protected override void OnClick()
            if (!m_bIsConnected)
                    //open the shapefile with the recorded data
                    IFeatureClass featureClass = openPlaybackData();
                    if (null == featureClass)

                    //get the map container
                    object mapObj = ArcMap.Application;

                    //load the Tracking Analyst extension
                    ITrackingEnvironment3 trackingEnv = setupTrackingEnv(ref mapObj);
                    //set the mode to historic, since you need to do playback
                    trackingEnv.DefaultTemporalReference.TemporalMode = enumTemporalMode.enumHistoric;
                    //set the units of the temporal period to days
                    trackingEnv.DefaultTemporalReference.TemporalPeriodUnits = enumTemporalUnits.enumDays;
                    //set the update mode to manual so that it will be controlled by the application
                    trackingEnv.DisplayManager.ManualUpdate = true;
                    //set the temporal perspective to Aug 03 2000 7PM.
                    trackingEnv.DefaultTemporalReference.TemporalPerspective = "8/3/2000 7:0:00 PM";

                    // Stop using the map's time to allow the layer to draw based on it's TemporalPerspective
                    ITimeData timeData = m_temporalLayer as ITimeData;
                    timeData.UseTime = false;

                    //create a temporal operator that will serve as a base time for the tracking environment
                    ITemporalOperator3 temporalOpBaseTime = new TemporalOperatorClass() as ITemporalOperator3;
                    //set the base time to 6PM, Aug 3 2000
                    temporalOpBaseTime.SetDateTime(2000, 8, 3, 18, 0, 0, 0);

                    //create the renderer for the temporal layer
                    ITemporalRenderer temporalRenderer = setRenderer(featureClass, "DATE_TIME", "EVENTID");

                    //create the temporal layer for the playback data
                    m_temporalLayer = new TemporalFeatureLayerClass();
                    //assign the featureclass for the layer
                    ((IFeatureLayer)m_temporalLayer).FeatureClass = featureClass;
                    //set the base time to initialize the time window of the layer
                    m_temporalLayer.RelativeTimeOperator = (ITemporalOperator)temporalOpBaseTime;
                    //set the renderer for the temporal layer
                    m_temporalLayer.Renderer = temporalRenderer as IFeatureRenderer;
                    //set the flag in order to display the track of previous locations
                    m_temporalLayer.DisplayOnlyLastKnownEvent = false;
                    //initialize labels for the event name
                    setupLayerLabels(m_temporalLayer, "EVENTID");

                    m_activeView  = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView;
                    m_temporalEnv = trackingEnv;
                    m_baseTime    = temporalOpBaseTime;

                    //add the temporal layer to the map

                    //enable the timer
                    m_timer.Enabled = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                //disable the timer
                m_timer.Enabled = false;

                if (null == m_temporalLayer)
                //remove the layer
                m_temporalLayer = null;
            m_bIsConnected = !m_bIsConnected;

            m_docEvent = ArcMap.Document as IDocumentEvents_Event;
            m_docEvent.CloseDocument += new IDocumentEvents_CloseDocumentEventHandler(docEvent_CloseDocument);

            ArcMap.Application.CurrentTool = null;
    protected override void OnClick()
      if (!m_bIsConnected)
          //open the shapefile with the recorded data
          IFeatureClass featureClass = openPlaybackData();
          if (null == featureClass)

          //get the map container
          object mapObj = ArcMap.Application;
          //load the Tracking Analyst extension
          ITrackingEnvironment3 trackingEnv = setupTrackingEnv(ref mapObj);
          //set the mode to historic, since you need to do playback
          trackingEnv.DefaultTemporalReference.TemporalMode = enumTemporalMode.enumHistoric;
          //set the units of the temporal period to days
          trackingEnv.DefaultTemporalReference.TemporalPeriodUnits = enumTemporalUnits.enumDays;
          //set the update mode to manual so that it will be controlled by the application
          trackingEnv.DisplayManager.ManualUpdate = true;
          //set the temporal perspective to Aug 03 2000 7PM.
          trackingEnv.DefaultTemporalReference.TemporalPerspective = "8/3/2000 7:0:00 PM";

          // Stop using the map's time to allow the layer to draw based on it's TemporalPerspective
          ITimeData timeData = m_temporalLayer as ITimeData;
          timeData.UseTime = false;

          //create a temporal operator that will serve as a base time for the tracking environment
          ITemporalOperator3 temporalOpBaseTime = new TemporalOperatorClass() as ITemporalOperator3;
          //set the base time to 6PM, Aug 3 2000
          temporalOpBaseTime.SetDateTime(2000, 8, 3, 18, 0, 0, 0);

          //create the renderer for the temporal layer
          ITemporalRenderer temporalRenderer = setRenderer(featureClass, "DATE_TIME", "EVENTID");

          //create the temporal layer for the playback data
          m_temporalLayer = new TemporalFeatureLayerClass();
          //assign the featureclass for the layer
          ((IFeatureLayer)m_temporalLayer).FeatureClass = featureClass;
          //set the base time to initialize the time window of the layer
          m_temporalLayer.RelativeTimeOperator = (ITemporalOperator)temporalOpBaseTime;
          //set the renderer for the temporal layer 
          m_temporalLayer.Renderer = temporalRenderer as IFeatureRenderer;
          //set the flag in order to display the track of previous locations
          m_temporalLayer.DisplayOnlyLastKnownEvent = false;
          //initialize labels for the event name
          setupLayerLabels(m_temporalLayer, "EVENTID");

          m_activeView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView;
          m_temporalEnv = trackingEnv;
          m_baseTime = temporalOpBaseTime;

          //add the temporal layer to the map

          //enable the timer
          m_timer.Enabled = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
        //disable the timer
        m_timer.Enabled = false;

        if (null == m_temporalLayer)
        //remove the layer
        m_temporalLayer = null;
      m_bIsConnected = !m_bIsConnected;

      m_docEvent = ArcMap.Document as IDocumentEvents_Event;
      m_docEvent.CloseDocument += new IDocumentEvents_CloseDocumentEventHandler(docEvent_CloseDocument);

      ArcMap.Application.CurrentTool = null;