public async Task RetrieveTop5Accounts() { var client = new TellmaClient( baseUrl: "", authorityUrl: "", clientId: "<your-client-id>", clientSecret: "<your-client-secret>"); var response = await client .Application(tenantId : 201) .Accounts .GetEntities(new GetArguments { Select = "Id,Name,Name2,Code", OrderBy = "Id", Top = 5 }); var accounts = response.Data; // Do something with accounts }
public async Task Scenario01() { try { #region Deployment Experiment //// //const string projectPath = ""; //const string connString = ""; ////This Snapshot should be created by our build process using MSDeploy //const string snapshotPath = ""; //var project = ProjectCollection.GlobalProjectCollection.LoadProject(projectPath); //project.Build(); //DacServices dbServices = new DacServices(connString); //DacPackage dbPackage = DacPackage.Load(snapshotPath); //DacDeployOptions dbDeployOptions = new DacDeployOptions(); ////Cut out a lot of options here for configuring deployment, but are all part of DacDeployOptions //dbDeployOptions.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("debug", "false"); //string dbName = "Tellma.101"; //dbServices.Deploy(dbPackage, dbName, true, dbDeployOptions); #endregion #region Access Token //var tokenResponse = await Client.RequestPasswordTokenAsync(new PasswordTokenRequest //{ // Address = "/connect/token", // ClientId = Services.Utilities.Constants.WebClientName, // ClientSecret = "top-secret", // Scope = Services.Utilities.Constants.ApiResourceName, // What about the others? // UserName = "******", // Password = "******" //}); var tokenResponse = await Client.RequestClientCredentialsTokenAsync(new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest { Address = "/connect/token", ClientId = "m2m-5d3f198c-287b-49e9-bf7c-5879b6f2a4d8", ClientSecret = "aced45ff3450ff81afb9c73492e069fbc8cd92faae113635ef1fae766b6e4591", Scope = Services.Utilities.Constants.ApiResourceName, }); Assert.False(tokenResponse.IsError, $"Admin authentication failed, Error: {tokenResponse.Error}."); var accessToken = tokenResponse.AccessToken; Assert.NotNull(accessToken); #endregion // Call the protected API var accessTokenFactory = new StaticAccessTokenFactory(accessToken); var client = new TellmaClient(Client, accessTokenFactory); const int totalCount = 34; var clientApp = client.Application(tenantId: 201); #region GetEntities { var response = await clientApp .Units .GetEntities(new GetArguments { Select = $"{nameof(Unit.Name)},{nameof(Unit.CreatedBy)}.{nameof(User.Name)}", OrderBy = nameof(Unit.Id), Top = 5, CountEntities = true }); Assert.Equal(totalCount, response.Count); Assert.NotNull(response.Data); Assert.Equal(5, response.Data.Count); var unit = response.Data[0]; Assert.NotNull(unit.CreatedBy); Assert.Equal("Mohamad Akra", unit.CreatedBy.Name); } #endregion #region GetFact { var response = await clientApp .Units .GetFact(new FactArguments { Select = $"{nameof(Unit.Name)},{nameof(Unit.CreatedBy)}.{nameof(User.Name)}", OrderBy = nameof(Unit.Id), Top = 5, CountEntities = true }); Assert.Equal(totalCount, response.Count); Assert.NotNull(response.Data); Assert.Equal(5, response.Data.Count); var row = response.Data[0]; Assert.Equal(2, row.Count); Assert.Equal("pure", row[0]); Assert.Equal("Mohamad Akra", row[1]); } #endregion #region Get Null { var response = await clientApp .Units .GetFact(new FactArguments { Select = $"null", Top = 1 }); Assert.NotNull(response.Data); var row = Assert.Single(response.Data); var datum = Assert.Single(row); Assert.Null(datum); } #endregion #region GetAggregate { var response = await clientApp .Units .GetAggregate(new GetAggregateArguments { Select = $"Count({nameof(Unit.Id)})", }); var rows = response.Data; var row = Assert.Single(rows); var datum = Assert.Single(row); Assert.Equal(totalCount, Convert.ToInt32(datum)); } #endregion #region GetById { var response = await clientApp .Units .GetById(1, new GetByIdArguments { Select = $"{nameof(Unit.Name)},{nameof(Unit.CreatedBy)}.{nameof(User.Name)}", }); var unit = response.Entity; Assert.Equal("pure", unit.Name); Assert.NotNull(unit.CreatedBy); Assert.Equal("Mohamad Akra", unit.CreatedBy.Name); } #endregion #region Save int id; { var unitForSave = new UnitForSave { Name = "ly", Description = "Lightyear", UnitType = UnitTypes.Distance, Code = "ly", BaseAmount = 1, UnitAmount = 1000 }; var response = await clientApp .Units .Save(new List <UnitForSave> { unitForSave }, new SaveArguments { Expand = nameof(Unit.CreatedBy), ReturnEntities = true }); var unit = Assert.Single(response.Data); Assert.Equal(unitForSave.Name, unit.Name); Assert.Equal(unitForSave.Description, unit.Description); Assert.Equal(unitForSave.UnitType, unit.UnitType); Assert.Equal(unitForSave.Code, unit.Code); Assert.Equal(unitForSave.BaseAmount, unit.BaseAmount); Assert.Equal(unitForSave.UnitAmount, unit.UnitAmount); Assert.NotNull(unit.CreatedBy); Assert.Equal("Integration Tests", unit.CreatedBy.Name); id = unit.Id; Assert.NotEqual(0, id); } #endregion #region Delete { await clientApp.Units.DeleteById(id); } #endregion { var response = await clientApp.Resources(definitionId : 41).GetById(id: 3429, new GetByIdArguments { }); Assert.NotNull(response.Entity); Assert.Equal("Raw Light Speckled Bean", response.Entity.Name); } { var user = await clientApp.Users.GetByIdForSave(1); Assert.NotEmpty(user.Roles); } { var docsClient = clientApp.Documents(definitionId: 29); var doc = await docsClient.GetByIdForSave(19431); Assert.NotEmpty(doc.Lines); doc.PostingDate = doc.PostingDate.Value.AddDays(-1); var response = await docsClient.Save(new List <DocumentForSave> { doc }); Assert.Null(response.Data); } { var response = await clientApp.Units.Deactivate(new List <int> { 41 }); Assert.Null(response.Data); } { var response = await clientApp.Units.Activate(new List <int> { 41 }, new ActivateArguments { ReturnEntities = true }); var unit = Assert.Single(response.Data); Assert.True(unit.IsActive); } //var settings = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Versioned<SettingsForClient>>(); //Assert.Equal("Soreti Trading", settings.Data.ShortCompanyName); } catch (TellmaException ex) { _output.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); throw; } }