public TemplateIcon ImportIcon() { string assetp = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("模板Icon", "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop", "png"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetp)) { return(null); } TemplateIcon icon = new TemplateIcon(assetp); return(icon); }
private void onObjectAdded(RectTransform item, int index) { TemplateIcon component = item.GetComponent <TemplateIcon>(); DisplayedTemplate displayedTemplate = displayedTemplates[index]; = displayedTemplate.Definition.AssetName + "_button"; RectTransform rectTransform = component.transform as RectTransform; rectTransform.anchoredPosition =; rectTransform.anchorMin =; rectTransform.anchorMax =; rectTransform.sizeDelta =; rectTransform.localScale =; bool flag = Service.Get <CPDataEntityCollection>().IsLocalPlayerMember(); bool canDrag = flag; if (!flag) { canDrag = !displayedTemplate.Definition.IsMemberOnlyCreatable; } string assetName = displayedTemplate.Definition.AssetName; Texture2DContentKey equipmentIconPath = EquipmentPathUtil.GetEquipmentIconPath(assetName); component.Init(equipmentIconPath, BreadcrumbType, displayedTemplate.Definition.Id, canDrag); if (!flag && displayedTemplate.Definition.IsMemberOnlyCreatable) { component.SetTemplateMemberLocked(displayedTemplate.Definition); } else if (userLevel < displayedTemplate.Level) { component.SetTemplateToLevelLocked(displayedTemplate.Definition, displayedTemplate.Level); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayedTemplate.MascotName)) { component.SetTemplateToProgressionLocked(displayedTemplate.Definition, displayedTemplate.MascotName); } else { component.SetTemplateToUnlocked(displayedTemplate.Definition); } AccessibilitySettings component2 = component.GetComponent <AccessibilitySettings>(); if (component2 != null) { component2.CustomToken = displayedTemplate.Definition.Name; } }
public async Task <Stream> GenerateXpImageStream(User user, SocketGuildUser guildUser, Server server = null) { var templateStream = new MemoryStream(); MemoryStream pfpStream; MemoryStream badgeStream; var xp = new XpTemplate { ProfilePicture = new TemplateIcon { Loc = new TemplateLoc { X = 13, Y = 15 }, ProfileUrl = guildUser.GetAvatarUrl(), Show = true }, LevelUpMessageText = new TemplateText { Color = Rgba32.WhiteSmoke, Font = Font(server is null ? 60 : 48), HasStroke = true, Loc = server is null ? new TemplateLoc { X = 210, Y = 125 } : new TemplateLoc { X = 160, Y = 125 }, Show = true, StrokeColor = Rgba32.LightSalmon, StrokeWidth = 1.4f, Text = $"{(server is null ? "Level Up!" : "Server Level Up!")}" },
//public List<UmaDnaItem> LoadDna() //{ // return characterData.dna; //} public void Save(TemplateIcon icon, List <TemplateClothItem> cloths, List <UmaDnaItem> dna) { if (characterData != null) { if (!icon.sourceFlag) { string source = icon.path; FileHelper.copyFile(source, iconPath, true); } List <ClothModel> cms = new List <ClothModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < cloths.Count; i++) { if (cloths[i].cm != null) { cms.Add(cloths[i].cm); } } characterData.avatars = cms; //characterData.dna = dna; string json = characterData.JsonTransferString(); FileHelper.CreatFile(path, id + ".txt", json); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates the profile image for the provided <see cref="User"/>. A <see cref="Server"/> /// is passed in to display their Server EXp progress and rank. /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <param name="server"></param> /// <param name="guildUser"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <Stream> GenerateProfileImageStream(User user, Server server, SocketGuildUser guildUser) { var templateStream = new MemoryStream(); MemoryStream pfpStream; MemoryStream badgeStream; bool isDefaultPfp = string.IsNullOrEmpty(guildUser.AvatarId); var profile = new ProfileTemplate { Xp = new ProfileTemplateXp { GlobalBar = GlobalBarData.Bar(user), GuildBar = GuildBarData.Bar(user, server), IconAndUsername = ProfilePictureData.ProfileIcon(guildUser), PremiumBadge = new PremiumBadge(user).Data, LeftPanel = await ProfilePanelData.LeftPanel(user, server), RightPanel = ProfilePanelData.RightPanel(user) } }; TemplateIcon pfpIcon = ProfilePictureData.ProfileIcon(guildUser); using (var wc = new WebClient()) { string avatarUrl = guildUser.