Example #1
        public PartialViewResult ReportView(string startDate, string endDate, string[] companyIDs, string[] propertyIDs, string[] unitIDs, string[] statusIDs, string[] contractorIDs)
            Session["startDate"]             = startDate;
            Session["endDate"]               = endDate;
            Session["selectedCompanyIDs"]    = companyIDs;
            Session["selectedPropertyIDs"]   = propertyIDs;
            Session["selectedUnitIDs"]       = unitIDs;
            Session["selectedStatusIDs"]     = statusIDs;
            Session["selectedContractorIDs"] = contractorIDs;

            DateTime      start                = DateTime.Parse(startDate);
            DateTime      end                  = DateTime.Parse(endDate);
            double        totalRentRoll        = 0;
            double        totalSecurityDeposit = 0;
            double        totalBalance         = 0;
            StringBuilder sbOperation          = new StringBuilder();

            sbOperation.Append("Select distinct tblTenant.*,  tblProperty.Address,cUser.*, tblPropertyUnit.UnitName,cStatusType.Name as StatusName, OperationSummary.balance ,PaidSecurity ");
            sbOperation.Append(" from tblTenant ");
            sbOperation.Append(" inner join  tblPropertyUnit on tblPropertyUnit.UnitID =  tblTenant.UnitID ");
            sbOperation.Append(" INNER JOIN  tblProperty ON tblProperty.PropertyID = tblPropertyUnit.PropertyID ");
            sbOperation.Append(" INNER JOIN mCompanyProperty on mCompanyProperty.PropertyID = tblProperty.PropertyID ");
            sbOperation.Append(" INNER JOIN cUser on cUser.UserID =  tblTenant.UserID ");
            sbOperation.Append(" INNER JOIN cStatusType on cStatusType.StatusTypeID = tblTenant.StatusID ");
            sbOperation.Append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN (select sum(DueAmount - Amount) as balance, contractorid from tblUnitOperation where CategoryID=36 group by contractorid) as OperationSummary on OperationSummary.ContractorID = tblTenant.UserID ");
            sbOperation.Append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN (select sum(Amount) as PaidSecurity, contractorid from tblUnitOperation where categoryid=32 group by contractorid) as SecuritySummary on SecuritySummary.ContractorID = tblTenant.UserID ");
            sbOperation.Append(" where  dateadd(month, tblTenant.LeaseTerm,tblTenant.StartDate)>='" + start + "' ");
            sbOperation.Append(" and tblTenant.StartDate<='" + end + "'");

            // Add modality id to the where clause if appropriate
            if (companyIDs != null && companyIDs.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyIDs[0]))
                sbOperation.Append(" AND mCompanyProperty.CompanyID IN (" + String.Join(",", companyIDs) + ")");
                //get the companys only the owner can access
                sbOperation.Append(" AND mCompanyProperty.CompanyID IN (" + GetUserManagedCompanyString() + ")");
            // Add modality id to the where clause if appropriate
            if (propertyIDs != null && propertyIDs.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyIDs[0]))
                sbOperation.Append(" AND tblProperty.PropertyID IN (" + String.Join(",", propertyIDs) + ")");
            // Add modality id to the where clause if appropriate
            if (unitIDs != null && unitIDs.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(unitIDs[0]))
                sbOperation.Append(" AND tblPropertyUnit.UnitID IN (" + String.Join(",", unitIDs) + ")");
            if (statusIDs != null && statusIDs.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusIDs[0]))
                sbOperation.Append(" AND tblTenant.StatusID IN (" + String.Join(",", statusIDs) + ")");
            if (contractorIDs != null && contractorIDs.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contractorIDs[0]))
                sbOperation.Append(" AND [tblTenant].UserID IN (" + String.Join(",", contractorIDs) + ")");
            sbOperation.Append(" Order by StartDate");

            // Create a list of our result class to hold the data from the query
            // Please ensure you instatiate the class for this controller and not a different controller
            List <Tenant> result = new List <Tenant>();

            // Execute the SQL query and get the results

            using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sbOperation.ToString(), Helpers.Helpers.GetAppConnectionString()))
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();

                DataTable tb = (DataTable)ds.Tables[0];
                if (tb != null && tb.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++)
                        Tenant tr = TenantManager.FillInTenantWithData(tb.Rows[i]);
                        totalRentRoll        += tr.MonthlyPayment;
                        totalSecurityDeposit += tr.SecurityDeposit;

            ViewBag.TableCaption  = reporttitle + " Tenant: " + start.ToString("g") + " thru " + end.ToString("g");
            ViewBag.TotalRentRoll = totalRentRoll;
            ViewBag.TotalDeposit  = totalSecurityDeposit;
            ViewBag.TotalBalace   = 0;
            return(PartialView("ReportView", result));