/// <summary> /// 绑定临时任务和最终任务信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> private void GetTempInfo(NDCItem item) { try { if (item._mTask.TASKID != 0) { try { AGVMagicUpdate?.Invoke(item._mTask.TASKID, item.CarrierId + "", item.Magic); return; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } if (item._mTask.NDCLOADSITE == null) { return; } TempItem tempItem = TempList.Find(c => { return(c.NdcLoadSite == item._mTask.NDCLOADSITE); }); if (tempItem != null) { item._mTask.TASKID = tempItem.TaskID; item._mTask.LOADSITE = tempItem.LoadSite; item._mTask.UNLOADSITE = tempItem.UnloadSite; item._mTask.REDIRECTSITE = tempItem.RedirectSite; item._mTask.NDCREDIRECTSITE = tempItem.NdcRedirectSite; TempList.Remove(tempItem); } }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 开始一个任务 /// </summary> /// <param name="PrioFromUser">优先级</param> /// <param name="IKEYFromUser">ikey值</param> /// <param name="DropStationFromUser">卸货地点</param> /// <param name="PickStationFromUser">装货地点</param> internal void DoStartOrder(TempItem tempItem) { string PrioFromUser = tempItem.Prio; string IKEYFromUser = tempItem.IKey + ""; string PickStationFromUser = tempItem.NdcLoadSite; string DropStationFromUser = tempItem.NdcUnloadSite; List <string> StartOrderList = new List <string>(); //int Prio, IKEY, DropStation, PickStation; bool prio = int.TryParse(PrioFromUser, out _); bool ikey = int.TryParse(IKEYFromUser, out _); bool dropstation = int.TryParse(DropStationFromUser, out _); bool pickstation = int.TryParse(PickStationFromUser, out _); //if only numbers in textboxes if (prio && ikey && dropstation && pickstation) { StartOrderList.Add(PrioFromUser); StartOrderList.Add(IKEYFromUser); StartOrderList.Add(DropStationFromUser); StartOrderList.Add(PickStationFromUser); //Send event Q_StartOrder(StartOrderList); } //Not only numbers in any of the textboxes else { //MessageBox.Show("Wrong data entered"); } }
public static string CalculateEQValue() { if (LocalPlayer.Base == null) { return("Not Loaded"); } int value = 0; try { listToExclude = new List <Item>(); equipItemList = LocalPlayer.Base.Profile.Inventory.Equipment.GetAllItems().GetEnumerator(); while (equipItemList.MoveNext()) { TempItem = equipItemList.Current; value += TempItem.Template.CreditsPrice; if (TempItem.Template._parent == "5448bf274bdc2dfc2f8b456a") { var x = TempItem.GetAllItems().GetEnumerator(); while (x.MoveNext()) { value -= x.Current.Template.CreditsPrice; } } } return("Value: " + (value / 1000).ToString() + "|k"); } catch { return("Value: 0"); } }
void Create(int dataIndex, bool isBottom) { if (onWillCreateItem == null) { return; } LuaBehaviour lb = onWillCreateItem(this.transform, dataIndex); GameObject obj = lb.gameObject; if (obj == null) { return; } var item = new TempItem(); item.go = obj; item.luaTable = lb.GetSelf(); item.trans = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); item.dataIndex = dataIndex; if (isBottom) { itemList.Add(item); } else { item.trans.SetAsFirstSibling(); itemList.Insert(0, item); } onInitializeItem(item.luaTable, dataIndex); }