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Png); avatarUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(avatarUrl) ? guildUser.GetDefaultAvatarUrl() : avatarUrl; byte[] pfpImg = await wc.DownloadDataTaskAsync(avatarUrl); pfpStream = new MemoryStream(pfpImg); byte[] badgeImg = await wc.DownloadDataTaskAsync(profile.Xp.PremiumBadge.Emote.Url); badgeStream = new MemoryStream(badgeImg); } using Image image = Image.Load(ProfileTemplatePath); using Image profilePicture = Image.Load(pfpStream); using Image suppBadge = Image.Load(badgeStream); using var gBar = new Image <Rgba32>(image.Width, image.Height); PointF[] gFillPoints = GlobalBarData.GlobalXpBarCoordinates(user, profile.Xp); PointF[] sFillPoints = GuildBarData.GuildXpBarCoordinates(user, server, profile.Xp); /* * In order to avoid clipping and artifacts, we render a completely new image * that just contains the bars themselves. This serves as our "layer zero" if * we were in Photoshop. * * Now that we have our base layer, we draw the template on top as our * middle layer. This is because the template has transparent "cutouts" for * our bars to fit into. In order for the bar to look pretty, the template must * "trim" the bar for us naturally. This is why we have to draw the template on top * separately. * * We do this for all bars and images that are filling transparent areas on our template. */ // Resize downloaded supporter image, she's a little too chonky <(^-^)> const double RESIZE_SCALAR = 0.75; suppBadge.Mutate(x => x.Resize((int)(x.GetCurrentSize().Width *RESIZE_SCALAR), (int)(x.GetCurrentSize().Height *RESIZE_SCALAR))); // If the user has the default Discord profile picture, fix the width to 132 x 132 px. profilePicture.Mutate(x => x.Resize(new ResizeOptions { Position = AnchorPositionMode.Center, Size = new Size(116, 116) })); // Draw the profile picture on top of the global bar. Global bar will serve as the base layer // that we continually add onto, even if it doesn't directly overlap it, as it's a layer // with the same size of our template. Think of it as a canvas. gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(profilePicture, new Point(22, 23), 1)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.FillPolygon(profile.Xp.GlobalBar.Color, gFillPoints)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.FillPolygon(profile.Xp.GuildBar.Color, sFillPoints)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(image, 1)); // Draw username and discriminator texts. gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(pfpIcon.UsernameText)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(pfpIcon.UserDiscriminatorText)); //Draw global bar top-left, bottom-right, and center texts gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(profile.Xp.GlobalBar.TopLeftText)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(profile.Xp.GlobalBar.BottomRightText)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(profile.Xp.GlobalBar.CenterText)); //Draw guild bar top-left, bottom-right, and center texts gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(profile.Xp.GuildBar.TopLeftText)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(profile.Xp.GuildBar.BottomRightText)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaText(profile.Xp.GuildBar.CenterText)); //Draw card panel data/statistics texts gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaTemplatePanelText(profile.Xp.LeftPanel)); gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawKaguyaTemplatePanelText(profile.Xp.RightPanel)); // Draw supporter badge. if (user.IsPremium) { gBar.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(suppBadge, new Point((int)profile.Xp.PremiumBadge.Loc.X, (int)profile.Xp.PremiumBadge.Loc.Y), 1)); } // Save the completed drawing to a MemoryStream so that we can send it to Discord elsewhere. gBar.SaveAsPng(templateStream); templateStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(templateStream); }
void tempBtn_Click() { //SOAService_Resource_Character_ICON _icon = new SOAService_Resource_Character_ICON("0204_0001"); //_icon.AddListener(loadicon); //_icon.Run(); //sample.TakeHighScaledShot(1080, 1920, sample.screenshotScale, sample.screenshotFilter, "/../" + sample.relativeScreenshotPath); //return; StartCoroutine(change()); return; danPnael.gameObject.SetActive(false); string p = Application.dataPath + "/player.png"; Camera c = Camera.main; Rect r = new Rect(); r.width = 1080f; r.height = 1920f; CameraPng.CaptureCamera(c, r, p); //Application.CaptureScreenshot(p); danPnael.gameObject.SetActive(true); return; #if UNITY_EDITOR //IExpressModel male = new ExpressModel_Male();//实例化男性 //IExpressModel female = new ExpressModel_Female();//实例化女性 CompressAssetbundleZip com = new CompressAssetbundleZip(); com.Compress(); return; ITemplate male2 = new Template_Male2();//女性模板2 List <TemplateClothItem> cloths = male2.LoadCloths(); TemplateIcon icon = male2.LoadIcon(); return; TemplateCloth cloth = new TemplateCloth(); List <TemplateClothItem> list = cloth.Load(EnumCharacterType.Charater_Female, "04"); return; ImportBase female = new ImportFemale(); female.Import(); ImportBase male = new ImportMale(); male.Import(); ImportBase import = new