Example #1
	public static void Hide()
		if( _window != null )
			DestroyImmediate( _window );
			_window = null;
Example #2
 public static void Hide()
     if (_window != null)
         _window = null;
Example #3
    public static void Update(Rect pAnchorTo, Vector2 pMousePosition, GameObject pObject)
        if (_window == null)
            _window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TeneDropTarget>();


        _window._close        = false;
        _window._repositioned = false;
        //_window._anchoredTo = pAnchorTo;
        _window.HadMouseOver = false;

        _window.title = pObject.name;
        _window.SetPosition(pAnchorTo, pMousePosition);
Example #4
	public static void Update( Rect pAnchorTo, Vector2 pMousePosition, GameObject pObject )
		if( _window == null )
			_window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TeneDropTarget>();


		_window._close = false;
		_window._repositioned = false;
		//_window._anchoredTo = pAnchorTo;
		_window.HadMouseOver = false;
#if UNITY_5 && !UNITY_5_0
        _window.titleContent = new GUIContent(pObject.name);
        _window.title = pObject.name;
        _window.SetTarget( pObject );
		_window.SetPosition( pAnchorTo, pMousePosition );
    public static void Update(Rect pAnchorTo, Vector2 pMousePosition, GameObject pObject)
        if (_window == null)
            _window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TeneDropTarget>();


        _window._close        = false;
        _window._repositioned = false;
        //_window._anchoredTo = pAnchorTo;
        _window.HadMouseOver = false;
#if (UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER) && !UNITY_5_0
        _window.titleContent = new GUIContent(pObject.name);
        _window.title = pObject.name;
        _window.SetPosition(pAnchorTo, pMousePosition);
Example #6
        private void Draw(int pInstanceID, Rect pDrawingRect)
            // called per-line in the hierarchy window

            GameObject gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(pInstanceID) as GameObject;

            if (gameObject == null)

            bool currentLock = (gameObject.hideFlags & HideFlags.NotEditable) != 0;

            bool doPreview = _setting_showHoverPreview &&
                             (!_setting_showHoverPreviewShift || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0) &&
                             (!_setting_showHoverPreviewCtrl || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0) &&
                             (!_setting_showHoverPreviewAlt || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) != 0);

            bool doTooltip = _setting_showHoverTooltip &&
                             (!_setting_showHoverTooltipShift || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0) &&
                             (!_setting_showHoverTooltipCtrl || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0) &&
                             (!_setting_showHoverTooltipAlt || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) != 0);

            bool doComponents = _setting_showComponents &&
                                (!_setting_showComponentsShift || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0) &&
                                (!_setting_showComponentsCtrl || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0) &&
                                (!_setting_showComponentsAlt || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) != 0);

            bool doLockIcon = _setting_showLock &&
                              (!_setting_showLockShift || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0) &&
                              (!_setting_showLockCtrl || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0) &&
                              (!_setting_showLockAlt || (Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) != 0);

            doLockIcon |= _setting_showLock && _setting_showLockLocked && currentLock;

            string tooltip = "";

            Color originalColor = GUI.color;

            if (doLockIcon)
                Rect r = pDrawingRect;
                r.x     = r.x + r.width - 14;
                r.width = 12;

                GUI.color = currentLock ? new Color(1, 1, 1, 1) : new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4f);

                bool newLock = GUI.Toggle(r, currentLock, "", (GUIStyle)"IN LockButton");
                if (newLock != currentLock)
                    if (newLock)
                        gameObject.hideFlags |= HideFlags.NotEditable;
                        gameObject.hideFlags -= HideFlags.NotEditable;

                pDrawingRect.width -= 14;

            float width = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(gameObject.name)).x;

            if (((1 << gameObject.layer) & Tools.visibleLayers) == 0)
                Rect labelRect = pDrawingRect;
                labelRect.width = width;
                labelRect.x    -= 2;
                labelRect.y    -= 4;
                GUI.Label(labelRect, "".PadRight(gameObject.name.Length, '_'));

            if (doTooltip)
                tooltip = GetTooltip(gameObject);
                if (tooltip.Length > 0)
                    GUI.Label(pDrawingRect, new GUIContent(" ", tooltip));

            if (doComponents)
                Rect iconRect = pDrawingRect;
                iconRect.x = pDrawingRect.x + pDrawingRect.width - 16;
                iconRect.width  = 16;
                iconRect.height = 16;