private void LoadDatabase() { int k = Application.dataPath.LastIndexOf("/"); string path = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, k) + "/fm.xml"; List <TempItem> temp = new List <TempItem>(); SL.Load(ref temp, path); foreach (TempItem t in temp) { allFiles.Add(t.key, t.value); } temp.Clear(); if (Application.isEditor) { string resourcepath = Application.dataPath + @"/Resources/"; //Get All Files, TO DO Add resource path, strip resource path) string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(resourcepath, "*.prefab", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //Add new files foreach (string s in files) { string cut = s.Replace(resourcepath, ""); if (!allFiles.ContainsValue(cut)) { allFiles.Add(allFiles.Count + 1, cut); } } //Find all files to remove List <int> removes = new List <int>(); foreach (var v in allFiles) { string uncut = resourcepath + v.Value; if (!files.Contains(uncut)) { removes.Add(v.Key); } } //Remove Files foreach (int i in removes) { allFiles.Remove(i); } //Save foreach (var v in allFiles) { var t = new TempItem(); t.key = v.Key; t.value = v.Value; temp.Add(t); } temp.SaveFile(path); temp.Clear(); } }
public NdcTaskModel(TempItem item) { IKey = int.Parse(item.IKey); TaskID = item.TaskID; LoadSite = item.LoadStation; UnLoadSite = item.UnloadStation; RedirectSite = item.RedirectUnloadStation; }
public NdcTaskModel(TempItem item) { IKey = item.IKey; TaskID = item.TaskID; LoadSite = item.LoadSite; UnLoadSite = item.UnloadSite; RedirectSite = item.RedirectSite; }
/// <summary> /// 添加接货任务 /// </summary> /// <param name="taskid">任务ID </param> /// <param name="loadstation">装货区域</param> /// <param name="unloadstation">卸货区域</param> /// <param name="result">失败原因</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddNDCTask(int taskid, string loadstation, string unloadstation, out string result) { if (!VCP9412.Instance.IsConnected) { result = "NDC服务未连接"; return(false); } if (!loadStaDic.TryGetValue(loadstation, out string ndcLoadsta)) { result = "装货点未配置"; return(false); } if (!unLoadStaDic.TryGetValue(unloadstation, out string ndcUnloadsta)) { result = "卸货点未配置"; return(false); } if (Items.Find(c => { return(c._mTask.TASKID == taskid); }) != null) { result = "找到相同任务ID(" + taskid + ")任务,不能再次添加"; return(false); } if (TempList.Find(c => { return(c.TaskID == taskid); }) != null) { result = "找到相同任务ID(" + taskid + ")任务,不能再次添加"; return(false); } TempItem item = new TempItem { Prio = "1", IKey = Ikey++, TaskID = taskid, LoadSite = loadstation, UnloadSite = unloadstation, NdcLoadSite = ndcLoadsta, NdcUnloadSite = ndcUnloadsta }; TempList.Add(item); if (Ikey >= 99) { Ikey = 1; } DoStartOrder(item); //TaskListUpdate(new NdcTaskModel(item));//更新界面数据 result = ""; return(true); }
private COutPacket AddItemPacket(TempItem item, bool owner) { var p = new COutPacket(SendOps.LP_MiniRoom); p.Encode1((byte)MR_Action.TRP_PutItem); // add item opcode p.Encode1(owner); p.Encode1((byte)item.TargetSlot); item.Item.RawEncode(p); return(p); }
public void Add(TempItem item) { if (item.TargetSlot < 0) { item.TargetSlot = GetNextSlot(); } if (CanAddToSlot(item.TargetSlot)) { items.Add(item); } }
public IActionResult Update(string id, TempItem tempIn) { var temp = _tempService.Get(id); if (temp == null) { return(NotFound()); } _tempService.Update(id, tempIn); return(NoContent()); }
private void ShowListView() { XCharacter role = RoleModule.Instance.GetCurPlayer(); for (int i = 0; i < mTemps.Count; i++) { TempItem tab = mTemps[i]; DActor db = ReadCfgActor.GetDataById(tab.id); GTItemHelper.ShowQualityText(tab.name, db.Name, db.Quality); GTItemHelper.ShowActorQuality(tab.quality, db.Id); tab.icon.spriteName = db.Icon; tab.dress.SetActive(tab.id == role.PetID); } }