ImportIcon(); import.Import(); IniEditor.iniData(); PackagerEditor.Assetbundle_All(); BuildPlayer build = new BuildPlayer_Android(); build.Build(); ExportBase export = new CharacterCustomExport(); export.ExportAsset(); ClearLocalData.clear(); CharacterConst.assetBundle = true; //使用 CharacterConst.assetBundle = false; //不使用 ITemplate female1 = new Template_Female1(); //女性模板1 ITemplate female2 = new Template_Female1(); //女性模板2 ITemplate male1 = new Template_Male1(); //女性模板1 /*IScence scence = new ScenceExpression(); * scence.Load(); * return; * * BuildPlayer build = new BuildPlayer_Android(); * build.Build(); * return; * * ExportBase export = new CharacterCustomExport(); * export.ExportAsset(); * return; * * ClearLocalData.clear(); * return; * * ImportBase import = new ImportIcon(); * import.Import(); * return;*/ //IniEditor.iniData(); // ImportBase female = new ImportFemale(); //female.Import(); //string path3 = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("import female fold", "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop", ""); //string url = ""; //player.ChangeFace(url); // player.CompressMesh(1); #endif }
private CustomizerGestureModel processGesture(ITouch touch, CustomizerGestureModel gestureModel) { gestureModel.TouchDownStartPos = touch.position; gestureModel.TouchStartTime = Time.time; if (isOverUI(touch)) { PointerEventData pointerEventData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current); pointerEventData.position = touch.position; List <RaycastResult> list = new List <RaycastResult>(); EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(pointerEventData, list); GameObject gameObject = null; float num = 0f; if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (num <= list[i].index) { gameObject = list[i].gameObject; num = list[i].index; } } } if (gameObject != null) { CustomizationButton component = gameObject.GetComponent <CustomizationButton>(); if (component != null && component.CanDrag && component.GetTexture != null) { switch (component.DraggableButtonType) { case DraggableButtonType.TEMPLATE: { TemplateIcon templateIcon = component as TemplateIcon; gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.TEMPLATE_BUTTON; gestureModel.DragIconTexture = component.GetTexture; gestureModel.TemplateData = templateIcon.TemplateData; gestureModel.IsEquippable = templateIcon.CanSelect; gestureModel.ItemDefinitionId = templateIcon.DefinitionId; gestureModel.IsEnabled = templateIcon.IsEnabled; break; } case DraggableButtonType.FABRIC: gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.FABRIC_BUTTON; gestureModel.DragIconTexture = component.GetTexture; gestureModel.ItemDefinitionId = component.DefinitionId; break; case DraggableButtonType.DECAL: gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.DECAL_BUTTON; gestureModel.DragIconTexture = component.GetTexture; gestureModel.ItemDefinitionId = component.DefinitionId; break; } } } } else if (isTouchBlockedByUIControls(touch)) { gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.CLICK_BLOCKING_UI; } else { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(touch.position); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hitInfo)) { GameObject gameObject2 = hitInfo.collider.gameObject; if (gameObject2.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>() != null && gameObject2.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()"Equipment")) { Texture2D texture2D = gameObject2.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial.GetTexture(EquipmentShaderParams.DECALS_123_OPACITY_TEX) as Texture2D; if (texture2D == null) { Log.LogErrorFormatted(this, "Unable to retrieve decal 123 map on item {0}. Property did not exist {1}.",, EquipmentShaderParams.DECALS_123_OPACITY_TEX); return(gestureModel); } Vector2 textureCoord = hitInfo.textureCoord; textureCoord.Scale(new Vector2(texture2D.width, texture2D.height)); Color pixel = texture2D.GetPixel((int)textureCoord.x, (int)textureCoord.y); if (Mathf.Abs(pixel.r) < Mathf.Epsilon && Mathf.Abs(pixel.g) < Mathf.Epsilon && Mathf.Abs(pixel.b) < Mathf.Epsilon) { gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.NOTHING; } else if (pixel.r > pixel.g && pixel.r > pixel.b) { gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.RED_CHANNEL; gestureModel.StartGameObject = gameObject2; } else if (pixel.g > pixel.r && pixel.g > pixel.b) { gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.GREEN_CHANNEL; gestureModel.StartGameObject = gameObject2; } else { gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.BLUE_CHANNEL; gestureModel.StartGameObject = gameObject2; } } else { gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.PENGUIN_ROTATION_AREA; } } else { gestureModel.TouchDownStartArea = AreaTouchedEnum.PENGUIN_ROTATION_AREA; } } return(gestureModel); }