Example #1
        public static void Load(string filePath, Content content)
            foreach (PropertyBag itemProp in PropertyBag.FromFile(filePath))
                string category    = itemProp["category"].Value;
                string subcategory = itemProp.GetOrDefault("subcategory", String.Empty);

                // name
                string name = itemProp.Name;

                // art
                Character character = new Character('*', TermColor.Purple);

                PropertyBag art;
                if (itemProp.TryGetValue("art", out art))
                    //### bob: old style color and glyph combined
                    character = Character.Parse(art.Value);
                    // separate glyph and color
                    character = new Character(

                // amount
                Roller amount = itemProp.GetOrDefault("amount", value => Roller.Parse(value), Roller.Fixed(1));

                // charges
                Roller charges = itemProp.GetOrDefault("charges", value => Roller.Parse(value), Roller.Fixed(0));

                // effect type
                EffectType effect = itemProp.GetOrDefault("effect", value => (EffectType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EffectType), value, true), EffectType.Hit);

                // attack
                Attack      attack = null;
                PropertyBag attackProp;
                if (itemProp.TryGetValue("attack", out attackProp))
                    string attackText = attackProp.Value;

                    if (attackText.Contains(" "))
                        // element included
                        string[] parts   = attackText.Split(' ');
                        Roller   damage  = Roller.Parse(parts[0]);
                        Element  element = (Element)Enum.Parse(typeof(Element), parts[1], true);

                        attack = new Attack(damage, element, Verbs.Hit, effect);
                        // default element
                        Roller damage = Roller.Parse(attackText);
                        attack = new Attack(damage, Verbs.Hit, effect);

                // armor
                int armor = itemProp.GetOrDefault("armor", 0);

                // use
                ItemScript useScript = itemProp.GetOrDefault("use", value => ItemScript.Create(value), null);

                // usage
                ChargeType chargeType = ChargeType.None;

                // default to single use if there is a use specified
                if (useScript != null)
                    chargeType = ChargeType.Single;

                chargeType = itemProp.GetOrDefault("usage", value => (ChargeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ChargeType), value, true), chargeType);

                // price
                int price = itemProp.GetOrDefault("price", 999999);

                ItemType itemType = new ItemType(content, name, category, subcategory, character, amount, charges,
                                                 attack, armor, chargeType, useScript, price);

                // flags
                foreach (PropertyBag childProp in itemProp)
                    if (childProp.Name.StartsWith("+ "))
                        string flag = childProp.Name.Substring(2).Trim();

                // light
                PropertyBag light;
                if (itemProp.TryGetValue("light", out light))

                // target
                PropertyBag target;
                if (itemProp.TryGetValue("target", out target))
                    itemType.SetTarget((ItemTarget)Enum.Parse(typeof(ItemTarget), target.Value, true));

                // ammunition
                PropertyBag ammunition;
                if (itemProp.TryGetValue("ammunition", out ammunition))

                // hit scripts
                foreach (Element element in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Element)))
                    ItemScript hitScript = itemProp.GetOrDefault("on hit by " + element.ToString().ToLower(), value => ItemScript.Create(value), null);
                    itemType.SetHitScript(element, hitScript);

Example #2
        public static void Load(string filePath, Content content, bool isPrefix)
            foreach (PropertyBag powerProp in PropertyBag.FromFile(filePath))
                // categories
                string[] categories = powerProp["categories"].Value.Split('|');

                // appearance
                object appearance = powerProp.GetOrDefault <object>("appearance", value => TermColors.FromName(value), null);

                // level
                int         minLevel = 1;
                int         maxLevel = 1;
                PropertyBag level;
                if (powerProp.TryGetValue("level", out level))
                    level.ToRange(out minLevel, out maxLevel);

                // rarity
                int rarity = powerProp.GetOrDefault("rarity", 1);

                PowerType power = new PowerType(content, powerProp.Name, isPrefix, categories, appearance);
                content.Powers.Add(power, minLevel, maxLevel, rarity);

                // brand
                power.Element = powerProp.GetOrDefault("element", value => (Element)Enum.Parse(typeof(Element), value, true), power.Element);

                // bonuses
                power.StrikeBonus = powerProp.GetOrDefault("strike", value => Roller.Parse(value), power.StrikeBonus);
                power.DamageBonus = powerProp.GetOrDefault("damage", value => Roller.Parse(value), power.DamageBonus);
                power.ArmorBonus  = powerProp.GetOrDefault("armor", value => Roller.Parse(value), power.ArmorBonus);
                power.StatBonus   = powerProp.GetOrDefault("stats", value => Roller.Parse(value), power.StatBonus);
                power.SpeedBonus  = powerProp.GetOrDefault("speed", value => Roller.Parse(value), power.SpeedBonus);

