentIDString))) { theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(StudentIDString); } List <TermRegistration> theList = new List <TermRegistration>(); theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID && a.Term == term && a.Session == session && a.Level == LevelString).ToList(); students = theList; } if (User.IsInRole("Student")) { // ViewBag.Term = "1"; int theStudentUserName = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name); List <PrimarySchoolStudent> theStudent = new List <PrimarySchoolStudent>(); List <TermRegistration> theList = new List <TermRegistration>(); theStudent = work.PrimarySchoolStudentRepository.Get(a => a.UserID == theStudentUserName).ToList(); // List<TermRegistration> studentList = new List<TermRegistration>(); if ((theStudent.Count > 0)) { int theStudentID = Convert.ToInt32(theStudent[0].UserID); theList = work.TermRegistrationRepository.Get(a => a.StudentID == theStudentID && a.Level == LevelString && a.Term == term && a.Session == session).ToList(); //if (theList.Count > 0) //{ // theList.Add(theList[0]); // } } students = theList; } if (thePrintQuery != null && students.Count() > 0) { thePrintQuery = null; StringWriter oStringWriter1 = new StringWriter(); Document itextDoc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER); itextDoc.Open(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; PrintResult print = new PrintResult(); // Set up the document and the MS to write it to and create the PDF writer instance MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); //Document document = new Document(PageSize.A3.Rotate()); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms); // Open the PDF document document.Open(); Document thedoc = new SchoolFeesPrinting().FeesPrinting(students.ToList(), ref oStringWriter1, ref document); iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.VerticalPositionMark seperator = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator(); seperator.Offset = -6f; document.Close(); // Hat tip to David for his code on stackoverflow for this bit // byte[] file = ms.ToArray(); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); output.Write(file, 0, file.Length); output.Position = 0; HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=SchoolFees.pdf"); return(new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf")); //new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf"); // return View(new FileStreamResult(output, "application/pdf")); } ViewBag.TotalAmount = totalAmount; ViewBag.Count = students.Count(); return(View(students.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize))); // } // else // { // return View("Index3", students.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)); // } }