Example #1
        public void UnknownIsDefinedCorrectly()
            var invalidDef = TelegramFieldDefinition.Unknown("__code_unknown_field__");

            invalidDef.Code.Should().Be("__code_unknown_field__", "that is way we have created it");
            invalidDef.Name.Should().BeNullOrWhiteSpace("we don't have a proper name for an invalid field definition");
            invalidDef.Types.ToArray().Length.Should().Be(1, "it should contain only one item");
            invalidDef.Types[0].Should().Be(TelegramFieldType.Plain, "it should contain only the field type 'plain'");
            invalidDef.GetLabel().Should().Be("__code_unknown_field__", "there is no name, the label is the same as the code");
Example #2
        public void ReturnsRawValueWhenTheTypeDoesntExists()
            const string code = "__mycode__";
            var          def  = new TelegramFieldDefinition()
                Code = code
            const string rawValue = "__rawValue__";

            def.ParseValue(0, rawValue).Should().Be(rawValue, "the type doesn't exist so the plain type is used resulting a raw value");
Example #3
        public void ProperlyConvertsTheNumericTypeAsAnInteger()
            var def = new TelegramFieldDefinition()
                Code = "1-0:32.32.0", Name = "Num voltage sags L1"

            const string rawValue = "1234";
            var          result   = def.ParseValue(0, rawValue);

            result.GetType().Should().Be(typeof(int), "the type is TelegramFieldType.Numeric");
            result.Should().Be(1234, "it should be converted to a number value");
Example #4
        public void ProperlyConvertsTheTimestampTypeAsADateTime()
            var def = new TelegramFieldDefinition()
                Code = "0-0:1.0.0", Name = "Timestamp"

            const string rawValue = "210307123722W";
            var          result   = def.ParseValue(0, rawValue);

            result.GetType().Should().Be(typeof(DateTime), "the type is TelegramFieldType.Timestamp");
            result.Should().Be(new DateTime(2021, 03, 07, 12, 37, 22), "it should have the expected value ;-)");
Example #5
        public void ProperlyConvertsTheStringTypeAsAString()
            var def = new TelegramFieldDefinition()
                Code = "0-0:96.1.1", Name = "Equipment identifier"

            const string rawValue = "SpaceX";
            var          result   = def.ParseValue(0, rawValue);

            result.GetType().Should().Be(typeof(string), "the type is TelegramFieldType.String");
            result.Should().Be(rawValue, "it should have the same value as input");
Example #6
        public void ProperlyConvertsTheNumericTypeAsADouble()
            var def = new TelegramFieldDefinition()
                Code = "1-0:32.32.0", Name = "Num voltage sags L1"

            const string rawValue = "1234.56";
            var          result   = def.ParseValue(0, rawValue);

            result.GetType().Should().Be(typeof(double), "the type is TelegramFieldType.Numeric and there is a dot in the input");
            result.Should().Be((double)1234.56, "it should be converted to a double value");
Example #7
        public void LabelIsDefinedCorrectly()
            const string code = "__mycode__";
            const string name = "__myname__";

            var def = new TelegramFieldDefinition()
                Code = code

            def.Code.Should().Be(code, "that is way we have created it");
            def.GetLabel().Should().Be($"{code}", "we have not assigned it a name yet");
            def.Name = name;
            def.GetLabel().Should().Be($"{name} ({code})", "we created it with this name and code");
Example #8
        public void ProperlyConvertsTheNumericWithUnitTypeAsADouble()
            var def = new TelegramFieldDefinition()
                Code = "1-0:22.7.0", Name = "Power Returned L1"

            const string rawValue = "00.900*kW";
            var          result   = def.ParseValue(0, rawValue);

            result.IsValueTuple().Should().BeTrue("the value and the unit should be returned as a tuple");
            var(x, y) = (ValueTuple <double, string>)result;

            x.GetType().Should().Be(typeof(double), "the type is TelegramFieldType.NumericWithUnit");
            x.Should().Be(0.9, "it should be converted to a number value");

            y.GetType().Should().Be(typeof(string), "the unit is always a string");
            y.Should().Be("kW", "...");