                _mousePosition = new Vector2(Event.current.mousePosition.x + Common.HierarchyWindow.position.x, Event.current.mousePosition.y + Common.HierarchyWindow.position.y);

                bool mouseIn = pDrawingRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);

                if (doPreview && mouseIn)
                    _hoverObject = gameObject;

                Object dragging = DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length == 1 ? DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0] : null;

                if (DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length == 1 && _setting_showHoverDropWindow && mouseIn)
                    if (_draggingHeldOver == null)
                        _draggingHeldStart = System.DateTime.Now;

                    if (_draggingHeldOver != gameObject)
                        _draggingShownQuickInspector = false;

                    _draggingHeldOver = gameObject;

                bool suitableDrop = false;
                bool drawnEtc     = false;

                foreach (Component c in gameObject.GetComponents <Component>())
                    if (c is Transform)

                    if (c != null && !suitableDrop && dragging != null)
                        Type type = c.GetType();
                        foreach (FieldInfo f in TeneDropTarget.FieldsFor(type))
                            if (TeneDropTarget.IsCompatibleField(f, dragging))
                                suitableDrop = true;

                    if (c == null)
                        Rect rectX = new Rect(iconRect.x + 4, iconRect.y + 1, 14, iconRect.height);
                        GUI.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.35f, 0.35f, 1.0f);
                        GUI.Label(rectX, new GUIContent("X", "Missing Script"), Common.ColorLabel(new Color(1.0f, 0.35f, 0.35f, 1.0f)));
                        iconRect.x -= 9;

                        if (rectX.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            _hoverObject = null;


                    GUI.color = c.GetEnabled() ? Color.white : new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                    if (iconRect.x < pDrawingRect.x + width)
                        if (!drawnEtc)
                            GUI.Label(iconRect, " ..");
                            drawnEtc = true;

                    if (doTooltip)
                        tooltip = GetTooltip(c);

                    Texture iconTexture = null;

                    if (c is MonoBehaviour)
                        MonoScript ms = MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour(c as MonoBehaviour);
                        iconTexture = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ms));

                    if (iconTexture == null)
                        iconTexture = Common.GetMiniThumbnail(c);

                    if (iconTexture != null)
                        if (doPreview)
                            if (iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                                _hoverObject = c;

                        GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, iconTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
                        if (GUI.Button(iconRect, new GUIContent("", tooltip), EditorStyles.label))
                        iconRect.x -= iconRect.width;

                if (suitableDrop)
                    Rect labelRect = pDrawingRect;

                    labelRect.width = width;
                    labelRect.x    -= 2;
                    labelRect.y    += 1;

                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(labelRect.x, labelRect.y, labelRect.width, 1), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(labelRect.x, labelRect.y, 1, labelRect.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(labelRect.x, labelRect.yMax, labelRect.width, 1), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(labelRect.xMax, labelRect.y, 1, labelRect.height), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);

                    if (mouseIn)
                        DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Generic;

            GUI.color = originalColor;
Example #7
        private void Update()
            bool nowDragging = DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length == 1;

            if (_wasDragging != nowDragging)
                // detect when dragging state changes, so we force a refresh of the hierarchy
                _wasDragging = nowDragging;

                if (!nowDragging)
                    _draggingHeldOver            = null;
                    _draggingShownQuickInspector = false;

                // doesn't appear to refresh when starting to drag stuff
                // but works ok when finishing

            if (_lastHoverObject != null || _hoverObject != null)
                if (_lastHoverObject != _hoverObject)
                    // don't currently support plain old gameobjects
                    if (_hoverObject is GameObject)
                        if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(_hoverObject) == null)
                            _hoverObject = null;

                if (_lastHoverObject != _hoverObject)
                    _lastHoverObject = _hoverObject;

                        pAsset: _hoverObject
                    if (_updateThrottle > 20)
                        _hoverObject = null;
                        _updateThrottle = 0;

            if (_draggingHeldOver != null)
                if (!_draggingShownQuickInspector)
                    if ((System.DateTime.Now - _draggingHeldStart).TotalSeconds >= 0.5f)
                        // user held mouse over a game object, so we can show the
                        // quick-drop popup window


                        _draggingShownQuickInspector = true;