public void HandleAddItem(CInPacket p, Character pChar) { if (dwFirstLockerId == pChar.dwId || !acceptedInvite) { return; } var nTI = (InventoryType)p.Decode1(); var nCurInvSlot = p.Decode2(); // in inventory var nCount = p.Decode2(); var nTargetSlot = p.Decode1(); // in trade window var pItem = InventoryManipulator.GetItem(pChar, nTI, nCurInvSlot); var tempInv = GetTempInv(pChar); if (pItem is null || !tempInv.CanAddToSlot(nTargetSlot)) { return; } if (ItemConstants.is_treat_singly(pItem.nItemID)) { nCount = -1; // negative amount clears the slot } else { nCount = Math.Min(pItem.nNumber, Math.Abs(nCount)); } InventoryManipulator.RemoveFrom(pChar, nTI, nCurInvSlot, nCount); if (pItem is GW_ItemSlotBundle pBundle && !pBundle.IsRechargeable) { pItem = pItem.DeepCopy(); pItem.nNumber = nCount; } var pTempItem = new TempItem(pItem, nCurInvSlot, nTargetSlot); tempInv.Add(pTempItem); Parent.SendPacket(AddItemPacket(pTempItem, !IsOwner(pChar))); Partner.SendPacket(AddItemPacket(pTempItem, IsOwner(pChar))); }
/// <summary> /// Access an item (items are automatically deleted when retrieved) /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Identifier</param> /// <returns>Item or <c>null</c></returns> public object this[string id] { get { lock (_items) { TempItem item; if (!_items.TryGetValue(id, out item)) { return(null); } _items.Remove(id); return(item.Value); } } set { lock (_items) _items[id] = new TempItem(value); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查任务状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="status"></param> private void CheckStatus(NDCItem item, Message_b b) { switch (item.Status) { case 37: //小车已经分配 item.CarrierId = b.ParNo; break; case 3: //任务完成 item.IsFinish = true; item.finishTime = DateTime.Now; break; case 27: //IKEY in use TempItem temp = TempList.Find(c => { return(c.IKey.Equals("" + item._mTask.IKEY)); }); if (temp != null) { temp.IKey = Ikey++; DoStartOrder(temp); } break; } }
public void AddItem(int itemId) { bool have = false; for (int i = 0; i < itemList.Count; i++) { if (itemList[i].itemId == itemId) { itemList[i].itemCount = itemList[i].itemCount + 1; have = true; break; } } if (!have) { TempItem item = new TempItem(); item.itemId = itemId; item.itemCount = 1; itemList.Add(item); sdUICharacter.Instance.AddLootItem(itemId); } }
private void AutoRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxToRun.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBox.Show("You need to pick one."); } else { showNumberText = ""; string TempText = comboBoxToRun.SelectedItem.ToString(); int TempItem; int.TryParse(TempText, out TempItem); if (TempItem == 100 || TempItem == 500 || TempItem == 800) { guessGame.PCRunGame(TempItem); } for (int index = 0; index < 9; index++) { int arr1 = (index + 1); showNumberText = showNumberText + guessGame.StatsOfAutoRun[arr1, 0].ToString() + " -- " + guessGame.StatsOfAutoRun[arr1, 1].ToString() + " \r\n"; } for (int index = 9; index < 13; index++) { int arr1 = (index + 1); showNumberText = showNumberText + guessGame.StatsOfAutoRun[arr1, 0].ToString() + " -- " + guessGame.StatsOfAutoRun[arr1, 1].ToString() + " \r\n"; } showNumberText = "With " + TempItem.ToString() + " times gaming\r\n\r\n" + "Average times is " + guessGame.AverageGuessTime.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n" + "Times Counts\r\n" + showNumberText; Scorelabel.Text = "Score: \n " + guessGame.GameScore; MessageBox.Show(showNumberText); } }
