public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 1 && !m_House.Deleted) { if (m_House.IsOwner(m_Mobile)) { if (m_House.MovingCrate != null || m_House.InternalizedVendors.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1080455); // You can not resize your house at this time. Please remove all items fom the moving crate and try again. return; } else if (m_House.HasRentedVendors && m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062679); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors or unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } else if (m_House.HasRentedVendors) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062680); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors in your house. return; } else if (m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062681); // You cannot do that that while you still have unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } if (m_Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { m_Mobile.SendMessage("You do not get a refund for your house as you are not a player"); var region = new TempNoHousingRegion(m_House, m_Mobile); Timer.DelayCall(m_House.RestrictedPlacingTime, region.Unregister); m_House.Delete(); } else { Banker.Deposit(m_Mobile, m_House.Price, true); var region = new TempNoHousingRegion(m_House, m_Mobile); Timer.DelayCall(m_House.RestrictedPlacingTime, region.Unregister); m_House.Delete(); return; } } else { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(501320); // Only the house owner may do } } else if (info.ButtonID == 0) { m_Mobile.CloseGump(typeof(ConfirmHouseResize)); m_Mobile.SendGump(new HouseGump(HouseGumpPage.Customize, m_Mobile, m_House)); } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 1 && !m_House.Deleted) { if (m_House.IsOwner(m_Mobile)) { if (m_House.MovingCrate != null || m_House.InternalizedVendors.Count > 0) { return; } if (m_House.HasRentedVendors && m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062679); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors or unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } if (m_House.HasRentedVendors) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062680); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors in your house. return; } if (m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062681); // You cannot do that that while you still have unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } if (m_House.HasActiveAuction) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1156453); // You cannot currently take this action because you have auction safes locked down in your home. You must remove them first. return; } if (m_Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { m_Mobile.SendMessage("You do not get a refund for your house as you are not a player"); m_House.Delete(); } else { Banker.Deposit(m_Mobile, m_House.Price, true); var region = new TempNoHousingRegion(m_House, m_Mobile); Timer.DelayCall(m_House.RestrictedPlacingTime, region.Unregister); m_House.Delete(); return; } } else { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(501320); // Only the house owner may do this. } } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info) { if (info.ButtonID == 1 && !m_House.Deleted) { if (m_House.IsOwner(m_Mobile)) { if (m_House.MovingCrate != null || m_House.InternalizedVendors.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1080455); // You can not resize your house at this time. Please remove all items fom the moving crate and try again. return; } else if (!Guilds.Guild.NewGuildSystem && m_House.FindGuildstone() != null) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(501389); // You cannot redeed a house with a guildstone inside. return; } /*else if ( m_House.PlayerVendors.Count > 0 ) * { * m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage( 503236 ); // You need to collect your vendor's belongings before moving. * return; * }*/ else if (m_House.HasRentedVendors && m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062679); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors or unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } else if (m_House.HasRentedVendors) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062680); // You cannot do that that while you still have contract vendors in your house. return; } else if (m_House.VendorInventories.Count > 0) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1062681); // You cannot do that that while you still have unclaimed contract vendor inventory in your house. return; } if (m_Mobile.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) { m_Mobile.SendMessage("You do not get a refund for your house as you are not a player"); m_House.RemoveKeys(m_Mobile); var region = new TempNoHousingRegion(m_House, m_Mobile); Timer.DelayCall(m_House.RestrictedPlacingTime, region.Unregister); m_House.Delete(); } else { Item toGive = null; if (m_House.IsAosRules) { if (m_House.Price > 0) { if (!Core.TOL) { toGive = new BankCheck(m_House.Price); } else { Banker.Deposit(m_Mobile, m_House.Price, true); m_House.RemoveKeys(m_Mobile); var region = new TempNoHousingRegion(m_House, m_Mobile); Timer.DelayCall(m_House.RestrictedPlacingTime, region.Unregister); m_House.Delete(); return; } } else { toGive = m_House.GetDeed(); } } else { toGive = m_House.GetDeed(); if (toGive == null && m_House.Price > 0) { toGive = new BankCheck(m_House.Price); } } if (toGive != null) { BankBox box = m_Mobile.BankBox; if (box.TryDropItem(m_Mobile, toGive, false)) { if (toGive is BankCheck) { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(1060397, ((BankCheck)toGive).Worth.ToString()); // ~1_AMOUNT~ gold has been deposited into your bank box. } m_House.RemoveKeys(m_Mobile); var region = new TempNoHousingRegion(m_House, m_Mobile); Timer.DelayCall(m_House.RestrictedPlacingTime, region.Unregister); m_House.Delete(); } else { toGive.Delete(); m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(500390); // Your bank box is full. } } else { m_Mobile.SendMessage("Unable to refund house."); } } } else { m_Mobile.SendLocalizedMessage(501320); // Only the house owner may do } } else if (info.ButtonID == 0) { m_Mobile.CloseGump(typeof(ConfirmHouseResize)); m_Mobile.SendGump(new HouseGumpAOS(HouseGumpPageAOS.Customize, m_Mobile, m_House)); } }