                // flags
                foreach (PropertyBag childProp in powerProp)
                    if (childProp.Name.StartsWith("+ "))
                        string flag = childProp.Name.Substring(2).Trim();
Example #3
        private static Race LoadRace(PropertyBag raceProp, DropMacroCollection <Item> dropMacros, Content content,
                                     out int depth, out int rarity)
            Character character = new Character('*', TermColor.Purple);

            PropertyBag art;

            if (raceProp.TryGetValue("art", out art))
                //### bob: old style color and glyph combined
                character = Character.Parse(art.Value);
                // separate glyph and color
                character = new Character(

            // depth
            depth = raceProp["depth"].ToInt32();

            // speed
            int speed = raceProp.GetOrDefault("speed", 0) + Energy.NormalSpeed;

            // health
            Roller health = Roller.Parse(raceProp["health"].Value);

            // rarity
            rarity = raceProp.GetOrDefault("rarity", 1);

            // create the race
            Race race = new Race(content, raceProp.Name, depth, character, speed, health);

            // attacks
            PropertyBag attacks;

            if (raceProp.TryGetValue("attacks", out attacks))
                foreach (PropertyBag attackProp in attacks)
                    string[] attackParts = attackProp.Value.Split(' ');

                    // create the attack
                    Roller damage = Roller.Parse(attackParts[0]);

                    FlagCollection flags   = new FlagCollection();
                    Element        element = Element.Anima;

                    // add the flags or element
                    for (int i = 1; i < attackParts.Length; i++)
                            // see if the part is an element
                            element = (Element)Enum.Parse(typeof(Element), attackParts[i], true);
                        catch (ArgumentException)
                            // must be a flag

                    //### bob: need to support different effect types
                    Attack attack = new Attack(damage, 0, 1.0f, element, attackProp.Name, EffectType.Hit, flags);


            // moves
            PropertyBag moves;

            if (raceProp.TryGetValue("moves", out moves))
                foreach (PropertyBag moveProp in moves)
                    string moveName = moveProp.Name;

                    // if an explicit move field is provided, then the prop name is not the name of the move itself
                    PropertyBag explicitMove;
                    if (moveProp.TryGetValue("move", out explicitMove))
                        moveName = explicitMove.Value;

                    // parse the specific move info
                    MoveInfo info = ParseMove(moveProp);

                    Move move;

                    // construct the move
                    switch (moveName)
                    case "haste self": move = new HasteSelfMove(); break;

                    case "ball self": move = new BallSelfMove(); break;

                    case "cone": move = new ElementConeMove(); break;

                    case "breathe": move = new BreatheMove(); break;

                    case "bolt": move = new BoltMove(); break;

                    case "message": move = new MessageMove(); break;

                    case "breed": move = new BreedMove(); break;

                        throw new Exception("Unknown move \"" + moveName + "\".");



            // flags
            foreach (PropertyBag childProp in raceProp)
                if (childProp.Name.StartsWith("+ "))
                    string flag = childProp.Name.Substring(2).Trim();

                    // handle the flags
                    switch (flag)
                    case "groups":              race.SetGroupSize(GroupSize.Group); break;

                    case "packs":               race.SetGroupSize(GroupSize.Pack); break;

                    case "swarms":              race.SetGroupSize(GroupSize.Swarm); break;

                    case "hordes":              race.SetGroupSize(GroupSize.Horde); break;

                    case "very-bright":         race.SetLightRadius(2); break;

                    case "bright":              race.SetLightRadius(1); break;

                    case "glows":               race.SetLightRadius(0); break;

                    case "unmoving":            race.SetPursue(Pursue.Unmoving); break;

                    case "slightly-erratic":    race.SetPursue(Pursue.SlightlyErratically); break;

                    case "erratic":             race.SetPursue(Pursue.Erratically); break;

                    case "very-erratic":        race.SetPursue(Pursue.VeryErratically); break;

                    case "unique":              race.SetFlag(RaceFlags.Unique); break;

                    case "boss":                race.SetFlag(RaceFlags.Boss); break;

                    case "opens-doors":         race.SetFlag(RaceFlags.OpensDoors); break;

                    default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown flag \"{0}\"", flag); break;

            // resists
            PropertyBag resists;

            if (raceProp.TryGetValue("resists", out resists))
                ParseResists(resists.Value, race);

            // drops
            PropertyBag drops;

            if (raceProp.TryGetValue("drops", out drops))
                var          parser = new ItemDropParser(content);
                IDrop <Item> drop   = parser.ParseDefinition(drops, dropMacros);

            // description
            PropertyBag description;

            if (raceProp.TryGetValue("description", out description))

            // groups
            PropertyBag groups;

            if (raceProp.TryGetValue("groups", out groups))
                race.SetGroups(groups.Value.Split(' '));