public TempItem Create(TempItem tempIn) { _tempItem.InsertOne(tempIn); return(tempIn); }
/// <summary> /// 重新读取装货点,卸货点对应NDC实际使用信息 /// </summary> public void DoReadSQL() { try { NDCSQLControl control = new NDCSQLControl(); control.ReadWcsNdcSite(out loadStaDic, out unLoadStaDic); control.ReadNDCServerAndIKEY(out IPaddress, out Port, out Ikey); if (control.ReadUnFinishTask(out List <WCS_NDC_TASK> list)) { foreach (var i in list) { if (i.ORDERINDEX == 0) { TempItem item = TempList.Find(c => { return(c.TaskID == i.TASKID || c.IKey == i.IKEY); }); if (item == null) { TempList.Add(new TempItem() { TaskID = i.TASKID, IKey = i.IKEY, LoadSite = i.LOADSITE, UnloadSite = i.UNLOADSITE, RedirectSite = i.REDIRECTSITE, NdcLoadSite = i.NDCLOADSITE, NdcUnloadSite = i.NDCUNLOADSITE, NdcRedirectSite = i.NDCREDIRECTSITE }); } } else { NDCItem item = Items.Find(c => { return(c._mTask.IKEY == i.IKEY || c._mTask.TASKID == i.TASKID || c._mTask.ORDERINDEX == i.ORDERINDEX); }); if (item != null) { item._mTask = i; } else { NDCItem it = new NDCItem() { _mTask = i }; Items.Add(it); CheckCanUpdateTaskList(it); } } } control.DelectUnFinishTaskAfter(); } }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据任务ID,重新定位卸货地点 /// </summary> /// <param name="taskid"></param> /// <param name="unloadstation"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DoReDerect(int taskid, string unloadstation, out string result, int order = -1) { NDCItem item = Items.Find(c => { return(c._mTask.TASKID == taskid && (order == -1 || c._mTask.ORDERINDEX == order)); }); if (item == null) { TempItem temp = TempList.Find(c => { return(c.TaskID == taskid); }); if (temp != null) { if (unLoadStaDic.TryGetValue(unloadstation, out string ndcUnloadSta)) { temp.RedirectSite = unloadstation; temp.NdcRedirectSite = ndcUnloadSta; } else { result = "该区域的对应关系还没有"; return(false); } } else { result = "并未找到任务ID为:" + taskid + "的任务"; return(false); } } else { if (item.DirectStatus == NDCItemStatus.Redirected) { result = "任务已经重定位了"; return(false); } else { if (unLoadStaDic.TryGetValue(unloadstation, out string ndcUnloadSta)) { item._mTask.NDCREDIRECTSITE = ndcUnloadSta; item._mTask.REDIRECTSITE = unloadstation; if (item.DirectStatus == NDCItemStatus.NeedRedirect) { item.DirectStatus = NDCItemStatus.HasDirectInfo; } else if (item.DirectStatus == NDCItemStatus.CanRedirect || item.DirectStatus == NDCItemStatus.Init) { item.HadDirectInfo = true; } } else { result = "该区域的对应关系还没有"; return(false); } } CheckCanUpdateTaskList(item); } result = ""; return(true); }
public void LoadFromDB() { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Constants.DB_World0_ConString)) { conn.Open(); using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand($"SELECT item_id, item_quantity, item_date_expire, item_serial_number, item_cash_serial_number FROM {Constants.DB_All_World_Schema_Name}.char_inventory_items " + $"WHERE character_id = {dwOwnerID} " + $"AND inventory_slot < {Constants.DB_ITEMSTORAGE_SLOTMAX} " + $"AND inventory_slot >= {Constants.DB_ITEMSTORAGE_SLOTMIN}", conn)) { using (var r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { var i = new GW_ItemSlotBundle(Convert.ToInt16(r["item_id"])) { nNumber = Convert.ToInt16(r["item_quantity"]), tDateExpire = (DateTime)r["item_date_expire"], liSN = Convert.ToInt16(r["item_serial_number"]), liCashItemSN = Convert.ToInt16(r["item_cash_serial_number"]), }; var tItem = new TempItem(i, 0, 0, 0); Add(tItem); } } } using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM {Constants.DB_All_World_Schema_Name}.char_inventory_equips " + $"WHERE character_id = {dwOwnerID} " + $"AND inventory_slot < {Constants.DB_ITEMSTORAGE_SLOTMAX} " + $"AND inventory_slot >= {Constants.DB_ITEMSTORAGE_SLOTMIN}", conn)) using (var r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { //Log.Info("Before adding item..."); var e = new GW_ItemSlotEquip(r.GetInt32(2)) { dwInvItemId = (int)r.GetInt64(0), // character_id = (1), //nItemID = r.GetInt32(2), CurrentUpgradeCount = (byte)r.GetInt16(3), RemainingUpgradeCount = (byte)r.GetInt16(4), niSTR = r.GetInt16(5), niDEX = r.GetInt16(6), niINT = r.GetInt16(7), niLUK = r.GetInt16(8), niMaxHP = r.GetInt16(9), niMaxMP = r.GetInt16(10), niPAD = r.GetInt16(11), niMAD = r.GetInt16(12), niPDD = r.GetInt16(13), niMDD = r.GetInt16(14), niACC = r.GetInt16(15), niEVA = r.GetInt16(16), niCraft = r.GetInt16(17), niSpeed = r.GetInt16(18), niJump = r.GetInt16(19), nAttribute = (ItemAttributeFlags)r.GetInt16(20), liSN = r.GetInt64(21), sTitle = r["item_title"] as string, nLevelUpType = (byte)r.GetInt16(23), nLevel = (byte)r.GetInt16(24), nEXP = r.GetInt32(25), nDurability = r.GetInt32(26), HammerUpgradeCount = (byte)r.GetInt32(27), nGrade = (PotentialGradeCode)r.GetInt16(28), StarUpgradeCount = (byte)r.GetInt16(29), nOption1 = r.GetInt16(30), nOption2 = r.GetInt16(31), nOption3 = r.GetInt16(32), nSocket1 = r.GetInt16(33), nSocket2 = r.GetInt16(34), liCashItemSN = r.GetInt64(38), tSealingLock = (DateTime)r["sealinglock_datetime"], tDateExpire = (DateTime)r["date_expire"], }; //Log.Info($"Adding item ID {r.GetInt32(2)} to slot {r.GetInt16(36)} to char ID {r.GetInt32(1)}/{charId}"); var tItem = new TempItem(e, 0, 0, 0); // 0's cuz we dont care Add(tItem); } } using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand($"SELECT merchant_mesos " + $"FROM {Constants.DB_All_World_Schema_Name}.characters " + $"WHERE id = {dwOwnerID}", conn)) { using (var r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { Meso = r.GetInt64(0); break; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void Run() { #region INotifyPropertyChanged var t_item = new TempItem(); t_item.PropertyChanged += (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine(sender); Console.WriteLine(e.PropertyName); }; t_item.id = 1; #endregion #region 继承、析构执行结果 var sub = new SubClass(); // 输出结果sub.static\base.static\base.instance\sub.instance #endregion #region 幻方 var num_magic_squares_inside = this.NumMagicSquaresInside(new int[][] { new int[] { 4, 3, 8, 4 }, new int[] { 9, 5, 1, 9 }, new int[] { 2, 7, 6, 2 }, }); Console.WriteLine(num_magic_squares_inside); #endregion #region 进制转换 var bnum = intToByte(10); Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", bnum)); Console.WriteLine(byteToInt(bnum)); #endregion this.generics(); this.validLength(); this.bitOperator(); this.objCopy(); this.formatting(); this.divisionDts(); this.divisionDts2(); this.charset(); this.valueScope(); this.consoleOut(); this.dateDiff(); this.doubleDimensionalArray(); this.replacePath(); this.compareVersion(); this.eachDateTime(); this.sortedDictionary(); this.randCode(); this.md5("escape", Encoding.Default); this.other(); this.xor(); this.unsafeFib(); }
public ActionResult <TempItem> Create(TempItem temp) { _tempService.Create(temp); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetTemp", new { id = temp.Id.ToString() }, temp)); }
private void CompleteItem() { bool result = TempItem.CompleteToggle(); contentDirty = true; }
private void InitItems() { Dictionary <int, DActor> dict = new Dictionary <int, DActor>(); foreach (var current in ReadCfgActor.Dict) { if (current.Value.Type == EActorType.PET) { dict[current.Key] = current.Value; } } Dictionary <int, DActor> .Enumerator em = dict.GetEnumerator(); int group = GTWindowManager.Instance.GetToggleGroupId(); int num = 0; while (em.MoveNext()) { GameObject go = NGUITools.AddChild(leftGrid.gameObject, leftTemp); leftGrid.AddChild(go.transform); go.SetActive(true); int id = em.Current.Value.Id; go.name = id.ToString(); TempItem tab = new TempItem(); tab.id = id; tab.btn = go; tab.toggle = go.GetComponent <UIToggle>(); tab.icon = go.transform.Find("Icon").GetComponent <UISprite>(); tab.name = go.transform.Find("Name").GetComponent <UILabel>(); tab.dress = go.transform.Find("Dress").gameObject; tab.quality = go.transform.Find("Quality").GetComponent <UISprite>(); mTemps.Add(tab); num++; if (num == 1) { tab.toggle.value = true; mCurPetID = em.Current.Value.Id; } int index = num; UIEventListener.Get(go).onClick = delegate(GameObject obj) { GTAudioManager.Instance.PlayEffectAudio(GTAudioKey.SOUND_UI_CLICK); if (index > 2 && index < dict.Count - 2) { leftCenterOnChild.enabled = true; leftCenterOnChild.CenterOn(go.transform); leftCenterOnChild.onCenter = delegate(GameObject centerObj) { leftCenterOnChild.enabled = false; }; } Switch(id); }; } em.Dispose(); leftGrid.repositionNow = true; }
public void Update(string id, TempItem tempIn) => _tempItem.ReplaceOne(tempItem => tempItem.Id == id, tempIn);
public void Remove(TempItem tempIn) => _tempItem.DeleteOne(tempItem => tempItem.Id == tempIn.Id);
/// <summary> /// 关闭对象,返还给对象池默认可以存5个对象 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="ctrl"></param> /// <param name="objCount"></param> public void DisappearObjectToPool(ObjectPoolSingle type, GameObject obj, bool isTempObj) { long storeTime = CGameTime.Instance.GetTimeStamp(); if (!isTempObj) { if (!EnumIndexObjectDic.ContainsKey(type)) { EnumIndexObjectDic.Add(type, new List <GameObject>()); des_Queue.Add(type, new List <GameObject>()); } if (obj == null) { Debug.LogError("exist null pool obj!"); } //对象返回池子 obj.SetActive(false); obj.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); //防止点快了 bool canAddToPool = true; foreach (GameObject existObj in EnumIndexObjectDic[type]) { if (existObj.GetInstanceID() == obj.GetInstanceID()) { canAddToPool = false; break; } } if (canAddToPool) { EnumIndexObjectDic[type].Add(obj); } } else { if (!tempEnumIndexObjectDic.ContainsKey(type)) { tempEnumIndexObjectDic.Add(type, new List <TempItem>()); tempDes_Queue.Add(type, new List <TempItem>()); } if (obj == null) { Debug.LogError("exist null pool obj!"); } //对象返回池子 obj.SetActive(false); obj.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); //防止点快了 bool canAddToPool = true; foreach (TempItem existTemp in tempEnumIndexObjectDic[type]) { if (existTemp.obj.GetInstanceID() == obj.GetInstanceID()) { canAddToPool = false; break; } } if (canAddToPool) { TempItem tempItem = new TempItem(); tempItem.obj = obj; tempItem.storeTime = storeTime; tempEnumIndexObjectDic[type].Add(tempItem); } } }